Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 609 9. The sharpest...

Chapter 609 9. The sharpest.

At the end of the 26th year of the Dark Portal, when the new year is approaching, Azeroth is still in a serious atmosphere, but in another broken world, the war on the fate of the world of Azeroth has quietly begun .

In the middle of the second month after Mardun returned, the Burning Legion's sporadic attack had already begun. Obviously, the fraudsters had discovered the betrayal of the King of Outland. According to the Burning Legion's consistent thinking, in this scattered After the offensive, it's time for a full-scale invasion.

However, Illidan is not worried about the war in the Draenor world. In the past few years, he and his friends have completely built this broken world into a real battlefield, and are ready to face the war. More importantly, when the Sagrit keystone was in hand, Illidan was no longer satisfied with passive defense. While the Burning Legion was preparing for war, he was also preparing for a war.

And soon, the preparations for the war will be over, and at that time, the era that represents a big counterattack will kick off.

On the very edge of the void storm, there are countless pieces of continents lined up. This is the land that was cut from the earth when the world of Draenor exploded. There are large and small ones, and some of them are floating islands that have not been broken. , the portal for the demons to attack was placed here, and the vanguard of the Burning Legion was hidden among these rubbles, and more than a dozen demon-casting camps were established to wait for the follow-up legions to enter.

But just like the Illidari couldn't completely search every floating island in the void, the demons couldn't completely monitor the movement on each floating island. At this time, on a large floating island far away from the casting camp, a group of Gathering on this broken land the size of a city, they seem to be planning something.

There were about a dozen people, and the races were very mixed. There were orcs with battle axes, paladins in golden armor, death knights sitting on the side without saying a word, and a very impatient demon hunter. Farther away, Odin, who was leaning on a silver spear, watched curiously with his single eye at the ethereals busy in the center of the field. Old Velen was beside Odin, discussing something with the war leader.

The identities of these three ethereal spirits are not ordinary. To be precise, these three guys are Sahadar, the node prince from the Vengeance Army, Amir, the commander from the Order of Order, and Haramai, the node prince from the Star Consortium. Germany, the three giants of the ethereal society, are now standing in the center of this large floating island, guiding the arcane energy in their bodies, and depicting an extremely complicated pattern on the ground.

But it is not a summoning pattern, but similar to a kind of beacon. Haramad told Dick that in thousands of years of preparation, the ethereals have mastered part of the power information of the Devourer of Worlds. By making this kind of power information, the hateful Devourer of Worlds can be attracted in the infinite void.

And more ethereals are fiddling with some very sophisticated super-large instruments on the edge of the floating island. It is said that this is a specially made instrument to imprison Dimensius for a short time. The ubiquitous link of shadow energy weakened the unshakable magic shield of the oversized void lord to the extreme.

It can be seen that the Void Spirits have indeed prepared for this trap for a long time, because from that complicated instrument, Dick felt very similar to the breath of the Titans of the Pantheon. This instrument is definitely very complicated to make, and it is absolutely far beyond the ordinary people's imagination.

What a strange life!

Odin sighed to Dick standing beside him, Look at these ethereal creatures, they were originally flesh and blood creatures, but they were washed away by a huge amount of energy and turned into this form similar to elemental creatures. They did not become weak because of this, and even developed a stronger civilization. Dick, I made the right choice to walk out of Azeroth this time. There are too many secrets in the Twisted Void. Under this starry sky, there are How many fascinating existences are there?

Dick grinned and pierced the epee of order into the ground in his hand. He also raised his head to look at the endless galaxy above his head.

There will be a chance. On the road to rebuilding the Pantheon, we will always have a chance to uncover these secrets.

Odin is worthy of being one of the leaders of the Titan Guardians at the time. He saw the root of the Void Spirits at a glance. He was right. Before Karesh was destroyed, the Void Spirits were also the humans of Azeroth. The same flesh and blood creatures, their civilization level is much higher than that of Azeroth. Even when Karesh encountered the invasion of Dimensius, the ethereals were not helpless. They were outside the planet A thick energy barrier is arranged to block the attack of this greedy void lord.

In the beginning, this worked well, but then something went wrong, and the ethereals sucked so much arcane power from the void that it went on an uncontrollable rampage, and the entire Karesh was washed with thick energy After doing it again, the result is that the flesh and blood of the ethereal spirits were washed away, but their souls were preserved and merged with arcane energy to become the current energy creatures.

