The hope of earning pocket money was dashed, and Zhu Yuan's whole body was shattered.

Zhang Jingshu has already turned back to talk to Yinhuan: "Last time we had a banquet, we were still a newcomer. Even the master was caught blind, and the banquet was also polite. Now the master has roughly understood the situation in Wuxian, we should be able to relax this time. Clicked."

Yinhuan Meifeng frowned slightly: "Madam, or I won't come out this time?"

Zhang Jingshu smiled and cursed: "Master, there are only two of us in the backyard. Do you want to be lazy?"

Yin Huan hurriedly waved her hand: "Madam misunderstood." She sighed, "Every time I go out to see guests, I am always panicked, for fear that any of the guests may not be able to greet them. If you accidentally annoy someone, it will ruin the master's business. What can I do?"

Zhang Jingshu was speechless: "You have a temperament." It is precisely because of Yinhuan's timidity that she would push him to Zhu Xiuqi, so as to block the mouth of the master's house and not mess up the house. "Don't worry, as the master, they have to let us in the face, as long as we don't make a big mistake, we can rest assured."

Yinhuan still frowned.

Zhu Yuan looked around and asked, "Mother, are you worried that you can't take care of all the guests?"

Zhang Jingshu looked over at the same time.

"Ahem. I have a suggestion." Zhu Yuan scratched her cheek, "We can change the way we eat."

Zhang Jingshu looked at each other.

Zhu Yuan introduced the modern buffet model.

Zhang Jingshu clapped his hands: "Okay, you draw up a menu first, and we will do it again tomorrow to see if it works."

Zhu Yuan:...

My mother, she just hilariously, why did she give her extra work suddenly?

Not paid yet.

"Mother, isn't it right to leave such a big thing to me? Besides, when I'm still young, how do I know what dishes—"

Zhang Jingshu waved her hand: "It's okay to try, just treat it as your own family." She smiled, "The dishes in your shop are quite ingenious. You can take out a few to make this and this buffet, and I believe you can handle it. of."

Even Yinhuan pursed his lips and smiled: "Yes, that milk tea is delicious, I think it can be added."

"I prefer Liangpi. It's hot. Eating this kind of cold silk ribbon with a bit of sour and spicy flavor will relieve the heat and appetite."

The two started a lively discussion about the dishes and drinks of Defu Food Store.

Zhu Yuan:...

What can she say?

The deal was done, Zhu Yuan had nothing to say, and could only leave with a tired body.

Since her mother has already sent a message, she won't be able to escape tomorrow.

She looked at the sky, estimated the time, decided not to go to the store today, and quickly worked out the dishes to be practiced tomorrow, and let the kitchen prepare in advance.

The cold brewed green tea, milk tea, and licorice herbal tea can be taken care of by both men and women.

Well, maybe there are children, add soy milk and sour plum soup.

Cold dishes are diversified. Pat cucumbers, capers, cold potato shreds, cold tofu shreds and so on. There are more meats. Salt-baked chicken, soy sauce chicken, barbecued pork, braised pork, pork ears in red oil...all can be made into cold dishes.

Have to get some hot dishes.

Two kinds of stew, two kinds of dry pot, two kinds of soup, plus some pastries, fruits...

Shouldn't we be alive? Zhu Yuan stared at the list of dishes she made and thought. Next, it's time to consider the set-up and placement.

Zhu Yuan lifted the paper, put it on the side, and then used the paperweight to hold it down——

and many more.

It seems that you rarely see a dog egg these days... Is it disconnected?

Zhu Yuan scratched her head, took out a piece of rice paper again, and swiped: [Dogdan, are you there? 】



Taking advantage of the absence of Brother Peppa, who was talkative and gossiping in the morning, Xie Zheng stayed in the study and read quietly.

"Tuk Tuk" rang softly.

Xie Zheng didn't raise his head: "Come in." He turned a page of paper and continued reading.

An Rui pushed the door in and bowed. Before Xie Zheng called out, he quickly stepped forward and said in a low voice: "His Royal Highness, the Ministry of Engineering has passed a word over and said it is done."

During these days, Xie Zheng ran to the Ministry of Engineering every three to five, which shows the degree of concern for this matter. Therefore, he did not dare to delay when he received the news, and immediately reported it.

as expected.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xie Zheng paused as he turned the book, changed his lazy posture, sat up straight, and asked, "When did the news come?"

"Just sent it." An Rui whispered, "The slave knew that His Highness was thinking about it, and he came over without delay."

"Good." Xie Zheng put down the book, got up and walked out.

An Rui is busy keeping up.

Traveling hurriedly all the way, I soon came to the Ministry of Engineering compound located southeast of the palace.

The people in the Ministry of Engineering who used to work in the front yard didn't know where they went. They were empty, except for a few scavengers. There were not many people.

Xie Zheng didn't care, and went straight to the backyard of the Ministry of Engineering.

Just after the second door, the noise came to my ears.

"Really strong!"

"Bring water to get water, try watering."

"It doesn't count, let Old Chen go for a jump. Old Chen is the strongest. Maybe he will break if he steps on it."

"Fall, try it!"


Talking about each other.

Then, a group of figures in official uniforms came into view.

Xie Zheng raised his eyebrows and slowed down.

Someone had sharp eyes and shouted: "The Third Hall is down!"

Shattered, the group of people instantly turned back to salute him.

Xie Zheng waved his hand: "No need to be polite." He passed them and walked to a gray-headed young man, "What's the result?"

The excited young man pointed to a square gray stone on the ground, and said excitedly: "It's successful, Your Highness, it's really successful."

Xie Zheng lowered his head to look at the stone, and at the end he simply squatted down and stroked up——

There was still water vapor on the stone, and there were many whitish marks on the corners. The tentacles were slightly cool, pressed hard, the stone did not move, and the fingers hurt.

