Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 702 58. Archimonde's

The fall of Antorus Flame Throne was expected. Now that most of the high-level demons have been captured and killed, the demons still have an advantage in numbers, but this advantage can no longer be won for them A future that can see victory.

It's like a snake whose head has been beheaded. Even though there is still enough deadly venom in its body, it can no longer threaten pedestrians coming and going.

It is worth mentioning that the War Council, which was still stubborn in the end, really fought to the last moment. Two of the three died in battle. The last female eredar demon was surrounded by hundreds of steel soldiers. When he was about to commit suicide, he was captured by the king of Outland who broke into the battlefield. Illidan also expected to get more information about the Burning Legion from her mouth.

Although the victory of Argus is gratifying and a glorious victory enough to be recorded in history, it is not enough to satisfy the appetite of the demon hunter. He has seen the true strength of the Burning Legion, and he will only regard the fall of Argus as a A staged summary, as a kind of encouragement, and then continue to fight until he really sees the dawn he wants.

Illidan didn't care about the future that Dick imagined, but he also felt that the future was good, but he was not a character who would be immersed in illusory plans after all, so before the Argus strategy was over, he had already Start thinking about a new war.

The Sargerit Key had proved its worth, and Illidan was now overjoyed to have the artifact in his possession.

It takes about 7 days to recharge, and the keystone can recover one-third of the energy.

Illidan in night elf form sat across from Dick and said to him, You can teleport back part of the fleet first, and then wait for the next teleportation cycle, or wait for about 20 days, and then you can teleport everyone here at once. go back.

Dick was smoking a pipe. He was thinking about the pros and cons of the two methods. Aggramar had warned him before he passed away that Sargeras was coming to Argus. The ability to fight against the dark titan, Aggramar can see the horror of a complete titan, not to mention that Sargeras is famous for being able to fight both before and after his fall.

Once he arrives, everything about Argus will inevitably be abandoned. It is even a question of whether this planet, which represents failure, can be kept. Therefore, in Dick's mind, it is best to solve the problem in the shortest time. of.

However, he does not need to say much about the importance of the Sagrid Keystone. Originally, when the energy was sufficient, two teleportations were completely possible, but after forcing Aggramar to the Azeroth Starfield, this There's not enough energy to open the large portal, they'll have to wait!

And wait, there is a risk!


Dick opened his mouth and exhaled a puff of smoke. He buried his face in the mellow tobacco aroma, his voice was low and hoarse, Illidan, Aggramar told me that Sargeras is on his way to Agu Si, that is to say, if we are unlucky, it is very likely that we will face the Dark Titan in the next moment, do you think we have the ability to face his wrath?

What! Sargeras!

Illidan sat upright suddenly. Unlike others, this demon hunter had direct communication with Sargeras ten thousand years ago, and he also knew about Zela's prophecy. The Dark Titan who took his eyes and gave him demon powers twisted his fate. Therefore, Illidan is actually the one who has the deepest understanding of the power of the Dark Titan among all the creatures of Azeroth.

Fear because of understanding.

After hearing the news of Sargeras, he couldn't calm down, and he finally knew why Dick was obsessed with bringing everyone back to Draenor as quickly as possible. Okay, but in fact, it is no different from a person walking on a tightrope. Maybe the next moment, the steel wire will break, and everyone will fall into a dark bottomless abyss.

So, what do you mean

We have to prepare for the worst.

Dick took off the pipe in his hand and put it aside, When necessary, even if the Sagrid Keystone is destroyed, the fleet and everyone here must be sent back!

The Sagrid Keystone can be forcibly opened by destroying the portal. Illidan discovered this a long time ago, but knowing the current situation does not mean that Illidan will agree to do so, especially after watching After realizing the value of the keystone, the king of Outland also faced a very difficult choice.

I disagree!

Illidan's hands clenched into fists on the table, I don't agree to do this! Dick, you should have seen the value of the keystone. It will become the keystone of Azeroth before it gets the superlight engine and the ability to jump into the void. , the sharpest sword, even after the fleet has the ability to leap, it is still very valuable, this will become Azeroth's biggest hole card when fighting against the Burning Legion! We can't just be like this Give it up so easily!

Illidan's voice fell to the ground, and he and Dick were silent at the same time. After a while, Dick picked up his pipe again and asked,

Then what do you think is the real wealth? Illidan, is it the keystone in our hands, or this group of commanders and soldiers who have withstood the test of the Great Star Wars?

The Battle of Argus is destined to be the greatest battle we can encounter in the next 200 years. This group of commanders who have fully participated in the pre-war mobilization, war, and post-war disposal will inevitably become the star field of Azeroth in the future. The founders of the war, they are our hope! Not a dead thing without wisdom! I admit that the keystone is very precious, but even more precious are these people!

They will be the most precious wealth for our world to move towards the star field. If we lose them, what is the use of the keystone? Do we need to cultivate the pillars of the fleet from scratch? How long will it take? Can we How many times have you encountered opportunities like the Battle of Argus? Can you guarantee when the next big Star Wars will happen?

