Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 76 2. Return of the Ashbringer

Dick turned his eyes away from Liadrin who left with an empty bowl. The so-called depression is actually just a pastime. A follower with the strength of Cirvanas will leave it to him at this stage. Others don't talk about it, is Dick sure he can make Queen Xi obediently obey her orders?

Yes, Liadrin is Dick's follower in name, but Dick can't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do, and in a sense, this follower system actually makes Liadlin Adeline was rescued from the moment of death, and coupled with the previous friendship between the two, Liadline, who understood everything, locked herself in the house for 5 full days before accepting her new identity calmly.

This is not a game, this is the real world. Relying on a name, you want to deprive a hero with normal thinking and unlimited future will. Are you kidding me?

But what made Dick most curious was that Liadrin was clearly a high-ranking priest before she fell into a coma, but after waking up, she was a paladin with a rare elite fighting power at the Perfect level. Regarding this matter, Dick and Liadrin Adeline herself expressed incomprehension.

Especially when Liadrin was bewildered, skillfully wielding the heavy sword wrapped in holy light, and easily repelled the siege of four apprentice paladins, her own expression was like this: 0_0!!!

Of course, Dick would not have any objections to this matter. He is familiar with the original history and knows that only the profession of paladins can reveal the full glory of Liadrin, and Dick gave her the most perfect starting point. Well, where this beautiful girl will go in the future, even Dick can't guess now.

As soon as Liadrin left, the eldest lady wearing a blue wizard hat walked in with the hem of her gorgeous skirt. She looked around, and after making sure that no one was there, she quietly approached the pensive Dick. , without him reacting, threw his body into Dick's arms.

What are you thinking? Little rascal.

Jaina wrapped Dick's neck with two jade-like arms, opened her eyes wide, and looked at her little boyfriend curiously. Dick shrugged, pretending to be in thought, and stretched out his arms to embrace the young lady. slim waist.

As for me, I want to let you go back to Dalaran, and I have to think about how to deal with Master Antonidas' inquiry. After all, I stole his most proud disciple.


The eldest lady put her head on Dick's chest and let out a cheerful laugh,

You really should think about it. I heard that because of the Black Sandalchill, the instructor made the whole Dalaran go crazy. Speaking of which, where did you meet Master Dio? What? It is said that after he went into exile more than ten years ago, no one saw him again.

Dick hooked the eldest lady's nose with his fingers, and was about to answer, when he heard Herold's loud voice shouting anxiously outside the door,

Captain! The great knight Alexandro is back, hurry up and persuade him, he wants to take Dalyan away!

Hearing this, Dick and Jaina glanced at each other, reached out and took an ordinary cane, and now he, the strength of his whole body has been sealed, under the transformation of the power of the lord, even stronger than ordinary people Much weaker.

On the other side, on the training ground of the Stratholme battle group, Alessandro, who was carrying a strange giant sword wrapped in sword cloth on his back, was staring at his youngest son angrily. And Dalyan stood not far away, staring at his father with a flushed face, and there was a bloody slap mark on his handsome face.

It can be seen that the communication between the father and son just now was not smooth.

And the accompanying knights brought by Alessandro are surrounding the father and son nervously. Because of the anger of the great knight Alessandro, now more than a dozen of them are being chased away after hearing the news. The knights of the entire battle group who came were surrounded, and not far away, more people who heard the news rushed over.

Dalia did not hide his origin, but after Dick went to Quel'Thalas, he rushed from the Holy Light Monastery to Stratholme. Everyone became friends.

This is normal, although the family education is very strict, but the old Mograine did put a lot of effort into Dalyan, training him into a warrior with a firm heart, and this kind of person, everyone will like it.

Just when the atmosphere at the scene reached a limit, a cry of lack of energy resounded in the training ground,

What are you doing! Go back to where you should be!

The paladins who shared the same hatred heard the voice and subconsciously stepped aside. Dick, who was leaning on a cane, walked into the encirclement step by step, accompanied by Herold and Jaina.

His body looked very bad, his face was covered with sickly paleness, and a gust of wind seemed to knock him down, but no one dared to despise Dick, not even Alessandro, when he saw Dick After appearing, he also took a deep breath and curbed his anger.

The great deeds Dick did in Quel'Thalas have spread throughout the northern borders. When the surviving proud elves refer to Dick, they will use the Flame of Justice to honor him, except for the 3,000-year-old Besides Emperor Arathor, Dick should be the second hero in the entire history of mankind to enjoy this honor.

And in the current battle sequence of the Silver Hand, the knights from the Stratholme Chapter will also be looked at highly. A warrior who dares to fight can win the respect of everyone.

And Dick, who single-handedly forged this team of civilian paladins, has won the approval of everyone as a matter of course.

