Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 642 42. Beyond the Door Is Despair

On the battlefield of Shadowmoon Valley, 70,000 demons had already fought with the prepared undead and warriors of various races.

The destruction that was supposed to be devastating has now turned into an unbearable tug of war.

The demons of the Burning Legion are still as brave, brutal, and fearsome as before, but when the so-called invincible aura on them is completely shattered, they are just a group of brutal thugs.

You know, fighting a war of attrition, the former undead natural disaster, and now the night watchman is not afraid of any opponent!

A huge frost dragon crossed the battlefield silently. Uther, wearing a black rose crown, looked indifferently at the criss-crossing battle situation on the land of Shadowmoon Valley. Fate made him go from life to death, and he stood in the At the highest point of death, when he closes his eyes, he can see the densely packed bright spots of the entire night watchman in this world.

That is his current power, every undead is an extension of his will,

They are like a black torrent, washing away everything, no matter whether it is a demon or something else, under this torrent, they will be completely submerged.

What did you see, Anel?

Uther leaned on the death sentence with both hands, standing on top of the bone's head, his black cloak was whistling by the cold wind, and beside him, the one who was also wearing the Saronite armor, with a small cloak on top of his head The little boy with the black crown... er, a young man who should be about the same size as Anduin is observing this brutal battle in his own way.

Hanging from his waist were two long swords covered in cold ice. That layer of frost did not affect the sharpness of the pair of blades, and even added more deadly frost damage to them. Most importantly, this The twin swords made from the fragments of the severed magic sword Frostmourne also possess certain characteristics of Frostmourne.

Spill blood to show its sharpness, eat soul to achieve its power!

Hearing Uther's deep voice, Mishhirsa Anel said respectfully,

Teacher, I see death, unstoppable death!


Uther put his left hand on his disciple's head, It's not enough...just death, it's not enough.

We are death itself, but don't forget why we wield the scythe of death, for a brighter future, we fall into darkness, we embrace darkness, we kill for protection, we are hope in despair, we are saints in destruction Song.

You are very talented, and your talent even makes me feel scared... But Anel, with the tenderness and guardian will in your heart, don't go on the old road of Alsace.

Uther retracted his hand, then waved lightly,

Go, Anel, gather your strength, show your fangs, and then, execute your judgment!

A trace of maturity that did not match his age flashed across Anel's face, he stepped back slightly, bent over to salute,

Yes, tutor!

The black steel gauntlet swept across the sky, and a cloud of black mist appeared beside Anel, followed by the sound of a horse's hooves. Anel turned over and rode on his invincible horse. He held the reins tightly, and Kalia The figure flashed across his mind.

Sister, my last relative, I will not allow anyone to hurt you and your world...

The tattered wings of the black undead horse suddenly spread out at this moment. Anel and his own horse jumped up from the frost dragon. At this moment, all the undead in the entire northern battlefield looked up at the sky. At this moment, the originally icy blue undead flame seemed to feel some kind of tyrannical will, and the blue flames turned into a frightening blood red.

At this moment, the violent undead natural disaster seemed to return to this land again.


With the two swords out of their sheaths, Anel's silent will swept over all the undead, and his voice sounded in the spirit of those undead, as indifferent as the frost that freezes everything.

Rip, devour...soldiers, drown them!


The silent undead roared violently at this moment. If the demons saw the pervasive defense of the undead in the first half, then now, they saw the most violent side of these undead.

The battle shield exits, the sharp sword roars!

The violent abyss lord Brutalus, as the commander of the northern battlefield, this barbaric guy already felt that his patience had reached the limit.

Brutallus is the most powerful abyss lord except Maronus the Destroyer. He spent his whole life on the battlefield. With such scars, he looked like an old guy, but when Brutalus raised the sabers on his fists, even Maronus was afraid.

This old guy is an out-and-out destroyer. In his life, he remembers the destroyed planets in plural.

Seeing that the demons under his command were forced to retreat by a group of corpses, the soul fire burning on the top of Brutalus's inverted triangle head became even crazier. It was like a loud slap in the face.

This is a shameful failure! This is a disgrace! You weak fellows! If you can't die on the way to charge, then simply die by my hands!

Howling, Brutalus raised his fists, and the dark green evil energy gathered in his palms, like a scorching meteor, smashing towards the demons in front of him who couldn't break through the undead line. When this scorching and terrifying meteor fell to the ground, the exploding fel energy burned everything in its path.

A huge depression appeared on the ground of Shadowmoon Valley. Feeling the feeling of the slaughter in front of him, Brutalus' violent blood flowed faster, and his four thick hooves began to gallop on the ground. , the tail full of bone spurs like a giant dragon flicked back and forth, smashing demons and undead into the air, and smashing the ground into cracks.

Die, die, die!

Brutalus's fists slammed wildly, just like the bravest attackers, whether it is walking corpses, ghouls, abominations, death knights, or skeleton giants, under this brute force that surpasses mortals, They were all smashed to pieces, and after Brutalus himself entered the field, the formation of the Night Watchmen was torn apart for the first time.

