Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 601 1. The long road to prison

Draenor, this should be a name that has nothing to do with Azeroth, but a door and a war more than 20 years ago made this name closely linked with Azeroth .

The acquaintance of the two worlds started from war and plunder, but in the end, they entered the road of mutual adaptation and interdependence. The portal of darkness was not demolished. On the contrary, in 26 years that lasted 8 days After the world war, the gate that once symbolized disaster and the doomsday land have undergone new changes.

It began to prosper again. But it was not based on war. In other words, its prosperity was deformed, which symbolized the opening of another war, or a feast.

Fear has set the table, Sorrow is weeping, Destruction is dressed in finery, and Death sits high, full of will, ready to dance.

The feast of death is about to begin.

Let's go, this damn weather, maybe it will rain here, which is bad luck

A dozen or so knights on horseback chatted and chatted, probably because the terrain was completely destroyed. The weather in the red cursed land changed a lot. There were rumors in the army that this was because it was here more than 20 years ago. Too many people died in the war, and those dead souls were unwilling to die in the ground, crying in sorrow all the time, and the rain was their tears.

But this is nonsense, Azeroth really has undead. Everyone knows that the undead who died in battle are not so capable of calling the wind and rain.

The armor of the knights is not neat, but from the riding posture, it can be seen that these are real veterans of the battlefield, and the military emblems worn on their chests and shoulders also prove this point.

It was a lion and a sharp sword, the famous Seventh Legion of the Stormwind Kingdom, the most combative army in Azeroth, but those familiar with the situation know that most of the soldiers of the Seventh Legion are currently They were scattered on battlefields all over the world to guard against cunning tribal attacks, and some helped refugees evacuate and maintain the battlefield situation in Gilneas. Now they appear in the southernmost cursed land on the mainland, and they must have a mission on their shoulders.

In fact, it is true.

Behind the fully armed knights, there are three specially-made iron cages, made of the strongest black iron, and they are hunchbacked on the carriage. This kind of large cage is usually used to imprison ferocious beasts, but now, the three In the same cage, three people were imprisoned.

And just having a cage is not safe, the wrists and ankles of those three people have heavy chains, it seems that these three guys are more ferocious than wild beasts.

And at the front of this group of people, the only military fortress in the cursed land, the Overwatch Fort, has been looming under the strange night sky of thunder from time to time.

Their destination is definitely not Fort Watcher. The Dark Portal located in the center of the Blasted Land is the end of their journey. In other words, the other world behind the Dark Portal is their real destination.

More than ten minutes later, in front of the gate of the Watch Fort, the indifferent Watchman Commander, Old General Rosenden, received the knights in person. He took the list of the characters escorted this time from the leader of the knights. On it was only Three names, but the old general frowned, and then frowned tightly.

Hmph, three big troubles!

The old general who had experienced two orc wars snorted coldly, and walked in front of the three iron cages. His face was faintly reflected by the torches on the wall of the Fortress. Rosenden stroked his white beard, Looking at the three silent people in the cage, he suddenly shouted,

Edwin VanCleef!

Iva Bloodfang!

Randolph Moloch!

Hearing their names, the three prisoners raised their heads. They were three human beings, all wearing prison uniforms and having their hair shaved. Frankly speaking, they were not very impressive, but the old general who knew the inside story knew What kind of characters are these three guys.

It's no wonder that the higher-ups have sent so many elite soldiers to escort them. Even if one of these three escapes, it will cause a lot of trouble.

What's the matter, Mr. Rosendon?

One of the guys yawned lazily, looked at the expressionless old general with teasing eyes, and sneered, What are you looking at me for? Are you trying to kill me? Oh, then you have to line up Sir, there are countless people in Stormwind City who want to kill me.

This guy climbed up from the cage floor, grasping the railing with both hands, the chain on his wrist collided with the railing, making a crisp sound, and that face that was tired but could see a stern look, and that made him disgusted smile.

But you can't kill me! You still have to send me to Draenor, and you have to release me yourself! Hahahaha!

The guy laughed wildly, Losenden, I know you hate me, but so what? I'm going to be free soon! The first thing I do after I'm free is to kill your son! That The traitor who dared to betray me! He is dead! You wait to collect his body!

This blatant threat made the guards behind the old general angry. They took a step forward and drew out their long swords, but they were stopped by the old general who had not spoken.

Rosenden looked at Randolph Modoc who was yelling at him in front of him, the chief culprit who caused the riots in Stormwind City more than 20 years ago, a real scum among the nobles of the kingdom, and the leader of the dark world of Stormwind City, in that In a dark age, more than two-thirds of the murders and disappearances in Stormwind City were related to him.

This is an out-and-out villain, and the reason why he was arrested was not only that King Varian returned a few years ago to vigorously clean up the order of the kingdom, but also because he was betrayed by his subordinates, and that subordinate was Lawson in front of him. The son of General Deng, the latter has completely withdrawn from the dark world by virtue of betraying Randolph, and has become a decent nobleman in the Grizzly Province of the remote Northrend continent.

How could the dark godfather of Stormwind, Modoc, not hate this?

But to his surprise, General Rosendon was not angry, not even a trace of anger. On the contrary, a smile slowly appeared on his old and serious face. cold.

You really think you'll be free?

