Azeroth’s Death Track

Chapter 39 8. Freedom to Go Nowhere

Boom boom boom

More than 300 orc troop carriers landed on the coast of the Hillsbrad hills. The orc warriors who couldn't stand the sea for a long time rushed out of the cabin frantically, and then led by their chiefs, in Orgrim Under the order of , quickly began to build outposts.

It was a crazy scene for nearly 30,000 green-skinned orcs to work together. Soon, the felled trees were sent to the designated location.

Dahl, take the young man from Burning Blade to scout around! See where those humans are hiding!

Send a message to Kilrogg that the landing has been successful, let him stop the human legion in Arathi Heights at all costs!

Contact Saurfang and ask him to prepare for a feint attack on Quel'Thalas! Once we start breaking through, I demand that he also start breaking through!

Taron Gorefiend, gather your death knights and get ready for the battlefield!

The chief's orders were issued one by one, and the entire landed tribal vanguard was like a sophisticated war machine, starting to run crazily. The orcs may not be good at production, but when it's the turn of plunder and war, these guys are definitely good hands. It is almost self-taught war talent.

The great chief's gaze remained firmly on the animal skin map in front of him. Although he failed to wipe out the human navy with the giant dragon, the successful landing meant that the plan for the blitzkrieg had begun, and the second phase of the war had officially begun.

Orgrim wants to lead the vanguard to open the road to the south of Lordaeron in the shortest possible time, stabbing into the heart of the human kingdom like a sharp knife, and completely smashing the human will to resist with a brilliant battle. In this case, the vanguard army led by him must ensure sufficient combat effectiveness.

Only after all the orcs in the wetlands have to be transported can the real war begin!

On the other hand, when the orcs started to act, humans did not take the risk of gathering a large army on the seashore to attack the orcs. This is not cost-effective and impossible.

The quality of individual soldiers of human beings is far worse than that of orcs. To block 30,000 orcs, humans need at least 50,000 infantry. In the cold weapon era, the coast of Hillsbrad Hills could not accommodate so many infantry in formation. .

The selection of battlefields for large-scale battles in this world is very knowledgeable. The imagined scene of human soldiers blocking the coast and driving the orcs into the sea is simply impossible...

More importantly, humans stationed heavy troops on the Arathi Highlands adjacent to the hills. After the orcs made a risky beachhead landing, as long as the human commanders were not crazy, they must mobilize troops from Arathi to block the orcs' retreat. Achieve the most perfect front and rear flanking.

In the coalition camp in the northern part of the hill, Anduin Lothar, who is the marshal of the human coalition, slid his finger quickly on the map. Constantly issuing command orders.

Order General Trollbane to lead the army from Stromgarde to the Hillsbrad Foothills!

Order Major General Blackmoore to lead the army to break through the blockade of the orcs and meet the army of Stromgarde! The two parties will work together to ensure the smooth flow of the transportation road between the Arathi Highlands-Tarren Mill-Alterac Mountains!

Marshal Lothar, who is nearly 50 years old now, has a tall body and a standard human warrior. His short hair on the top of his head is all white, but he is still hale and hearty. He is wearing solid armor and his eyes are like a lion. He is not angry and majestic.

He grew up in the Kingdom of Stormwind, and he was a life and death brother to the sacrificed King Lane. For the orcs who killed Lane and destroyed Stormwind City, he had an intolerable hatred and anger in his heart, but this did not affect his outstanding ability. War thinking.

Marshal Lothar tapped his fingers fiercely on the map, and said to the commanders around him:

Here! The hinterland of the Hillsbrad hills, this is where the decisive battle will take place!

But Marshal, why did Orgrim crash into our encirclement?

Standing beside Marshal Lothar was his adjutant Turalyon, one of the five knights of the newly appointed Knights of the Silver Hand. He looked at the marshal suspiciously and asked in a low voice:

Why didn't he launch an attack immediately, and wait for our encirclement to become more and more perfect?

This question was also wanted to be asked by other low-level commanders. Looking at their eyes, Marshal Lothar smiled and pointed his finger at the location of the city of Lordaeron not far from the hills.

Because that arrogant chief wants to completely defeat all our resistance!

