Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 638 38. First Fleet, Attack!

On the edge of the void storm is a dark star field surrounded by large and small floating islands.

This world had already been completely destroyed under Ner'zhul's ravages, and compared to those continents that had been wiped out by the energy of the explosion, the miserable Netherstorm was considered very lucky.

At least it can still exist, even in this half-dead state that may collapse at any time.

This place was originally called Farlanon, and it used to be the most prosperous place of mysterious culture in the world of Draenor. Unfortunately, it has been completely dissipated in the tyrannical time with the collapse of the earth and the destruction of the world.

It existed in this chaotic and desolate state for more than ten years until the arrival of Void Spirit, but Void Spirit only regarded it as a commercial area and residence, and did not think about developing a greater civilization here. If this land If he has his own consciousness, then maybe he is a veteran who is waiting to put on his armor to fight again. Although he is scarred, he is still eager to go to his own battlefield again.

Now, the glory that Netherstorm awaits has arrived!

From ancient times to the present, in the depths of the peaceful starry sky, half of the Purple Crystal Starship Stormkeep is entrenched in the center of the newly completed Starport, like a sleeping savage behemoth, its purple crystal hull is illuminated by the starlight Shining with a blurred but not sharp halo.

Ever since the naaru brought the Draenei exiles to this wild world from the distant star field, there is an artistic and beautiful storm fortress that has been located here, as if it has become the center of the entire void storm. In part, it has not moved a step for hundreds of years.

And after it fell into the hands of Illidan, it shouldered a war mission that it had never had before. Even if it is not a battleship itself, its attack power is better than nothing among starships, and its frigates are not A full-time battle starship, but even so, Illidan still sat on it and attacked a planet, at the cost of a large number of lives and deaths. Illidan took his Illidari and won this hopeless war. A trace of light.

But now, around Storm Fortress and its three frigates, there are 9 combat starships neatly arranged.

They have silver-white hulls. The overall length of a single starship is about 1,500 meters. It looks like a steel floating island with a tough and long hull. In the depressions of the layers of shells, there are densely packed Gun barrels, in the light of the newly completed Char Star Port, those dark gun barrels and those icy hulls shone with indifferent and sharp light.

From time to time, jumping red sparks flashed through the fence-shaped light holes of the tail thrusters that were being charged, which made them look like knights already on a standing horse, always ready for their first charge.

They are the largest and most advanced war weapons that Azeroth can currently manufacture. Even in the eyes of ethereal starship engineers, this is just the lowest-level and understaffed assault fleet. Stepping into the ignorant civilization of the universe, we shouldn't expect too much, should we?

Dick stood on the edge of the large porthole in the command room of the Storm Fortress. Behind him, those carefully selected engineers and captains who were the best in Azeroth were following the experienced Ethereal captains. , learn how to operate this top weapon of war.

Prince Haramad's investment is all-round. At Dick's request, he dispatched 20 captains of the plundering fleet belonging to the Star Consortium at one time as trainee instructors of the First Fleet of Azeroth. To this end, Dick signed a special agreement with him, and the Star Consortium officially became Azeroth's official war supplier.

Even if these ethereals are not very keen on the arms trade.


The voice of Commodore Matthew Proudmoore from Kul Tiras sounded behind Dick. The Commodore has officially left the Kul Tiras naval order. It was Dailin's forced request. Since the matter is top-secret, the future Commodore Matthew the Great even thought he was exiled before he came to Draenor.

But after seeing Starport Char and these starships he had never touched, Matthew was immediately surrounded by an indescribable sense of happiness, even if he needed to throw away all his naval combat experience and learn from scratch. , but when I think that one day I will be able to pilot this real weapon of war across the star field, all this learning is worthwhile.

The same happened to Admiral Taylor from Stormwind City, Nazgrim from Orgrimmar, and Dick's loyal servant, Dark Lord Senxia.

Dick didn't look back, his eyes were always on the landing area of ​​the busy Char Star Port, on the large platform 3000 meters away, 5000 of the best soldiers carefully selected from the whole of Azeroth were passing Special portals to enter their respective starships, as well as soldiers of the Iron Legion.

This will be a large-scale expedition. Unlike Illidan's war with only four starships, this time, the First Fleet, which was built with the strength of the entire Azeroth, will go to another battlefield with all its members.

The paladin shook his hand, and Matthew replied loudly,

Report Commander! The Prince of Theramore, The Hill, The Might of Menethil, The Lion of Wrynn, The Throne, The Fire of the Phoenix, The weapon systems of all 9 assault starships Blackwater Blade, Fist of the Great Chief, and Luna Scepter have been repaired! Combatants have been placed! Energy charging has been completed! Engine systems are in good condition! First Fleet The whole is ready for the voyage, please issue the next action order!

Dick, the commander-in-chief of the First Fleet, did not answer immediately. Instead, he shook his finger. Commodore Matthew immediately strode forward and stood beside Dick. Then he heard the Paladin whisper,

Matthew, you used to be the best general in Azeroth. How do you think we have a chance of winning this raid?

Matthew hesitated for a moment, then answered in the same low voice,

Before the battle begins, victory is always out of reach. Only when we actually step on the battlefield can we know how close we are to victory... Commander, maybe we will be in a tough fight, maybe we will lose troops, but I don't think we will lose.

