Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 606 6. The Daily Life of the Void Space Agency

When Azshara, Queen of the Deep, hosted rulers from all over the world on Tol Barad, it caused a real stir in the civilized world.

People always have the impression that the ugly, fierce and cunning Naga is a beast like murlocs and jackals, and has no civilization at all, but this is only the common people's understanding. A truly wise person will never Underestimate this race with the appearance of beasts. Under their twisted bodies, there are souls of noble civilizations from thousands of years ago.

Even in a sense, Naga is much more noble than the mortals who rule the world now, because all the land within everyone's vision was once under their rule.

In fact, more than ten years ago, apart from the sporadic Naga that could be seen along the coast of Kalimdor, only those wild coasts in the whole world would be used as a foothold by Naga.

These creatures seem to avoid mortals consciously, but when countless Naga appeared from the bottom of the sea a few months ago and began to attack the whole world, even the most stupid people could guess that the group of Naga appeared Some kind of change happened, the civilians were terrified, and even the high-level leaders were a little shaken, but it wasn't until the leaders returned safely from the bottom of the sea that the real face of the deep-sea kingdom really appeared in everyone's eyes.

People were surprised to find that these Naga were also a member of intelligent creatures.

And this banquet organized by Queen Naga naturally became the biggest topic of conversation in the coming 27 years, and even some famous scholars and big shots would hold an invitation letter from the Deep Sea Kingdom as a Some kind of special honor.

Of course, Azshara would not be arrogant enough to send invitations to those beings that even she would look up to, such as Ulduar.

Dick also didn't have time to attend the banquet where the Deep Sea Kingdom joined the civilized world. Yes, this banquet was not a grand banquet. Azshara finally listened to Dick's suggestion. After observing for 10,000 years, she finally saw the truth of the world. This is no longer that era, but how should I put it.

This era is much more exciting than the world where the elves were the only ones. The noble Light of Light doesn't mind playing games with these mortals. She has long been tired of the 10,000-year underwater time.

How can it be interesting to participate in observing the world?

Dick doesn't pay attention to these things. When a person is in a certain position, he will inevitably look at the world with the unique eyes of that position. From Dick's point of view, even if the deep sea kingdom breaks out of the deep sea, it is not a big deal. To destroy the balance of Azeroth, everything should exist and exist for a reason.

What he cares about now is another matter, the really big one.

Netherstorm, this is when the world of Draenor collapsed. A part of Gorgrond, located in the northernmost part of the Draenor continent, collided with the void to form a special area. This area is now located in the northernmost part of the entire broken world of Draenor. , Its nature of existence is quite special, similar to the demon land Marton that Dick visited back then, it is also a completely broken piece of land, a void floating island formed by the gravity of another piece of land.

The land here is completely bordered by the void, ordinary people can't live here at all, the lack of air content alone is enough to kill any mortal creature, the land here is like a broken turtle shell, covered with a There are deep stripes and gullies, and the special energy from the void appears in the cracks in the ground, emitting special light from time to time.

Any piece of ground you step on will sink unexpectedly, exposing you desperately to the deadly void. What's more frightening is that you won't die immediately, but will float in the void in a state of severe weightlessness, and eventually Died of the most painful suffocation.

That is definitely the most terrible punishment for life, no one wants to try this kind of death.

However, it is not a bad thing to be bordered by the Twisting Nether. Such a close contact with the Void will allow some people who are particularly sensitive to this special environment to learn more about everything about the Void. , is a very important thing, and more importantly, the land bordering the void itself is the most suitable land for the star port.

As the name suggests, Starport is a port. To be more frank, it is a port for interstellar spaceships. Its area can no longer be measured by the area of ​​a city. A frigate is bigger than a quarter of Storm City, let alone the flagship of Storm Fortress.

Illidan actually became interested in starships very early on, but the only large-scale starship Storm Fortress he had was impossible to imitate. The mysterious spells of the Naaru and the outstanding jewelry processing of the Draenei Skills together make up this spaceship, but neither the naaru nor the draenei can make a second storm fortress anymore, not only because of the damage in exile, but more importantly, the materials!

The main body of the Storm Fortress was completed in the world of Argus. The crystal that drives the entire spaceship to move faster than the speed of light cannot be found in other worlds!

Because of this inimitability, Illidan's large-scale construction plan was forced to shelve, but during the expedition to Mardun, Illidan got the best spoils. A complete demon starship! The most important thing is that this type of starship, although its capacity and combat effectiveness are not worth mentioning, it can fly in the void!

This alone is enough for Illidan to restart his crazy construction plan.

So in the second month after returning from Mardun, that is, one month after the end of the 8th War, the most outstanding engineering masters and magicians in the entire Azeroth got a copy from Uldu. Seoul's invitation.

This invitation was a secret trip. After three days, 90% of the people signed a secret agreement with the administrator of Ulduar, and then disappeared from the famous world of Azeroth in various ways.

Netherstorm, all secrets, all journeys, and the future are here!

Wrench Town, this is a small town full of mechanical styles near the edge of the void storm. It was established a month ago. Within 300 kilometers around, there are more than 2,000 demon hunters guarding it. What happened here Everything is the top secret of the two worlds.

On the second floor of the Wrench Town Center Hotel, Dick just woke up from a short sleep. Although he no longer needs sleep to replenish his energy, the tenderness of last night. He opened his eyes and tiptoed from Jaina and Leah. Delin slowly escaped from the entanglement of her body. In short, the initiative last night represented the complete end of the cold war between him and Jaina. As for the addition of Liadrin, who has always been dignified, that is another beautiful story up.

