Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 652 8. Beyond the Sacred

Dick watched as Velen went mad.

He watched the dagger in Lakish's hand piercing Velen's body time and time again. He was not unable to stop it, but he had to respect Velen's will.

This is more like a redemption.

Anwena stood on his shoulder, holding on to Dick's hair. The little light spirit's face was full of anger. She even wanted to rush out and overthrow that damned demon. His senses are very good. As an existence that can feel the inner being of creatures, in the eyes of the light spirit, Velen is a real living saint.

No exaggeration.

But just as she was about to rush out, Dick forcibly stopped her.

Don't go. It's Velen's choice.

But he's going to die!

He's atoning. We don't have the right to interrupt a father-son conversation.

Dick turned around and stopped watching the tragedy of human relations between father and son. He could somewhat understand the torment in Velen's heart.

When fleeing from Argus, those people gave the prophet the greatest trust, and even entrusted his life and future to him. This old man who has served the Holy Light all his life will not live up to this trust, he can't even Showed a trace of cowardice.

Dick believed that Velen must have waited until the last moment on the highest mountain when Stormkeep escaped from Argus. He was waiting for his son and his wife, but until the call of the naaru and the people Sounded, he couldn't get it.

2W5 millennium. The whole 2W5 millennium of regret and pain, Dick could not imagine that if it was him, after losing Jaina, Liadrin, and Anveena, 2W5 millennium he would be turned into a The madman who destroyed the world.

Like old Buckhelm who once lost his son.

I would rather destroy it than live in this cold world.

The scariest thing about chagrin and despair is that they don't dissipate over time, they just become clearer with time, and then become a kind of anger that can't be dispelled, anger at the cruelty of others, anger at your own incompetence , this kind of anger is the toxin flowing in the blood vessels, which precipitates more and more over time, making you miserable.

That kind of pain can't be eliminated, and even one day, you will hope that your loved ones never showed up. Apart from that, nothing can relieve it. Nothing can make up for it.

This is a path that cowardly people will inevitably walk, but Velen is not 2W5. His exile for thousands of years has made him never forget all this, and never escape from it all. He is always facing his own annoyance and despair.

Like a balance, carrying the expectations and beliefs of the people, as well as his own despair and pain, he used this double pressure to force himself to wake up until today.

The Draenei have found a place to stand in Azeroth, and have regained their new home. The pressure he carried was shattered, and then he met his son, the carrier of frustration and despair, so 2W5 Millennium Everything collapsed at this moment.

Velen only wanted a kind of atonement, he was too tired, if this atonement was done by his own son, it would be great.

And that in itself is a silent prayer.

Dick knew that old Velen was begging him to spare his son, the eredar who had been infected with fel.

He knew that Dick was abiding by the balance, so let's trade one life for another.

Seeing Velen lying in a pool of blood, Dick's expression was extremely gloomy, but in the end, he let out a long sigh of relief.

The world cannot afford the loss of a demigod of the Light, but if that is the will of Velen, then even he cannot stop it.

Who but violence can stop a demigod?

Anwena had already turned her head away, unwilling to watch this cruel scene again, while the paladin stayed in place for 3 minutes, silent, like mourning, or saying goodbye, then he turned around and strode away.


Lakish's voice mixed with anger, cruelty, and despair sounded behind Dick, and the paladin's footsteps slowed down a bit.

How can you just die like this! How can you be so weak! Stand up, stand up and hit me! Stand up and kill me! I don't want this kind of mercy, I don't need this kind of atonement, you stand up! Stand up!

The seriously injured eredar knelt on the ground, grabbed Velen's shoulders with both hands, and shook vigorously, but no matter how much he roared and screamed, this body that had lost its life and existence could no longer respond to him.

That voice turned from anger to sadness, from sadness to despair, until finally, the last trace of cruelty and ferocity in that voice dissipated invisible.

Don't stand up, no! What did I do. No, it's not like this, it's not like this, you stand up, please, please stand up.

No, please father, please! Stand up.

Lakish's body curled up on the ground. This eredar demon no longer had the madness and anger he had before. In a sense, he had completed his own revenge and Kil'jaeden's evil plan by himself, but until The moment Velen fell, he suddenly realized what the old man beside him meant to him.

He had lost his mother, lost his hope, lost his form, lost everything, and now the madness of losing it all and that malevolent voice drove him to destroy with his own hands what was left of him.

His father, his only remaining hope.

