Azeroth’s Death Track

Chapter 5 4. The Dragon of the Sea

The rangers staying in South Sea Town cheered when they saw the Phoenix flag held high. Most of these rangers are from the Farstrider Legion. Their leader is Aurelia Windrunner, who is Tyrion's mentor and teacher. Adoptive mother Lyresa Windrunner's eldest daughter, Tyrion's titular sister.

In fairness, at least one-third of Tyrion's adventure support is due to this name.

whoosh whoosh

The familiar rain of arrows streaked across the sky again. In the eyes of Gavin Ladd, who had escaped from death, this rain of arrows flying all over the sky was like the most beautiful scenery in the world. The forest...the forest of death and blood.

Orcs, as the name suggests, are a group of humanoid creatures like wild beasts. They have a figure and strength far higher than that of humans. They have green skin, outstretched muscles, fangs sticking out of their lips, rough skin and thick flesh. , has a brutal and aggressive personality, and is generally more threatening than trolls.

They are invaders from another world, they came to Azeroth, it is said that they are looking for a new home, but judging from their frantic fighting all the way, overturning half of the continent, these violent guys, absolutely and Peace has nothing to do with it.

But unfortunately, they don't have the superhuman self-healing power of the trolls, so facing the arrow rain of the high elves, after four waves of incomparable throwing, the orcs who boarded the port are like arrows full of arrows. The target...was a jaw-dropping carnage.

Come on, knights! Kill these beasts!

Gavin Ladd seized this fleeting opportunity, shouted excitedly, and was the first to charge up brandishing his weapon, and simply and neatly shot a powerful cleave, which stunned everyone in front of him. The two orcs were beheaded, and the blood splashed from their tall bodies, representing the joy of victory.

And behind him, the majestic knights roared and gathered their shields together, rushed forward crazily, kicked the orcs off the port abruptly, and in the icy sea water, these guys were named by the elves with sharp arrows .

While the last fleeing orc was impaled in the chest, Lady Luck seemed to take pleasure in the Jedi counter-kill, throwing all of her divine power on the Union soldiers' heads.

boom boom

The sound of the battleship's artillery tore through the waves of the sea in the smoke of gunpowder in the open sea. Gavinrad raised his head suddenly, and saw two groups of red flames falling from the sky, precisely hitting the orc troop carrier. After that, the shadows of the three warships appeared in the eyes of everyone in Nanhai Town from afar.

It's the navy of Kul Tiras!

Another adjutant wiped the blood from his face, and shouted excitedly to the general: It's Admiral Dai Lin, he's finally here! The orcs are dead!

Yeah, the orcs are dead...

At this moment, Gavinrad saw the end of the battlefield. In joy, he took a step forward, but his body shook for a while, and he sat directly on the ground. This fight had already exhausted the general.

And seeing the three heavily armed warships of Kul Tiras, including Admiral Dai Lin's command ship, sail into the waters of South Sea Town, destroying the orc troop carrier, and the troop carrier was bombarded to pieces. , The three alliance warships also approached slowly, preparing for the final blow.

Everything was turned upside down in an instant, and the victory was getting closer and closer to the Alliance. All of this filled the eyes of Gavin Ladd and the Alliance soldiers who stood firm here, and cheers resounded through the sky.

However, as we all know, Lady Luck is a bitch, just like the despair before, this time the joy did not last even five minutes.


A beast-like roar sounded in the sky on the other side of South Sea Town. This roar made Tyrion suddenly raise his head. He knew this kind of roar. When he looked directly at the sky of Sunwell one time, he saw After that huge blue dragon, he still remembers it vividly...


This is the roar of the dragon!


Giant dragons, legendary creatures that often appear in fantasy stories, have extraordinary power, magic resistance that crushes all living beings, and a pair of wings that can soar into the sky.

In the library of Quel'Thalas, there are many stories about giant dragons. Except for some mages' overly romantic imaginations, giant dragons are powerful, proud, mysterious and difficult to get along with in the impression of elves. .

Well, it is actually no different from the human impression of giant dragons. The only difference is that the secret scrolls of the high elves record in detail the places where giant dragons may exist in the world. Tyrion remembers those places clearly. He can Certainly, the Hillsbrad hills, from ancient times to the present, absolutely have no giant dragons!

The nearest giant dragon habitat here is in the deepest part of the Hinterlands mountains adjacent to the hills, which is nearly a thousand kilometers away from here, which is beyond the range of the giant dragon foraging.

What's that sound?

Gavin Ladd, the exiled general of Stormwind leaning on his heavy sword, stood up from the blood-soaked port. He saw that the soldiers around him were equally bewildered, so he subconsciously looked at the mysterious high elves .

