Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 6 5. Hi, Andorhal

Although Jaina's movements were fast enough, when she ran over with three paladins carrying stretchers, Dick had already fainted. Ordinary people suffered a full blow from the troll, but even a small life They will all be thrown away. Dick is still breathing, which fully demonstrates the strength of his body.

Faced with this situation, even if Jaina was in a hurry and wanted to know about the plague, she could only stay in the barracks of the Crusader fortress and wait for Dick to recover. Fortunately, the paladins all have treatment ability, so with the help of an old paladin who specializes in healing spells, Dick's situation has improved a lot.

When Dick opened his eyes the next morning, what he saw was standing by the window, looking curiously at Miss Jaina who was being trained by the paladins. This lady was wearing a white robe today. , she was wearing a blue coat, a short staff was tied around her waist, and her blond hair was hanging over her shoulders.

In short, although Dick woke up, he tilted his head and watched for five minutes before he couldn't help the thirst in his throat and snorted.

Ah, you finally woke up!

Jaina also seemed to have experience in taking care of patients. She reached for the water glass on the table and handed it to Dick.

The latter's waist is still aching, but the old paladin's healing spells are really not covered, and now he can move his body a little bit.

Dick supported his body with two arms and leaned against the wall. His face turned pale, but this was a normal sequelae of excessive blood loss. After he gulped down a large glass of water, he sat Jaina in front of her only opened her mouth to ask.

Didn't you say you have news about the plague? Tell me now.

Dick shook his head,

No, no, I must wait until Prince Alsace comes over before I can tell the news.

But I'm the one who investigates the plague complicatedly!

Jaina snorted unconvinced, her beautiful eyes stared at Dick, and said angrily,

Why do you only focus on Alsace? You are like this, and the captain of Andorhal's guard is also like this. That arrogant prince even regarded me as his entourage! I want to prove that without his help, I can also find the source of the plague! Just wait here for your princely highness!

After finishing speaking, Jaina stood up angrily, and was about to walk out the door. Dick, who looked dazed, realized what had happened. He hurriedly called to the mage lady who had already walked to the door.

Hey, wait, Ms. come back first!

Jaina was stopped, but Miss Mage is still just a fledgling mage. Although her strength has broken through the legend, the first 18 years of her life were spent in the Mage Tower of Antonidas and the well-ordered Dalaran. So she has very little experience in communicating with others.

The mage lady sat back on the chair with a cold face, and said impatiently,

What are you doing?

Seeing Jaina who was arguing with Alsace, Dick rolled his eyes. He quickly put on a sad face, looked around, looked like a thief who was caught stealing, and lowered his voice. , said mysteriously,

Ms. Jaina, forget it, I'll just call you Jaina.

This address made Jaina's face stiffen. In this well-ordered society, ordinary people like Dick can't directly call nobles by their names, and generally have to wear honorific titles. However, considering that Dick doesn't know his own name now, Identity, so Jaina thought about it and thought it was fun, so she nodded reservedly.

Well, Jaina, you don't know yet. The source of the plague is not simple. In addition to the participation of some mages, there are also the participation of great nobles. Now you understand why I waited until Prince Arthas came to say it. ?”

Hearing Dick's words, Jaina's face suddenly became ugly.

Mage! There are still sorcerers who dare to participate in such a thing! It's really... really too much!

Jaina gritted her teeth and said, it's no wonder she is so angry, Jaina's mentor, but the current leader of Dalaran, the city of mages, Antonidas, the most powerful archmage in the human world, that is already a power beyond legend .

In fact, the Second Orc War had just ended a few years ago. If Antonidas hadn't helped Lordaeron defend, the city of Lordaeron would have fallen under the attack of the orcs long ago.

Under the rule of Antonidas, human mages have their own set of rules of conduct, similar to spreading plagues in the human world. Once discovered, they may be wanted by the Kirin Tor mage council.

Dick glanced at Jaina who was gnashing his teeth, he shook his head invisibly, and said in his heart,

The one who spread the plague was none other than your senior brother Kel'Thuzad... I don't know what it will be like when you see him.

When Jaina was immersed in her own thoughts, the door was suddenly pushed open. Dick was taken aback for a moment, and then saw the tall figure walking into the room under the guard of four paladins.

Like Jaina, he has blond hair, cut into long and short hair, draped behind his head, and his young face is full of fortitude and persistence, paired with those blue eyes like the sea, Let this resolute knight have a gentle temperament.

