Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 90 16. United

The battlefield on the plains fell into an eerie silence for a while, and everyone's eyes were on this guy who fell from the sky and forced the entire battlefield to stop with his own strength.

This tranquility was only broken for the first time when the heavily armored Griffon Swiftfeather flapped its wings and landed beside Dick with a neighing sound, using an eagle-like beak to gracefully arrange the lion's mane on its body.

The old orc strode forward, and the orc warriors around him wanted to protect him, but was stopped by the old orc. This shaman, whose eyes were covered with black cloth strips, could see everything around him with his mind eyes. The expression of Dick, the shaman who left his footprints in the film, finally changed for the first time.

Who are you? Paladin, why do you want to intervene in the war of the Frostwolf clan?

Drek'Thar's voice is not strong, like his body has begun to weaken, but the power of the elements is helping him, in Dick's perception, when this old shaman approaches him, everything in the world seems to come alive come over.

Snowflakes became even colder, but Hanfeng actively ignored these two people. Looking at this orc who had never met before, Dick felt a strange sense of affinity. The way of shamanism was indeed miraculous.

Even though Drek'Thar was old, he was still an orc. When he approached Dick, his 2-meter-high body, even though he was a little hunched, still brought a little pressure to Dick. .

I am a high-ranking knight of the Knights of the Silver Hand, commander of the Stratholme Chapter, Dick Tang. With all due respect, your disputes are meaningless!

Dick glanced back at Fandral Stormpike who was also approaching him, and said in a cold tone,

Orcs, when you were addicted to war, the black hand that once tempted you to degenerate and let your world die has come to Dalaran, which is only a mountain away from you. Your elemental power did not tell you, Has the stench of demons filled the plain?

Drek'Thar's complexion changed drastically, but Dick no longer paid attention to him, but set his sights on Fandral Stormpike again. Although Dick sensed the old dwarf's hidden kindness, his The tone has not softened because of this,

And you, Stormpike dwarves, you just asked me why I hurt the soldiers of the alliance. Do you know that Dalaran, which is also on the side of the alliance, is being besieged by the undead, and the day of breaking the city is at stake. Your allies are urgent needs your help, but you have used your precious strength in this stupid war!

After finishing speaking, Dick looked at the old dwarf's uneasy face, and simply added another fire,

When Lordaeron fell, even the Wildhammer dwarves who were chased away by you helped, but we, as allies, did not wait for a single soldier from Ironforge. This is your attitude towards your allies. ?”


Fandral wanted to refute, but the old dwarf blushed, but he never said anything. The political system of Ironforge was not consistent with King Magni, even though both he and King Magni agreed to send some patrols to the mountains. People went to Lordaeron, but the elders rejected the proposal. He was just a warrior, and there was nothing he could do.

After successfully suppressing both sides, Dick heaved a sigh of relief. His goal was not to humiliate the Frostwolf orcs or the Stormpike dwarves. He wanted to use the power of these two forces. Now the first step has been completed.

Dick knew that he was not the kind of hero who could persuade everyone to accept their heads with just one mouthful. Breakthrough, he doesn't have so much time to waste on mediating the conflict between the two sides.

So a few minutes later, Dick withdrew the holy flame that was burning on the Flame of Justice, and withdrew the holy energy outside his body, and calmly said to Drek'Thar and Fandral Stormpike,

This is the end of the war. I have something very important to tell you two. If the name of the Silver Hand can still gain your trust, then please temporarily suspend your troops. After listening to me, you can choose to continue fighting. , or use your power to do something meaningful.

Of course, before that, you can also use your own methods to see if I have lied to you!

The old orc didn't speak. Obviously, he didn't want to succumb to the Stormpike dwarves. Marshal Fandral took a deep breath. The old dwarf stroked his beautiful beard and said in a deep voice,

Let's come here today, orcs. Let's gather our wounded soldiers first. After 3 hours, I will wait for you at the stone hearth outpost. Do you dare to come?

This provocative meaning was blowing at the face, but the old orc didn't retort, but snorted coldly.

Orcs are never afraid of a challenge! Wait for me there, dwarf, and I will be there on time.

After finishing speaking, the old orc turned his attention to Dick again. He looked at Dick with his mind's eye and waved his hand. The orcs who could still stand up began to help those fainted and injured compatriots, the dwarves is doing the same thing.

When Dick landed, he deliberately chose the place where Balinda and Galvan fought. There were almost no other soldiers there, and this simplified version of Blinding Holy Light did not cause any casualties at all, except for a few soldiers. The unlucky guy accidentally hurt himself when he was hacking and hacking with his eyes closed.

After summoning the chaplains to carry the seriously injured Captain Balinda back, Fandral Stormpike extended an invitation to Dick.

Young man, come with me. There is still a little way to go from the Stone Furnace Outpost.

Dick, who was helping Xunyu to trim his mane, was taken aback when he heard the old dwarf's invitation, but then nodded. He handed Xunyu's reins to the dwarf eagle trainer who rushed over, and rode on The armored pan-horned goat beside Fandral followed Fandral, surrounded by guards, and walked towards the stone furnace outpost.