Dick glanced at the palm print on Dalyan's face, and his eyes became a little cloudy. He ignored the great knight Alessandro, but turned around and shouted to the paladins who were looking at him,

Go where you should go, my brothers, the undead are raging on our land, we should not use our precious power for internal friction, believe me, this matter will be perfectly resolved!

Dick's words were like a key. The moment it fell, they solved everyone's worries and grievances. Under Dick's order, they quickly dispersed. In just a few minutes, on the training ground, only Dick and Alessandro's entourage remained.

This kind of control over the army made the corners of Alessandro's eyes twitch as he watched all this silently.

Dick looked at the big knight. To be precise, his eyes fell on the heavy sword behind Alessandro. Although the power of the Holy Light was sealed, he could still feel a sense of power from the sword. It is blazing, it is the same origin as the fire of justice, but it is more aggressive.


Dick asked in a low voice.

Alessandro nodded, he glanced at the stubborn Darien, and sighed,

Find a quiet place, I have something important to ask you.

Dick frowned, then nodded.

Darian, Herold, you come too!

Ten minutes later, Dick and Alessandro sat in the chairs at the battle group headquarters, Jaina sat on the other side, and Herold and his gang stood on one side. They are not qualified for this level of meeting. take a seat.

Old Mograine frowned and looked at Dick. Ten seconds later, he asked suspiciously,

Your body...what's going on? I can feel a force being conceived in it, but your abnormal it an injury?

It's not an injury, it's a process of adaptation.

Dick put a cup of crude tea in front of the old knight. After all, this is a battle group, so don't expect how fine the materials can be. Moreover, Dick didn't want to talk too much about this issue. As soon as he changed the topic, he changed the topic to the Knights of the Silver Hand.

I still need about a week, but after I come back, I heard that you have invited old Fording back. Is he in good condition now?

Dick is indeed very interested in this news. The famous Tirion Fordring, no matter where he is placed, is a legend that cannot be ignored, but now he has not had the opportunity to recover his strength, and he can still become a legend in the future. Is that the legendary paladin?

Fordin's physical condition is still healthy, but he has lost the power of the Holy Light, and the two years of wandering have made him mentally exhausted. He must not be able to fight head-on, but Fording's experience is exactly the knight The regiment needs it.

Old Mograine said the scene, the meaning is actually very simple, old Fording is now a useless person who can only sit in the office.

The atmosphere of the conversation became a bit awkward, but Dick didn't care. Both he and old Mograine were real people doing things, and the atmosphere of the conversation was just a foil for them.

The guy nodded. This result was within his expectations. However, since the current battle in the West Dallon Mill area is not considered tragic, there are very few topics that can be discussed between the two of them, so after a few homely , he decisively turned the topic to old Mograine.

Grand Knight, I seem to be in some trouble, I guess, about Uther Grand Knight, right?

Faced with Dick's question, old Mograine nodded silently. He put his left hand on the table, sometimes closing it, and sometimes letting it go. It could be seen that this veteran knight was very anxious now.

Uther... he successfully resisted the poison of Frostmourne, but... now his situation, in my opinion, may be even worse.

The big knight looked at Dick with a mixture of disgust and gratitude. The expression on the face of this young man who was 20 years younger than them was very indifferent, which made old Mograine feel an impulse to want to Beat the instigator with one punch.

But his strong willpower stopped old Mograine from thinking wildly. He took a deep breath and explained the situation he was facing now.

After Miss Jaina returned to Dalaran ahead of schedule, Uther and I stayed in Karazhan. It took me 3 days to kill a group of tomb robbers who were corrupted by dark forces, and then found the magic sword. You can't imagine how terrifying that magic sword is, and the worst thing is that Uther seems to be controlled by it, and he is completely like another person.

The voice of the old knight suddenly became clear. This not-so-good story also attracted the thoughts of everyone present. Herold and the others only knew that the Great Knight Uther was sent to the Southern Kingdom, but they didn’t expect that there was also So many twists and turns.

He... Uther is inseparable from that sword now, it seems to have become a part of his body, and as far as I can see, all the good qualities have slipped away from Uther, and now, he is like a mixed Cruel, tyrannical, evil, gloomy, cunning, and vicious all over, you can't imagine that when I face Uther, I even have the urge to purify him!

Old Mograine closed his eyes, as if recalling the changes in his friend. When he opened his eyes, the anger in his heart could no longer be tolerated. He stared at Dick, whose face was solemn.

That magic sword saved him, but it also destroyed him. I feel that we... Dick, you and I created a monster with our own hands! A monster more terrifying than Alsace!

It's going to be on the shelves soon~~~ Looking at the number of favorites, I feel a little frightened, brothers, come and recommend some favorites to support~!

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