Domineering and gentle, two completely opposite images, are almost perfectly unified on this face. In fact, when he saw Alsace for the first time, Dick finally understood that Jaina, the mage Miss, why can I refuse the pursuit of the handsome and picturesque high elf prince Kael'thas, and instead throw myself into the arms of His Majesty the prince.

This His Royal Highness, who will become one of the most terrifying monarchs in the entire world in the future, is simply a born female killer.

He was wearing a set of gorgeous golden armor, a dark blue cloak, a fancy ribbon on his chest, and a golden and blue warhammer on his back. He looked majestic and majestic. The temperament of worship.

You are Dick Tang? The warrior who traveled alone through the Silverpine Forest three years ago and brought back the orc battle report for Lordaeron?

Alsace sat on the chair and didn't even look at Jaina. On the contrary, he asked Dick directly. This small detail made Dick happy. Jaina, Jaina, I said I would repay you, then Just help you break up this bad relationship, so that you don't have to run around with the name Kevna in the future.

Dick's glorious history in the past has been deeply hidden by him in the past three years, so even Jaina and the old paladin who rescued him don't know it. It turns out that this man looks like a farmer The boy is actually number one.

Yes, Your Highness.

Dick lowered his head neither humble nor overbearing, and said in a relaxed tone, I'm so happy to see you again.

This is not Dick talking nonsense. After he brought back the orc battle report back then, he was personally received by King Terenas and awarded him a Knight Medal, which is the highest award a civilian soldier can get. At that time, it was Alsace who pinned the medal on his leather armor with his own hands.

So, this is the second time the two have met.

But Dick obviously understood what was important, so before Alsace asked, he whispered,

Your Highness, please shield the left and right, I have something very important to report to you! It is information about the birthplace of the plague!

Hearing this, Alsace glanced at Dick, then waved his hand. The four paladin guards and the old paladin who accompanied Alsace walked out of the room immediately. Dick, Arthas and Jaina were left.

Your Highness, I used to be the sheriff in Darrow County. After repelling a group of murlocs, I accidentally found an inner court knight from the palace. He said that he was a scout sent by you. This is his identification badge.

Dick opened his clothes with difficulty, took out a small iron plate from the inner pocket of his shirt, and handed it to Alsace. The latter held it in his hand with a serious expression and nodded.

This is indeed the badge of Night Owl...

No, Your Highness, you don't need to test me anymore.

Dick waved his hand and said weakly, His code name is Hunter, and he was the inner court knight you sent to Stratholme. The time was half a month ago.

Alsace's temptation was exposed, but he didn't have any embarrassment, and Dick could understand it. After all, he also served as a scout in the Fourth Army. This kind of precaution is essential, so he said directly,

Your Highness, according to what the Hunter said before he died, the birthplace of the plague this time is actually in Stratholme, and the specific address is in the area of ​​Zul Martha. The plague was transported from Stratholme to Andorhal caused by the grain, the black hands among them call themselves the Cult of the Cursed God, and their leader is...

Dick glanced at Jaina who was staring at him, lowered his head, and spit out the name that made Jaina stunned,

Kel'Thuzad, former Archmage of Dalaran.

This is impossible!

Jaina stood up directly from the stool, a trace of panic flashed across her beautiful face, seeing Alsace also looking at her with an indifferent expression, Jaina quickly recognized,

This is impossible! He...he must be talking nonsense! Brother Kel'Thuzad...he disappeared a year ago!

Arthas looked at Jaina, and then turned his head to look at Dick. Dick met his four eyes, and there was no evasion in his eyes.

Actually, the reason why the hunter died was because he was discovered by Kel'Thuzad when he infiltrated into the Cult of the Damned, and he planted a curse. In the end, he was exhausted and fell into the hands of the murlocs controlled by the Cult of the Damned. inside.

Arthas was silent. Facing an archmage, even he would feel the pressure. Half a minute later, he asked in a hoarse voice,

What about the evidence? Dick, you know, without evidence, I can't submit a warrant for an archmage to my father.

I have no evidence, but the hunter said that Kel'Thuzad is not staying in Stratholme now, he is wandering in Lordaeron, secretly manipulating the circulation of those plague grains, so you only need to transport along those grains The direction of the evidence can be easily found.”

Alsace - Menethil

perfect lord


Strength -200, Dexterity -180, Energy -800, Holy Power -850

Evaluation: This kind of data is meaningless for Arthas, because we never pay attention to him before becoming the Lich King, and after becoming the Lich King, the data is also meaningless, because it is so powerful that there is no need to tell.

Perfect lord: All four attributes have entered the lord level. Perfection means a very balanced development of power. It is easier for a perfect creature to advance than other creatures.

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