Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 688 44. The Disastrous Day of the Krokuhn Defense Line

The battle for Mac'Aree is intense.

Dick frowned and watched the news sent back by Uther. He really couldn't be happy, even though Hasabel, the portal guardian of the Burning Legion, had been killed in the first battle, but Kil'jaeden In this raid, he showed unparalleled wisdom and determination.

One-third of the elite demons in the Antoran wasteland, led by the Argus War Council, broke through the first line of defense arranged by Uther three hours after the Mac'Aree ruins fell under the control of the undead. The demons brought siege weapons, and they plowed the ruins of Mac'Aree from top to bottom with dark green cannon fire that almost covered the sky.

Uther, who lacked offensive and defensive weapons at hand, could only retreat to a safe area with the most elite undead in the face of such an all-out blow, and let the awakened undead fight to the death with those demons, and was finally defeated by the War Council. Command the demon legion to defeat.

It's normal for them to lose.

There was also some regret on Velen's face. He moved the black gem rosary in his hand and replied, The Council of War, that was originally the wisest eredar of the Argus ruling group. After they embraced the darkness, they will Their wisdom is transformed into the war wisdom of wielding destruction and advancing forward, and they are almost the most war-fighting group in the entire Argus.

Uther didn't complain about losing. But on Mac'Aree, the Legion of the Holy Light finally chose to join the battle. With their help, at least Uther would not be wiped out. We need him to help us share the pressure in Mac'Aree.

Dick put down the message in his hand, and he raised his head to look at the scarred second line of defense, the Krokuun Wall. In the past few days, Kil'jaeden had personally led the demons to launch a charge. One time the demon even boarded the defense tower of Krokuun's Wall. If Odin and Dick hadn't shot together at the last moment to expel Kil'jaeden from the line of defense, I'm afraid that day, Krokuun's The wall is about to fall.

The Iron Soldiers in Dick's hands were exhausted 10 days ago, and that battle caused Valagar's Heroic Spirits to lose almost 30%. That battle lasted for 3 days and 2 nights, almost the most intense since landing Dick's battle armor was almost completely stained red in that battle, and even he had to start hand-to-hand combat. One can imagine how bad the situation was at that time.

But after the war, the number of demons in the Krokuun area hardly decreased, how many did the expeditionary army kill? Thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands? These numbers are meaningless to the demons of Argus. If it weren't for the fact that the earth spirits seized all the time to strengthen the city walls, and the terrain of the Krokuen area made it impossible to enter too many demons at once, even with Dick and Or Ding, this line of defense has long since fallen.

After the war, faced with a serious shortage of manpower, Hatton and Velen had to dispatch nearly 3,000 young warriors from the Krokuun tribe into the Wall of Krokuun to participate in the defense.

But everyone knows they won't last long.

Facing the failure on both sides, Kil'jaeden is likely to desperately order starships to carry out bombardment. In fact, in recent days, assault starships have entered the Krokuun area for reconnaissance. When everyone in the war zone passed over their heads, the heavy pressure would be even heavier. However, after two ships were destroyed by Odin, this kind of unscrupulous reconnaissance operation was also much more cautious.

This is a demonstration in Kil'jaeden!

Velen knew, Dick knew, and Odin knew, Kil'jaeden was telling them in this way that his patience was running out, and their time was running out.

Hey, it would be great if the Sargerite Keystone could be used at any time. We don't have to worry about the supply of troops at all, but it's already the 45th day. We've overfulfilled the task, now it depends on how well they prepare .”

Dick flexed his fingers, then heaved a sigh of relief. I hope they don't disappoint us.

Then can we contact Illidan to return to Krokuun and prepare to open the gate of Sagarit?

Velen suggested, Didn't it mean that opening the portal at that energy level will exhaust the energy of the Sargerite Keystone?

Illidan brought his demon hunter troops into the Antoran wasteland more than ten days ago, and carried out sabotage and hunting operations on the land completely occupied by the Burning Legion. There has been no news of them recently. , but according to Illidan's character, this should mean that their actions went smoothly.

Dick nodded at Velen's suggestion,

He should be brought back. Senxia has also found the weakest place for the demon fleet's defense outside the Argus star field. At that time, we can open the portal directly there, and concentrate our firepower to break through the one that enters Argus. The road of the mainland, 200 vs. 90, if it is not for this battle, I really will not risk such a war.

Dick put his ebony pipe in his mouth and muttered,

Wisdom is Priceless

The mellow smell of tobacco rose, and the paladin buried his face in it. He complained to Velen, Illidan told me that he planned to snatch the Sargerite Keystone. When the war started, I thought he was crazy, but now, I am going crazy with him tens of millions of light years away from home, life is really amazing.

It can only be said that fate favors the brave.

Velen closed his eyes, and began to contact Illidan, who was far away, through a spiritual link. While immersed in the interaction of thoughts, he said, I never thought that one day, I would use this kind of Way to return to Argus, but Dick I think Kil'jaeden has already guessed our purpose, he probably already knew the war that will happen in the future, he transferred some demons back to the Antoran wasteland a few days ago, I don't think that was Illidan's trouble for them.

