Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 649 5. The Old Prophet's

Still in this illusory interstellar world, everyone's eyes were fixed on the unintentionally clear back of Sargeras.

And Azshara's exclamation caused Velen and Maraad to look at her. Noticing this gaze, Her Majesty also realized her gaffe, she coughed, and then explained,

These two children are very famous in the Kaldorei Empire under my rule. They are Brother Stormrage, shameful betrayers and thieves!

When it came to the end, Azshara was already biting her teeth, but she explained the facts clearly, and Velen looked at Dick, and there was a hint of questioning in it. Dick nodded slightly, which meant,

Yes, Illidan Stormrage, King of Outland, and his brother Malfurion Stormrage.

The rosary in Velen's hand turned faster in vain. He began to think about the relationship between the King of Outland and this prophecy. In fact, Velen also felt absurd at this time. Is there such a relationship in the future? Even got the attention of the Mother of Holy Light?

But the pictures in front of everyone did not stop turning. It started from the birth of the Stormrage Brothers, to when they grew up with Tyrande, to when they learned druid spells with Cenarius, to when Illidan was killed by Cenarius. rebuke.

The picture stopped at this moment, and the voice of the Mother of the Holy Light sounded again,

Everything that the Son of Light and Darkness has suffered has been distorted, including the teacher's reprimand, the brother's betrayal, the lover's departure, and the misunderstanding of the world, all of which should not exist.

Dick grinned, showing a disdainful and mocking smile.

Would Illidan be who he is now if he hadn't been through all of this? Taking a step back, if Illidan's fate has not been changed, can he smoothly become the chosen one in Zela's mouth, the son of light and darkness?

Growing up is never fun! Happiness and success will never make people grow, only pain and sorrow will!

But he didn't say anything to interrupt the absurd prophecy. After all, until now, Zela's prophecy has not appeared in his shadow, so he is not in a hurry.

However, these words attracted the attention of the other three people. It seemed that with the concentration of attention, the picture in front of them quickly reversed, and it returned to the time when Sargeras's back caught something in the void. The claws are tightly fastened to an invisible and intangible existence.

Before Zela's voice came out, Dick said,

It was fate Sargeras who distorted the fate of the Child of Light and Darkness!

The voice paused for a moment, as if a little surprised by Dick's early reveal of the mystery, but soon, the gentle voice continued,

Yes, it is fate. Sargeras distorted Illidan, the fate of the chosen one! But even if he is as strong as Sargeras, he cannot violate the laws of the universe. Illidan was not destroyed, but he was Guided, led by that dark titan himself, walked on another path!

The picture suddenly changed, and everyone saw Illidan standing alone on a cliff lit by dark green flames. In front of his eyes was a giant green vortex portal. Opposite the portal was a strange star field sky. And a will of great darkness.

Illidan seemed to have reached an agreement with that will, he stretched out his hand, but the next moment, a crazy dark green fel energy surged out from the portal and hit Illidan's body, the dark green fel energy storm It enveloped and filled his body, and finally, from his beautiful and mysterious amber eyes, scorching flames that destroyed everything spewed out.

Illidan exchanged his freedom for the power of demons, but he did it not for himself, but for salvation. Unfortunately, everything he did was ruthlessly criticized and rejected. Fate should not be like this

As soon as Zela's words fell, Dick squinted at Azshara standing beside him, and then asked playfully,

Then let us see his original fate!

Zela's voice paused, and after a while, it spoke again,

as you wish!

The screen turned again, this time still starting from the birth of Brother Stormrage, but this time there was no quarrel, no criticism, no rebellion, Illidan continued to fight in Azeroth with the rhythm that a man of destiny should have. , becoming stronger step by step, and even began to change the fate of the decadent Kaldorei Empire.

He became a lord, a hero of the elves, and finally a favorite of Her Majesty the Queen.

Yes, when Azshara saw her figure appearing in the prophecy, her eyes widened suddenly, she felt that something was wrong, and the next moment, the picture changed again, and the invasion of demons still came, Even though Illidan had done so much, this fate still came as usual.

But this time, what Archimonde and Kil'jaeden are facing is the elf empire that is completely united. Azshara and all the power of her kingdom are concentrated together, and standing in front of them is Erie Dan. Illidan who has been recognized by Star Soul, Illidan with amber eyes, the leader of the world, Illidan.

But there is a slight problem with this picture. Illidan and Azshara are a little too intimate. In fact, they are holding hands.

Seeing this, the Queen of the Deep Sea's expression was already very strange, her cheeks flushed red, and then she gritted her teeth from red to blue, especially when the two lovers with amber eyes joined together to guide the star soul. After the strength defeated the attacking demon army, the two embraced passionately and kissed deeply.



