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Chapter 352: bait

In order to make this concept more intuitive, Lu Huai'an took the paper and drew it.

After the explanation, Gong Hao probably understood, and nodded: "Okay, I understand, I'll go to the contact person later."

"Well, let's make a larger hall for the dinner party this time. First count how many people come." Lu Huai settled for a while, then said, "The more people, the better."

Gong Hao was a little surprised. After thinking about his purpose, he nodded again: "Understood."

This matter was arranged first, and Lu Huai'an went to the shoe factory first.

Now the shoe factory is temporarily replaced by Uncle Qian, but he also has a factory to manage, so he is still a little powerless.

After Lu Huai'an had approved the documents in the past, he began to look at the recruitment requirements.

"I made a general arrangement, and most of the requirements are based on the recruitment needs of our factory." Uncle Qian did not hide it from him, pointing to the top and explaining: "Then, I want to hire a deputy factory manager."

As for the deputy director, such as Mao Huang is very good.

To be able to manage, it is best to come in and bring the area to get started. It cannot be said that you are a novice. It will be very troublesome to have someone follow you all the way.

Lu Huai'an agreed and pointed to this technical aspect: "How are the people you brought with you now?"

"It's okay." Uncle Qian's own factory is also recruiting people, after all, there is a shortage of two ends: "I asked the technical staff of Heyman in the shoe factory, and they said that after training, they can basically transfer from the textile factory. Get started."

As for this group, as old employees, they can bring new ones in the future.

What we need to recruit now is pure new, even if it is not done in the factory.

The key is to be close, because there are not many dormitories in their factory now, and Uncle Qian is also afraid that there will be more people behind and there will be insufficient housing.

Therefore, it is best to be close, and to be close enough that the workers can live at home.

Lu Huai'an nodded and asked him, "The textile factory should also recruit a group."

The shoe factory can recruit a little less, but this batch of employees transferred from the textile factory has to make up.

"Yes." Uncle Qian knew it.

Seeing that he had the bottom line, Lu Huai'an was relieved.

When the news of the recruitment came out, many people were excited.

The ones I regret most are the workers in the original factory.

At that time, they thought that the factory was definitely not going to be saved, so they went to the new factory. Who would have thought that their broken factory could still be sold to Lu Huai'an?

If I had known, what were they running for!

Someone got closer to this side, and now his mind was moved, and he wanted to run back.

It's just a pity that the contract is signed, there is no way.

However, there were only a few people who were originally in the factory, and there were many who wanted to enter the factory but had no way to go.

Okay now!

Anda shoe factory recruitment is completely impossible! There is no need for them to spend money to find someone, trust relationship, as long as they are qualified, they can enter!

And after going, the requirements are also very simple.

As long as you're healthy, speak clearly, and do things, you're fine.

There was no need for them to shout at all, and the nearby residents occupied all the places.

Uncle Qian was quite surprised, he didn't expect it to be so smooth.

Originally, I thought that their shoe factory was a new factory, and it might be difficult to recruit labor unions.

Gong Hao listened to his thoughts and shook his head: "No, you don't know what kind of reputation Brother Lu has in Nanping now."

Not to mention the factory, as long as the name of Lu Huai'an is mentioned, basically everyone wants to enter.

As for Uncle Qian's textile factory, there is basically no need to post a notice. Everyone knows that he transferred people to the shoe factory, and everyone is waiting for the news!

They recruited a lot of workers, and the most happy are the leaders in the city.

Because they wantonly set up factories and enterprises in Nanping, more and more people and businessmen came to Nanping, and a lot of money naturally flowed to Nanping.

If nothing else, the toll alone is a huge amount of income.

There is money in the city, and they start to think about it. What is the appropriate use for this money?

Someone pondered and thought of what Lu Huai'an said.

"Building a road?" Sun Decheng frowned and took a sip of tea: "This is not something that can be achieved with a little money."

Especially the road from the port, if you want to repair it, it is really not a small amount.

But he didn't say anything to death: "Let's see."

Didn't Lu Huai'an say he had a trick? Let's see what he's doing first.

The results of their meeting came out, and Lu Huai'an had a bottom line.

I made a phone call and the dinner was arranged.

On the day when the dinner was set, Lu Huaian got up early and made a lot of preparations along with him.

Just after ten o'clock, people came one after another.

When we met, it was naturally a good chat.

There are also side-talking, thinking about inquiring about the specific details first.

Lu Huai'an snorted and perfunctory: "I'll find out later, ah, sit first, sit first, hey, waiter, serve a pot of tea!"

Ho, good guy, it's actually quite mysterious.

But everyone has no opinion.

Coincidentally, it is difficult to get together on weekdays. Taking advantage of today's opportunity, it is good to be able to chat together and talk about business by the way!

Idle is idle, isn't it?

However, in the bottom of everyone's heart, what Lu Huaian is most looking forward to is the trade city that Lu Huaian said.

Sounds great!

