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Chapter 936: 2 out of 1

There are parts to have parts, and the whole machine to have the whole machine.

Do you cooperate?

Of course it fits.

However, what if they really give up the production line and rely on imports for all their products?

If... these foreign companies are selling and selling, and suddenly one day they don't sell?

"If you don't sell it, you won't sell it... It's nothing, right?" Gong Hao was a little strange. He couldn't understand Lu Huai'an's insistence on the computer and mobile phone.

If those companies don't sell, then they will do it again.

It is still necessary to accumulate some capital now. After all, the two laboratories have already spent a lot of money.

If they add a new project, they are really stressed.

"There is not much pressure now, and there will be no chance to have pressure in the future."

Lu Huai'an shook his head and said decisively, "The new project must be launched, and it must be done quickly."

They can no longer lag behind others. Lu Huaian has regretted the computer project.

One step late, one step late.

Gong Hao frowned, pondered, and decided to believe him.

However, the rest of the board still have some doubts.

"Is this decision a little hasty?"

"Otherwise, when President Lu returns to Beifeng, shall we meet again to discuss it?"

"I heard a few days ago that someone wants to stock up on pagers. Today, Mr. Lu said that he wants to start a mobile phone project. This..."

"The investment is indeed a bit big, but I think that President Lu will definitely not aim at nothing, we still have to trust him."

This move, Lu Huai'an can be said to be single-minded.

He made a direct decision without discussion by the board of directors.

In his words, it is: "When you are finished discussing, the day lily will be cold!"

Chen Yizhi has encountered this kind of thing. An order he talked about before was introducing a new product of theirs.

The results of it?

They took the materials and went back. They had a meeting every three days and an investigation every five days.

Confirm and confirm again, consider again and again, and finally all passed, saying that it can be produced.

Then the feedback was sent to Chen Yizhi. Chen Yizhi was stunned: this product has long been outdated, and two or three new products have been launched.

So is this still done?

If we do, do we have to re-discuss and reconsider?

"Our project is similar to his." Lu Huai'an took a deep breath and said calmly, "So, listen to me on this matter."

It can be said that he is going his own way, or it can be said that he is fully confident in himself.

After hesitating, everyone decided to believe him.

Of course, they still don't announce it to the public.

Chen Yizhi and the others have their own research and development in this area, so it is very easy to build a team now.

"Among the people who stayed this time, two actually graduated from top foreign universities!" Chen Yizhi said, and he was very excited: "It's very rare."

This is great news for their new project!

Chu Yi was also very happy. He was also worried that if Chen Yizhi wanted to go back to the laboratory, he might be nominated as the factory director.

However, the factory manager needs to manage more things, leaving him less time for research.

Although there are many benefits to being promoted to the factory manager, selfishly, he is also more willing to hang up as a deputy.

The factory can handle it, but he prefers to spend more time doing research.

The branch factory was soon confirmed, and the installation and adjustment of equipment began here.

With Li Peilin as the director of the electronics factory, the burden on Lu Huaian's shoulders was relieved.

He was also able to find time to go to the school.

"It's basically done." Principal Du was very happy and led him in with a smile: "In September of this year, we should be able to recruit students."

This will be the first batch of students in their middle school and high school.

The teachers are all recruited.

Lu Huai'an snorted and hesitated for a while before saying, "However, after all, it's the first batch, so I don't think there are many people."

After all, it is a new school, and if you want grades or not, everyone is not clear about the strength of the teachers.

It can only be said that the children in Xin'an Park are expected to come over.


But if you want more, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

"Well, it doesn't matter." Principal Du took a deep breath, and he had already prepared in his heart: "It is as much as we can recruit, and we should still do the same preparations anyway."

If there are only one or two students, that's fine. They throw all the resources on them, how can they throw a college student out.

As long as a college student becomes famous, will there be no students to come in the future?

Lu Huai'an nodded and smiled, "That's true."

If you can think about it, it's fine, I'm afraid they will get into the horns.

"No!" Principal Du smiled heartily.

Now they all feel so relieved.

There is no intrigue, and I am not afraid of being worn with small shoes.

You can put your heart and soul into your work.

This feeling of being wholeheartedly and fighting for your career is really good.

Lu Huai'an was really relieved this time, and heaved a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Of course, the teachers' salaries are also allocated from the group.

In order to reassure the teachers, Lu Huaian also made a promise: "In any case, even if only one student is recruited, the teachers' salaries will still be paid."