Evidently, the general thought, the elves must know much more than men.

Lor'themar Theron, who was wearing red chain armor, exchanged glances with Tyrion beside him, temporarily put aside the grievances between the two, turned his gaze to the sky, and said softly:

That's... the roar of a dragon.


Gavin Ladd's eyes widened. He grew up in the land of Stormwind Kingdom, which is the only human country in the south of the mainland. Giant dragons in that land were just an ancient legend. He never thought that he would You will see dragons with your own eyes in your lifetime.

Faced with this situation, this hero who had served two kings was a little at a loss. He subconsciously followed the gazes of Tyrion and Theron, and looked towards the sky. Unfortunately, he did not have the powerful vision of elves, so he could only see To a gray sky, which is a sign of a storm at sea.

Are they here to help us?

Gavinrad asked in a low voice, Lor'themar shook his head at the slightly childish question, and Tyrion snorted:

You can use all the words you know to describe the dragon, but there are only enthusiasm and kindness in it. They are dragons, and their concept of good and evil is different from ours...

Seeing a huge shadow flying out from the shadow of the sky, at this moment, Tyrion barely saw the soaring dragon clearly through the haze of the sea, his eyes changed slightly, and he grabbed Gaga in front of him. Winrad, said softly:

If I were you, I'd signal those warships to get ready...


Gavin Ladd was stunned for a moment. Behind him, Lor'themar also locked his eyes tightly. He said in a deep voice:

Because there are people on the backs of those dragons... Orcs!!!


This shot was really accurate!

Standing on the poop of the deck, Admiral Dai Lin put down the binoculars in his hand and threw it to the Kul Tiras Grand Knight Cyrus who was standing beside him. The latter said softly at the right time:

That's a cannon operated by Drake himself.

Hearing this, a satisfied look appeared in Dai Lin's eyes. He stroked his short beard, and looked at the orc troop carrier completely sunk by artillery in the distance with some satisfaction. The eyes of this naval leader in his prime A cold light flashed suddenly.

Send those bloody greenskins to hell! Don't let them get ashore alive!

The admiral shook his fist fiercely:

In the name of the dead! Musketeers, fire freely!

Dai Lin's roar spread throughout the deck, and the standard bearer also signaled the order to other warships, so for a while, the elite sea warriors of Kul Tiras picked up their muskets and started a free battle. Cruel hunting.

Since the orcs entered this world through the portal of the dark swamp in the southernmost part of the continent 5 years ago, in just 5 years, their injuries have been stained with the blood of innocent humans. The Stormwind Kingdom, one of the Seven Kingdoms It was also completely captured by the barbaric orcs, and countless soldiers died tragically on the battlefield.

Although serving different kings, these Kul Tiras sailors are still willing to avenge their fellow humans!

Recently, there are more and more tattered ships of these orcs.

Dai Lin watched the orcs who fell into the water being beaten to death one by one by the musketeers. He reached out and rubbed his forehead, and said to the silent big knight beside him:

It seems that those orcs are not out of their minds. They know that the road in the wetlands is not easy to walk, and they also know that we have set up an ambush at the Sardo Bridge. They are trying to attack the northern border from the waterway.

But no one can defeat Kul Tiras led by you...

The great knight Cyrus turned his head disapprovingly and looked at the orc battleship that had been blown into the sea in the distance, and said in a deep voice:

Your Majesty, it's time to dock at Nanhai Town. Look at the howling sea breeze. A big storm is gathering.

The storm is coming, this storm will destroy those green skins who don't know what to do for us!

Dai Lin stretched out her hand in satisfaction, feeling the turbulent sea breeze, took a deep breath, and said softly:

Cyrus, you forgot again, don't call me Your Majesty, I don't like that title...I am now the Admiral of the Alliance's Navy, and since I was born, I know that I belong to the sea, so call me Admiral!

All right.

The loyal great knight was a little embarrassed, and after a while, under Dai Lin's feigned glaring, he said with a strange expression:

Mr. Admiral, please give the order to dock now!

Very well, let's dock at Nanhai Town!

The admiral gave the order and was about to go to the captain's cabin to take a break, but at this moment, a strange roar sounded in the sky above the sea, causing Dai Lin to stop in place.

He raised his head and looked at the haze rising above him as the storm approached. In this kind of weather, he couldn't see what was in the cloud at all.

What is that? Some kind of beast? Cyrus, have you ever heard such a roar before?