But Dick was not a person intoxicated by tenderness. He leaned over and kissed the wives-to-be on the cheeks, and then put on his clothes and walked out of the room. He had important things to do today.

In the very center of the strange climate and the existence of the strange void storm, there is a special city. It has no name, but both Dick and Illidan call it Area 52. This is the base of the void space agency. Those who can enter here, They are all the best magicians and engineering masters.

Dick was welcomed by the cold mechanical voice of the magic mechanical guards who were in charge of guarding the gate of Area 52, and strode into the laboratory of the Void Space Agency. The laboratory is located underground. A demon starship that has been completely disassembled, the Fel Hammer.

This place has been transformed by space magic. Obviously, the space is ridiculously large!

The gray-haired dwarf pilots and goblin tinkerers were discussing something loudly around the periphery of the dark green spaceship. It looked very intense and might fight at any moment, and the people from Dalaran and Quel'Thalas The magicians are much more elegant. They use a magnifying glass to carefully observe every magic circle on the Fel Hammer, experiment with their functions, improve the existence of the magic circles, and replace those magic circles that are not suitable for mortal creatures to use.

There are 200 people scattered here and there, and Dick is still there. In the laboratory next door, the top forging masters are using precision tools, or simply their own hands, to knock out Part by part.

Everyone's quarreling and busyness has only one purpose: to copy a starship that also has the function of time-space transition! It doesn't matter even if the blueprint comes from demons, as long as the starship can be copied, it represents the civilization of Azeroth itself, and it also has the ability to fly to the twisting void, which means that Azeroth has the ability to fly to the demons. The ability to strike back!

Of course, Dick is not a master of engineering. Although his forging skills are equally superb, no one would think that he should work here. In fact, Dick is located in other places, and the work he can perform is obviously greater, such as now , Facing the goblin sitting in front of him, wearing a white special aviation suit, Dick seemed a little confused.

Uh, Master Sejit, you sent a secret letter to Ulduar, what is the purpose of looking for me?

Sajit Fire Plug, the No. 2 engineer leader of the Void Space Agency, was supposed to be the No. 1 manager Mekkatorque who talked to Dick in person today, but because of Azshara's damn banquet, Mekator Ke had no choice but to leave his beloved workbench and return to Azeroth cursing. Sejit Firebolt is the junior of the most outstanding goblin tinker Garywitz, and his engineering attainments are not weaker than Garywitz's. As for the goblin tinker himself, he presided over the construction of the star port on the edge of the void storm.

Facing Dick's inquiry, Sejit did not stop his busy work. Because of his own weak strength, he had to wear a special space suit to be able to move in Netherstorm, but the large uniform did not affect the goblin's ability. Working, his hands are still very flexible, assembling the pile of parts that Dick can't understand at all, this is obviously a very sophisticated and high-end equipment.

Probably part of the ship.

Oh, that's right.

Saijit said in a low voice, That idiot Mekkatorque encountered some troubles when designing the spaceship engine. The spaceship engine used by demons needs their secret techniques to support it. In theory, that thing is actually It is a magical creation. The Archmage Ledra of Dalaran said that she can make that thing, but it takes half a year to make one. This does not conform to the assembly line concept proposed by you and the king of Outland, so After discussing it, we decided to solve the problem with simpler engineering.

Well, that's great, then what?

The paladin still didn't understand what the goblin meant, and the latter sped up his speech impatiently.

Then? Then there are even more troublesome problems! Azeroth's engineering concepts are not advanced enough to create an original blueprint for an engine capable of warp space, so we need a finished product to imitate, you know, any learning The first step, all started with imitation! But this is the trouble, we can't find a sample at all. Of course, with the hard work of Mr. Sejit, I found a target. Void spirits, those who live The void spirits on the westernmost side of the Netherstorm, you know?

Well, I know, and then?

Dick asked again, the goblin simply looked at the noble world manager with the eyes of a fool this time,

Then? Then it's time to grab it! Although the Void Spirits have repeatedly stated that they don't have spaceships in their hands, they are also members of the exiles from the planet. They must have large spaceships similar to Storm Fortress. Most importantly, those Void Spirits The technology is actually in the same vein as engineering, so if you can snatch an engine from Void Spirit, Mekkatorque and I can complete the engine model within half a month! Well, at most One month!

Facing Sajit's blatant bandit concept, Dick didn't feel much disgust, and he didn't feel too much guilt about robbing the Void Spirits. Uh, how should I put it, the Void Spirits have a bad reputation as a race. They are more like interstellar goblin profiteers. It is said that even the philanthropic naaru in Shatasi don't like the exiled ethereals very much.

The paladin was more concerned about another matter. He looked at Sergeet Fire Plug and emphasized his tone.

Are you sure that as long as I get the engine, you can finish the spaceship?

Of course! I swear on those damn gold coins hidden by the ancestors of the Huo Plug family. As long as there are engine models or blueprints, the Void Space Agency is sure to build the first starship in Azeroth within 2 months. !

Sajid Fire Plug is also very serious. When it comes to his professional field, this cunning businessman who once defrauded the trade prince of a large sum of money in Booty Bay is as solemn as a true fanatic.

Compared to the creations of Storm Fortress that are closer to magic, the technical content of the demon's spaceship is not as high as you imagine. As long as there is an engine, I say 2 months, it will never exceed 60 days!

Okay! I'm leaving tonight! I hope you don't let me down and don't let our world down!

Hearing this, Sagitte Hose shivered violently. Only then did he realize what kind of person was standing in front of him. He gritted his teeth and nodded, feeling rather like a strong man going to die.

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