Barbarian Throne

Chapter 60 Breakthrough Level 10

After not seeing each other for a few days, the great Delaney shaman became much thinner and his eyes were red. He grabbed Zhang Debiao and complained. It turns out that the great shaman helped Liu-wing Jinguanghuo recover his spiritual power that day, and he began to habitually preach the teachings of the Wolf King Temple to the tiger, telling this humble little being how great the wolf god was.

You can imagine what happened next. Brother Tai, a bastard, was extremely arrogant in front of Zhang Debiao. The barbarian had to work hard to please him just to touch Brother Tai's belly. How could he endure the tone of the great shaman?

What's more, in this tiger's view, monsters like wolves are simply inferior beings to it, so it started arguing with the great shaman.

After all, the Great Draenei Shaman has been an old magician for decades. Brother Tai couldn't defeat him. Finally, he became fierce and proved with practical actions that he was definitely stronger than that inexplicable wolf god, and beat the old shaman hard. .

After hearing the news, several other elders from the temple came to deal with it together, but without exception, they ended up being trampled under the feet of this ferocious tiger.

Brother Tai originally just wanted to prove his strength, but later changed his mind: Since low-level wolves can become gods, why can't the great Brother Tai?

Under the lustful power of the six-winged golden light, the great shaman and several other elders had to temporarily "strategic surrender" and began to "praise Tiger". The tiger ordered people to build another temple next to the Wolf King Temple. The temple plans to erect a bronze statue of itself.

When Zhang Debiao heard this, he looked towards the side of the Wolf King Temple. Sure enough, the six-winged golden dragon was flying up and down, directing some herdsmen to build the temple with soil. The herdsmen compacted the soil and made it into the prototype of the temple. The few magicians of the Jumang tribe used the magic of solidifying soil to stone to turn the soil into solid stone. In just a few days, the temple was built. A magnificent temple can be built.

Zhang Debiao couldn't help but sweat rolled down his forehead, and he apologized to the Great Delaney Shaman. The great shaman had a strange look on his face and waved his hand: "That's nothing. The key is that there are already several old men in the tribe who praise it openly and silently..."

Although the grassland tribes have complex beliefs and have hundreds of temples, these temples are ultimately a kind of worship of monsters. For example, the prototype of the wolf god that the Jumang tribe believes in is a giant wind wolf. This is because giant wind wolves often appear around the Jumang tribe. Over time, the Jumang tribe's demon wolf worship was formed.

Brother Tai's six-winged golden tiger is not magical in Zhang Debiao's eyes, but in the eyes of ordinary people from the prairie barbarians, this tiger with three pairs of wings can speak, can grow big and small, can fly into the sky, and can summon Thunder, lightning, wind and fire, these are gods with great power, so it is not surprising to believe in them.

Zhang Debiao wiped his cold sweat, quickly called Brother Tai to his side, and said to the great Delaney shaman: "Elder, you can rest assured, it will never mess around with me."

Brother Tai immediately turned his head to the great shaman and stared at him with an unkind look: "Xiao De, did you just say bad things about me to Ah Man?"

The great shaman shuddered and shook his head quickly. Brother Tai wanted to threaten him again, so Zhang Debiao picked up the back of its head and apologized to Delaney again, saying: "Don't worry, elder, it only has three days of enthusiasm for anything it does, and it soon loses interest."

"Aman, if you dare, let me down!"

Zhang Debiao knocked on its head and said angrily: "Please calm down!"

"You dare to knock me on the head? Who in the entire continent doesn't know me..."

Zhang Debiao's head was as big as a bucket, so he threw Brother Tai directly to Xiao Hei to prevent him from causing trouble again. Zhang Debiao couldn't do anything about this six-winged golden beast. Fortunately, it was friends with Xiao Hei and obeyed Xiao Hei's words.

Brother Tai came close to Xiao Hei's ear and muttered. Zhang Debiao listened for a moment, but it was this bastard who persuaded Xiao Hei to run away from home and join him to find a small tribe to become a god.

Arriving at the Jumang Tribe, the injuries of Garmenrich and others finally stabilized. With the great shaman Draenei around, it would be difficult for them to die even if they wanted to.

However, Magister Jiamen and Duluo lost too much blood and needed to recuperate for a while, so they could not go out for training for the time being. However, Archer A-Gump lost his glasses and stood there sternly all day pretending to be cool.

Zhang Debiao was the least injured and recovered quickly. He donated his share of the magic core to the Wolf God Temple as compensation for Brother Tai's mischief during this period. The great Delaney shaman smiled happily, and saw that Zhang Aman was also pleased with him. Zhang Debiao gave him more than a dozen magic cores. With these magic cores, the temple can improve the strength of more than a dozen mounts!

"Brother Tai, this bastard, caused me to lose more than a dozen magic cores. I must make up for it this time!"

Zhang Debiao brought the mountain guard dog and the six-winged golden light to the God's Fall Desert again. His purpose this time was very simple, which was to go to the depths of the desert, where the gods fell, and use the powerful divine power there to force himself to break through!

With Brother Tai here, the dangerous Shenyun Desert became more dangerous along the way. Youdao, Brother Tai walked through it, and not a single blade of grass grew. Zhang Debiao quickly got a dozen magic cores, and let Xiao Hei eat them all. .

But what disappoints Zhang Debiao is that Xiao Hei still shows no sign of evolution.

"The divine power here is so powerful!"

Zhang Debiao walked for a day and finally came to the depths of Shen Yun Wasteland. Every time he took a step forward, he felt that the power of the gods around him became stronger, making the fighting energy in his body heavier and heavier. It was as heavy as mercury in the fighting energy channel. difficult to flow.

However, the benefits are obvious. As the Dou Qi circulates, Zhang Debiao found that the Barbarian Dou Qi that was originally full of Dantian and Dou Qi channels was now suppressed into thin strips and was struggling to move. And with the increase in the number of cycles, the new energy generated in the meridians has begun to gradually generate barbaric fighting spirit. Although barbaric energy still accounts for the vast majority, barbaric fighting spirit has begun to be generated, which means that he has officially stepped into the barbaric fighter. That hurdle!

At this point, not only Zhang Debiao's strength has been severely suppressed, but also Tai Ge's strength has dropped sharply. Now it can no longer release sixteenth-level magic, and even fifteenth-level magic is somewhat reluctant.

Zhang Debiao walked forward another hundred or ten meters, and saw a lake with a radius of more than ten miles in front of him suddenly appeared in the desert. The divine power above the lake seemed to be condensed like mist!

"I'm afraid this is the lake that the god smashed on the grassland when he fell!" Zhang Debiao's eyes flashed, and he took a heavy step forward. Suddenly, an infinite coercion pressed down on him, and the brutal fighting spirit in his body condensed in an instant. It's like being frozen!

Zhang Debiao immediately mobilized all his mental power and forcibly activated his fighting spirit. Finally, Man Dou Qi began to circulate slowly again, moving out of the Dantian bit by bit as slowly as an ant.

The moment Man Dou Qi left his Dantian, Zhang Debiao seemed to feel that a level suddenly opened in his body. A refreshing feeling came to his heart. He couldn't help but let out a long roar. The sound rolled over the lake, shaking the mist-like divine power. Floating back and forth, for a long time!


The second update is here, there is one more chapter, it will be uploaded around ten o’clock, please vote!

In addition, thanks to the generous support of the book friends of Immortality and Destruction, the pig also has a hall master, and he is very happy.

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