The old general waved his hand, and the guards and knights around him retreated far away, then he lowered his voice, his sharp eyes like a hawk flicked across the three people in front of him,

People like you, villains, rebels and thieves, with blood on your hands, do you really think that justice will let you go? Freedom, I have personally sent many people like you this year Scum to Draenor, everyone wants to be free and thinks they can be free, poor bastards!

Rosenden breathed a sigh of relief, he flexed his fist,

Modoc, they all say you are a smart man, so let me ask you a question, so many villains who were sent to Draenor, how many of them do you think are really free and come back?

Before Modoc could speak, the sarcasm on the old general's face became clearer, No one! You should have been executed secretly. Do you know who suggested to His Majesty to exile you to Draenor? Are you really Do you think I will forget what you did to my poor son? Do you think the nobles of Stormwind will forget the dark days you brought them?

Randolph's original fierce expression slowly froze, but the old general was not in the mood to talk to a scumbag who was bound to die, he waved his hand in a somewhat disinterested manner,

Tsk, it's pitiful. Look at you, it's pitiful. Maybe it's a good choice to commit suicide immediately after sending you there. It's hard for people like you to survive the first battle, oh, yes.

The old general stretched out two fingers meaningfully, and pointed to the two prisoners who were walking beside Modoc, Modoc, you'd better curry favor with your inmate, as far as I know, whether it's Di Fia is still a bloodfang werewolf, and they all have their own forces over there, whether it is Van Cleef or Ivar, they may all be warlords after they go there, only you poor guy is the lowest slave.

The death rate of slaves is 100%~

Rosenden turned around and waved his hand,

These three guys are too dangerous, send them to the front line of the Dark Portal overnight! Hand them over to Grand Knight Coleman, freedom. Hehe, they will soon get the freedom they want!

The old general laughed and left the city gate with the guards, while the knights started cursing again, and at midnight that day, they reached the front line of the Dark Portal.

There was no so-called front line in the original Dark Portal, but more than a year ago, due to the frequent opening of the Dark Portal, the upper floor simply set up a small supply point here. To supply the entire Night's Watch through the Dark Portal, this small supply point expanded tenfold in two months.

There are representatives and guards from all races and forces of Azeroth here. This is a true neutral zone. Any battle that takes place here will be stopped by all major forces. Of course, no one will go crazy enough to fight in the dark. Fight in the neutral zone of the Gate.

Those who can be stationed here are all real elites!

Of course, apart from the self-restraint of the soldiers, there is another reason for maintaining the peace here, because of the devil! It is not a secret that the world of Draenor has been attacked by demons. It happened about 2 months ago. At that time, the 8th War had just ended, and then there was news of the demons' invasion of Draenor.

So during this period of time, a small group of demons would rush out of the portal of darkness almost every day. Although it was not difficult for these elites to deal with some remnants of demons, what really mattered was the meaning behind this incident.

The devil is coming!

The devil is at it again!

The Battle of Mount Hyjal took place 6 years ago. The elves and veterans of Theramore who were at least present knew how tragic that war was. Now, the demons are only one door away from Azeroth.

Facing such an opponent, who would care about provoking disputes?

On the other hand, if there are more people, there will naturally be a basis for commercial existence. There are nearly 6,000 troops stationed on the front line. It is an astronomical figure just to provide these soldiers with food, clothing, housing and transportation. If you want to go to a higher level, someone will naturally find the business opportunities in it, and businessmen are cowardly, but they are the bravest when there is money to be made.

So what appeared before the eyes of the three prisoners was a small town as prosperous as Gold Shining Town. Frankly speaking, the appearance of such a prosperous town in a place as harsh as the Cursed Land suddenly changed the style of the painting. It's a bit unbearable.

A newcomer is here?

The tauren warrior guarding the gate of the town flicked his tail, looked curiously at the three men who were escorted out of the iron cage by the knights, and couldn't help but whispered to the Quel'Thalas paladin who was also on guard,

Why are there only three this time?

The elf paladin held the grass root in his mouth, raised his eyes and glanced at the three prisoners in shackles, and snorted,

Don't you even understand this? Look at the chains on their hands, tsk tsk, this time it's probably a ruthless character.

Ruthless character? Hehe

The Tauren warrior grinned disdainfully and taunted, How many ruthless characters have you been to this year? How many have come back? That place hums, a place that eats people.

After finishing speaking, the warrior as tall as a war fortress was also a little bit disappointed, but just as he was yawning with his tail flicking, a burst of urgent horn sounds came from the distance behind the town, the tauren froze for a moment, grabbed Holding the battle ax beside him, he rushed into the town, followed by the equally nervous elf paladin.

Modoc, Van Cleef and Ivar Bloodfang, who were just lifted out of the cage, and the actual veterans guarding them didn't react, but the next moment, in the eyes of everyone, it was like a green gate of hell. At the gate, in the dark green starlight, a whirlpool-like storm quickly took shape.

Immediately afterwards, a tall demon guard with black horns, wearing blood-red armor, and holding two halberds rushed out of the vortex furiously, making the first roar of this wave of attacks.

The devil is coming!

Modoc is the BOSS of the Stormwind Prison after the revision. It is said that this guy planned the Stormwind riots that year, um~ he can be regarded as a ruthless character.

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