The demon guards who were also anxious because of the frustration of the attack followed behind their commander, and also launched a wave of counter-charges. Brutalus recklessly enjoyed the fun of this massacre, and looked back at the The legion portal guarded by demons, when he saw a green star point light up in the center of the portal, and then quickly expanded into a mysterious and gorgeous light curtain storm, the abyss lord let out a wild laugh,

Our reinforcements are coming! This sad world is about to be...


Before it finished speaking, a crimson light lit up from the legion portal, and as it approached, a phantom of a magma giant whose whole body was burning and writhed like uneven levels rushed out of the light curtain , the giant held a huge warhammer that was also blazing in his hand, and smashed it at the demons swarming in front of the portal.

The next moment, the ground split open, and hot magma rushed out from the crack, devouring the unprepared demons.

After the phantom of the Fire Demon King dissipated, a rude voice resounded throughout the battlefield,

Hahaha, surprise or not? Surprise or not?

Brutalus' eyes almost popped out of their sockets, but the Black Iron King Thaurissan, who came out of the portal carrying the Balrog's hand, waved his hand. The next moment, the Iron Vrykul of the tall Iron Legion People jumped at the frightened demons from the three relit portals.

Their chaotic brains couldn't imagine why these Azeroth soldiers rushed out of their legion portals, which was obviously another world!

Your retreat is over...

The Black Iron King swung the Balrog Hand hammer in his hand, the will of the legendary weapon roared across the battlefield, the scorching storm exploded behind his short body, and that arrogant, cold voice,

This is your last cemetery! No one can run away!

I do not believe!!!

Brutalus roared and threw himself at Thaurissan, like a flaming chariot running at the fastest speed, it felt that it was fooled, that these damned, weak creatures were laughing at it, and it wanted to tear Crushed them to punish their mocking and mocking, it killed them!


A golden lightning blocked the middle of Thaurissan and Brutallus. The moment Heimdall landed, he swelled into a guardian form. The storm sword in his hand was wrapped in golden anger, and Brutalus The double blades that Talus slashed firmly blocked.

The 15-meter-tall gatekeeper took a step back. He looked at the furious abyss lord, with a sinister smile blooming under the steel helmet.

This is called... closing the door and beating the dog!


A more dazzling golden light lay horizontally above the sky of Shadowmoon Valley, like a golden lightsaber, cutting through the eternal night of Shadowmoon Valley, and the gate of the sky was projected from Valagar hidden above the world And then, when Dick had completed the mission of the expedition, it was time to use the hidden trump card.

Holding the gun of judgment in his hand, Odin slowly walked out of the golden light curtain. Behind him, the four legion starships suspended above the dark temple had been targeted by Valaghar's Valkyrie guards, and the outermost On the deck of that starship, a terrible wound has been torn open by the gun of judgment.

The dark green fel energy entangled the starship. When Odin rushed into the battlefield of Illidan, Maronus and Tichondisor in the Black Temple, a huge face sparked in the Dark Temple. The sky exploded.

Dick and Illidan's plan is more arrogant than the demons imagined... They not only want to defeat the demons, they also want to wipe out the invading demon army.

It's like Thaurissan's words... don't even try to run away!


Illidan and Maronos, who were in complete demon form, had a head-to-head collision. Before the gate of darkness, the three most capable guys had completely turned this place into a hell. Facing the two high-level demon lords In the pincer attack, Illidan was very embarrassed, but he was far from failing.

And after this blow, Tichondrius, who jumped out of the darkness, wanted to sneak attack, but a silver gun shadow forced him away from Illidan's back, no matter how Tichondrius dodged, that way The shadow of the gun followed like a shadow, and finally pierced its chest precisely, causing the leader of the Nathrezim to scream in horror.

Its chest was torn apart by the scorching spear, and its sternum was shattered. Under this shot, it could not even escape as a bat. At the moment it faced the oldest divine power in Azeroth, Only then did Tichondrius realize how weak he was.

The figure of Odin strode into the battlefield of the Dark Temple. Behind him, the heroes shining with endless light came out from the gate of the sky, like golden streamers scattered into the earth, spreading the dark jungle covering the Dark Temple from the periphery. A little bit of destruction.

The moment Illidan grinned and pierced the Azzinoth Warblade burning with evil flames into the back of Maronos, the Destroyer realized that it had made the same mistake as the Burning Legion behind it. They underestimated Illidan, and underestimated the combined power of the two worlds.

Illidan has become an opponent that they cannot defeat together, and the success of the expedition of the First Fleet represents the complete failure of this third invasion. They should have fought with all their strength, just like the scale of the invasion of Azeroth , might cause Illidan and his allies to suffer, but they only chose an invasion army that was far inferior in both quantity and quality.

They paid the price for their slight... a terrible price.

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