Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 232: 232: Finally assembled [ask for a monthly ticket]

  Chapter 232 232: Finally assembled 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

   When looking at Kang who seemed to be struck by lightning, Shen Tang was puzzled and cautiously asked, "Mr. Kang, what's wrong?"

  Kang Shi asked again: "How much money does the family have?"

  Shen Tang was asked about the pain point.

  She held on stubbornly, trying to save herself one or two respects: "I don't have much wealth now, but I will have some in the future..."

  Kang Shi: “…”

  His mood at this time was even more desperate than when he woke up to the way of scribes. He didn't know whether he should tell Shen Tang some things.

  Shen Tang felt a little more uneasy in his heart.

   asked: "Is there anything Mr. Kang wants to tell me?"

  Kang Shi asked, "Are you lucky?"

  Shen Tang: "???"

  Kang Shi said again: "Do you know your horoscope? I'll give you a calculation, the best is the fate of the lone star of Tiansha..."

  Shen Tang: "???"

  The question marks on her forehead popped up one after another.

  Kang Shi slapped his thigh, his handsome face was filled with indescribable strange emotions, and he opened his mouth: "You have a big deal!"

  Shen Tang became more and more confident that Kang Shi's mind was a little wrong, but he still dealt with it patiently: "What happened to me?"

  Kang Shi pointed to the dice cup and said, "Because you lost to me."

   As we all know, his way of scribes is "every bet is bound to lose".

   As long as it's a gamble, he can't win it.

  However, this is what Kang Shi deliberately did.

  Because the more he loses, the longer the "Way of the Scholar" is brewing and accumulating energy, the greater the probability of finding the "True Dragon". His current "Way of the Scholar" is actually in a semi-sealed state. If he wants it to be truly mature and feasible, Kang Shi needs to find a master.

   The complete "Way of the Scholar" is activated, which can change the outcome.

  For example, our army is surrounded by the enemy and is at a great disadvantage.

He opened the "Way of the Scholar" and used the morale spirit of "Last Stand", and the remnant soldiers under the tent can get several times, ten times the incentive effect of the normal "Last Stand", and each incarnation is a brave warrior with good strength. It is easy to operate It can turn the tide of battle to the limit.

   This is still the most conservative estimate.

   Sounds amazing, right?

  The only shortcoming is that it is a bit useless for the protagonist, because if you want to change the established "loss", you must need enough "wins"-where do these "wins" come from? Anyway, it's not enough to rely on Kang Shi to lose a few rounds from time to time, the big head has to count on the lord!

   To put it more simply—

  Health time will apply a permanent luck weakening debuff to the future protagonist. If the protagonist is a fake "true dragon", he may be killed by him. If it is a real "real dragon", it will definitely not die. At most, it will be unlucky, drinking water, coughing, walking and stepping on pits...

  So, how to determine whether the protagonist is a "true dragon"?

  When you are healthy, you need to gamble with the other party.

   Those who lost to Kang Shi had a certain probability of being "true dragons", but those who won against Kang Shi were definitely not. Then again, how do you determine that the person who lost to Kang Shi was a "real dragon" and not a "false dragon"?

   Just to see if he will be overwhelmed by Kang Shi's scribes.

  Anyway, the one who was restrained to death was not.


  Kang Shi hesitated when he looked at Shen Tang.

   Is he staying, or is he not staying?

   What if they stay and kill people?

  However, what if it is a "true dragon" if you don't stay?

  Shen Tang suddenly felt a chill on his back and sneezed.

   She rubbed her nose.

   Is it an illusion?

  How does she feel the temperature has dropped?

  Being cautious, Kang Shi decided to observe again.

   After all, his way of scribes is too expensive to activate...

  Gu Chi, who was forced to hear everything in his heart: "..."

   This literary scholar named Kang Shi is actually Qishan’s half-brother, right? Good guy, really good guy, if these two meet together, which protagonist can handle it?

  Nine lives of cats aren't enough for both of them—

   "Ah Chirp—"

  Shen Tang's nose started to itch.

   Sneezes one after the other.

   "Don't Yuanliang speak ill of me behind my back?"

  This suspicion is very likely.

  Gu Chi, who was forced to hear everything in his heart: "..."

  He feels that Qi Yuanliang may be innocent, Shen Lang, when you turn your head to look at that Kang, this guy is the real culprit!

  Early winter nights are always extraordinarily long.

  Shen Tang couldn't help taking a nap in the middle of the night.

  When she woke up, the golden morning light outside the cave had mischievously kissed her eyelids, illuminating the long and thick eyelashes clearly. Shen Tang's eyelids trembled, he raised his hand to cover his eyes, and opened his eyelids sleepily: "Dawn?"

   "Goro woke up? Wipe your face with water."

  Chu Yao handed over a water bag.

   It is filled with warm water of moderate temperature, which is just right for washing your face.

  Shen Tang saw Chu Yao who was against the light clearly, and saw that his spirit was much better than last night, and his face was a little more energetic and **** after washing, so he finally felt relieved. While receiving the water bag, he got up and took out the handkerchief that he carried with him, wet the handkerchief again, and squeezed it tightly in the palm of his hand to wring it dry.

   Randomly wiped it: "Is Wuhui okay?"

  Chu Yao: "After a night of sleep, it's much better, but—"

  Shen Tang asked: "Just what?"

  Chu Yao’s brows were a little more gloomy and worried, and he said in a serious tone: "Before dawn, two soldiers left because they were too seriously injured and their flesh and blood were pus..."

  Shen Tang paused for wiping his face.

  My heart seemed to be poured a bowl of extremely thick coptis water by someone.

  She asked, "Where's the body?"

  Chu Yao said: "It has already been buried."

  The corpse cannot be taken away, nor can it be incinerated. It can only be buried deep on the spot and a simple grave is erected.

  No name or surname, buried here forever.

   This is the destination of many people born in this era.

  Shen Tang was silent for a while, and said, "Bury it deeper."

  Buried too shallow, it might be dug out by hungry beasts in the forest, and this is the only thing Shen Tang can do.

  Chu Yao: "Yes."

  Shen Tang asked again: "How many people are left now?"

"There are only forty-six people left." Chu Yao had been prepared for a long time, and tried to make his tone brisk, "but fortunately, none of their injuries are very serious, and they can be cured with peace of mind. Half-step injuries are also It has stabilized and can wake up today."

  Shen Tang knew that this was the best result.

   "How can half-step hurt so badly, who hit it?"

  Chu Yao said: "Who else? It's Gongxiqiu."

  If other brave generals may not be able to suppress the excited and excited Gong Shuwu, Gong Xichou is different, basically suppressing Gongshu in martial arts. Fortunately, Gong Shuwu didn't follow Yang Duwei's example and die all together, and the defeat was settled, so he fought and retreated.

   Otherwise, Gong Shuwu would not be lying here, but buried in the soil. When Shen Tang heard Chu Yao mention Gong Xiqiu, he felt a faint pain in his brain. Gong Xiqiu, the great god, is really tricky, and just thinking about it makes him despair.

  However, if the opponent is Gong Xichou—

  Shen Tang comforted himself with a wry smile: "It's not too bad to be able to save a life under the hands of Gong Xichou."

  There is always hope for people alive.

   But if you die, it will be completely useless.

  Shen Tang said: "Pack up and go back to the Alliance Army camp."

  Chu Yao was about to answer, but heard the word "Alliance Army".

  He was stunned: "Alliance army?"


   There is another chapter update in the early morning.

   I suddenly glanced at the calendar today, and found that it’s the 17th, shit, I’m going to have an update next week——

   Ah, get nervous.



  (end of this chapter)

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