But soon, he felt the little hand on the back of his hand tighten slightly, and the remaining steel sharks seemed to speed up a little. Suddenly, dots of light sank and floated in the sea water, and then more and more, just like a sky full of stars, floating and sinking above the sky.

Various plankton, krill and luminous jellyfish swam in the sea water, and Wang Yu and U47 seemed to be in a sea of ​​stars.

In addition to the sound of splashing water, he also heard some various unknown whispers, like fish talking quietly in the water, and like the sea singing an incomprehensible ballad...

The steel shark waved its tail fin, and Wang Yu and U47 swam with it in the sea. The natives of these seas obviously discovered their two sudden visitors, and several colorful fish swam around them.

The steel shark also slowly slowed down, and the fish swimming around them became more and more.

Some fish will spontaneously follow large creatures to avoid attacks from natural enemies, and they have obviously regarded Wang Yu and his companions as a gentle haven.

Wang Yu tilted his head, and a glowing fish was quietly passing by his ear. He opened his mouth and spit out a string of bubbles in the sea. The girl tilted her head and looked at him, her eyes full of mischievous smiles.

Various small fish that could not be named roamed among the gorgeous corals, various shells, starfish, jellyfish and seaweeds of different colors danced in the sea water, and a sea crab crawled on the sand, but was caught by the tentacles extending from the cracks in the rocks. This kind of crustacean is the favorite of octopuses.

A large sea turtle floated in front of the steel shark, and some fish that Wang Yu did not recognize were entrenched on its back, as if they were hitchhiking.

The steel shark was fierce and ferocious, but it seemed to have no affinity with predators. Various marine creatures swam past it, and even the two people sitting on its back were ignored by them.

The steel shark glided over the coral reef. Under Wang Yu's feet, a group of small sharks that were no longer than Wang Yu's arms were looking for their prey in the coral reef.

This was a scene that Wang Yu had never imagined, and he was stunned for a moment.

The sea flowed quietly, the shark suits wandered slowly, and the boys and girls hugged each other in the cold sea water, speechless.

A huge shadow swam over his head, and hammerhead sharks with a body length of more than 5 meters searched for their prey in the sea water. They also had no interest in the steel sharks, but U47 felt Wang Yu's curiosity, so he traveled with them in the sea water for a long time.

The steel shark swam farther and farther in the sea, and Wang Yu encountered more and more strange fish. He had never imagined that there would be so many fish on the seabed. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was half water and half fish.

A huge whale shark opened its mouth and filtered the plankton in the seawater. The steel shark raised its head slightly and began to swim towards the sea.

U47 held Wang Yu's hand slightly, but Wang Yu tilted his head and found that U47 had taken off her mask at some point. She opened her mouth and spit out a string of bubbles. Wang Yu understood what she meant from her mouth shape - it's dawn!

Has it been so long? Under the quiet sea, time is like the sand and dust raised from the seabed. All he can feel is the heartbeat between each other and the warmth from his palm.

The steel shark let out a shallow roar, the engine hummed, the pistons pumped, and countless colorful bubbles rose around it.

The steel shark suddenly accelerated and soared straight up into the sky. Wang Yu's body could not help but fall backwards. The huge pressure from his chest almost squeezed him under the sea, but the figure behind him remained motionless. The touch from his back was soft and reassuring.

The sea surface above was finally no longer dark, but a light blue light.

The steel shark was still accelerating. U47's mouth approached Wang Yu's ear, and bubbles burst in the water. Wang Yu finally heard U47's voice for the first time under the sea. It was intermittent and almost inaudible in the water flow and the hum of the engine.

But he still heard it clearly, and he was sure he didn't hear it wrong.

"Commander... Being with you... Even if it's speechless... It's my... happiest time..."


The dark horizon seemed to be flowing with light golden tassels. The dawn was rising from below the sea level, but the sky was still dotted with stars, twinkling.


The steel shark broke through the sea surface with unstoppable force and leaped into the air. The scattered water droplets reflected the rainbow-like light and shadows. The girl's laughter lingered on the sea surface.The birds perched on the water were startled by the huge monster that suddenly flew out, screaming and flapping their wings and scattering!

Wang Yu looked up at the sky, scattered stars were shining, the steel shark fell into the sea, crushing the stars in the sky, the storm was over...

There was cold mist on the sea, and the sea breeze whistled past, freezing Wang Yu's whole body.

The motorboat broke through the water and headed towards the pier. From a distance, Wang Yu saw a figure standing quietly on the pier.

The girl stood quietly on the pier, the mist surrounded her, the wet off-shoulder dress outlined a graceful curve, water droplets dripped down her light blue short hair, she crossed her hands in front of her, quiet and elegant, and held a familiar navy hat in one hand.

The light golden cross star pupils flowed with timeless poems, the girl's mouth corners were raised, and the first light of dawn shone on her face, brighter than the morning light.

"Welcome back, Master!"

"Gascone, always at your service!"


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