He is dispatching troops and preparing for a surprise attack. Obviously, he is preparing for a war.

Then let him come.

Dick opened his left hand, his fingers shook slightly, very weakly, as if carrying some kind of weight, There are protoss in this world, there is no doubt, Argus Velen, if one day I need to destroy this World, will you hate me?

The Prophet didn't answer right away, he ended his spiritual connection with Illidan, moved the rosary in his hand, and after a few minutes, he said,

Argus is like a warrior. It has been destroyed before, and now it has become the form it never wants to be. Compared to living like this, I think it may want another ending, so, I won't.


Before Velen finished speaking, the eyes of the two became serious at the same time, and then turned to the sky, where a crimson light fell from the sky, like a scorching meteorite falling from the sky, or a crimson, burning flame. storm, its fall

Wall of Krokuun! Damn it!

Dick roared, and his figure disappeared instantly. Odin's roar also came from the sky, but at their speed, they couldn't stop the blazing light from hitting the front of the Krokuun wall. .


There was another loud bang, and the entire Krokuun Plain was shaking. The cracks on the ground started from the point of the fall, and surged in all directions, tearing everything along the way, whether it was the heroic spirits guarding the city wall, or even more. The demons in the distance, everything, was destroyed in this split.

The crack on the ground that is more than ten meters long is like the teeth of the earth. Everything falls into it, as if being swallowed. When the dust storm on the ground dissipates everything, Di, who is flying in the air, It was only then that Ke saw clearly what had fallen.

It was a steel giant, a steel giant with a height of 30 meters, wearing a winged helmet that was almost exactly the same as Odin's, but unlike Odin's bright golden color, this guy's helmet was dark red, and Odin The power that is full of majesty is different, this guy's power attribute is destruction!

A kind of destruction that is more violent than chaos, just like a Doom Soldier fished out of hell, under his fierce skin, there is that kind of blood similar to magma, that kind of light, enveloping him The light of the body that fell from the sky, the light of the burning flame.

Just like his armor, his battle robe, he is bathed in that halo of destructive power, his eyes shoot out a flame that ignites and melts everything, he raises his left hand, a black , a thick long sword inlaid with orange gemstones appeared in his hand.

It was a broken blade. At the last third of the blade, there was a severed crack. The moment the broken blade appeared, substantial flames surged out from under the ground, from In every inch of the ground, from the sky, from his shattered body, there was a crimson flame that was hot enough to melt everything.

He swung the sword, and when the broken sword reached the highest point, a dancing orange-red spark appeared on the stubble of the broken blade, and then extended rapidly, as if supplementing and reshaping, and the broken sword The first two thirds make up completely.

That is not a sharp blade in the conventional sense. On the contrary, after the flame shaping is over, the jumping blade is more like two flame barbs connected together, deflected towards the sides, and the top is a circular arc In the depression, the orange flame condensed into substance, like a real entity made of flame.

By the Titans. That's Tisharach and that's Aggramar!

Odin's exclamation came from behind Dick. The paladin was not shocked by the legendary name. He drew the long sword of order from behind his backhand, summoned all the strength in his body, and suppressed it against the storm on his fingers. In his eyes, after receiving Dick's silver-white power, this crystal, which could store a huge amount of energy, turned its surface into a brilliant white.

It was like a little sun held in Dick's palm.

Dick flexed his fingers, and at the same moment when Aggramar's blade slashed towards the wall of Crokuun, he flicked the energy ball in his hand towards Aggramar, and the silver-white energy turned into a It became a flying spear, whizzed into the air, disappeared, as if entering another dimension, and when it reappeared, it stabbed madly at the center of Aggramar's brow.

Like a deadly spear.

Aggramar obviously also felt the blow, but he didn't stop the attack in his hand because of this. The Flame Ripper in his hand was once a part of Sargeras' saber, which originated from the beginning of the universe. Half of the artifact, in the storm of flames, slashed fiercely at the front of the remaining Krokuun wall.

Boom, boom, boom

The earth is screaming, how can the broken earth block the full blow of such a god of destruction?

Even if it is only cut at one point, the entire arc-shaped wall of Krokuun is full of cracks. That is the rule of Aggramar, stability, brute force, and crushing. This road blocked the demon from falling for 45 days The line of defense is destroyed.

And Aggramar's other hand was in front of his forehead, allowing the energy spear thrown by Dick to hit his reshaped dark body, causing a series of sparks, and finally piercing his palm, but Couldn't go any further.


Amidst the dust, the roaring demons moved towards the depths of Krokuun like a tidal wave. There, only a Valagar floating in the sky and a smaller barrier remained. The decisive battle is here In such an abrupt situation, the curtain opened.

Happy birthday to Brother Nimade~ I originally planned to add an update. But, I really can’t write it. . . SORRY, let me sing a happy birthday song for you~Happy birthday to you~Happy birthday to you~Happy birthday to you~Happy birthday to you~~ Blessings are like flowing water in the East China Sea, longevity is not as old as Nanshan~!

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