Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 88 14. War Arbiter

Cavalry contests, in foreign wars, are often just a sign of the beginning of the war.

After all, their population base prevents them from organizing a large cavalry unit that can decide the battle like humans, and use it as a killer.

In fact, the human heavy cavalry charge, even in the eyes of the brave orcs, is like a howling god of death. When the speed really increases, the ruthless knights charging in groups are almost unstoppable.

In the Second Orc War, the human heavy cavalry will always be the orcs who are mainly infantry. The unspeakable pain, when they appear on the stage, often means the end of the war.

The Brotherhood of the Iron Horse, led by the human Grand Marshal Lothar back then, made everyone fear. They only need to wear heavy armor, hold the battle flag high, and ride bravely on the same armored horse. Charge, charge, charge again, no matter what No matter what method Orgrim uses, he can only watch helplessly as the distance between victory and the orcs gets further and further away.

On the already heated Alterac battlefield, tall orc berserkers and dwarven shield warriors in heavy armor, orc shamans who control the power of elements, and dwarf musketeers shooting in rows, mortar squads , nearly 60 people from both sides fought in a criss-cross pattern on the plain of battle, which was completely covered by thick snowflakes.

It's like two groups of wild beasts fighting to the death. Before exhausting the last bit of strength, they must bite off the opponent's throat. Even if the price is their own death, they will not shrink back.

Captain Balinda lost her battle sheep in a despicable sneak attack five minutes ago, but at the moment of landing, the musket in Balinda's hand also knocked out the Frostwolf in the crotch of the annoying orc warlord. His head was shattered.

The two commanders wielded heavy weapons. Every time the blue heavy ax and the red beheading knife collided, a series of sparks could be brought out. Do your best to kill the opponent.

Captain Stone Furnace and Warlord Frostwolf, both of whom have far superior combat effectiveness to other soldiers, rashly approaching their battle circle is a very dangerous move for both the enemy and their own people.

The two humanoid monsters, one tall and the other short, cracked the ground where they fought. For any profession, once it entered the lord rank, the danger of the battle rose to another level.

Disgusting wolf cub! Your time of death has arrived!

On Balinda's blood-stained face, she could no longer see her femininity. On the contrary, the expression on her face became more ferocious, like a she-wolf. Her short body did not affect her. People have long developed a unique set of martial arts for their height, and Captain Stonehearth is one of the best.

Galvan didn't answer, but just bared his teeth at Balinda. With the war paint on his face and the big knife covered in blood, he really looked like a villain who came out of hell. ghost.

The two collided again, and Balinda's body jumped out, as if she couldn't resist Galvan's force and was blown away. A trace of due strength was felt on the heavy axe.


Galvan took a step back decisively, and put the battle sword horizontally in front of him. The next moment, he flew upside down, and Balinda, who slipped on the ground, wiped his waist with his left hand, and a delicate black iron small The hammer fell into her palm.

The female dwarf took a deep breath, exhausted all her strength, and threw the small black iron flying hammer towards Galvan.

The moment the small black iron hammer was shot, it was strangely covered with blue and elegant lightning sparks, and the speed increased more than three times, and even penetrated the air, hitting a small air explosion in the air.

Dwarven Combat Technique - Hammer of the Storm!

The flying hammer was like a small blue meteor, drawing a strange arc in the air. Even though Galfan tried his best to block it, the trajectory of the flying hammer was so weird that it bypassed him The horizontal beheading knife hit his chest.

The tall orc warlord was hit by this powerful blow and flew up from the ground, and turned twice in embarrassment before landing on the ground, but he is also a battle-tested fighter after all, the moment he landed, no matter how painful he was, chest, put the long knife in front of him.


Captain Stonehearth's heavy ax blow was blocked, but Balinda had already taken advantage, how could this crazy female dwarf stop?

Her short body did not retreat, but stepped firmly on Galvan's left leg, and the battle ax in her hand, like smashing a nail, swung it round and slammed down on Galfan.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Galfan felt that death was approaching, and he struggled hard, but Balinda had already made up his mind to kill Galfan here, how could he back down when he had the upper hand?

But Balinda ignored one point, neither she nor Galvan was the strongest guy on both sides. The next moment, the cold air around her became an anthropomorphic ice under the control of mysterious power With a heavy punch, he slammed down violently towards the unsuspecting female warrior.

Shaman power! Frost Bash!

Seeing that Balinda was about to fall into danger, another whistling storm hammer flew out from the side of the dwarf, and precisely hit the icy fist, completely destroying it before it touched Balinda. .

Marshal Fandral withdrew his outstretched left hand. He squinted his eyes and looked at the other side of the fighting plain, the old orc who was surrounded by several orc shamans and walked out of the dense forest, wrapped in black cloth Above his eyes, he held two ancient stone axes in his hands. The orc was gray-haired, but with every step he took, the various energies in the air became active.