In fact, even without the bandage used to confine the body, the Void Spirits can still live in the void, but even if they have fallen to this point, they are still unwilling to give up the memory of being a human being, so they use the bandage to transfer their energy to the void. The body is shaped into a human form, which can be regarded as a commemoration of the past.

You bastard. It's really irritating!

With a flash of Illidan's figure, he appeared next to Dick. He looked at the node princes who had completed the reshaping of power information with bright red cloth eyes, and couldn't help complaining to Dick. He said, I was still supervising the battle in Shadowmoon Valley, and you dragged me here. Next time I encounter something like this, can you say hello to me in advance?

Dick glanced at him, What? Are you dissatisfied with this deal? A complete star port, plus 12 sets of starship engine design drawings, I also found 3 sets of the most practical large starships from the Star Consortium Haramad also promised me that I would sell the materials we need at the lowest price, if it was you, would you do it if you encountered such a deal? It was just a fight.


Illidan cursed, but then closed his mouth. Although he was very reluctant, he had to admit that Dick really made a good deal this time, although with the current engineering level of Azeroth, It is impossible to make a large-scale starship, but with the blueprint, it is equivalent to winning a real bright road for the future. Dick has already overfulfilled what he should do. Regarding the results he achieved, Illidan felt that Impeccable.

However, good brothers always quarreled. Although Illidan never admitted it, in his heart, Dick could indeed be regarded as a fatal friendship.

I said, can you give me an advance notice next time?

The old orc Saurfang seemed to have adapted to the rhythm of being captured by Dick, he just complained casually, The situation in the Alliance Horde is so dangerous now, do you know that the day I leave Stormheim, it may happen How many things?

Don't worry, with me here, you can't fight!

The paladin patted the old orc's shoulder, and said with a smile, Who can you fight so well? Saurfang, otherwise, you don't care about the tribe in the future, just join Valagar and come to Draenor Kill the devil, this is also your hometown, isn't it?

Dick just said it casually, but he didn't expect the old orc to actually nod his head. He pondered for a few seconds and sighed, To be honest, I'm really fed up with politics now. If I have the chance , I really want to let go of everything and go back to Draenor to be a pure warrior. I'm actually quite afraid of meeting Fording and the others on the battlefield. I'm worried that I won't be able to make a move.

Hey, what are you talking about? Are you so sure you can kill me?

Old Fording made a rude gesture towards Saurfang, and shouted loudly, You couldn't kill me on the battlefield before, and you can't kill me now, old bastard, but to be honest, it's better not to fight, Ai Xerath has fought the battle for too long, and it's time to rest.

Even Mograine, who hated orcs before, nodded. To be honest, all the comrades here are comrades who have experienced too many battles together. Saurfang is a pure fighter. He said that he might not be able to make a move. Old Fording and Mograine must be the same, a real man will not be ruthless enough to abandon this kind of comrade-in-arms.

But Dick knew that if Lordaeron and the Horde really went to war, Saurfang and Fording would still go to the battlefield for their country without hesitation, enduring the suffering and pain in their hearts, and hacking their weapons into the opponent's body Physically, it has to be said to be a tragedy, but that's what men are, isn't it?

Don't worry, if you die, I will give you a second life.

Uther, the night watchman who had been silent all this time, added a sentence coldly, which left the audience stunned. Uther's night watchman army is currently stationed in the Hellbed and Broken Ridge Mountains of the Hellfire Peninsula, which is the most craziest area for demons to attack. , but it is also the area where Azeroth's coalition forces have the greatest advantage. The dead soldiers will not have any fear. Facing the army that is always silent and marching, even the demons have to fear and submit.

It's a pity that except for the corpses of a few kinds of demons, most demons cannot be transformed into undead. Otherwise, relying on the Night Watchman Legion alone would be enough to complete the defense of the entire world of Draenor.

Okay! Dick, get your friends ready! Dimensius is coming!

The voice of the node prince Haramad sounded in Dick's spirit, and the paladin gestured towards the others. The chattering and laughing soldiers immediately entered a fighting state and scattered to all directions of the entire floating island.

The death bat wings behind Uther spread out. Opposite him, Old Fording and Mograine drew their weapons. The scorching holy light formed a condensed beam of light, and Saurfang raised his black weight Ax, the blood-red flames of anger ignited on his body, and even escaped outside the body. He also carried a warhammer on his back. After the Battle of Ulduar, in order to express his gratitude to the mortal heroes Ignis gave Saurfang his forged weapon.