The marshal's eyes became sharper, and he said in a deep voice:

Orgrim knows very well that falling into a frontal battlefield that cannot be broken through means that his army of 100,000 will have to fight against the combined forces of the entire human race. Even if he wins, it will be a miserable victory... That cunning orc will not In doing so, his goal was very clear from the beginning, to attract our attention in the Arathi Highlands, and personally lead the army into the hills.

That guy is arrogant, but he has the capital of arrogance. Once we fail in the frontal battlefield, the defense of northern Xinjiang will be completely disintegrated.

For the next words, there is no need for Marshal Lothar to explain again. Turalyon, the first brother on the battlefield, rubbed his forehead and said the terrifying result:

If the frontal battlefield fails, the Kingdom of Lordaeron will face Bingfeng directly. The Kingdom of Gilneas bordering Lordaeron and the Kingdom of Dalaran will have no danger to defend...the orcs will be able to occupy an absolute advantage. Resources to arm yourself before turning against the kingdom of Stormgarde in the Arathi Highlands.

Marshal Lothar pressed his finger on the hilt of his saber. Turalyon's analysis was very accurate, and there was no need for him to say anything more. Now his only worry was the hastily mobilized human army. Can you block the frontal raid of 100,000 orcs? After a while, he said in a deep voice:

Turalyon, send a messenger to suggest to King Perenolde to mobilize all the troops of the Alterac Kingdom and block all the cliff passages! As long as the dangerous Alterac Mountains do not fall, the orcs will We will be locked in the Hillsbrad Hills, and we will never fail!

Turayan was stunned for a moment. This suggestion was completely a remedy for the possible failure of Marshal Lothar. The old Marshal seemed to have no confidence in winning.

But Turalyon didn't say much, he saluted the marshal, turned around and walked out of the headquarters.

It is related to the war situation, and all mobilization will take time.

Both sides started crazy adventures... Seriously, now the balance of war has been balanced, one hundred thousand orc warriors, two hundred thousand human soldiers, this is already the craziest military force that this continent can produce, next , all conspiracies have lost their effect, and it is time for the two sides to speak with the cruelest sword!

And in the tense preparations, the secret weapons of both sides have also quietly arrived on the battlefield... Always ready to kill and give the other party a real surprise, but this kind of waiting time is actually the last time. boring.


In a certain corner of the orc camp, in the unquiet night, the death knight Tyrion was chatting with his titular leader Talon Gorefiend. The relationship between the two was very strange.

In the same group, but mistrust each other.

Will fight together, but not comrades-in-arms.

Occasionally exchange knowledge with each other, but not friends.

When facing Gul'dan, they will be truly united, but never brothers...


With the light of the shadow dancing in his hand, an obscure evil rune flashed on Talon Gorefiend's finger. The moment the rune appeared, the death energy in Talon Gorefiend's body became extremely intense. Corrosiveness, the wooden table in front of him was corroded and collapsed by the power of this rune without a sound.

really not bad!

Gorefiend stared at the evil rune in his finger, his dark red eyes flashed with satisfaction:

These useless runes have been passed down by the Shadowmoon clan for hundreds of years, but no one will pay attention to them except those weak psychics...Tyrion, you are a genius...

Facing the leader's praise, Tyrion's expression didn't change at all, there was only an icy luster on the elf's characteristic feminine cheeks.

Death runes should naturally be used with death energy. I'm not a genius...I just make the best use of everything. For warlocks, if you want to achieve this kind of corrosion effect, you can do it with simpler methods. .. runes are a bit tasteless to you.


Talon Gorefiend nodded, and the evil rune in his hand suddenly shattered:

But this thing is very friendly to those new knights, especially those warriors who have not been exposed to magic. At least they don't need to risk being beheaded by Orgrim to learn warlock spells, and they don't necessarily know how to do magic. , just like that stupid follower of yours, even after being resurrected, his brain is full of muscles!

Tyrion nodded, he stretched out his slender fingers, cold white runes, boiling red runes and corroded green runes intertwined in the palm of his hand, he said softly:

Before the last psychic was killed by Gul'dan, he gave me this knowledge... Do you think he used this knowledge in exchange for a request?

This question caused a distorted smile to appear on Talon Gorefiend's gloomy face:

I guess he asked you to help him kill Gul'dan?