The only constant thing in Alterac Valley is the snow scene all over the sky, the snowflakes are floating all year round, this valley is surrounded by mountains, the green pine trees covered with snowflakes, the clear glacial river water, the cold The sunshine is reflected by the snow, beautiful and pure like a paradise in the falling snow.

Look, this place always reminds me of the scenery of Dun Morogh. By the way, have you been to Dun Morogh?

The dwarf marshal took off his helmet, and he combed his brown hair neatly. He looked back at Dick, who shook his head, and a gentle expression appeared on his indifferent face.

No, I haven't been there, but I heard from Mr. Kurtaz that the land is also covered with snow, and the brave dwarf brothers in the knight order, they all miss their hometown.

Lord Kurtaz is the liaison of the Knights of the Silver Hand in Ironforge. He is one of the knight lords recognized by King Terenas. He is a powerful dwarf paladin. , he brought hundreds of dwarf paladins from Ironforge to station at the front line of the Crusader Fortress.

During the period when Dick returned from Quel'Thalas, it was this kind dwarf who taught him the martial arts of the crusader.

Hearing Dick's words, Fandral laughed out loud, and said in a nostalgic tone,

Haha, that old Kurtaz, he was born with me in Coldridge Valley, and we grew up in the ice and snow of Anvilmar, and we hunted ice trolls together to pass the coming of age ceremony, and later we fought in the Orc War I met Lothar here, and I fought with him. After the war, I went back to Ironforge. He went to Lordaeron. I haven’t seen him for more than ten years. Tell me, Dick, that old man Is everything okay?

Dick nodded.

Mr. Kurtaz is in excellent health, and he is now the senior commander of the Silver Hand's eastern part of the theater in West Dallon Mill. He also taught me martial arts.


Fandral-Stormpike was riding on the goat. He was a little silent. After a few minutes, the old dwarf lowered his voice,

Dick, don't hold grudges against Ironforge. There are many things that we soldiers can't decide. King Magni also supports and assists you, but the Elders and the others must always think about the entire kingdom. On the eve of Lordaeron's demise , Gnomeregan, the city of the gnomes, has suffered a catastrophe, and all our strength has been used to help the gnomes, so.

No, the Silver Hand has never blamed you, and even Princess Kalia has never said anything to blame.

Dick comforted the dejected old dwarf, What I said just now was just to end the war. Ironforge is too far away from Lordaeron, and we can't always rely on others. But this time, Marshal Fandral, this time Once Dalaran is breached, the troops in the Hillsbrad Hills and Arathi Highlands will not be able to stop the undead from raging. If they go south, they will be the first to stop them On the way is Ironforge.

The old dwarf nodded.

I know, in fact, when you appeared, I knew why you came. But these things, just convince me, can't do it, and that old orc, Dick, is not a good character to get along with, don't Look down on him!

Well, I know.

Dick grasped the reins of the docile Panhorn goat. He looked back at the Battle Plain that had been left behind, crossed it, and headed north, where the Frostwolf clan had lived for almost 20 years.

There is the footprint left by Thrall, the future great chief of the orcs, the legendary shaman, and one of the absolute protagonists in the next 20 years of history. This is probably the first intersection between Dick and Thrall.


The dwarves like to live in stone fortresses. Their thousands of years of culture have developed a very good construction technology. In the fortress of the stone furnace sentry, several large braziers are placed on the brackets to burn the cold room. Hot, dwarven-style table, full of fragrant roast meat and berries, and clear ale.

This is a meeting, but in the cultural style of the dwarves, all meetings are also part of the banquet, but this banquet is very special because it entertains the enemies of the Stormpike dwarves, who live together in Alteran The Frostwolf Clan of the Vale, the orcs.

Drek'Thar sat on the left side of the table, Dick sat on the right, and Marshal Fandral sat in the middle. No one was in the mood to eat. In fact, even Galvan, who was staring at each other with hatred, and Balinda, too, turned her attention to the war Dick described.

The charcoal in the brazier would make a banging sound from time to time, but this sound set off the atmosphere of the whole room, which became more silent and quiet.

Dalaran is being besieged by nearly half a million undead!

Drek'Thar, with a serious face, spoke first, I used the power of the elements just now to observe the battlefield from a distance, which made people dizzy, but what the paladin said is right, there are really many traces of demons in it, there are no traces. Thinking it's only been five years and they're here again!

Now the space in Dalaran is blocked, and the mages can't spread the news at all. My idea is, if possible, we should unite. Although there is still no way to break the blockade of those undead, at least Dalaran is blocked. When we break through, we can rescue some mages!

Dick took over the conversation and expressed his thoughts straightforwardly, but as soon as he finished speaking, the hot-tempered Captain Balinda snorted coldly,

I can understand the matter of helping the mage, but Dick, I can't see that those mages need our help. They are so arrogant. In fact, I don't see the use of you saying these things at all. Dalaran has been breached, and we can defend the entrance to the Hillsbrad Hills just by relying on the Stormpike dwarves, but the undead still can't get in!

No, if things are as simple as you think, it will be much easier.

Dick shook his head. He wasn't offended by Balinda's rebuttal. In fact, he was about to say something really important.

Mr. Drek'Thar, I heard that you were once a famous wise man in the world of Draenor, and you also experienced the destruction of Draenor. So, have you seen the power of the Great Demon?

Poison points have been modified! ! !

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