Azshara, who could no longer bear this kind of humiliation, stretched her left hand forward, and the tidal scepter surging with the power of the sea appeared in her hand. In an instant, the entire Seat of Naaru began to shake, and Zela Maybe it is also very powerful, but now it is just the core of its naaru body, and it doesn't have much self-protection power. Under the raging magic power of Azshara, the picture began to distort, turmoil, and finally was torn apart. The dark rift, and back into the scene where the Seat of the Naaru is shrouded in light.

Nonsense! Absurd! Damn it! Absurd! It's an insult to me!

Under Azshara's extreme anger, her long silver hair in human form fluttered outwards. In the midst of the extremely inflated magic power riot, her body also began to change in the direction of Naga, and endless magic power roared in her Circles of halos visible to the naked eye formed around her body, and she looked angrily at everyone in front of her.

But this anger was subdued and forcibly subdued when Dick's palm was pressed against her shoulder.

At that moment, an irresistible authority cut her off from her own power, her connection with the power of the world, making her feel that she has changed from a queen of the deep sea who is so powerful that she can set off endless waves, to a powerless Powerful ordinary girl.

Okay. It's just fate it said, and it didn't happen, did it?

Dick's voice came from behind her. At this time, the paladin saw Azshara's angry look as he wished, and he was no longer ready to return fate with this person who believed in fate too much. The Mother of the Holy Light is no longer hypocritical.

He passed Azshara and looked at Velen with a gloomy face. Obviously, the old prophet was angry because the queen interrupted the prophecy, but Dick stood in front of Azshara and asked him in a deep voice.

Veren, my fellow traveler, with your accumulated wisdom of 2W5 millennia, do you really believe that a mere chosen one can change the world and end the Burning Legion? Have you seen how powerful they are? Powerful. Do you really think that is a problem that can be solved by one person?

Velen's expression slowly changed, and after a few minutes, he breathed a sigh of relief,

But after all, that prophecy comes from the Mother of Light, and it is said that her understanding of fate is second to none.

Enough! Velen!

Dick's voice suddenly raised several degrees, You are also a prophet, and you can also spy on fate, but can you guarantee that the future you see every time is correct?

Nozdormu, the bronze dragon king who controls all time domains, has already admitted that the fate of this world has already been included in a kind of precious chaos. We may be destroyed or survive, but it depends on ourselves, Not some fate!

Dick looked at the prophet whose face changed dramatically,

My existence proves this! There are no chosen people, children of light and darkness, you have to understand, Velen, you have to understand, we have to rely on ourselves! Instead of succumbing to fate!

Velen wanted to say something else, but Dick passed him and turned his gaze to the Heart of Light. Although the prophecy was interrupted, Zela's will still remained on that crystal. Everyone knew this, Di Ke K asked in a low voice,

Zera, you have crossed tens of millions of worlds, and you came to Azeroth at this time. You said that you brought a prophecy of destiny that can save the world, so please tell me, in your prophecy, what is the void? Position? After Illidan, the son of light and darkness, led us to defeat the legion, how should we deal with the void?

Zela was silent for a long time, and after a while, it spoke again,

Sargeras and the Burning Legion are the most urgent. That is a long sword hanging over the worlds, destroying you and me, or destroying everything.

Dick snorted noncommittally, then he turned his gaze to the prophet again,

Veren. You have personally experienced the power of the minions of the void. You know what those things represent. This universe has never been just us and the Burning Legion. The third party has always existed, but in this prophecy, I can't see any About the trace of the third party, so, are you still willing to believe it?

The old prophet took a deep breath, and the rosary in his hand represented his rapidly changing emotions. At this moment, in Dick's spiritual world, the will from Ulduar roared, and Mimiron's sharp voice The voice kept ringing in Dick's ears,

Report! World infiltration detected! Coordinates Sea of ​​Misty, Mysterious Blue Island! The infiltration is about to be completed! The target has been locked! Do you want to attack?

Dick's gaze became playful at this moment, and he stretched out his hand towards Velen,

My friend, if you don't have an answer, just put it on hold and come with me to meet one of your old friends.


Old Velen frowned,

I don't remember, in this world, I have any old friends.

no no no

Dick waved his fingers, It's not here, it's outside the world, in the star field. By the way, Mr. Maraad will go with him.

Immediately afterwards, the World Manager issued an order in his mind,

Order! The Second Fleet is attacking! Keep the infiltrators out of the star field, and I will not allow any damned guy to step into this world, even a single step!

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