Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 706 62. When the Stars Shine

While Krokuun retreated, Dick stood on the ground of the ruins of Mac'Aree.

He sat on the top of the disfigured ground that had been corroded by the wind of the void, sitting cross-legged, with his eyes closed, as if he was closing his eyes and resting his mind, waiting for the most difficult battle to come.

Tisracher, shining with flames and silver light, was laid flat on his legs, and the Aegis of Aggramar, which had regained its radiant appearance, was placed by his hand. His fingers tapped lightly on the hilt and blade, His will quickly spread throughout the broken planet's land, as well as the sky, and the sea of ​​poisonous mist that no one wants to approach.

His mind moved, in the depths of the sea of ​​poisonous mist covered by dark green poisonous gas, in the dead sea without any life, a large vortex formed rapidly, and then under Dick's continuous attention, the vortex became more and more It was so huge that it finally drove the entire sea of ​​poisonous mist into a tumbling storm.

It was as if some wild ancient beast was about to jump out of the vortex, but after Dick looked away, the vortex quickly subsided, as if it had never appeared before.

His attention was again on Antorus, which had been emptied, and the Flaming Mountain Range. With a wave of his will, the mountain range shook silently. Soon, in the already dilapidated Antorus, On the orchid wasteland, a terrible earthquake appeared, and those panicked demons rushed out of their hiding places, but were swallowed in the cracks that appeared in the increasingly violent shaking of the earth.

His attention flew to the sky again, leaving behind a dilapidated land. When his will traveled to the sky, the light curtain of the eternal night was opened, and the scorching light from the stars shone into the dilapidated planet for the first time. Among them, it was scorching hot, and those hiding demons would even scream when they came into contact with this incomparably scorching light.

But Dick's will was bathed in the sunshine, but he felt an indescribable comfort, warm, very much like the sunbathing he enjoyed on the beach of Theramore back then.

Theramore didn't know if he could go back there.

I don't know if anyone will be sad because of his choice, probably there are.

Thinking of Jaina and Liadrin who were crying, a smile formed on the corner of Dick's mouth, as well as Sylvanas who accompanied Alleria in Quel'Thalas, and Kalia.

The images of these women in his life emerged one after another in his mind, and then disappeared quickly, making his heartstrings tremble again and again, like waves on a silent sea caused by the breeze.

And everything he's been through, Quel'Thalas, Northern Border, Silithus, Blackrock Mountain, Northrend, Draenor, Sharkhan, and finally Argus.

This is an incomparably brilliant life trajectory, a legendary trajectory, a trajectory that belongs to the Holy Light, a trajectory that belongs to justice and order, and he finally became the kind of person he once wanted to be.

Be a hero, be a protector, be a savior, be a conqueror.

What ideal has not yet been fulfilled?

The paladin kept digging towards the deepest part of his memory, trying to find the original fantasy of Dick, who was lying helplessly in the Silverpine forest waiting to die, but that distant place was almost like a matter of two worlds, his The memory has become blurred, and the various experiences brought about by connecting with another world.

When he browsed through those experiences, it was like reading another bizarre story. The years in Azeroth had completely changed him. He adapted to this world, but he no longer had any interest in the other world. There are too many emotions.

It was like another life that had nothing to do with him, the life of a stranger.

But that's him! True!

It's like a life that has been forcibly divided. The first half is pale, fantasy, cowardly, lonely, and humble, while the second half is bright, glorious, supreme, great and full of fulfillment.

Why did he enter this world? And why did he become what he is now?

It seemed that there was no need to answer this question, but he would thank Norgannon for bringing him this memory, this life.

He finally came to a realization: it was not the world that made him, but his own experience that made the name Dick, it was not that he became firm, brave, fearless and great at the place he crossed, it was because of his understanding of this world. The world opened its heart, and the world accepted him.

When he really forgot his previous identity, thought about problems with the thinking of an Azerothian, considered the future of this world, and connected his own destiny with the destiny of this world, he really set foot on the The road to greatness.

Instead of treating this world as your own plaything, take this journey as a stage to show yourself wantonly, and enter the destiny of this world as a real participant instead of a bystander, and finally, bit by bit Change it instead of breaking it cleanly and roughly in the middle.

Yes, this is Dick's holy light trail.

The trajectory from mortal to king of the world.

He never owed the world too much, and the world owed him too much, but it didn't matter.

Dick finally gave up this kind of thinking. He looked up at the black gap that had torn the entire sky and the earth into the distance. Black lightning and storms gathered in it. With Dick's eyes, he could even see the black gap between the sky and the earth The scenery of another star field.

That is the same as Argus, shining with a cold and silent light, are there also thousands of stars shining there?

Are there stories as exciting as those in Azeroth?

Dick took a deep breath. He felt endless courage rolling and surging in his heart. At this moment when he was facing the most powerful king of darkness in the universe, he found strangely that there was not a single ounce of courage in his heart. After completely letting go of all worries, and treating this battle as a final battle, all fear and panic disappeared without a trace in his bright heart.

