Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 729 Love and Family - Old Fording's Story (continued)

Cui Yige is the orc wise man. Before I came out to take risks, I spent so many years in the Sentinels in Ashenvale. I fought head-on with those tall and savage orcs. How terrible it is that they go mad.

And it is said that Cui Yige is also a shaman priest, which is the noble occupation of those orcs. They manipulate lightning and storms, as well as the power of the earth, but such talents are rare, just like the mysterious druids They are as rare in night elf society as they are.

Anyway, I haven't seen how a shaman fights, I only know that they are not easy to mess with.

I held the water glass and looked at the old man in front of me. Old Fording must have fought Shaman more than once. He is a true legendary paladin among human beings. The glory of the first generation of paladins has not faded in human society. They are The last protector of mankind.

Then Old Fording continued to tell his story, and I quickly dispelled my wild thoughts and listened to the story carefully.

The first time I met Treyger was in the granary outside the small town of Hearthglen.

Old Fording fell into the memory, the wrinkles on his face intertwined with the white hair, I somehow felt like a hero's end.

At that time, the villagers in the town reported that they could always see tall black shadows in the forest, and some domestic animals were missing, but there were no casualties. This strange thing made them terrified. You know, civilians sometimes like themselves Scaring myself, but as a lord, I have the responsibility to find out what it is, so after a hunt, I went to the granary alone in the outskirts, and there, I saw an old orc struggling to carry our Food goes to the forest.

Is that Treig?

I asked curiously.

Old Fording nodded. He looked at the dancing flames in the fireplace, and there was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, Yes, that was Cui Yige. He was injured at the time, and he was already very old. It's not a suitable place for an orc to live, so he hid alone in the forest, I couldn't allow an orc to threaten my people, so I rushed up and fought with him.

Traig is brave, but I'm not bad either!

Old Fording raised his chest proudly, I won that battle, but in the final fight, the granary collapsed. I was not very lucky, and was crushed under the ruins. Just before I lost consciousness , I thought I was going to die because the orc was intact, but when I woke up, I was lying on a warm bed at home, my son Tyran was by my side, and the orc didn't kill me.

My guard captain, Alton, told me that they found me on horseback at the edge of the town. The mayor, Barthilas, called a priest to heal my injuries. I was in a coma for another 2 days, and I was able to return to my family. I am very happy, but when I am happy, I can't help thinking, why didn't I kill that orc? You know, in the social environment at that time, we had a blood feud with the orc for more than ten years. He actually saved me when someone died on the battlefield, which made it impossible for me to figure it out.

After recovering from the injury, I went to the forest to search for 2 days, and finally found the place where the orcs lived in seclusion. When Cui Yige saw me, he was surprised. He told me that I shouldn't go there, although there is still a kind of fighting Impulsive, but I still thank him, after all, without him, I may not be able to return to my wife and children.

Old Fording took down an old pipe from the table, and sucked out the cigarette with a snap of his mouth. His face was a little blurred in the smog, but his voice was still as loud as before.

I talked to Treyger a lot, and that day, he told me he was tired of the war, and this was going to be his last days in Hearthglen, and soon, he was going back to his people, you know Right? Thrall, the leader who re-established the orc nation in Kalimdor, Thrall sent an invitation to Treig, and he told me that he was once in his world, the world called Draenor The experience of life, and how the world was destroyed by demons, how the noble orcs fell, and how they were tricked by the warlock Gul'dan to invade Azeroth.

I know what he said is true, because I am also a veteran. I know how cruel the war is. Once the war breaks out, there will be no winner. When I left the next day, I sincerely sent Cui Yi Farewell to Greg, this kind orc should have a life of his own, not a butcher driven by war, I really hope I never see him again.

Fording smiled at me, that smile was full of bitterness, and before I knew it, the water glass in my hand had dried up. This is a wonderful story, and I am still looking forward to the rest of the story.

On the third day after I went back to Hearthglen, Alton came to tell me excitedly that Barthilas had caught an orc. I was shocked and followed Alton to the scene, which made me furious. That villain Barthilas, he is torturing Cui Yige, I can see from the brilliance of their armor, Cui Yege did not intend to hurt them at all, otherwise with their ineffective militiamen, they would not be able to kill them at all. No match for that orc.

But this villain reported to me triumphantly, saying how bravely he fought the orcs for a long time before capturing him. I looked at that face, and then at Cui who was tortured and almost died. Yige, I have never been so angry. Although I have only met the orc twice, he is undoubtedly my friend, and I cannot just watch him being tortured to death by these villains.

Old Fording's fists are clenched tightly. Although he is old, I can still feel the power flowing in this old paladin's body, which makes me tremble with fear. Fording seems to be caught in some kind of memory entanglement, and his voice becomes hoarse ,

I knocked down Barthilas, who was proud of himself, and walked up to Cui Yige. I asked him, do you want to leave? Cui Yige glanced at me, and then saw Tai who was following me. Lan, my son, a smile appeared on his scarred face after being whipped, he shook his head, I know, this orc was afraid that if I let him go privately, it would cause me to get into trouble, after all, the war had just started At the end, anything related to orcs will be magnified and severely cracked down.

