"Someone sent by Sarutobi?"

As soon as Tsunade said that the person's purpose of approaching her was not pure, Senju Tobirama immediately made a guess.

Through the understanding in the past few days, and the information provided by Uzumaki Mito after his resurrection, Senju Tobirama already understood that Senju Tobirama What happened to the Hand Clan?

Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo actually negotiated a policy to allow most of the Senju Clan to intermarry with ordinary people in Konoha Village.

This is basically a big family that values blood inheritance and intermarrys within the family. It is impossible to happen.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen used the power of the Hokage and the strong sense of justice to bind the Senju clan to become the strongest clan in the village. The Senju clan, which had already had two Hokages at the time and became a little proud, agreed. So when the bloodline was excessively diluted, the Senju clan began to wither.

Of course, this was a long-term process, and it was also a long-term process for Sarutobi Hiruzen. Subtly take power and cultivate���The process of civilian genius.

For example, Namikaze Minato, it's not necessarily that he has the blood of the Senju clan!

In addition to this, Sarutobi Hiruzen also generously sent sugar-coated bullets to the Senju clan, such as the strongest family in Konoha, shouldering responsibilities, and then dispatched them to various battlefields. result......

The Thousand Hands clan became history!

Arranging for someone to get close to Tsunade was obviously something done by Hiruzen Sarutobi.

In fact, if it were not Sarutobi Hiruzen, even if he had military exploits, how could he easily learn the forbidden techniques in the Sealed Book?

"Right or wrong!"

Tsunade was not surprised at all that his second grandfather could guess the key to it.

After all, this man was a master of forbidden arts besides sea release, and his IQ was not unusually high!

But this time, Senju Tobirama still guessed wrong.

"That man is Danzo's!"

Yes, Kato Dan is a member of Danzo. Tsunade also learned some secrets from Orochimaru a few days ago when she wanted Orochimaru to reincarnate Kato Dan.

Kato Dan has been a Danzo sect from the beginning. The purpose of coming here is to master Tsunade in a different way.

The reason is naturally that her personal reputation has skyrocketed, and the reputation of the Senju clan has also risen.

At that time, Tsunade had strength. Danzo also had the prestige to become the Fourth Hokage.

Naturally, Danzo, who expected that he would come to power after the Third Generation stepped down, could not sit still.

However, Danzo did not expect Hiruzen Sarutobi to be so ruthless and leave, but he actually came up with a decisive blow, and Danzo was about to succeed. At that time, someone killed Kato Dan!

Yes, Kato Dan was a victim of Sarutobi Hizo's political struggle, and the result was that Tsunade suffered from blood fear, and Kato Dan's niece Shizune left in disappointment. Konoha.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen took advantage of the situation and made this civilian the fourth generation, and he controlled the actual power behind the scenes. Speaking of which, Sarutobi Hiruzen took advantage of the situation and rose again.

The luck of the cut is also very good

"That's it, I didn't expect it..."After listening to Tsunade's narration, Senju Tobirama sneered. He also had a more comprehensive understanding of the methods of his two disciples.

At the same time, he also understood why Tsunade didn't revive Kato.

Regardless of whether Kato Dan was sincere or not, the purpose of approaching Tsunade in the first place was wrong. With Tsunade's pride, how could she forgive her after knowing this situation?

And now that many important figures in the Senju family, especially the Senju Rouki, have been resurrected, Tsunade's heart has long returned to the time when the Sannin were rampant.

How could someone like Kato Dan catch her eye?

"Since A Gang has no intention of resurrecting that person, I have something to say!"Uzumaki Mito, who had been silent for a long time, spoke again, attracting the attention of the other three people.

"Grandma, what do you want to say?"Tsunade crawled onto Uzumaki Mito's lap and asked curiously.

"Before I say that, I have another question to ask."Uzumaki Mito reached out and touched Tsunade's hair, and said with a smile:"Tsuna, are you still a virgin?"

"ah?!"Tsunade jumped up from the ground reflexively, and her pretty face with a bit of heroic spirit was suddenly covered with red clouds.

She didn't expect Uzumaki Mito to ask such a question.

And it was still in front of her younger brother and second grandfather, This is too shameful!

"answer me~~"Uzumaki Mito grabbed Tsunade's little hand and smiled:"This is very important."

"yes......"Although she didn't know what Uzumaki Mito wanted to know about this, Tsunade nodded.

Although she had some affection for Kato Dan at first, that was all. She was one of the three, a shadow-level powerhouse, the direct eldest lady of the Senju Clan, and had the title of princess in the Land of Fire.

Of course she couldn't be casual.

Not to mention her virginity, I don’t even know what the feeling of kissing her face is.

"That's good~~"Uzumaki Mito showed a satisfied smile and said to Senju Tobirama:"I want Tsuna to marry Emperor Zun"


As soon as Uzumaki Mito spoke, Senju Tobirama understood what he meant and couldn't help but frown.

"It is a marriage, but it is not mandatory."Uzumaki Mito saw that Tsunade's expression had also changed slightly, and explained patiently:"Everyone understands that Emperor Zun has unified the ninja world, and will expand his power outside the planet and into other worlds in the future."

"What an opportunity this is?"

"I heard that both the Hyuga family and the Yamanaka family have daughters who are closely related to the emperor, so we can’t act too late!"

"Just the cabinet and the military pavilion are not enough. The emperor is not one of those big names who have no power to restrain the chicken. It is best for us to have someone to speak to in the harem. We do not want to influence the emperor, but we must have the power to protect ourselves!"

Uzumaki Mito said all his thoughts. Senju Tobirama's expression changed several times, but he couldn't find anything to refute.

Moreover, marriages between big families are normal.

For example, Uzumaki Mito and Senju Hashirama Isn’t that right?

Big families and big families can still get married because they are matched....

It's just that Senju Tobirama loves Tsunade very much and feels a little guilty, so he can't do such a thing to sacrifice his granddaughter's happiness.

"i know what you are thinking~~"Seeing Senju Tobirama's expression in his eyes, Uzumaki Mito smiled and said:"Of course it is impossible to force Tsuna to do this, I am just a suggestion!"

"Tsuna is the legitimate daughter of our Senju family. If there is a marriage, only she is qualified, so I suggest"

"How big of a clan are our Senju clan in the ninja world? Now I understand the relationship with the Immortal of Six Paths. Only a man like Emperor Zun is worthy of our princess of the Thousand Hands Clan, right?"

Zhang Yan's current achievements are no longer comparable to those of ordinary women in the ninja world, and his height in the future is destined to be even higher. If he doesn't hurry up now, it will be too late to regret it later.

Mito Uzumaki can see this clearly!

Senju Tobirama also understood.

So the two looked at Tsunade and left the choice to her.

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