The admiral looked at his most loyal knight, who had already clenched the hilt of the sailor sword around his waist. He shook his head, stepped forward, and together with the other three knights, stood by the admiral's side. , these loyal knights felt a faint threat.

Your Majesty! Look over there! Nanhai Town!

The navigator of this wooden three-sail warship shouted to the admiral loudly, his voice was somewhat distorted in the howling and increasingly violent wind. In the sea fog, the hilly port was a little blurry, but there were faintly visible fires shining.

They're lighting a signal flag with torches!

The great knight Cyrus watched for a few seconds, then turned his head and said to the ugly Dai Lin: They are reminding us to be vigilant! There is a threat coming!

Where are you from?

The admiral, who had just won the battle, was a little disapproving. He looked around, and there was already a strong sea breeze blowing across the sea, and their opponents had already been sent to hell by their own hands just now. Where is the danger?

And at this moment, another roar sounded in the air, and this time it was obviously closer than the last time.

The answer is self-evident...

in the sky!

The admiral and the loyal knights raised their heads together and looked at the hazy sky. At this moment, a man covered in red scales flapped huge wings and shuttled back and forth in the fog of the approaching storm. , and a thick tail, the monster with four claws flashed in their eyes.

It's... a dragon!


Amidst the roar full of hatred, the damp and cold air suddenly became scorching hot at this moment, and the giant fireball slanting down from the sky hit a battleship in front of the flagship, and the sails that were too late to close were ignited, like It was like setting the whole ship on fire in an instant.

In the fog and the howling sea wind in front of the fleet, the dragon bound by the reins flapped its wings and fell from the sky, suspended in mid-air, those snake-like eyes were full of pain, and behind this noble and powerful creature , on its scale-covered back, more than a dozen fully armed orcs sat neatly, how out of tune was this weird scene.

And with the deep breath of the dragon in front of him, the scorching dragon's breath pierced the moist air at this moment, and brought the death that fell from the sky as a gift to these soldiers who were still enjoying the victory. Death came so fast, almost In the blink of an eye, the three battleships were covered by dragon fire falling from the sky.

When the sails were ignited, it meant that they were completely passive.

Your Majesty, leave!

After the flames of the dragon's breath dissipated, the entire deck of the ship was covered with charred corpses, but the battleship made of Kul Tiras' special craftsmanship and special wood survived the dragon's breath, and passed away. It was not directly ignited as imagined by the orcs who manipulated the dragon's attack.

After the dragon flapped its wings and flew back into the sky, the great knight Cyrus dragged Dailin to the position of the lifeboat, while Dailin was struggling crazily:

Let me go! Cyrus, let me go! My soldier is dead! That damned dragon! I'll kill it!

Only if you are alive, Your Majesty, can you complete the feat of slaying the dragon!

The great knight was unmoved, and dedicated all his loyalty to the royal family. He regarded Dai Lin's life as a hundred times more important than his own. He threw the admiral into the wooden lifeboat, roaring behind him. In the sea breeze, the damn dragon circled in the air for a week, and swooped down towards the fleet again.

But this time, those orcs riding on the dragon's back jumped off the dragon's back one after another when they approached the sea, and landed on the deck of the battleship that was panicked by the appearance of the dragon, frantically taking the opportunity to slaughter the sailors.

Cyrus, I must go back!

Seeing this scene, Dai Lin, who was already sitting on the lifeboat, grabbed the short-handled musket at hand, and shot an orc in the chest. The guy struggled a bit, fell on the shaking deck, and finally fell into the water inside.

The admiral's gorgeous military uniform was already wet, and his black hair was stuck to his forehead, like an angry sea lion. He grabbed the arm of the big knight and shouted loudly:

Drake is still on another ship! Kul Tiras cannot afford to lose its prince!

And I... I can't leave my son behind!

Ps1: According to historical records, Admiral Dai Lin suffered a lot from being enslaved by the Red Dragon during World War II, even his son was buried in the hands of the Red Dragon. Well, of course it was not this attack.

Ps2: Oh, by the way, some brothers asked the protagonist whether he majored in bows and arrows or swords... Ranger, just look at Aqiang. He uses both bow and sword, fights thieves in melee, and shoots and hunts from a distance. This is a ranger.

Ps3: Regarding the first generation of death knights, first of all, Orgrim does not allow Gul’dan to use orc corpses, so all death knights are human bodies. Secondly, death knights are manipulated by the souls of the warlocks of the Shadow Council. The body of a human knight wants to achieve the effect of combining power and magic, but it can only be said to look beautiful. In fact, the first generation of death knights is more suitable to be called a plate armor warlock. Compared with the first generation of paladins that appeared at the same time, They are the underdog.

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