The brigadier general looked out of the star field through the thick portholes. There are 9 warships, with China Unicom as the flagship Storm Fortress. This is a powerful force that has never appeared in his wildest fantasies. When he thinks of himself Will be one of them, an indescribable confidence and pride welled up in Matthew's chest.

Take a step back and say that we have tried our best to do our best. If the goddess of luck cannot be favored by this, then we can only say that our fate is like this.

Dick nodded, and then picked up the pipe. At the moment when the mellow smoke rose, Dick let out a sigh of relief, as if to pour out all the pressure, he turned around and patted Matthew on the shoulder , with a kind smile, asked,

You and I may all die in this reckless raid. After all, what we are going to is a battlefield that spans several worlds. After experiencing the torture of death, our souls cannot even return to our hometown. We We may crash alone on a savage planet, we may even encounter a space storm, completely lost and lose all hope... So, tell me, are you afraid, Matthew.

The admiral grinned, and this veteran soldier who was 5 years older than Dick answered Dick's question with an open-minded smile.

If this is my destiny, then I can only say that I am honored to fight alongside you! Mr. Commander, for the future of a world, it is the most honorable death for every veteran to die in battle outside its true frontiers. Happy ending.

Dick froze for a moment, his eyes passed over Matthew, and looked at the captains and commanders who had stopped their work. They all heard the question just now, and Matthew's answer fell into the complete In their ears, they looked at Dick. There was a kind of expectation in the eyes of these true elites of Azeroth, and there was also a trace of yearning. They were waiting, and the whole world was waiting.

Wait for Dick's order.

Are you afraid? Warriors of Azeroth.

Dick asked loudly, and 2 seconds later, a uniform military salute appeared in front of the eyes of the paladins. Led by Matthew, they rose up and shouted the motto of this motley fleet that had just been established less than a month ago.

Death is here, glory is here!


Dick put his fist across his chest, a standard human military salute responded to this kind of battlefield pride, he shouted loudly,

Azeroth expects everyone to do their duty! The First Fleet can be torn apart, but we will never be conquered, we will never be defeated!

Now, get ready to take orders!


The uniform heels hit the ground, and the ethereal captains stood aside, watching the rituals of these flesh men with great interest. Judging from the fast flashing light in the bandages under their armor, this scene also aroused these energies A certain emotion of a creature.

The Lord of Theramore with the strongest firepower, the Fist of the Great Chief, and the Hill are the fleet leaders! The Phoenix Fire, the Luna Scepter, and the Blackwater Blade are supplementary for the first echelon. Clear the sky and the enemy fleet within time!

The King Power and the Wrynn Lion are launching a ground offensive. I don't want my opponent to affect the assault army's landing operation!

The Power of Menethil is the guardian ship of the landing area. After the landing is completed, it will be merged into the ground offensive group!

Finally, the flagship Storm Fortress will serve as the command ship and ground fire support ship!

Dick's orders were conveyed one by one. These are the battle plans he determined after repeated discussions with the most outstanding generals of Azeroth and the fleet commander of the ethereal fleet. It may not be the most perfect, but it is very simple The assignment of tasks is definitely the most suitable for this new fleet.

The paladin sat on his command throne, his eyes swept over the soldiers in front of him, he nodded,

The captains return to their respective starships and open the Sagrid Keystone Gate in 5 minutes. The code name for this operation...

Dick touched his nose, Let's call it the starting point... The starting point of the counterattack is also the place where we enter the star field.

Five minutes later, the thrusters driven by the special crystal magic of the Storm Fortress suddenly lit up. The next moment, the 30-meter-long tail flame pushed the Storm Fortress to accelerate. After the flagship that seemed to move the hill, The 9 assault starships were also launched at the same time, and they stayed on the grandstand of the newly established Char Starport, which was full of futuristic styles similar to Ulduar. The soldiers and generals who stayed behind used the most standard military salute and With eyes, send the First Fleet off.

The Fel Hammer and the three frigates of the Storm Fortress are on the outskirts of Char Star Port, joining forces with the Black Dragon and other forces to eliminate the demon strikers who landed here, so as to prevent them from affecting the First Fleet's first voyage.

Frankly speaking, the First Fleet's first cross-star field expedition has seriously surpassed the current level of Azeroth's civilization, but how should I put it... Isn't that what Dick came here for?

Illidan snatched hope for this world, and Dick paved the ladder for this world to lead to hope. He pushed the whole world into a new level of civilization with his own power, triggered a great change in civilization, and shaped a world with his own hands. The sprout of super civilization.

The world manager is not just respectful, but Dick, at least at this moment, has fulfilled his duties perfectly.

When the green halo storm opened up in the starry sky in front of the storm fortress, like dark green sewage, it spread in all directions, dyeing the entire star field with green starlight, when Dick leaned on The World Scepter, with a firm expression, watched the moment Storm Fortress entered the starry sky portal opened by the Sagrid Keystone.

Beyond the starry sky farther away, Elune, who was sleeping in the world of Azeroth in an extraordinary state, clasped her hands together. Her gaze penetrated countless starry skies, and she saw that it was still very fragile, but still Expeditionary army with long sword unsheathed.

My Azeroth, my glory is here... Thank you and bless you, my children.

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