When everyone arrived, Lu Huai'an was not in a hurry to say anything.

Looking at his watch, it was almost half past twelve. Lu Huai'an waved his hand: "You're all hungry, let's eat first! Don't be in a hurry!"

Originally, everyone came here with a stomach full of doubts, and after hearing this, they couldn't help but laugh.

There is a table at a table, and the arrangement of this seat is also somewhat particular.

At least, those who have hatred on the surface must not be assigned a table!

But there are only so many tables in total, and when one table is arranged, there are always one or two who are not familiar with each other.

Originally sitting dry, drinking tea and eating some fruit, it was still a bit awkward.

It's different now.

When the wine is drunk, everyone is a good brother.

Lu Huai'an didn't put on any air, and toasted at every table.

After one round, he was also a little dizzy.

Fortunately, Uncle Qian followed him all the time, giving him a drink from time to time, so he didn't get really drunk.

Seeing Lu Huai'an shaking, Uncle Qian calmly supported him and asked in a low voice, "Are you okay?"

"It's alright." Lu Huai'an was ready, and turned around to drink a cup of sober tea.

I drank a cup of thick and thick, and I really woke up a lot.

After the three rounds of drinking, everyone became enthusiastic, and Lu Huai'an came to the stage.

"About this trade city, I believe that everyone must be full of questions."

Lu Huai'an didn't sell anything.

About this trade city, Lu Huaian made it very clear.

In fact, the whole model is similar to agricultural and sideline products.

The only difference is that in this trade city, they have to take out the items that everyone can get their hands on, and they have to guarantee the quality and quantity of the products.

"It's like, this is a business card of our Nanping City." Lu Huaian put his hands on the podium, leaned slightly and stared at the audience: "When we fully build this trade city, no matter which of us is , Wherever you go, as long as you say that you are a member of the Trade City, others will say, "I know! That means we have succeeded."

The crowd laughed and applauded.

There was also a daring one who asked in a loud voice, "Then what is the operation method for this trade city?"

"Good question!" Lu Huai'an tapped his hand on the table top and said neatly, "That's what I thought."

In the form of a shopping mall, it is almost enough to build three floors, and the area is large, and each person is divided into a display shop.

In this store, the products that everyone is most satisfied with must be placed.

The most representative, the most distinctive.

"I don't hide it from everyone, I've found a way." Lu Huai'an also knew that the bread alone was not enough, and the bait had to be given enough: "I can get foreign things in the future."

As soon as he said this, there was an uproar in the audience.

Everyone whispered and talked a lot.

foreign stuff!

Nowadays, many people have TV sets in their homes, and many people have gone abroad.

They naturally know how big the gap is between domestic and foreign countries.

Anything from abroad is as rare as a treasure.

If Lu Huai'an can really get it in large quantities...

Everyone's eyes started to glow green.

"Yes, you must understand, I can make money." Lu Huai'an smiled, looking from left to right: "However, I am not satisfied with making money alone, and I am even more dissatisfied, we only allow foreigners to make money. our money."

They buy things from abroad, and that's to help them increase production.

They always have to sell something to go out, that's the real money!

Everyone was lost in thought, like oh!

"Think about it, how do we sell our things? People will run from house to house, buy a little here and pick a little there? No, they won't." Lu Huai'an thought of Xu Jingye, who was almost there last time. I went back empty boat because I didn't want to waste time looking for things: "We couldn't do anything before, but now, we have an opportunity to put it in this trade city."

In this way, if someone wants to come to Nanping to buy something, there is no need to travel a lot.

Go directly to the trade city to see that a product is a sample. If you think it's OK, everyone can sit down and talk about the price.

After negotiating the price, the manufacturer will send it directly to the port.

The Trade City is not very big, with only three floors in total, with neat legs and feet, and can run back and forth a few times a day.

People who really want to buy goods can find products that suit their hearts no matter what.

There is no need for him to look around, and he does not need to bother to find favors, trust relationships, and stuff red envelopes.

They want to make money what they want is a clean bill.

Many people began to be tempted, but some still remained skeptical: "Then Director Lu, are you so relieved to share this earning and living with everyone?"

Everyone has selfish intentions, and if it is replaced by himself, he really feels that he can't do it.

Lu Huai'an smiled, he had thought about this before.

After discussing with Li Peilin and Xu Jingye on the phone, the Trade City was the idea they came up with together.

Especially what Li Peilin said was right, he said: "Business is inexhaustible. Money is inexhaustible. One person's strength is limited, and only when everyone twists together can he truly pull the boat of Nanping. "

Now, Lu Huai'an has also said this sentence: "Someone told me that business can't be done. Money can't be made. A person's strength is limited, and all people can be twisted together to make it work. It really pulls the boat of Nanping. In the past, our boat was old and broken. Now, if we can work hard to mend it, we will be able to launch it slowly. After everyone makes money, we can repair it again. Xiu, one day, in Nanping, we will be able to stand at the forefront of the whole country and lead everyone to become prosperous together!"

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