Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 65 35. The Prince and the Prisoner

Sunsail Port, the only large port on the land of the High Elf Empire, where Quel'Thalas spent nearly 1,000 years building the Sunsail Fleet is moored here. This fleet has only 42 large and small ships. It is far inferior to the Kul Tiras Armada that traverses the sea, and even the number of standing ships in Lordaeron is not as high as it.

But this is the second largest fleet in the entire Eastern Continent, because these 42 ships are all magic ships. This is something that even Kul Tiras, the most powerful country on the sea, cannot do.

But now, this fleet, which was supposed to cooperate with the ground troops to attack the undead at the mouth of the inland river, has stayed in Yangfan Port for a whole day. Outside the port, a long line of 17 refugees is waiting for the elves Hold on, get on board fast.

Silvermoon City has become the battleground between Quel'Thalas and the demon legion. Even the most stubborn people have no choice but to leave their homeland under such intense battles.

They will be sent to Southsea Town, landed in Hillsbrad Hills, scattered to Tarren Mill and Arathi Highlands, and a small number of young people with certain combat effectiveness will be sent to the East Dalomere area, Temporarily join the Knights of the Silver Hand and hone your martial skills on the battlefield of West Dallonmere.

When the Sunstrider royal family launches a counterattack, they can enter the Land of Ghosts through the elf gate in Stratholme, and cooperate with the royal family to clean up the flooded undead.

This is a large transfer of 700,000 people. Even if the extremely fast Sunsail Fleet is operating at full capacity, it will take at least 15 days to transport all the people. After sending to the controller of Kul Tiras, Admiral Dailin Proudmoore, the wise general who once fought against the orcs with the high elves, has written back, saying that the fourth fleet of Kul Tiras will set off immediately, Arrive at Sunsail Port 4 days later to assist the transfer of high elf civilians.

This is definitely the best news Prince Kael'thas has heard in the past few days!

It has been 3 full days since Darkan detonated the demon portal. Under the infiltration of more and more demons, a quarter of the surface of Silvermoon City has been declared fallen. With the prevention, the demons still have no way to open the space channel directly to the Sunwell, so they can only use the most primitive method to attack the Sunwell bit by bit.

On the southern front of Quel'Thalas, the war against the undead has not stopped, but with the presence of the red dragon mage Krasus, the threat of the undead and the casualties of soldiers have been reduced to an acceptable level.

But this is not enough to satisfy Kael'thas. The Sunstrider is now fighting on two fronts. His Royal Highness knows very well that Silvermoon City's barely maintained is based on the fact that the elf mages spared no effort to stop them by destroying the city. The devil is on the basis of advancing, but the energy of the mages is limited, so he must find an appropriate way before the mages collapse.

His Royal Highness looked away from the sad-faced civilians who were waiting to board the ship. He turned around. His fiery red robes outlined a floating shadow in the wind. Kael'thas stretched out his hand, With a light swipe, a silver-white portal appeared in front of him. His Royal Highness hesitated for a while, and finally stepped into the portal.

Mana cage, this is the cage used by high elves to imprison dangerous people. It is different from ordinary prisons. There are no walls in the cage that hinder escape or leave. It is composed of pure white spheres one after another. A special place of confinement, the inside of the sphere is a magic-forbidden space, without any magic elements.

There are four huge electrodes standing in the four directions of the southeast, northwest, and the blue electric light is wound on the electrodes, and finally flows into the surface of the sphere. The prisoners imprisoned in the sphere, as long as they touch the surface of the sphere, they will receive a strong current. Stimulation, it's almost painful.

However, the elves designed this kind of torture at the beginning, and the symbolic meaning was far greater than the practical significance. Before Dick settled in, there were less than 20 prisoners in this prison with an area the size of three football fields. The number of all inmates from many years ago until now.

The imprisoned paladin was stripped of all armor and defenses, wearing only a thin shirt, and sitting in the center of the mana cage. The elves were polite to the paladin who had helped them. There was a set in the mana cage Simple tables and chairs. ,

When the silver portal of Kael'thas was lit up in the prison, Dick was leaning on a chair with his eyes closed and a pipe in his mouth. His Royal Highness walked out of the portal and saw that Dick was not Chic back.

Knight Dick... On behalf of my father, I want to say sorry to you.

Kael'thas waved a large sound-proof barrier, pondered for a moment, and said, Quel'Thalas shouldn't treat a warrior who helped us in this way.

Although you are apologizing...but I know, you still won't let me out, right? Your Highness Kael'thas.

Dick didn't look back. After Kael'thas apologized, his lazy voice came out, and at the same time, there was a pungent white smoke. It was a bit blurry, but since he lowered his head, he couldn't see his specific expression.

