Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 99 2. Sincerity

Princess Kalia is a delicate person.

She inherited Menethil Wang's characteristic square face, large eyes and sharp eyebrows, which are the finishing touch in men, but for Princess Kalia, this undoubtedly destroyed her. That part of being a beauty.

However, after falling in love with the fallen guardian of the earth and experiencing the massacre led by her younger brother Alsace, this princess, who has completely lost her love and lost all her relatives, behaves in a way that ordinary people can't imagine. Resilience has re-supported a country.

Theramore, a country that was just born on the coast of Kalimdor, is not prosperous, but it is full of positive flavors. The farmers who lost their land were allocated new land here and became mages. After they remedied the dangerous swamps, one piece of fertile land appeared on the outskirts of Theramore City.

Old King Terenas was a diligent ruler who cared for the people. Although he ruled Lordaeron with the position of aristocrats, he really let the common people remember him, so that after the demise of Lordaeron, Princess Kalia, with the encouragement of Miss Jaina, ascended the heights, and tens of thousands of civilians who lost their homes followed her on a dangerous migration road.

From Dick's point of view, Princess Kalia has done well in the past six months. With the help of the surviving ministers, the newborn Theramore is developing in a very healthy state.

But it is still a baby in swaddling, unable to bear too many responsibilities, so Dick's First Expeditionary Corps did not choose to go ashore in Theramore itself, but directly in the northernmost part of Durotar, Sera The soldiers of Moroccan landed at the port of the northern fortress built.

Princess Kalia, who returned to Theramore one step ahead of schedule, personally led the ministers to pick up the ship at the port. Although the rulers of the Eastern Continent were very strange, the seal they jointly granted to Dick was real. If you don’t consider the real authority and the ridiculous 1W legion formed by old, weak, sick, and good mercenaries, Dick can be regarded as a great man of mankind. After Marshal Lothar, the second to get it The commander of the United Legion authorized by all human countries.

However, in the eyes of those who really knew his skills, he was worthless as a commander, and even Dick himself didn't take it seriously.

But right now, there is a very important and serious question before Dick.

The supply of these more than 10,000 soldiers is only enough for one and a half months at most. Without challenging Theramore's already poor material reserves, he needs to find the source of food and grass in time, otherwise the expedition will become a joke.

But before that, Dick had another thing to do.

In the middle of the night, on the coast of the northern castle, the commanders of the Stratholme battle group were scattered around this hidden cape. Herold led his warrior team to guard further away, and Dick in uniform stood on the seashore. At the edge of the corner, the eldest lady sat on a chair made of ice, and Erigor, who had become a staff officer again, stood behind Dick.

The quiet sea breeze blows across the sea. Unlike the scenery of the Eastern Continent, the original ecological scenery of Kalimdor gives people a feeling of entering the wilderness. This taste of wildness and freedom blows over the face, making the melancholy young lady , also became a little more joyful.


Eligor whispered to Dick, who turned his head and saw several tall shadows holding torches walking into the cape from the other side. The orc headed by him was wearing simple black plate armor with his back Holding a stone hammer that dissipated the power of the elements, as he walked step by step, whether it was the Flame of Justice carried behind Dick's back, or the Ebon Chill in Jaina's hand, they all gave off a slight tremor. humming.


Eligor yelled loudly, and the orcs stood ten steps away from Dick. Thrall carefully looked at the armored human paladin in front of him, and Dick was also looking at the fate of the next twenty years. the son of.

You are Thrall? The current chief of the orcs? It doesn't look like anything special!

Playfully, Dick took out a pasted leather letter from his arms, stretched out his hand, and held it in his hand.

Mr. Drek'Thar is a respectable wise man, he is very optimistic about you, that's why I invited you over!

The taller orc warrior behind Thrall wanted to take the letter, but Thrall stopped him. He stepped forward, reached out and took the letter from Dick's hand, and unfolded it in front of Dick. The corners of K's mouth turned upward.

Thrall really deserves to be the most friendly orc. With just this one action, he interpreted the word trust just right.

After reading it, Thrall passed the letter to the orc behind him, then put his fist on his chest, and saluted Dick,

Elder Drek'Thar is my mentor on the shaman path. I would like to thank you for your efforts to mediate the conflict between the Frostwolf clan and the Stormpike dwarves, young human general.

Thrall's voice is very magnetic. It combines the orc's low voice and the human's tone of voice. In short, it still makes people feel disgusted. Miss Jaina also looked at Thrall and the other orcs with a mixture of scrutiny and disgust.

Not to mention the paladins who already had their hands on their weapons.

The same is true for the orcs. It is absolutely correct to describe the atmosphere on both sides as tense.

Both Thrall and Dick noticed this, and both realized that it was better to make a long story short, or that if he stayed too long, something might happen that he didn't want to see. But Dick is also well aware of his current status. As a hero of the Human Alliance, he cannot act too weakly, even though he doesn't have much dislike for these orcs in his heart.

