Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 633 33. The Fate of the Twilight Dragon

Sinestra had a hunch about Dick's decision not to allow the chaotic black dragon to return to Azeroth.

In fact, even if Dick lets it go, as the second generation of the Black Dragon Legion, she still has to think about it, whether it is to reshape the image of the Black Dragon Legion, or let the black dragons return to the ranks of guardian dragons, or purify The blood of the black dragon, it will take a long time.

Dragon Mother is not stupid at all, she naturally understands any of these things, and there is no rush.

Of course, more importantly, after this battle, even if the Black Dragon Legion rebuilds smoothly, it will definitely be the weakest of the guardian dragons in the next few hundred years. Their current number of adult dragons is even 20. Not even a slightly larger force can fight or even hunt them down.

So Dick placed the Black Dragon Legion in the Netherstorm, which is actually a kind of protection.

At least after the establishment of Char Starport, Netherstorm is definitely the safest place in Draenor, not one of them.

But just as Dick and the others were about to leave Blade's Edge Mountain, a familiar voice sounded in Dick's mind.

Uh, my friend, the Void Administrator of the Consortium found something strange in the Void... If you're not busy, you'd better come and take a look.

It is Haramad, the node prince of the Star Consortium. Because of the good business relationship, he can barely be regarded as a reliable friend. Creatures like Void Spirits have a special ability. Since they are energy creatures, they Can remember the energy frequency of every creature that has communicated, and then emit such a soul voice when necessary.

It's pretty cool, but to be honest, it's useless.

However, it can be well-informed. It is said that Haramad, which has a collection of artworks from 37 star fields, has become a strange thing. Dick is also very interested. The most important thing is that since Prince Node has notified himself, he must It means that thing has something to do with him.

Ethereals whose overall civilization is higher than that of Azeroth cannot make mistakes in this respect.

So after Haramad sent an inquiry, Dick rushed to the Storm Spire of the Netherstorm immediately. The dragon kings with world authority cannot stay away from Azeroth for a long time, so only the black dragon queen Sinest Ra set off with him.

The Netherstorm will be the foothold of the Black Dragon Legion in the future. The Black Dragon Queen feels that before returning to Azeroth and taking on the mission of managing the land, she must see the environment here with her own eyes before she can truly feel at ease. However, when the two of them arrive at the Storm Spire Dick was overjoyed to have Sinestra with him at the time.

The Titans! Twilight Dragons!

When she saw the purple dragon egg that was properly placed in an egg-shaped container by Haramad, the Black Dragon Queen let out an exclamation, and Dick's eyes became sharper at this moment.

The twilight dragon egg that Deathwing hid in the crypt beneath the extinct Ogrila survived after falling into the void along with the shattered body of Deathwing and Ogrila! And Fu Daming is so big that the Void Manager of the Star Realm Consortium can meet him.

This can no longer be described as a coincidence, it can be called some kind of established destiny.

Sinestra's slender fingers stroked the transparent purple eggshell, and the black presence in the eggshell moved, and Dick suddenly felt the magic fluctuations in the entire room of the Storm Spire become active.

This life that has not yet been hatched seems to be expressing some kind of joyful emotion.

It still remembers me...

Sinestra had a look of joy or sadness on her face. Noticing Dick's probing gaze, the Black Dragon Queen explained, It was originally a red dragon egg, a very healthy one. Death Wings catalyzed it with the captured Nether Dragon Essence, and used a special method to completely change its nature of existence, and finally endowed it with super wisdom with the purest Apexis crystal.

It's been through so much suffering and I've been taking care of it for a while.

Sinestra said in a low voice, I never thought that Deathwing's crazy plan could actually be realized. The existence of this little guy can be called a miracle of life. That kind of terrifying transformation process, Even an adult dragon may not be able to persist.

You mean, let me keep it?

Dick stared at Sinestra, and said in a deep voice, Deathwing intends to use it to destroy the has this ability, so you have to persuade me to take this risk!

It's not a weapon, World Manager! It has its own mind, it has its own soul, and the mission it shoulders is just a fate imposed on it by Deathwing, which doesn't belong to it in the first place!

The Black Dragon Queen took a step back, pointed at the ignorant dragon egg that already had its own thinking, and made a please gesture,

Its birth was a mistake that shouldn't exist, but it's not its fault. Power has no distinction between good and evil. Mr. Administrator, it is indeed planned by Deathwing to destroy the world, but I believe that, like a It is a blank piece of paper, and it can also be used to protect the world.

You can feel for yourself whether it is evil!

Dick glanced at the faithful Sinestra, he stepped forward, and pointed his finger on the surface of the eggshell that was filled with purple light. The next moment, a strong vitality touched his thinking, it was a curious consciousness , seems to be sizing up this first contact with its existence.

