Azeroth’s Death Track

Chapter 73 6. Tyrion's Benevolence

Gul'dan left, taking 70% of the troops and supplies of the Horde reinforcements, and the remaining orcs scattered throughout the Stratholme area to plunder.

They will go all the way south from the Stratholme region. Under the support of Talon Gorefiend's death knights, they will re-enter the hills, return to the tribal port in the wetlands, and then set sail to an unknown destiny.

This was like a sap, hitting Saurfang's head who was imprisoned and free. The most terrible thing was that before leaving, the evil orc warlock set a fire in the already empty camp, Come to attract the attention of the surrounding alliance troops and buy them more time!

It's over!

Saurfang watched the flames licking the entire camp little by little. An unimaginable despair engulfed his heart. He will be completely burned here, and no one will know where he ended up... This is not the ending he dreads.

As an orc warrior who still holds honor, what Saurfang is most afraid of is being identified as a traitor by the warchief and his brother Broxigar, who betrayed the Horde along with Gul'dan, betrayed Traitor to own honor!

Gul'dan would not explain it kindly, the ending of losing his life and honor at the same time, for a person like Saurfang, it was like hell!

Clatter clatter

The chains binding his body were shaken wildly by the orc warriors, trying to break free from the chains, but his whole body was very weak, and the toxins in his body were bit by bit eating away his remaining sobriety and will.

As the fire blazed, he began to cry:

anyone there?

anyone here?

Let me go! Help me!

The Warchief is still waiting for me! I can't...I can't let him down!

But there are no one left. In the previous looting operation, Saurfang sent a lot of orcs to attract the attention of the alliance defenders in all directions. Those orc warriors would not take the initiative to find the large army before they were ordered. , But now, these soldiers who obeyed the order have completely sent Safarur into a desperate situation.


The orc warlord roared crazily. If he could go back to that night in Quel'Thalas now, he would definitely watch Gul'dan's soul being taken away by those death knights with cold eyes. Perhaps this scourge should die at that time!

He recalled what Orgrim had ordered before he left, that he could choose to kill Gul'dan when necessary.

Clearly, the Warchief had doubts about Gul'dan's loyalty, but Saurfang's stubbornness had brought him and his army into this desperate juncture.

The fire, the orange-red flame was burning in the huge and empty camp, and soon it was connected together, igniting all the tents, Saurfang was heartbroken, his eyes were dull, and he was tied to the stone The orc warlord on the ground gave up resistance and struggle, and let the flames surround him.

But before the flame ignited his body, the remorse and self-blame in his heart had completely devoured his heart like a monster with claws and claws.

His heart was already dead in the face of this failure.


The cold wind extinguished the flames in front of Saurfang at this moment, and the abnormal low temperature made the orc warlord subconsciously raise his head, and saw the tall figure walking into the fire.

It was an orc, a death knight, a member of Tyrion's order of the Darkblade.

Blackhand! I know you...

Saurfang stared blankly at the silent orc death knight in front of him, a self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

Did you come to see my end? Did you come to laugh at my failure? Or... send me out of this world?

I'm not that boring yet!

Glokush looked at the orc warlord who had been beaten to despair in front of him, a gleam of light flashed in his dark eyes, and he pulled out the ax behind his backhand.

click, click

The chains binding Saurfang were severed, and the orc warlord was free, but just as he stood up and took a step, he collapsed weakly on the ground, and was grabbed by Glokush and carried it on his shoulders. step out of the flames.

The scorching flames cleared a path in the icy storm, and outside the fire, a bone griffin was waiting for its master.

Tyrion wants to see you, Saurfang. It's time for you to face your fate. Also, call me Glokush. I don't like that name.

The bone griffin flew in the air for 10 minutes, and finally came to the junction of Stratholme and Hillsbrad hills. Glokush manipulated the griffin to fall, and all members of the Dark Blade Knights were in the mountain below. They rested on the ground, and beside them were nearly a hundred orc warriors who had been hacked to death, and some low-level knights who had been awakened were cleaning up the battlefield. Obviously, a chasing battle had just ended here.


Saurfang was thrown on the ground, he raised his head with difficulty, and saw Tyrion who was wiping the long sword in his hand. The latter was sitting on the corpse of an ogre, looking at with him.

That sarcasm made Saurfang feel ashamed again, but he still stiffened his neck and refused to bow his head. He looked at the leader of the death knight, and asked in a deep voice:

What did you bring me here for? Tyrion!

I just want to see what it's like to be a loser.

Tyrion pierced Saurfang's scar mercilessly. He sheathed the long sword in his hand, propped his chin with his left hand, and looked at the orc warlord in front of him playfully:

How does it feel to be betrayed by Gul'dan? You see, my curse has finally been fulfilled! I guess, you should regret it now, if you didn't stop me then...if you didn't steal our victory then, Horde Victory cannot be stolen by Gul'dan.

Saurfang, your tribe will eventually fail because of this, and you! You are the biggest sinner! You guessed right, I'm just laughing at you...


Saurfang clenched his fists, blood-red bloodshot eyes burst out, and he roared loudly:

Stop talking! Stop humiliating me! Kill me now! Take my life!

Give me a weapon!

Saurfang struggled to get up from the ground. He supported his waist with his hands to prevent himself from falling. He looked at Tyrion in front of him and said in a deep voice:

Being dead by your hands as a soldier is better than being burned to death.