The experience from the past has tempered him like steel, surpassing steel. When facing a battle, he will no longer be afraid or stop. He will only rush forward immediately and fight him to the death.

Behind him is a civilization that has just begun its glorious destiny. In this destiny, he has never been left with a choice. He has always been like this, with no way out, and he has never chosen to give up.

Once he got used to moving forward, it was difficult to keep himself silent. He could have left Argus with the migrating army and left a dilapidated battlefield to Sargeras, but he was unwilling to do that.

Come on, let me see, are you as terrifying as in the legend? Let me see, can you defeat me?

The hymn rang around Dick, even if he didn't use the slightest bit of strength.

The holy flame descended from the sky, even if he didn't spread any holy energy.

A brilliant halo and a silver halo spread behind him, completely wielding Dick's will. He felt that his condition was better than ever. After gaining the control of this world from Argus, this world It was painful, but it couldn't move Dick's face.

He has distributed his will in every corner of this world, and he has made up his mind to give Sargeras a real surprise the moment he passes through the portal.

Illidan, how long will it take?

Dick asked in the spiritual link, and the voice of the King of Outland came quickly, Up to 30 minutes! The starship is full, do you really want to keep the Iron Legion here? That is a truly elite combat force, this is too Wasted! We could keep some of the eredar demons, I see no use for them.

no no!

Illidan, they are the hope of the future. The Iron Legion is just consumables for the war. They will not complain about dying in such an ultimate duel. Go ahead and absorb as much future vitality as possible, you guys That's the future!

Dick turned off the communication, and continued to close his eyes to meditate. The sharp aura swirled around him rapidly, like a storm of sharp blades, getting sharper and sharper. In the end, the invisible and substanceless aura even formed a blade-like existence. , tearing and cutting apart the unsightly mountains and ground around him that were corroded by the wind of the void.

Like a sharp sword rising into the sky, Dick is the sharpest blade.

The Duke of Theramore is full!

The Sword of Wrynn is full!

The Blackwater Blade is full!


A total of 60 starships were almost fully loaded before filling the Argus refugees gathered on the land of Krokuun. In the once noisy camp, only those steel soldiers who were still standing on the last front were left. Before everyone fled, when the world was collapsing, they still did not fall.

There was not even the slightest expression on their indifferent faces. At the moment when the starship slowly lifted into the sky, the commander of the Iron Legion standing on the ground, the huge structural creature, Dick's loyal servant, Jian Xi and Tai Xi watched The starship that was about to leave this world had no fear or hatred in their eyes, they just looked at the golden fortress rushing into the sky with hopeful eyes.

Velen, Illidan, Uther, and other generals and captains all stood in their respective positions, looking at the legion that would forever remain in their memory.

We are cowards and we have abandoned our battles.

The captain of the Silver Dawn starship, the great warrior Dalyan whom he hadn't seen for a long time looked at the farther and farther ground, his eyes were filled with tears of shame,

This will be the darkest day of my life. I will never forget how we fled in a hurry from this battlefield that should have been full of honor. We should have stayed and fought with him, against the impossible with these warriors. defeated opponents, but we escaped.

In this day and age, there are no braver men than them

Dalyan raised his left hand, put his fist on his chest through the porthole, and said his final farewell to those steel-like warriors. Behind him, all the commanders and soldiers of the Argent Dawn, they were silent like It is a lifeless pillar.

Their wills merged with those of the Iron Legion staying below, and in the light of the scorching dawn of Argus that Dick tore apart, they converged into a higher and more tenacious existence. The spine, the pillar that supports them to go further and reach the peak.

That is the flower of the future that must be watered by the blood of heroes.

Who would refuse such a great death?

Who would resist such a glorious sacrifice?


All starships are ready!

Turalyon sounded through the communication channel with a voice of unbearable grief, The keystone door is open! Prepare to withstand the impact of space!





Illidan, standing in the porthole of the Storm Fortress, looked back at the direction of the dark rift between the sky and the earth for the last time. The dark green keystone in his hand was floating in the air quickly. Under the command of Illidan's strong will, A dark green vortex appeared in the starry sky, and then expanded rapidly until the last energy was drained, and the area of ​​the starry sky gate was far less than one-third of the previous appearance.

The king of Outland gritted his teeth and aggravated that will, so the next moment.


A crack appeared on the dark green keystone, making everyone tremble with fear. The starry sky gate in front of them expanded again, but this was not enough. The King of Outland groaned in pain, and the crack on the keystone shattered again. Even fine shards fell, but Illidan didn't stop.

He saw the sacrifice made by Dick. Compared with such a great choice, what is a mere keystone?

Open it for me!


A black crack appeared on the keystone again, but it did not shatter in the end, and the starry sky gate in front of him finally opened enough to allow all the starships to pass through at once.

Teleport! Start!

Turalyon's voice fell, and star points lit up one after another in the void, like bright stars shining in the sky.

The protoss Argus held the world scepter in his hand, and pressed his small face on the porthole of the Storm Fortress. Her eyes could see the figure sitting on the top of the Mac'Aree ruins with his back facing them. waved at him.

Dick, you must come back!

The paladin didn't look back, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I will

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