He lost him. Kil'jaeden was angry at Velen's betrayal of him and Argus. He wanted to respond to this betrayal in the craziest way. The father and son wanted to kill him. This is Kil'jaeden Carefully prepared a revenge in 2000 years.

Whether Lakish died at the hands of Velen, or Velen died at the hands of Lakish, or even both died, could there be a better way to torture the betrayer than this?

Kil'jaeden's gaze stayed on Lakish's body all the time. After seeing this little pawn crazily killing Velen in an extraordinary way, he saw Velen's sad and hopeless look before he died. Eyes, the fraudster, who is far away from countless worlds, smiled contentedly.

Although until the last moment, the guy who betrayed everyone still had the kind of compassionate relief on his face, which made people uncomfortable, but this revenge drama has already satisfied Kil'jaeden's 2W5 millennium hatred, and he is satisfied. Withdrawing his gaze, the distance is too far, and Dick is watching, even the big devil needs to be careful when doing all this.

And also lost such a handy lieutenant of carnage and intrigue as the eredar twins, but it doesn't matter.

Velen was dead, and that was enough.


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded behind Dick. The paladin turned around and saw Lakish kneeling behind him. This eredar demon was seriously injured. Shocking blood, Dick looked at Lakish kneeling there, he asked indifferently,

You killed your father, you fulfilled Kil'jaeden's will, he would be proud of you, but when your father was dying, he still had a benevolent atonement, he even asked me to let you go he's a total idiot but i respect a idiot like that, he's my friend, my brother, my traveler and i'm furious right now. so fuck off don't let me see you again !

No no, kill me and save him!

Lakish buried his head low, I know, I know you can do it and Kil'jaeden is afraid of you, I know you can do it. Please, save him! Take my life Okay, take everything from me, save him, save my father.

I can not do it!

Dick closed his eyes, I can't do it! Your life is not as valuable as you think, I can't do it!

As soon as this sentence was finished, the paladin's ears hurt. He turned his head and saw An Weina with her arms crossed, looking at him angrily.

Save him! I order you! Save him!

The lack of cooperation of the little light spirit caused the indifferent aura created by Dick to completely collapse at this moment. The paladin smiled wryly. He touched Anwena's head, then looked up, his face was full of Hopeful Rakish, his expression became indifferent again.

Okay, I can save him, but Lakish, you have to think carefully, your life is mine now!

I am willing to give everything I have! As long as you can save him, I am willing to give everything I can, whether it is life or soul!

Rakish's head touched the ground sincerely, and for a moment he was like a self-sacrificing saint.

Old Velen's redemption is the power of humanity, the power of family affection, it's really true

Dick shook his head. He flicked his gauntlets, then walked past Lakish towards Velen's bloody body.

The deepest hatred is the deepest love, girl, let's start.

Dick muttered, when he took the first step, silver sparks flowed across the surface of his body, in the second step, silver flames enveloped his body, and in the third step, all the flames completely disappeared at this moment.

The Angel of Order appeared in this dark cabin.

The moment he appeared, Lakish couldn't help but groaned. For a twisted creature like him, just touching the light emitted by this creature was enough to burn him, not only the appearance, but also So inner, you can't even look him in the eye.

This burning pain is the display of majesty.

The angel of order raised his head, and there was darkness under the hood. He strode towards Velen, leaving silver footprints on the ground he walked on. In this evil place of demons, even walking will leave light Mark of.

Veren. Stand up, your mission has not been completed, the Holy Light still needs you to move on. Stand up and raise the banners of Argus and Draenei again. Your people need you to stand up and stand again At the forefront of Azeroth, your world needs you to stand up and stand again within the light and justice. Your faith needs you to stand up, and then surpass your own holiness and become a legend. With order and light In the name of you. I grant you a second life, stand up. Accept this gift!

Angel of Order · Redemption!

The grand and pure holy light erupted from Dick's body at this moment, like an unstoppable wave, completely swallowing everything around him, including the starship in an instant!

It's like a round of holy light blooming in the void!

Maraad and Azshara, who had finished the battle, looked there at the same time. The eredar twins, who were imprisoned by chains, also retreated in horror, trying to stay away from the light that made them panic.

Ahem. I heard the holy light.

The old prophet, whose body was floating in the pure holy light, opened his eyes with difficulty and weakness, It tells me that my career is unfinished, and I can't leave yet.

So you're back, old man. You're welcome back.

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