President Zhang Yan:"@ the reincarnation Ling Mengyin, are you sure that you have carried out the order to kill Yu Xiaogang?"

The reincarnation Ling Mengyin:"President, I will not do such a thing joke!"

"It was the last mission. This mission left a deep impression on me. At that time, I had just entered level four and entered a world named Soul Ring World by the main god space. The mission was to kill an aborigine named Yu Xiaogang!"

"The strength of this aborigine has only reached the first level after being certified in the Lord God Space!"

"At that time, I was thinking how could there be such a simple task, because I am a fourth-level reincarnator"

"Later I learned that this was a competitive mission. There were a total of twenty reincarnations performing this mission at the same time. Only the one who killed Yu Xiaogang would complete the mission."

"This task is not yet available for cooperation!"

"So my real competitors are the reincarnators who are also level 4"

"In addition, although this Yu Xiaogang is only at level one, he has a father who has reached level eight, and his name seems to be Yu Yuanzhen!"

"I almost failed this mission and almost had to consume a immunity card."

"It was really because of this mission that I wanted to join a team of reincarnators, but I was tricked by the Abyss team."

"Fortunately, this time I came to Naruto World and met you, the president!"


You tell a story, you tell a story.

Why did you flatter the president in the end?

Is this a foul?

But now the smarter members have guessed something.

Obviously, the reason why Zhang Yan gave some wrong information about Bibi Dong before was entirely because the Douluo World was invaded by the Samsaras.

The differences in some details should be related to Ling Mengyin killing this Yu Xiaogang.

Bibi Dong was also one of the smart union members, but after she understood it, she became confused.

The youngest titled Douluo in history:"President, according to your opinion, what would have happened to me and this Yu Xiaogang, causing me to kill my master with my own hands?"

Bibi Dong felt incredible.

Yu Xiaogang is a loser, and he is the son of the leader of the hostile force of Wuhun Palace. As the only disciple of the Pope of Wuhun Palace, how could she have anything happen to that person?

Even kill Qian Qianxunji for this?

President Zhang Yan:".......Find it incredible? In fact, this is a stroke of genius from the Lord God Space. It wants to completely change the Douluo World through a fatal and critical change, thereby causing the Douluo World to collapse. What a plan!"

Guild President Zhang Yan:"If the world hadn't had a fixed power of correction, I'm afraid Tang Xiaosan would be gone. I estimate that Bibi Dong will join the union this time. It should be related to the will of Douluo World. If I guessed it, Yes, you should be preparing to hunt down Tang Ritian recently, right?"


What are Zhang Yan talking about?

Why can I understand every word and pronounce them when put together, but I don't understand the meaning at all?

Tang Xiaosan is even more speechless. Why are you talking to him? It matters.

Wait....Tang Ritian did not know his father's reputation as the most powerful titled Douluo in history:"President, you are right. I did find Empress Tang Ri and kill her to avenge my master, but this has nothing to do with the will of the world, and my addition." What does it have to do with it?"

President Zhang Yan:"Of course it does, because the will of the world does not do this. With your strength and ability, it is really possible to find Tang Ritian, kill him seriously, and kill his son at the same time. @Tangjiaxiaosan, this!"

Tangjiaxiaosan:"!! Master, are you kidding me?" The

Tang family's mistress is about to cry... especially when she looks at the strong man working in the distance.

If he hadn't been unable to speak now, he would have wanted to run away!

The most powerful titled Douluo in history:"....The mistress of the Tang family, Tang Ritian’s son? Is he also in the union?

President Zhang Yan:"Yes, let's do this. I will upload a copy of the memory originally related to the Tang family's mistress. I believe everyone will understand what I mean!""

"Ding, President Zhang Yan uploaded a copy of the miniature memory,"Douluo World"》!"

Zhang Yan uploaded a copy of the Douluo World book, but it is not all of it, it is an outline, character introduction and general outline.

After all, this world is still profitable. If the operation is good, it can directly swallow up the Douluo World and even the stronger God Realm!

The God Realm above Douluo should be the weakest Zhongqian World!

In just a few seconds, everyone had read all the memory copies.

Then, everyone really understood what Zhang Yan meant!

Detective Black Cat:".....It turns out that Tang Xiaosan will really become a god in the future, and he will also be the God of the Sea and the God of Shura, and he will even become the King of Gods, 666!

Senior sister Kasumigaoka Shiyu:"Am I the only one paying attention to this Chihiroji?" He actually treated his own disciples....."

Senior sister Sakurajima Mai:"It should be punished by God!"

Cihang Jingzhai is a little bitch:"It should be soaked in a pig cage!"

Many of my sons:"It should be broken into pieces!"

The top martial artist:"@上最强Titled Douluo, you actually want to resurrect such a thing?"

The strongest titled Douluo in history:"....."

To be honest, Bibi Dong is a little confused now.

She couldn't believe the information she was reading!

Zhang Yan did not reveal too much information. In fact, the protagonist of Douluo World was originally Tang Xiaosan. The information about Bibi Dong was mostly supplementary and not complete and comprehensive.

The information Bibi Dong saw was that only she and Yu Xiaogang would fall in love. Master Qian Xunji was furious and sent her away......

And Qian Renxue became her daughter. Later, after Qian Xunji was seriously injured by Tang Ritian, she personally killed him and devoured him.

This is simply a fantasy for Bibi Dong now.

In her current life trajectory, Qian Xunji has always been a respectable teacher and a kind uncle.

As a result, you actually told me that the original trajectory was....

This is such a big joke.

However, the union memory copy has the characteristics of being 100% authentic and has the ability to convince members to accept it 100%.

So Bibi Dong understood that this information was not Zhang Yan's nonsense, but the"original" true trajectory.


To be honest, different environments, different words, and one action can easily change a person's life.

Now Bibi Dong has never even met Yu Xiaogang and has no feelings for him at all. Qian Xunji has always been a qualified master in his heart, and she has always respected him as a master.

(Fortunately, she didn't have these emotions.

She sees these more as a possibility, a story.

After all, this is just a cold written record.

But... Bibi Dong also had a grudge in her heart.

Resurrect Chihiroji?

Let's forget about the punishment.

Who knows if there is any devil in this teacher’s heart?

After all, this was possible. I had better carry forward the Wuhun Palace and teach Qian Renxue well, which would be considered as repayment.

As for Yu Xiaogang, she doesn’t even recognize her, is it none of her business?

Without experience, you cannot empathize!

However, Ling Mengyin didn't know Bibi Dong's unusually calm thoughts.

Seeing that Bibi Dong's strength was at level 8 on the union level list, and then seeing that she was only at level 4, she expressed panic.

Ling Mengyin, the reincarnationist:"~~, Ahem, Miss Bibi Dong, I said that I killed Yu Xiaogang out of helplessness, do you believe it?"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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