"spot! Let's have a nice chat?"Zhang Yan walked up to Uchiha Madara, who was lying on the ground and doubting his life, and asked with a smile on his face.

Uchiha Madara:....

"What happened just now?"Uchiha Madara frowned. The more he thought about the situation just now, the weirder he felt. Whenever the idea of dealing with Zhang Yan emerged in his mind, a force so powerful that he couldn't even think of resisting would appear in his mind would destroy his body. Imprisonment.

He can feel that his chakra is still there, and he can use the Samsara Eye, and he can even use various abilities.

But as long as he has the thought of attacking Zhang Yan, the power will appear and imprison him.

"This is the power of unions!"Zhang Yan directly stated the truth.

He had no intention of Uchiha Madara. Did he still intend to seduce Uchiha Madara with the union?

"union?"Uchiha Madara was stunned.

Then, he suddenly remembered the voice that appeared in his mind before he was resurrected by Zhang Yan using the reincarnation technique.

At that time, a voice sounded, saying that Zhang Yan, the president of the Super Dimension Union, invited He joined the union.

Not long ago, the voice appeared again and told him that he was kicked out of the union.

Could it be that union?

After thinking about it, Uchiha Madara's eyes looked at Zhang Yan with more passion..

He asked with some expectation:"During the battle just now, those people you invited 15 and the psychic beasts who taught Hashirama a lesson, are they all from this union! ?"

"That's right~~"Zhang Yan nodded, and at the same time took out a bunch of beer and threw it to Uchiha Madara, smiling:"That's the union!"

"That is a union that connects all the worlds!"

"The world we live in is just a small existence among thousands of worlds!"

"This union is open to people from all worlds joining at any time!"

"The world is divided into small thousand worlds, middle thousand worlds, and big thousand worlds. The strong men in each world can be divided into first-order and second-order...All the way up to the ninth level, and even existence above the ninth level!"

"And I am the president of this union!"

As he said this, Zhang Yan also got himself a bottle of beer, opened the lid, and took a sip.

"Hmm~~It’s a familiar smell!"Zhang Yan nodded with satisfaction, secretly praising Tony for his reliable work.

The beer in his hand was Thousand Island Beer that he asked Tony to deliver.

It's not a question of whether it tastes good or not, it's mainly a taste of his hometown!

"The Small Thousand World, the Middle Thousand World, the Great Thousand World, the ninth-level powerhouse, the union that connects all the heavens and worlds?"Uchiha Madara's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Zhang Yan told him more than those guys who claimed to be reincarnations.

He looked at Zhang Yan and opened the beer and took a sip.

"This wine...Not bad." Uchiha Madara's eyes lit up. He felt that the beer in his hand was better than the alcohol he had drunk before.

But now is not the time to care about this. He has more important questions to ask,"Nine-level strong man, then What level am I at now?"

Uchiha Madara looked at Zhang Yan curiously. He thought that his own strength could be considered adequate, right?

After all, he was already at the pinnacle level of the Naruto world.

But Zhang Yan's answer was completely beyond his expectation.

"you? Level one and eight!"

"Level one and eight! ?"Uchiha Madara showed an expression of disbelief.

Zhang Yan was not mistaken?

Are you sure it's not the eighth or first level?

"That's right, level one and level eight. Zhang Yan drank the beer in his hand, nodded and said:"The world we live in is just a small world at the lowest level, and the strongest is only a first-level and ninth-level expert!""

"But this world may become a world at any time. You also know the existence of the Otsutsuki clan. These guys come from outside the world, that is, outside our planet."

"Do you know what a real strong person is?"

"There are beings who can destroy our planet with one strike!"

"There are beings who can make galaxies explode with one strike!"

"There are beings who can destroy or even rebirth the universe with one blow!"

"Some existences can cause countless universes to come and go with just one thought, but they can exist forever in unexpected years, spanning countless epochs!"

"Madara, you are still so weak now!"

The real strong man!?

Hearing Zhang Yan's words, Uchiha Madara was completely shocked.

He thought that even if he was not the strongest, he was not weak. After all, it was rare to meet an opponent in this world and master the power of destroying the world!


Now , he finally understood that he was still pitifully weak!...

He didn't feel inferior because of this, he just felt that his heart became extremely hot!

Compared to becoming a real strong man, the Eye of the Moon plan is nothing!

"So what do I have to do so that you can let me join this union! ?"Uchiha Madara asked the question he was most concerned about now.

He knew very well that as long as Zhang Yan was willing, he could join the union.

But in fact, Zhang Yan kicked him out of the union again, obviously because he still had requirements for him!

Yes! It doesn't matter if you ask for it!

For Uchiha Madara, as long as you have the chance!

"It’s refreshing to chat with smart people! Zhang Yan smiled and said:"I am about to unify the ninja world and establish the only country. When the time comes, you can join the war department.""

"My goal in the future is to conquer all realms. As long as you make military exploits, I will let you join the union!"

"I only give this recognition to you, not to anyone else, not even Senju Hashirama!"

Zhang Yan drew a big pie for Uchiha Madara.

But he believed that Uchiha Madara would not refuse, but would grab it fiercely.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhang Yan's request, Uchiha Madara readily agreed. :"Okay, it’s a deal!"

Madara will naturally not let go of such an opportunity. Although Zhang Yan mentioned before that he wanted to conquer all realms, he still has the opportunity to travel to other worlds, see new scenery, and even become stronger without joining the union.

But he knows better. , joining the union and being able to go to all realms are two different things!

Going to all realms is definitely just a very basic function of the super-dimensional union. The union must have other functions, such as networking, communication, etc....

As a smart person, Uchiha Madara naturally thought of this immediately.

So he understood that Zhang Yan was the promised head of the family.

Otherwise, why would Zhang Yan mention it at the end, saying that he only promised Uchiha Madara, not even Senju Hashirama?

"Hashirama, this time I am completely ahead of you!"Uchiha Madara's eyes were full of fire.

Then Zhang Yan chatted with Uchiha Madara for a while, then sent him out of the Kamui space, and then opened the shuttle talisman

"Travel through 313 worlds and choose!"

"Members Yan Lingji and I want to rule the world!"

"The shuttle begins!"

A dark space vortex appeared, and Zhang Yan was so familiar with it that he stepped into it!...............

At the same time, in the world of Qin Dynasty... there was a mountain range between South Korea and Chu State, where one of the hundreds of Yue Yue Yangzhong branches was located.

After Yan Lingji received the message from Zhang Yan, she immediately returned to the gathering place of her clan members.

She had seen a copy of the miniature memory, so she knew that during this period, the Korean army might attack at any time under the leadership of the bloody Hou Bai Yifei.

The tribe is in danger of extinction at any time. Now that Zhang Yan is coming, she naturally wants to gather the tribe members as soon as possible.

As for how to persuade these tribesmen, she has already thought of her words!

But when she returned to the gathering place, she found that all the tribesmen who had gone out had gathered together today, and the atmosphere was very solemn.

"Yanyan, come here!"

In the crowd, a burly man with a body wrapped in tiger skin saw Yan Lingji and waved to her.

"Father, what's going on?"Yan Lingji walked up to the middle-aged man and asked doubtfully.

This middle-aged man is Yan Lingji's father. His surname is Dong and his family name is Zhu Rong. He can be called Dong Yue or Zhu Rongyue. He is a strong member of the current Dong family. One of them, whose prestige is second only to the clan elders

"A large number of soldiers entered the mountain."Dong Yue said with a serious face:"Besides, the person who comes is not good!"

"Soldier? Yan

Lingji's face changed drastically:"Is today the day when the clan will be exterminated?""_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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