But soon, it was frightened by Dick's terrifyingly powerful soul. Like a small animal, it shrank back tremblingly, looking really harmless to humans and animals.

As Sinestra said, this strange life has its own soul and thinking, but it is too weak now, and even Dick's deliberate attention will make it flicker like a candle in the wind.

Ah! Stupid! It's so cute! Let's take it back and raise it!

Anveena's yelling voice jumped out of Dick's mind, as well as Lei Sch's soft voice, I can feed it water, Dick.

Dick groaned and withdrew his fingers, but before he could speak, Prince Haramad, who was in another star field, also spoke. His slightly distorted voice echoed slightly in the hall.

Well, my friend Dick, if you don't want to take back the ownership of this item, you might as well sell it to the Star Realm Consortium... I am very interested in such a unique collection, please make an offer!


Dick breathed a sigh of relief, nodded to Sinestra, and then picked up the purple egg. The silver-white light flowed rapidly on its surface, and finally formed an oval seal. The light spirit cheered, Jumped out of Dick's body, carefully holding the seal in his arms.

It's like holding a small pet.

I really don't feel comfortable putting it anywhere, let it grow in Ulduar.

Dick pursed his lips, glanced at the dragon egg held by Anwena again, and showed a silent smile,

Just call it Alduin, and I hope that name brings it good luck.

The Black Dragon Queen also breathed a sigh of relief. The female black dragon's love for the baby dragons is really not a cover. After this matter is over, Sinestra resigned. She has to hurry up and go to Netherstorm to choose a piece for the black dragons resident, while Dick stayed in Stormspire, and he and Prince Haramad still had some private matters to discuss.

Dick sat on the chair, and Anveena and Lei Shi ran to play in the ethereal ecological dome. He took out a wooden box from the storage ring. A personal gift from the Prince.

If it's in the name of friendship between friends, then this thing is too expensive, and I can't have it.

Dick pushed the box back. He looked at Prince Haramad in the astral projection, Or, you can tell me what I need to do for you instead of paying me first.

The dark red light under Prince Node's bandage faded away, and then he laughed loudly in Dick's spiritual world,

Hahaha, you are indeed an interesting guy, Mr. World Manager of Azeroth, other rulers are afraid that the gifts they get are not noble enough, not refined enough, in my thousands of years of roaming, you are the first to give The guy who returned my'd be a good businessman if you were in business.

Put it away, Dick, it's just a collectible in my place, but it will be a real valuable thing in your hands. Putting the valuable thing in the most suitable position is the star. The code of conduct of the world consortium.

Prince Node spread his hands,

And, you can think of it as an investment.


Dick savored the meaning of these two words, and finally raised his head, looked at Prince Node, Explain, my friend.

All right.

Prince Haramad cleared his throat, and the characteristic low voice sounded in Dick's mind, The development of any civilization has its own special trajectory, we call it the civilization route. Whether a civilization can go to the universe is the first indicator that determines how far it can go. For most mortal beings, to achieve this goal, the time it takes from the birth of the main life to the separation from the parent star is about It is recorded in millions to tens of millions of years.

For example, Void Spirit, in our history, it took us 8 million years to evolve from single-celled organisms to launch the first interstellar spacecraft. This time is already quite short, so Void Spirit is a very promising Civilization, and there are always some special civilizations in the universe whose development time is much shorter than this number, either because of their special physique, or because of their special shape, we call them super civilizations.

Azeroth...From the birth of the first subunit Zerg cell to the present, you have reached the critical point of interstellar civilization in less than 200,000 years...Dick, you know what this means ?


The paladin's expression didn't change much, he looked at Haramad silently, and only made a sound from his nostrils.

This means that as long as you can survive the attack of the Burning Legion, you have a great possibility to develop into a new super civilization... a confrontational group comparable to the Burning Legion, especially you, Dick, I don't see to your future, but I can be sure that becoming friends with you now is an extremely beneficial thing.

Haramad shrugged, I'm a pure businessman, so I made investment in advance, is it wrong? I even gave you the blueprints of the star port and the ecological dome, do I still care about a mere stone?

The Star Realm Consortium never trades at a loss!

Let me send you another message, Dick, the vanguard of the Burning Legion has arrived at the ecological planet closest to Draenor, get ready, your war is coming... don't let my investment go to waste Piao, so, survive, and then take your civilization and stride forward more proudly!

Dick breathed a sigh of relief, and opened the wooden box in his hand. Inside, a brilliant drop-shaped gem was shining. He knew what it was. He nodded to Haramad, then took out the gem, held it With it in hand, stride toward the gates of Stormspire.

One-seventh of the Atama Crystal-Eye of the Storm, a group attack weapon that can mobilize a huge energy storm, an investment...

He looked up at the twinkling stars beyond the Netherstorm, took a deep breath, and stepped forward.

He was going to face the war he couldn't escape.

The war with the devil... the final battle!

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