But now he is no longer the player he was back then. Whether it is Eligor or the attitude of those paladin brothers, they are reminding him that he is now a soldier of the alliance, a commander!

So he took the initiative to speak, with a strong tone:

Thal, we are not friends. At other times, I am willing to share life and death with you on the battlefield, to seek justice for those who died at your hands! But now, I bring the warriors here from thousands of miles away. We're not here for your filthy lives! The archdemon destroyed Dalaran, and we know what it wants, and I think you should, so here we come.

Dick glanced at the bad-looking orcs behind Thrall, and held the big Crusader sword on his belt with one hand,

As a temporary peace, I ask you to stop invading the northern fortress. In return, Theramore will no longer be hostile to you, at least not until the demons recede! And when you need it, we will even I can give you a hand.

As soon as Dick finished speaking, the tall orc behind Thrall snorted coldly.

Hmph, humans! Weak fellows, we don't need your help. Durotar is the home of the orcs, and humans are not allowed to take a step! If you want war, come here! Let's see who teaches whom!

Dick's eyes narrowed. He recognized the orc. It was Varok Saurfang, now the warlord of the orcs, a fierce warrior.

Facing Varok's ridicule, Eligor stepped forward and said in a cold voice,

If the commander hadn't decided to meet you beasts, the swords of more than 10,000 expeditionary soldiers would have fallen on you long ago, rude beasts, we will remember all the crimes you committed in the Eastern Continent in the past 20 years Let's go!



Saurfang drew out the battle ax behind his back, and the other orcs also drew out their weapons. On Dick's side, Erigor leaned on the heavy sword fearlessly, and the other paladins also drew their swords out of their sheaths.

Jaina took a step back, the eerie cold staff touched the ground lightly, and a water elemental made of turquoise flowing water appeared in front of her.

The atmosphere instantly entered the rhythm of the battle, but at the moment when the atmosphere was stagnant, a scolding sounded.

Enough! Varok, put away your weapons!

Thrall's scolding was still effective. The orcs withdrew their weapons, and the paladins took a few steps back when they saw this. However, this sudden outburst made the negotiations that had a hint of flavor back to being dominated by hatred. atmosphere.

Sal glanced at Dick, pondered for a few seconds, and said,

Arrogant general, let's be honest, the orcs have no malicious intentions towards the northern fortress, we are only forced to defend ourselves! I personally don't want to start a war over these things, enough blood has been shed on both sides! And you also said Yes, the devil is here, so I can stop the wolf cavalry from spying on the northern fortress, but can't expand forward! Varok is right, this is our home, for peace, I can separate Some for you, but don't challenge the orc's bottom line!

Sal. You can't.

Varok wanted to say something, but Thrall stopped him with a wave of his hand. Dick glanced back at the paladins. Everyone was satisfied with the orc's decision. Errigor also retracted his weapon and watched the scene , Dick touched his chin, and talked about another problem.

What about demons? How much do you know about them?

Thrall spread his hands, looking like I didn't know much about it.

We don't know much about demons, but we know that they appeared half a month ago. Now Azshara has become the base camp of demons. They invaded Ashvale, and the group of elves took It’s a passive retreat, and now the Warsong clan is blocking the entrance from Ashenvale to the Barrens, but frankly speaking, the demons don’t seem to regard us as opponents, and they don’t even want to divide their troops to attack us.”

Just because they didn't take the initiative to attack, don't you think these demons are a threat? Have you forgotten the origin of orcs and demons? You can control your own will, what about ordinary orcs?

Dick shook his head. Thrall's reaction still disappointed him. The orc chieftain hadn't grown to the height he would in the future, so he still looked at the problem from a weak perspective.

Facing Dick's rhetorical question, Thrall was momentarily at a loss for words, he thought for a while, and said solemnly,

Orcs are no longer executioners dominated by demon blood, but thank you for reminding me, I will start to pay attention to this.

Dick shrugged, moved his hands, and said curtly,

I brought the First Expeditionary Corps here, just for the great demon, I repeat, don't provoke Theramore and the human alliance again, Thrall, I know you are a wise orc, you should You can tell who is your friend and who is your enemy.

We have no intention of being friends with humans.

Before Thrall could answer, Varok shouted, But if you really came here for the demons, I don't mind taking a step back for this rare courage, but you have to show your sincerity first, the demons want to enter In the barren land, the Warsong Clan is struggling to resist, if you help us repel them, we will immediately withdraw from the northern fortress!

Dick stretched out his palm to stop the soldiers from pulling out their weapons. He glanced at the silent Thrall and immediately understood that this was also the plan of this kind but cunning orc chief. He gritted his teeth and looked at the The provocative Saurfang said in a deep voice,

Yes! Tomorrow! Tomorrow at noon, the First Expeditionary Force will prove their sincerity! But this is not to prove some idle courage, because this is the purpose of our coming here! If you can't hold on, get out!

The paladin glared at the orc, not hiding his sarcasm,

Understood? I mean, get out of my way, understand?

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