Come on!

Tyrion waved his hand: I asked my brother to bring you here, not to fight with you, as you can see, we have been chasing and killing the Raiders and the Twilight's Hammer, but Gul'dan was more cunning than I thought, and he dropped many sacrifices along the way to ensure that he and his core members could escape smoothly.

The death knight pointed to the bloody battlefield around him. He raised his head, looked at Saurfang in front of him, and said softly:

You don't want to die like this, I know, I can see... You see, your warchief doesn't know the news of Gul'dan's betrayal, he doesn't know, he has no reinforcements, he is Attack Lordaeron regardless of consumption, but without reinforcements, he will be besieged and killed in the city of Lordaeron by endless alliance soldiers...

Gul'dan's poison is corroding your body. I can help you get rid of it and let you survive. I can even let you report to the messenger so that your great chief can save his strength and retreat in time. You can even live long time...

Tyrion threw out his bait, Saurfang's eyes widened at this moment, his breathing became heavy, but he didn't agree immediately, because he knew that Tyrion would not be so kind, This comes at a price!

So, what's the price?

Saurfang asked in a deep voice, Tyrion smiled silently, and he spread his arms:

What else do you have to pay? Saurfang, you have nothing left! And my Knights and I need a warrior like you.

He stood up, moved his shoulders, looked at the orc warlord in front of him, this brave warrior who killed him with his own hands, will become the orc who symbolizes the bravery of the new tribe in the future history, rubbed his chin, and said softly:

You hate Gul'dan deeply, I can smell your hatred, but coincidentally, we also have an account to settle with him, so I will let you go back to report and let you go back to protect your chief, In return, I to willingly give up your life and join the Dark Blade Knights!

Tsk tsk, what a cruel choice.

Luminas leaned aside and whispered, That bastard looks like a devil!

But he was right.

Celent closed his eyes and said in a low voice: Saurfang's bravery is what we need, and it can also weaken the power of the Horde, killing two birds with one stone!

How? Yes, or not?

Tyrion looked at the orc warrior in front of him calmly. He knew very well that even after death, if a warrior like Saurfang was unwilling to obey his soul, even if he was forcibly recruited, it would be very difficult for him to succeed.

Tyrion didn't have Frostmourne, an evil artifact that could forcibly conscript all souls. He could only use this method, the oath, to draw Saurfang into his camp.

not enough!

Saurfang took a step back, he looked at Tyrion seriously:

It's not enough!

I never knew, you are such a greedy orc!

Tyrion's face darkened, and Saurfang gave up all resistance at this moment, he took a deep breath, his eyes were shining with the last struggle.

What I paid was my life, my everything! How can this be possible? I want the Dark Blade Knights to help the Great Chief retreat smoothly! I have seen what you can do on the battlefield, and this is hard for you!

The orc warlord clenched his fists:

As long as you agree, I am willing to join you now!

Tsk tsk, really loyal...

Tyrion shrugged noncommittally, his icy blue eyes blinked, he approached Saurfang, and said softly in a voice that only two people could hear:

I won't let my brother fight to the death for your warchief, so I thought, we can change the terms!

No! I refuse! Apart from this condition, I will not accept anything!

Oh? Then why don't you go by yourself?

These words made the ferocious Saurfang freeze in place for an instant.

Tyrion moved his fingers, and he looked at Saurfang:

Go and protect your great chief yourself, maybe you have misunderstood my request, listen clearly, what I said is when it's appropriate, I will receive payment, you can do whatever you want, Until you have no regrets.

You and I know very well what kind of trouble your chief is facing, and what kind of danger he will encounter.

He reached out and patted Saurfang in front of him, like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years:

Let me tell you the truth, if you don't want to have such a powerful soul, I can't forcefully recruit you now. It is meaningless if you just resurrect your body. For the death knight, the soul is Most importantly, so I need your willingness! Do you understand?

You can even go back to Draenor to see your wife, and even leave a child for your family or something.

This loose condition made it difficult for Saurfang to understand for a while. After a while, he looked at Tyrion suspiciously:

Aren't you afraid that I will break the contract? You should be very clear that if I want to run away, you will never catch me again. If you lose this opportunity, you may never have it again!

Tyrion shrugged, he snapped his fingers, and two figures quickly appeared behind him.

Severn, Autumn, help Mr. Warden clean up the poison in his blood, and help him prepare a griffin...

The death knight lord looked at Saurfang in front of him, pointed to the land to the south, and said softly:

It depends on whether fate favors you as before, Saurfang, if you are lucky enough, maybe my knights and I will die in the upcoming adventure, and then you will be completely free, but After all, I believe in the promise made by a soldier, you value honor more than your life, and I believe you will not let it be shamed.

He walked by Saurfang's side, the two zombie dragons hovering in the sky let out an ugly roar, and slowly landed on the ground, Tyrion rode his own dragon, he glanced at the blood purification the Orc Overseer, who was also watching him.

Tyrion, now I owe you my life. After everything is over, I will fulfill my promise! In the name of the Saurfang family!

I am looking forward...

Tyrion whispered, next time, the zombie dragon and bone griffin flapped their wings and flew into the sky, heading towards the hills.

Saurfang is just a small episode, just like meeting Arthas and Varian before, it is not appropriate to change everything at this moment, Tyrion has not forgotten his most important thing at present.

Gul'dan, fate has revealed your future, where can you escape to?

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