I really wanted to let him go on the spot, but Taylan's panicked shouts brought me to my senses. I still have children and a wife, as Treig imagined, and I couldn't give them up, so in the end, I had to order Put Traygg in a cell and give him the best food and resting place possible. I know Traygg is dead, Lordaeron officials will not allow an orc to live, this is what I can The last thing to do for him.

Old Fording's demeanor was completely exhausted. He leaned on the chair, stared at the roof with blank eyes, and his voice was faint as if it came from his chest.

But I have seen the most noble orcs, but also the most despicable humans.

Barthilas, the mayor I personally appointed, who, with a grudge for my punch, secretly informed the judges of Stratholme that I was in collusion with the orcs and committed treason... Hehe, treason... I fought for my country on the front line for more than ten years, and they said I was treason! Unreasonable idiot!

Old Fording gritted his teeth and said those stories, and my fists were also clenched. If such dregs appear in the night elf society, they will be ruthlessly exiled, but in human society, although I came here not long ago Long, but I also know that those nobles do not act purely in accordance with justice. The dark old Fording among them doesn’t even need to be said, I can guess those disgusting and dirty transactions.

Sir Rivendell presided over the trial himself. He was insolent and thought that I should be imprisoned and stripped of all my identity and power, but my brothers Uther and Dathrohan fought for me. Dassault Han whispered to me that if I confessed that I didn't know the orc, they would get me out, and my wife cried and begged me to do that, and I really wanted to.

The old man lowered his head. In the dim light, he seemed to be crying, and my heart sank. Old Fording was a lord before, but in this living environment, there is no doubt that he did not obey the advice of his friends and relatives. Opinion.

I saw my son, Tyran, with confusion on his face, and I remembered the question he asked me, are all orcs bad?

No, no, I know, I want my son to be an upright person, just like his father, and now, I have to use my actions to prove what I told him.

I rejected my brother Dathrohan's suggestion. I told the jury and my brothers the truth. The knights of the Knights of the Silver Hand stood outside the court that day. In front of my relatives and my son, I chose the truth, and I want to use my actions to tell my son that people should not unilaterally deny another life based on their appearance, just like you night elves, Like the goblins, and the dwarves.

Uther's roar resounded through the court, Dathrohan even clenched his arms, my comrades and my brothers stood with me, those nobles were afraid, their plots would never be exposed to the sun, Treason? It’s nonsense, no one in the whole country would believe that I was treasonous, so I finally walked out of the court with my chest held high, and those nobles forced me to be charged with exile, but I don’t care.”

But it is unquestionable behavior for me to attack my subordinates, which violates the rules of the paladins, so my brother, brother Uther, who has been fighting with me for more than ten years, personally eliminated my power of holy light, I know their hearts are heavy, but I don’t regret seeing my son’s proud expression for me. I have proved to him the price that justice needs to be borne. There is only one thing in my heart that is not at ease.

Old Fording reloaded a pipe of tobacco, and after lighting it, he coughed twice,

Ahem... Cui Yige, my arguments failed to change his fate. He will be executed in the square of Stratholme together with other orc prisoners of war. He should not have suffered such torture. He should have New life, that night, the night before my exile, I said to my son Tyran, I said to him, I'm going to do a thing I have to do, I can't tell him about it content, but I can assure you that it is absolutely just.

Taylan was 14 years old at that time. He already knew a lot of things. He cried and begged me not to leave him, but I knew that he was already a little man. He had to learn to protect himself while I was away. Protecting the family, I asked him if he would protect his mother and he told me he would, committed like a real man.

Without worries, I dragged my weak body and took my warhammer. In the dark, I went to Stratholme. I couldn't just watch a life that shouldn't die die in front of me. After all, all of this Everything started because of me.

I couldn't help turning my head to look at the war hammer that was placed in the corner, it should be that war hammer.

The next day, at noon, the execution was about to start. I saw Cui Yige. He was tortured in a terrible way. Those bastards, those bastards who have no glory at all, they regard torture as a sign of self-strengthening, It was disgusting, I rushed up and tried to save him, but after the power of the Holy Light was abolished, my body was extremely weak, and I was quickly stopped by the guards. They were my comrades in the Silver Hand, and they suppressed him. Watch me, let me not be impulsive, ruining my reputation for this orc is not worth it!

I saw Trayg, he was laughing, he obviously found me, he probably thought it was a good thing to have me as a friend, but I couldn't save him, and then, the flames lit... Trayg wrapped in flames.

Old Fording put down his pipe and sighed.

However, I know that the story is definitely not over yet.

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