Great Shaman of the Frostwolf, Drek'Thar!

Although the old orc's eyes had long since gone blind, Marshal Fandral could feel that the other party's attention was focused on him.

Galvan is dead!

The corner of Fandral's mouth moved slightly, and a ferocious smile appeared on the face of Marshal Stormpike. Balinda had already gained the upper hand, and it only took a few seconds to take away Frostwolf Warlord Garvan's small Life.

Stormpike has won this conflict!

But just when the old orc sighed, activated the elemental power in his body, and was about to end himself and save the life of his disciple, Fandral Stormpike gripped his battle ax tightly, ready to stop Drek'Thar actions of the rescue operation.

The snow was getting heavier and heavier, but when everyone was focusing on the opponents who were fighting with each other, a black shadow brushed past the snow and quickly got into this small-scale battle. Fandral's His eyes widened suddenly, and the next moment, a distant golden halo exploded in the center of the battlefield, stopping the fierce battle at that moment.


Time went back ten minutes before, when the heavily armored griffin named Swiftfeather carried Dick and Liadrin to the base camp of the Stormpike dwarves in the Alterac Valley, above the small town of Dandabar, The old dwarf Eckerman suddenly let out an exclamation.

Oops! Marshal Fandral's battle flag is not in Dandabar, not even the little girl Balinda's battle flag! Are they out to investigate?


When Dick heard the news, he frowned immediately. He looked towards the distance where the valley was covered by white snow. Suddenly, a red firework shot up into the sky, and he watched the ball explode into the Stormpike clan emblem in the air. Like fireworks, Dick gritted his teeth and made up his mind,

Aikman, please take Liadrin to Dandabar first, I'm going there!

What are you going to do? That's just an early warning signal. By the time you get there, they may all be finished fighting! Don't underestimate the elite combat power of Fandral!

Aikman looked at Dick in surprise. The latter clumsily controlled Xun Yu to approach him. After using the dragon hook to fix Liadrin, who was about to freeze, he threw the chain of the dragon hook to Ai Keman. Keman, the latter quickly pulled the chain and wrapped his whole body in a bearskin cloak, but Liadrin, who was still trembling, placed behind his own griffin.

After doing all this, Dick grabbed the reins of Swiftfeather and flew towards the depths of Alterac Valley.

Young Dick! What the hell are you going to do?

I'm going to stop them! Right now, there are more important things to do than staring and stabbing each other to death!

Back in time, Dick was hovering in the sky, looking at the small battlefield below, as if two groups of ants were fighting, the paladin patted the neck of Griffon Xunyu, the high-altitude monster retracted its wings, and flew fast glided down and out.


Dick took a deep breath, the icy temperature of Alterac making his head spin, and then drew the flame of justice behind his back.

Anwena, can you burst out the holy light in my body in an instant, I mean, let them stop attacking each other without hurting others?

Uh...Let people think about it, are you planning to create the effect of the blinding technique used by those elves?


No problem, you can hand over the holy energy to others to control it later!

Dick didn't speak, but nodded lightly. His entire body was lying on the back of the griffin. When Xunyu approached the ground, his speed became faster and faster, just like a shadow flying across the ground. The snowflakes on the ground also stretched out two white lines under the powerful wings.

In the increasingly heavy falling snow, the power of the holy light surged out of Dick's body, and the burning holy flames spread in the air, like the spread wings behind Dick.

The fiery breath melted the icy snowflakes in half of the sky, and also melted the short-lived darkness in front of Dick's eyes due to his high speed.

When the sound of killing came to his ears, Dick had a strange feeling in his heart: before he just wanted to change his destiny, maybe from this moment on, he will start to change the world!

The cold wind blew his hair, blowing the strands behind him, and his eyes were cold and stubborn.

Another line of the world has unfolded in Dick's eyes. Demons invaded, Dalaran was destroyed, and the whole world entered an era of chaos due to the collapse of the World Tree. Disaster, the shadow of the ancient god, although it will subside every time, it is overdrawing the potential of this world in advance.

Hey, this world must be peaceful, if you can't be peaceful, I have to find a way to make you peaceful!

The cold wind is blowing, and the sky is full of snow.

At the moment Xunyu made its first cry, Dick turned over and jumped off the griffin flying across the battlefield at high speed. The golden wings of the holy light flapped behind him, and the holy energy in his body was taken over by Anveena. For a moment, a halo!

Starting from the flame of justice in Dick's hand, a halo of light that spread rapidly outward exploded in the hands of the paladin, and then, like a bright light in the darkness, quickly spread to the small battlefield of dozens of people.

Poison points have been modified! ! !

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