Facing Dick's questioning, Kael'thas fell silent. After more than ten seconds, the handsome elf prince spoke again,

Yes, Mr. Dick, some of your thoughts... are too dangerous for the Sunstrider, so I can't let you out until this war is over.

Hearing Kael'thas' explanation, Dick shook his head, his lazy voice turned into a faint sarcasm,

The end of the war? With the wisdom of His Highness, do you really have hope for this war? Darkan tied the space rift and the defensive rune together. If you want to end the demon's attack, you have to destroy the defensive rune. , but you just can’t do that, once Alsace’s undead army is fully suppressed, even Krasus will not be able to protect the stability of the front line.”

The paladin stood up from the chair. He turned his head and raised his unshaven face. His squinted eyes were full of sharp light. He looked at Kael'thas with a dangerous smile on his lips.

Kael'thas, do you know? From my point of view, you and your country are just rats stuffed into a bellows. You can't move forward, you can't retreat. You want to keep the sunwell and the country. You I want too much, but what you can exchange is too little, if I'm not wrong, the situation in Silvermoon City is already very difficult to hold on to, right?

Kael'thas ignored Dick's impolite words. He leaned on the Quel'Thalas golden staff with both hands, and looked at Dick with a strange look. After a full minute, His Royal Highness made a sound. Long sigh. don't understand the significance of the Sunwell to the high elves at all. Why don't my father and I know that destroying the Sunwell can restore the current bad situation to the previous state, but this Quel'Thalas After the foundation of our country is destroyed, the entire high elves will not be far from collapse.

But Kael'thas' heartfelt words didn't move Dick, nor did he arouse even the slightest bit of curiosity. He showed an exaggerated smile towards His Royal Highness, cleared his throat, and whispered.

The foundation of the Sunwell is the first generation ancestor of the Sunstrider 7,000 years ago, the high-level elf lord Dath'Remar who experienced the battle of the ancients - the eternal well water that the Sunstrider secretly brought out from the Elven Empire. The most original treasure in the world of Azeroth, from the moment it falls into the Sunwell, is constantly exuding pure energy. Quel'Thalas is called the kingdom of magic because of this pure energy reason for existence.

But the Well of the Sun is not a complete Well of Eternity after all. The energy it emits is very simple, and its manifestation is magic power. The concentration of magic elements in the entire Quel'Thalas is higher than that in other parts of the world. In the first 1000 years, this kind of magic protected you to live here, but in the next 5000 years, all the high elves lived in such an environment with such a high concentration of magic, your body has been changed by this magic Already!

Your Highness, you said that I don't understand the significance of the Sunwell to the high elves... You are wrong! I know better than you what the impact on your life will be after the Sunwell is destroyed. The high elves rarely travel and live , because you can no longer tolerate the barren concentration of elements in the outside world, you are like addicts who take blood thorn (a drug from Azeroth), if you lose the energy of the Sunwell from now on, your body and mind will collapse , become a desperate, magic-seeking walking dead.

Dick's face was raised again, a strange brilliance bloomed on his face, he tilted his head to look at Kael'thas,

So, am I right? Your Royal Highness!

Kael'thas subconsciously took two steps back. For the first time, an unbelievably terrified expression appeared on his unparalleled handsome, refined and reserved face. He pointed at Dick, his arms trembling, but he couldn't say a word.

What Dick said is a secret known only to the Sunstrider royal family and a very small number of archmages who have studied energy in the entire Quel'Thalas. It can be said that this secret has already become the political circle of Quel'Thalas. Underneath, the biggest secret is buried.

You... who the hell are you!

Kael'thas took two deep breaths to calm himself down. He looked at Dick with vigilance in his eyes, It's impossible for an ordinary paladin to know this! Who are you! You and Nordrassil What does the Kaldorei have to do with it!

I have nothing to do with them.

Dick shrugged, and pointed to the pure white sphere outside his body to Kael'thas.

I can make a suggestion to destroy the Sunwell, which means that I naturally have a way to solve the high elves' addiction, but you know, your father can't make up his mind at all, so tell me, Prince Kael'thas, what can you do for me? How far will you go to protect your people?


When Dick said that he had a solution, Kael'thas immediately took two steps forward and put his hands on the surface of the mana cage. The light blue lightning wrapped around his palms in an instant, but he was caught Blocked by a thin layer of mana enchantment, there is no way to hurt Kael'thas.

His Royal Highness looked at Dick, the expression on his handsome face changed drastically, and finally he took off his prince's seal from his waist, and stuck it on the console next to the mana cage, and the pure white mana barrier came down , between Dick and Kael'thas, there is no shelter.

You said you have a way to solve the symptoms of magic addiction? If you really have a way, then I will accompany you crazy!

Dick put his left hand on his unshaven chin, stroked it, and grinned.

make a deal!

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