Dick against Illidan,

Are you going to take a group of rookies who have never actually fought on the battlefield? Can you ensure that they get a fluke victory like this time?

Illidan was speechless, Dick made a final decision, he patted Illidan on the shoulder,

Illidan, my friend, what we have lost is only a temporary advantage. What we will gain is a bright future, and if you think about it, maybe we don't need to destroy it? I just want you to do it in advance Get ready, and since it's a divine weapon, it won't be so easy to completely destroy it.

Call you bloody bastard!

Illidan cursed, Okay, okay, I admit that what you said makes sense, but you have to promise me another thing, didn't you give the Sharkan elves equal rights? It's good, let them come Go Illidari!

Dick froze for a moment, Didn't you say that they have no magic addiction and cannot become excellent demon hunters?

There was a cruel smile on the corner of Illidan's mouth,

I don't have a magic addiction, it's just that I don't have enough talent, but to become a demon hunter, you need more than just talent, 200,000 elves, can't I still choose 20,000 recruits? By the way, this time the demon soul captured by Argus, I want three One-tenth!

I'll give you half!

Dick knocked on the table, But you have to make sure you don't kill all those poor elves. I don't want to hear about the Sharkhan people talking about the Shadowmoon Valley massacre.

Well, I can't make the decision. It depends on the fate of those Sharkan elves, but don't worry, I will show mercy.

While Dick and Illidan were discussing some unharmonious things, on the edge of the Mac'Aree ruins, in a deserted place, it looked like a small cemetery that was about to be abandoned. Even the Legion of Light Didn't know there was such a building here.

But now, in this abandoned cemetery, there is a group of people who are busy with activities. They are a group of sneaky eredar, to be precise, a group of demonized guys. Such tools, like a group of grave robbers, seem to be planning to dig up this small cemetery to find something.

This kind of behavior is despised no matter in Azeroth or in Argus. Simply because this place is shrouded in darkness, not many people can find them.

Is it here? Are you sure?

A masked eredar looked left and right. He looked like a leader. To his question, another eredar dressed as a mage replied,

That's right, it's here. The map that General Jumer gave me shows this place. It is said that because a big man like him will encounter many accidents while waiting for his resurrection, he specially chose such a remote place. place to ensure the normal progress of the resurrection, but that process generally takes nearly a hundred years, and now, it is less than 10 years.

Well, if that's the case, then dig!

The leader gave an order, and the other dozen Eredar immediately started digging with the tools at hand. In order to avoid the energy fluctuations being perceived by others, they didn't even dare to use magic, and could only use the most primitive means, but fortunately After being demonized, their physical strength has also been greatly strengthened. This kind of digging does not make them feel burdened. After a few hours, the small cemetery was almost hollowed out, and then they found what they needed.

Is it this one?

A sweaty eredar held a soul stone the size of a heart in both hands, and said to the leader, We dug down 10 meters to find it!


The leader took the soul stone, made a silent gesture to Eredar next to him, and then put his finger on the surface of the soul stone, urging the magic power in his body to let his will seep into it, just 1 second Afterwards, a terrifying roar resounded in his heart, causing blood to appear at the corner of the leader's mouth.

Who are you! Why bother me!

My lord, I am here to welcome you back under the orders of Lord Kil'jaeden. We have prepared all the materials needed for your resurrection in Antorus. The expedition to that damned world is about to begin. We need you Infinite power! Pardon my offense, but it is necessary! For the will of Lord Sargeras!

Oh? That miser in Kil'jaeden would arrange a ceremony for a loser like me? This is really rare.

That voice sounded in the leader's heart. Although it was extremely powerful, there was always a special sense of weakness. The leader blinked and continued, Of course, our expedition to the world of Draenor has failed, Marlo Lord North died in battle, and Lord Kil'jaeden needs the help of a great power, besides you, who else in Argus can shoulder such a heavy mission?

The soul of this big man is still weak after the death in battle. According to the original process, he needs at least 30 years to give his soul enough rest before he can be resurrected. However, after hearing the words of this little pawn, He didn't have too many doubts, after all, he was in Argus, which was the base camp of the Burning Legion, and he was absolutely safe.

No matter how much Kil'jaeden complained about him, under the power of Lord Sargeras, he would still have the chance to be resurrected. Of course, he would not refuse the ceremony that came earlier, he snorted in satisfaction.

Okay, okay, then take me to Antorus. I will reward you after I am resurrected. I am a generous person, not the same as Kil'jaeden!

After saying a few words, the exhaustion from the depths of the soul made the big man feel sleepy calls, he snorted,

Then carry out Lord Sargeras' will, and let us destroy everything. Well, I'm going to accumulate strength, little bug, don't let me down!

Congratulations, Lord Archimonde!

When the fluctuation of the soul subsided, the leader smiled with satisfaction. He reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said to the servants beside him, Are you ready for the sacrificial ceremony?

It will take another 5 days!

Very good. After 5 days, those intruders should regret it! Let's go!

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