Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 691 47. Containment-Wake Up

What happened to Crokuhn has nothing to do with Dick for the time being.

He is also well aware of how many mana bombs Hatton, who finally untied his knot, buried in the rock formations underground in Krokuun in the past 40 days or so. Those are the magicians of the entire Quel'Thalas and Dalaran. We have been busy for nearly 1 year with all the results.

If it was in Azeroth and Draenor, no one would be crazy to use such crazy tactics, but in Argus, where there is no hope, even Hatton himself doesn't care, he is They are willing to die in their own world, willing to give everything for their own world, but Hatton knows very well in his heart that with their current strength, there is no way to talk about fighting against demons, nor can they talk about transforming Argus.

Argus has been completely hollowed out. The only thing they can do is to let this world die with dignity, and send them to the final hell along with those blood-sucking dregs lying on the world of Argus.

The use mechanism of the Sargerite Keystone is quite strict. This space artifact held by Sargeras for countless years relies on internal energy to tear apart space barriers, constructing a system similar to node wormholes. Quick transfer between various demon planets.

But as long as there is energy, there are limits!

The keystone can't escape this limitation, the energy it can throw at one time is limited, in the past few years, Illidan has figured out the maximum output of this limitation, and it can even pull over the limit without loss. A planet, but that would be equivalent to treating the reusable keystone as a one-time consumable.

It is impossible for Dick and Illidan to do that kind of thing, so the reason for building four fleets with a total of 150,000 soldiers is also here. With this number, the activation of the keystone can ensure that when the energy is exhausted, Open two portals in a short period of time, one for attack and one for retreat.

To achieve this goal, they must reduce the number of times the keystone is used as much as possible. This artifact can be recharged automatically when placed in the void, but the speed is very slow, and it takes 30 days to fully recharge.

And as with any teleportation spell, the rule of thumb is that the higher the level of the creature and item being transferred, the more power it consumes.

Aggramar is undoubtedly the most advanced kind in the universe, so just the three of Dick, Odin, and Illidan, plus Aggramar's instant teleportation, let the Sagarite Keystone in Illidan's hand The energy was instantly reduced by one-third.

It is comparable to the consumption of a large star field war.

And the portal experience of the Sagerite Keystone is definitely not good. After all, this thing is a strategic space item for the Legion, so don’t expect it to be comfortable. Dick of Stone Gate felt as if he was thrown into a vortex that was spinning wildly. In just a few seconds, he was swung by this vortex thousands of times.

Even with his current physical fitness, he was still a little dizzy, but the moment he was thrown out by the portal, Dick's body ignited a silver flame, and flew far away in the void, followed by Tisharache's slash, wherever the flaming long sword went, everything turned into nothingness, a broken and ignited nothingness.

Aggramar replied faster than the rest of them. He just fainted, and saw himself appearing in a completely strange star field, no, not completely strange.

Aggramar seemed to remember this place, the position of this group of stars, this unique rotation that seemed to contain a certain rhythm, and the veil of stars that faintly formed a special magic circle.

He has been here! At some point in the distant memory of the past, he had been here! And he couldn't feel the voice from Argus, which meant that it was very, very far away from Argus.

The Fallen Titan felt something was wrong. The three guys tried their best to send him here. It was definitely not just a random dance after panic. One point, they had premeditated!

This is... where is this! Where did you bring me! Ants!

Aggramar's huge body seemed to be solid in the void, he strode forward, he didn't care about the distance between him and his opponent, it would only be faster for a titan to advance in the void, let alone Agra For a melee Titan like Ma, he waved Tisharache in his hand, bringing out a bright fire snake in the void.

Dick's toes were pointing to a huge stone floating in the void, and his whole body was moving towards a farther place at high speed. The next second, the stone was chopped into pieces by a long sword as hot as the sun, and the fallen titan recognized He saw the silver light dancing among the stars, and he seemed crazy.

Elune! Iona! He's coming! Get ready!

Dick's figure dodged Aggramar's slash time and time again. Tisracher in the hands of the fallen titan was amazingly powerful. Dick saw that energy sword cutting into distant planets more than once, and the surface of those uninhabited planets would be shattered. A burning crack appeared.

Maybe he is not as strong as Sargeras, but as long as Aggramar is given enough time to charge up, he can do such horrible things. The body of the dark titan gave Aggramar A new existence, but that sword. Dick could feel, from several collisions, that the sword was resisting such Aggramar.

The Dark Titan pulled Aggramar's will into the darkness, turning him into an existence like him, and Tisharach itself was a broken sword that refused to fall into the darkness with Sargeras, it was impossible Submit to Aggramar again. If the Fallen Titan changes to a different weapon, it will definitely be more difficult to deal with than it is now.

Not only did he have to fight against the shooting attacks of Dick, Odin and Illidan, but he also had to fight against the long sword in his hand, which seriously weakened his combat effectiveness. More importantly, after Dick called, the stars In the meantime, two figures with starry sky also slowly walked out of the void.