The young man Baba leaned over and said with excitement: "I have soaked in the water for a day and a night, and I have fallen many times, except for a few bumps, but not a piece of gravel." His voice began to tremble, "Follow that. Hard slate is no different!"

Someone was puzzled and said casually: "Since it is no different from a stone, why bother to use the stone instead of--"

Before he finished speaking, he was grabbed by the people next to him.

The man lost a look at Xie Zheng, who was in deep thought, and the speaker immediately shrank his neck and fell silent.

Xie Zheng didn't hear what they were muttering at all. He pondered for a moment, then asked the young man: "Is the finished product in powder form?"

"Yes." The young man nodded hurriedly, "The color is dark and dusty, and water is enough."

"How long does it take to shape?"

"One day is enough."

"Okay." Xie Zheng's face was calm, "You will try again and mix it with sand and gravel, and measure the ratio of the most saving cement."

The young man didn't seem to be surprised by this, and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, I'll try it now." After speaking, he turned his head and ran away.

Everyone looked at each other.

The Minister Zuo of the Ministry of Engineering, who is the highest official on the scene, hurriedly pleaded guilty to Xie Zheng: "Huiqing has a straightforward temperament and is rude, I hope your Highness will bear it."

Xie Zheng waved his hand: "Nothing." Then he said farewell to them, "I have something to do, the adults have invited." Then, in the dumb eyes of the adults, he hurriedly left.

Just as he came in a hurry.

Back to the prince’s courtyard against the big sun, Xie Zheng went straight into the study.

Before I had time to speak, a line of crooked dog crawling appeared on the books spread out on the table——

[Dogdan, are you there? Squeak if you are. 】

Xie Zheng was dumb and waved An Rui who fanned him: "Make tea."

Drinking hot tea after a sweat? An Rui hesitated a little.

Xie Zheng's eyes were swept away, he immediately struck a spirit, and Ying retired.

Only then did Xie Zheng retract his sight, took a piece of paper at random, and said: [If the cement is out of the way, bridges and roads can be built, can we build dikes to prevent floods? 】

【what! Gougan, you finally came out! ! I haven't seen you for many days, I thought it was disconnected! ! 】

What is disconnection? Xie Zheng understood it at the first thought, and casually explained: [Busy recently] and urged her, [answer the question]

[Oh, what's the problem? 】

Xie Zheng's forehead jumped and asked again.

[You said this...Of course it is possible. If cement can't build a dam, there is nothing to block the water. Zhu Yuan thought of the flood that he had experienced in her previous life, and sighed, "As long as we don't cut corners, we will continue to repair and inspect every year to prevent loopholes. It will not be a problem for ten or eight years. 】

[Since it is strong, why repair it?]

[Cement is made by mixing water and mud, and bubbles are prone to appear in the process. These bubbles are not a problem when used in ordinary times, such as building roads and houses. But the dam is blocking water. What is water, it can rush you out of the gullies seamlessly. How can it be possible that there will be no problems? The **** of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant's nest. If these bubbles were broken by the current, it would be only a matter of time before the **** broke. Therefore, if the dam is to be repaired, it must be repaired and inspected annually to prevent accidents. 】

Zhu Yuan has written a lot of words, thought about it, and added another sentence, [It is necessary to prevent cutting corners. 】

【how do I say this】

[Let me make an analogy. Assuming that one side of silt and gravel should be equipped with one side of cement to make it strong, some people in the process reduce the amount of cement in order to reduce the amount of cement, resulting in two sides of silt and gravel with only one side of cement, which is naturally greatly reduced. 】

Xie Zheng stared at her dog crawling words and fell into deep thought. He seemed to have figured out something. He rolled up the written paper, threw it into the brazier by the table, and turned and walked outside.

[...Dogdan? ! 】

[How can it be repaired! He ran away again! ! 】



After hearing Xie Zheng's intention, Emperor Chengjia stopped writing in surprise, frowned and asked, "What are you going to do in Luzhou?"

Xie Zheng looked back at him calmly: "The flood season in Luzhou is approaching this year, and the children are going to control the water."

What they call Luzhou is located in the lower reaches of the Lujiang River. Years of floods will destroy the fields along the river, while the large ones stretch for hundreds of miles, and the villages and villages are destroyed, making local people miserable.

Dayan allocates funds for flood prevention every year, but if he fails to cure it, Emperor Chengjia is also a headache. Now that Xie Zheng said he would go to Luzhou to treat water, he naturally didn't believe it.

"You are young, and you haven't even been to the capital a few times. How to control the water? Don't go!"

"What if Erchen can do it?"

Emperor Chengjia was not angry: "You haven't even figured out the Four Books and Five Classics, what can you do?"

Xie Zheng looked at him directly and insisted: "What if Erchen can do it?"

Emperor Chengjia knocked on the table and hummed: "If you can convince the old men of the Ministry of Engineering, I will let you go."

Xie Zheng curled the corners of his lips and smiled and said, "A word is definite."

The next day.

Emperor Chengjia stared at the bright moiré floor of the Yushufang--a few stones on it, with a solemn expression: "Really?"

Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry stood up and said: "Weichen dare not deceive, this method is really strong."

"How does it cost?"

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry seems to have calculated it a long time ago, and Zhangkou said: "The same size, slightly less expensive than quarrying, and easy to transport, whether it is for bridge and paving, or for flood prevention, it is more convenient and faster than quarrying."

"Good! Good!" Emperor Chengjia nodded repeatedly, "If so—"

Xie Zheng took a step forward: "Father."


"When would it be better for your son to leave?"

Emperor Chengjia was stunned, and under his sign he glanced at Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry——

......Smelly boy, I was waiting here.

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