Principal Du's eyes lit up and said happily, "That's great."

Although he doesn't care, if the salary cannot be paid, it will be difficult to carry out the follow-up work.

At the same time, Guan Quan's pace is gradually accelerating.

They were also worried that Xin'an Group would be able to respond, so they advertised in various ways and distributed goods in an all-round way.

Guan Quan's computer, the price is lower than Xin'an's, the appearance is very similar, but they will send some things.

Although the things sent by each city are different and not worth a lot of money, they still send things!

Better than sending nothing.

Therefore, when choosing one of the two, everyone basically chooses Guan Quan unless there are special circumstances.

As a result, it is normal for Xin'an Group's sales to plummet.

Each branch has urgently accelerated the speed, and everyone can feel the tension of the black cloud pressing down on the city.

At this time, Lu Huai'an calmed down and calmed them down: "Originally, our distribution volume was not high, and the impact was not great. After all, we also take more large orders."

It does not necessarily mean that you must immediately run to the top few in the country and the world.

Rather, they cannot be too far behind, let alone give up R&D altogether.

"You have to eat one bite at a time, don't worry, we can catch up."

After all, no matter what, Guan Quan still had some difficulty trying to grab the school's computer room or orders from various departments.

As long as their products are not too bad and they don't give up, these orders are basically impossible to escape.

After listening to Lu Huai'an's comfort, the tense nerves of the others also relaxed.

Indeed, they are still emboldened, they should be more confident.

They still have time.

When Lu Huai'an went back in the evening, he was surprised to find that Shen Ruyun came back earlier than him.

"Aren't you busy today?" Lu Huaian raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It's okay." Shen Ruyun greeted him with a smile and handed him an apple: "I just have to wait for the result, I guess I won't be out until tomorrow morning, so I'll just come back."

It's useless to wait there, it's a waste of time, it's better to come back and rest.

Yes, Lu Huai'an took it and took a bite: "Let's take a break, it's time to eat later."

"It's still early. I think you left early and came back late recently, and asked your aunt to stew a chicken. I guess it will be later." Shen Ruyun laughed and gestured to him: "I drove back to the village to catch it! The fastest one Only!"

This kind of chicken that runs everywhere, the meat can be firm, the fat is less, and the taste can be delicious.

"That's good." Lu Huai'an raised his eyebrows. He usually had a meal at noon, and he really had no taste in his mouth: "Can you take a break? It's not hot anymore."

The two sat down under the eaves, Lu Huaian sat on the chair, Shen Ruyun enjoyed it even more, and lay directly in the rocking chair.

The sky has darkened. Although it is hot during the day, it is still quite cool when the sun is closed and the wind blows.

Especially the doors inside and outside the house are open, the north and south are transparent, and the wind is blowing from the river, it is really cool and comfortable.

Taking advantage of the time, the two of them habitually talked about today's events.

Hearing that the school will start in the second half of the year, Shen Ruyun is very happy: "That's good, have you advertised?"

Um? Lu Huai'an was surprised: "Do you still need to advertise for reading?"

What's there to fight, if love doesn't come, their school can still send people?

"That can't be said." Shen Ruyun turned sideways, nibbled at the apple and smiled at him: "You said it just now, Principal Du said that the number of people may not be many this year, which is a hint to you!"

Ready-made resources, no matter which channel is used, whether it is TV, newspapers, or even radio?

Anyway, release the information about these two schools!

Many people don't know that there are such two schools, so how could they know to come and sign up?

This, seems to be, Lu Huai'an pondered, thoughtful.

"Besides, it doesn't take much trouble, is it convenient for you? If you are not free, I can have someone help you with it."

After all, it was in Nanping, so Shen Ruyun still had this resource.

Lu Huai'an sighed and shook his head: "That's not necessary... The company has an advertising department that can handle these things."

However, he originally thought that learning was his own business.

Like they were back then, if they could get into a good, they would definitely go in if they broke their head.

How could it be like now, you have to advertise to call people to go to school.

"Hey!" Shen Ruyun fell back and shook her feet: "The children of today are not the same as we were back then."

At that time, if there was a book to read, it was a life-threatening read.

But now, many children's thoughts are: anyway, if they can't pass the exam, it's better to go out to work earlier and earn more money.

A generation has a generation of ideas.

Lu Huai'an ate almost all the apples until he ate the slightly sour core, before he was willing to throw it in the trash: "It's really different."


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