The battleaxe is called Kaitian, and the warhammer is called Pidi. The best weapon in Azeroth is only one step away from the legend. This also avoids the embarrassment of Saurfang needing to change weapons after every battle.

Velen waved the staff lightly in his hand, and various buffing magics were thrown on everyone's bodies. The existence of this demigod old priest was the most reliable guarantee for this battle.

The silver spear in Odin's hand tapped the ground, and his body rapidly expanded in a mortal state. In a few seconds, he became a 15-meter-high guardian, with golden flame anger and blue thunder on his body Jumping, the war leader moved his shoulders. This was his first battle in Draenor, and he didn't want the opponent to be a soft-footed guy, which would frustrate him.

And Illidan also summoned his own Azzinoth Warblade, the dark green evil flames hovered around his body, and finally merged into his body, his body suddenly rose to 5 meters, and the bat wings behind him spread out, Under the two curving black long horns is a real demon body. The double halo of fear and sacrifice spreads on the surface of the body. Under the scarlet Sargeras vision, in the burned eyes, What shines is the hottest dark green flame.

And finally Dick.

The Sun Spirit is still chattering like that, but Anveena seldom appears in front of everyone now. After gaining the incarnation of the Angel of Order, the fully grown Anveena prefers to stay in Dick's spiritual world, where is The place where she feels most at ease.

The paladin held the epee of order in his left hand and the shield of Aggramar in his right hand, and said softly to Anveena,

My Anveena, let's begin!



The silver flame of order bloomed from Dick's heart, igniting his body in an instant, where the silver flame flowed, the complete form of the angel of order opened at this moment, with a height of nearly 5 meters, and six silver-white The wings of light flapped gently in the air, like overflowing lines, full of simple beauty.

There is darkness under the silver-white hood, which is the complement of light and darkness, and a symbol of balance. There are also densely packed words on the silver armor on the body. Every time you move, those words will rotate rapidly. Like floating petals, the epee that originally needed to be held with both hands is now like a real one-handed sword, with silver-white light and lightning sparks dancing on it, and the shield of Aggramar in the left hand also becomes Became part of that delicate gauntlet.

Two ribbons filled with holy patterns hung down from the shoulders, and on the top of the forehead, the holy patterns of order flowed slowly with silver and golden rays of light.

This is Dick now, the real Archangel of Order.

The three node princes were also scattered on the left and right of the pattern that had begun to emit blue light. As their energy bodies were continuously injected, the power information that could not be perceived was spreading rapidly in the boundless void for more than ten seconds. A clock later, a vast darkness answered them.

Approaching, a dark rift more than 30 meters wide appeared above the floating island. On the left and right sides of the rift, it was grasped by a pair of black claws. The claws were torn apart fiercely to the sides. The world barrier of Draenor had been broken, so the space of this space Obstacles are completely unable to block the entry of the Devourer of Worlds, which is a super-giant Void Lord.

The drop-shaped body is completely composed of dark energy, and there are huge broken shoulder armor on the left and right shoulders. In addition, it only has a simple pair of claws composed entirely of shadows. There is a pair of eyes with dark green light bands constantly swaying in the air, which does not look mighty at all.

But at the moment it appeared, Dimensius realized that he had fallen into a trap. It raised its head and let out a silent roar. At this moment, a crazy shadow storm appeared above the floating island. Under the waving of frantic will, it was like a long whip, sweeping across everything in front of it.

Boom boom boom boom

In the area swept by the storm, all existence, whether it was a floating island or a belt of gravel, was swept away by a huge amount of shadow and completely swallowed up. Wherever the storm of shadow went, there was only hopelessness.

The eyelids of everyone watching this scene were numb, but just before the stunned shadow storm swept to the floating island at the feet of everyone, the ethereal engineers activated the overly precise instrument, a dazzling blue The arc appeared from the surface of the instrument, and within a thousandth of a second, the Devourer of Worlds, who was trying to destroy everything, was locked in place.

Odin's expression suddenly changed at this moment. He could feel that the originally fragile and chaotic space barriers around him were strengthened to an unimaginable level at this moment, like a cage used for death battles, separating everyone and everyone. This dangerous guy is locked together.

We only have 10 minutes to kill it! We have spent 100 years building the shielding device. If we fail this time, the Shattered World will be over!

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