Tyrion nodded and stopped talking. Of course he fabricated this story, but the hatred of the psychics who have completely cut off their inheritance for the ancestor Gul'dan of the warlocks is not a lie, so this story will definitely win the tower. Long Gorefiend's trust.

As for the runes that he spread among the death knights, they were indeed born to him...from his mind, to be precise, from his memory of the death knights in the game, and the one who was drawn by him The knowledge of the killed orc psychic.

It seems that our Mr. Gul'dan has made countless enemies... But I'm curious, will you really kill him?

Gorefiend asked in a low voice, and Tyrion shrugged:

I can't even get close to Gul'dan quietly... The gap between me and him is too big. If it is you, maybe it is still possible.

Don't worry, my friend Tyrion.

Gorefiend stood up, stretched his fingers, and said softly: Gul'dan will not live long, Orgrim will not allow him to live freely...By the way, is that all the runes you have learned? ?”

This question made Tyrion feel a little crisis, he thought for a moment, and said softly:

Bloodfiend, you also know that these runes were originally unique to your Draenor world. They were secret spell runes passed down by the Shadowmoon clan who are good at divination and necromancy. No one knows how many of them there are. What kind of special use, that psychic has taught me so much, if I have a new breakthrough, I will tell you.

This world is not a game world, he is real. Although Tyrion has played the death knight profession in the game and is very proficient, it does not mean that he can memorize all the mature death rune systems in the game. And what he is using now is not those mature rune systems.

Instead, he used the psychic runes of the Shadowmoon clan to simulate the death runes.

The Shadowmoon Clan was once one of the great orc clans of Draenor, famous for their rune magic that can summon the dead and divination.

Tyrion discovered in an accident that through different combinations of these hundreds of runes, combined with the corrosive and cold death energy, after operation, they can also achieve the special effect of the death knight's rune weapon in the game .

For example, the most basic cold weapon enchantment, such as blood-sucking runes, such as dark armor runes, through different combinations, Tyrion has also differentiated many runes with different functions.

It was with this skill that he really entered the core circle of the first generation of 20 death knights, and was treated differently by Talon Gorefiend, who needed this kind of knowledge to supplement the combat effectiveness of death knights. In exchange, Tyrion needed that A soul stone that can control him.

And although he hates this group full of corruption and conspiracy, Tyrion does not refuse to be promoted in this system. After all, there are already as many as 200 death knights obeying Orgrim's orders. Given his worth, it's hard to say which day he will be sent as cannon fodder by Talon Gorefiend.

In this situation of mutual utilization, it is of course impossible for him to teach everything to the cunning and crazy former warlock in front of him. In the death knight group dominated by Talon Gorefiend, useless guys can only die one.

Hearing what Tyrion said, a glint of dissatisfaction flashed in Gorefiend's eyes. He was sure that the guy in front of him was not telling the truth, but a deal was a deal. He tossed it casually, and the black soul stone fell into Tyrion's hands .

The face of the elf death knight really calmed down at this moment, and the gorefiend watched him crush the soul stone, his conversation suddenly changed, and he said another thing:

I'm actually very curious, Tyrion, you see, I've returned your soul stone to you, and it stands to reason that you are free and no one can control you anymore, so do you still want to stay in this place where there are only orcs? What about the tribe?

This question from the Gorefiend made Tyrion laugh dumbly. He shook his head, looked at the Gorefiend, and asked softly:

If I don't stay here, where else can I go?

To be honest, I don't like orcs, I hate them very much, and I can't resist the urge to kill them, but in this world, only the Death Knights ruled by you have my place. ..Do you think human beings will accept a monster who has come back from the dead? Do you think my relatives, when they see me like this...will they still love me and trust me like before?

The Gorefiend shook his head, and Tyrion smiled calmly. He reached out and held his heavy sword, and began to redraw the runes on the sword:

Don't doubt my loyalty to the Horde, my friend. I'm almost as loyal to the warchief as you are!

This answer made the Gorefiend laugh dumbly, he snorted, then turned and left.

If this is the case, Tyrion, for the sake of us getting along happily, find a way out for yourself earlier! You poor thing... a dead person doesn't want to be driven crazy by nothingness, so find some obsession for yourself things to do.


Tyrion froze for a moment, and after the figure of the Gorefiend disappeared into the darkness, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I have that kind of thing...

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