Yes, with the help of the Sargerite Keystone, Dick teleported Aggramar directly beyond the planet Azeroth!

This is a very risky move. Once they can't suppress Aggramar, this fallen titan will destroy Azeroth. This is the ultimate goal that Sargeras most wants to achieve. Aggramar is only one step away from the victory of darkness. There is one last step left.

But with the terrifying combination of three and a half gods and two protoss, can Aggramar do it?

The energy standard of the Wall of Stars is two-thirds of the power under Aman'Thul. Since Aggramar can be placed in this star field, it means that the current strength of the Vengeful Titan has not reached its original peak at all. Great chance!

Odin held the Judgment Spear with both hands, and fought heartily among the stars, especially when facing the former Vengeful Titan, Odin felt the kind of cheers from the deepest part of his heart. want! Real fight!

Agramar, wake up, look at the justice and hope that exist in this star field! Wake up!


The silver-white scorching gun shadow passed through the dark void and hit the back of Aggramar's chasing Dick. After leaving the Argus star field, Aggramar's defense power was also reduced a lot. This gun pierced through a A bloody wound, but what gushes out from the wound is scorching hot magma.

Drizzle wantonly in the void, cool down, and appear unusually dazzling in the light of the stars.

Here... is Azeroth. Destruction!. No. Can't leave! Stay away from me!

Aggramar frantically swung the long sword in his hand, and the flame storm almost converged into a star.

He's still struggling!

After Iona returned to Azeroth, with the help of the existence of the planet, she has recovered some strength. The crescent quartz staff in the creator's hand lightly waved, and sprinkled the light green halo of life on Aggramar's body. Physically, but the healing energy and the physical contact of the fallen titan erupted with sparks.

His body has been given darker properties, but his soul is still struggling! Those voices are haunting him!

Elune's starlight projection opened her hands, driven by the changes in the void caused by the revived protoss. In this dead void, a round of bright moon appeared on the dark sky, and the moonlight swayed like a beam of light Generally, it shone fiercely on Aggramar's body, like chains, tied outside his roaring body.

His body and his soul are separate. They have never merged, and Aggramar is still fighting hard, even though his soul has been soaked in darkness.

Elune's voice sounded in the void, Everyone, imprison the body of the Vengeful Titan! Dick, enter his soul! Go and help him cut off those voices, don't let them interfere with Aggramar's thinking, cut off It...wake him up, let's talk to him!

Can't we just kill him?

Illidan tore a scorching and terrifying wound outside Aggramar's body with his eyes, and he shouted, God of the Moon, we can destroy his body directly, as long as he cuts off his connection with Argus , we can do it!

No! We can't do it!

At the moment when Aggramar's body was bound by the moon beam, Dick's figure appeared beside Illidan, The spirit of the Titan is not so easy to destroy, it may be possible to destroy his body, but don't forget, the ruler of this body The one with the dark body is a protoss who fell into the darkness, and Velen’s life or death in Argus is uncertain, whether it is killing or sealing, the voice of darkness in Aggramar’s heart must be cut off first.”

Elune's moonlight became brighter and brighter, and at the last moment, her starlight projection had disappeared, leaving only a full moon hanging horizontally in the dark and cold void.

Let go of me! Let go of me! Get away from me! Go away!

Aggramar's body jumped rapidly in the void. He wanted to break free from the moonlight, but every impact could only make the moonlight disappear temporarily. The body illuminated by the moonlight seemed to be submerged in water. He didn't like the feeling of not being able to move freely, but after Iona's pale green life energy also seeped into the moonlight, the feeling became heavier.

The spirit of civilization, the spirit of vengeance, the spirit of the universe. Wake up! Wake up!

The two protoss are using their own rules to bind Aggramar, but judging from the state that the revenge titan can still move freely, he still has the power to fight back!

Attack it!

Elune's voice sounded in the hearts of the three, Sargeras reshaped the body of a titan for him. This body is not only aiding, but also imprisoning. It is imprisoning the soul of Aggramar. Break it! Let our strength Penetrating this dark body, Aggramar still struggles! We can feel it!

The three of them looked at each other, the order of the Protoss, and the restraint of the two Titan Spirits,


Swish Swish Swish

The silver-white Thunder Spear, the golden Judgment Spear, and the dark green Moonblade, the three forces exploded outside Aggramar's body that seemed to have fallen into the water, leaving a trail on his dark titan's body. The scars of the bones can be seen deep in the road.

The magma-like blood burst out, like the crimson sunlight bursting in the void. It was the blood of a Titan. After falling into the darkness, this originally noble creature also became depraved. This blood that burned everything is The best proof of this depravity.

After leaving Argus, Aggramar's defense dropped too much. Under the dual containment of Elune and Iona, Aggramar's counterattack seemed extremely slow, more like a state of being unable to counterattack. Go down, there is hope!

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