Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1058: destructive victory

Run and boom!

Synonymous with D'Antoni.

Once upon a time, a whirlwind of running and bombing swept across the entire league, but it ended regrettably due to lineup and era constraints.

It wasn't until the Knicks re-emerged that the name of running and bombing returned to people's vision. Although the Knicks didn't play all running and bombing, it still made people think that running and bombing was orthodox in New York.

In fact, the Knicks don't play and run very much, or their speed is fundamentally different from the Suns' speed at the beginning. They are more often in control of the game, and speed is just a weapon in their hands.

Think fast and fast, think slow and slow.

This is several levels stronger than not knowing that the sun has to be released quickly.

But even so, the few glimpses in the game still amazed countless people. The Knicks who got up quickly were really beautiful.

Many people still feel it's a pity, because they can't see such a cool offense and defense every time.

However, tonight, the Knicks quickly came back out of the rivers and lakes, shocking everyone as soon as they made a move!

Ultimate defense, ultimate offense.

The Pacers performed well in the first round, and the Pacers, who are good at positional strangulation, failed to score a point in 3 and a half minutes.


The Pacers called a timeout, and it could be seen that they were all a little dazed at this moment, especially Hibbert, whose eyes were already straight.

"The Pacers should have called a timeout earlier. Now their morale has been hit hard, and it will be a very difficult time." Kenny Smith said.

"Yes, Frank is a bit inexperienced." Barkley nodded in agreement.

However, he also expresses his understanding. After all, Frank has just been promoted from an assistant to a head coach, so it is certain that he lacks experience in the playoffs.

"This is the tuition fee to be paid." O'Neill also said with emotion.

The current Pacers reminded him of himself when he entered the Finals for the first time. When he was hit by the Rockets, his eyes were similar to Hibbert's...

"No! It's different!"

If Hibbert knew what O'Neill was thinking, he would definitely shout this sentence out loud.

Although it was said that Olajuwon beat O'Neal, in fact, the statistics of the two were similar. In the 1995 finals, Olajuwon averaged 33 points, 12 rebounds and 5.2 assists per game, while O'Neal averaged 28 points, 12 rebounds and 6 assists. Rajuwon overwhelmed O'Neill, but it is definitely impossible to talk about hanging and beating. It is basically called mutual explosion.

But tonight, Zuo Li currently has 8 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists and 3 blocks. Two of the 3 blocks are directly blocked by Hibbert, and Hibbert has 0 points, 1 rebound, 0 assists, 3 turnovers and 1 foul...

This is what is called hanging and beating!

At this time, Hibbert had completely forgotten all the rhetoric before the game, and the fear of being dominated by Zuo Li in college appeared in his mind again...

To be honest, although he is big, Hibbert's mental attributes are average, and he is not absolutely tough on the court. His toughness is more challenging to opponents. As the saying goes, when you are weak, you are strong, and when you are strong, you are weak.

A defeated Hibbert will feel fearful and it is difficult to stand up for a short time.

Frank Vogel tried his best to arrange tactics. He also knew that his favorite general mentality must be blown up, so he changed his formation and replaced Granger and Paul George on the field at the same time, but the inside line remained the same.

At the same time, let Paul George and Granger strengthen their projections, and try not to give the Knicks a chance to switch.

To be honest, Vogel's adjustments are already good, but he still hasn't broken away from the limitations of the times, and he still doesn't dare to destroy the height of the inside line.

This may also be the reason why this Pacer is slowly withdrawing from the stage of history. Under the impact of the new era, the traditional style of play is after all a spectacle, and it cannot be changed.

So although Vogel's move allowed the Pacers to break the scoring drought...

Granger hit a mid-range shot as soon as he came up. Although the injury took away Granger's speed and bounce, it also improved Granger's shooting skills a lot.

However, Granger can't solve the fundamental problem, that is, Hibbert still can't keep up with the Knicks' speed.

Even if it made a shot this time, the Knicks quickly served the baseline ball, Curry quickly advanced the ball, and took the ball from the left to the three-point line to complete the layup in three steps.

This time, it wasn't that no one attacked, it was that no one could keep up. Zuo Li and Europe stepped together, and no one entered the penalty area.

The camera looked for the defender again, and Hibbert just reached the middle circle...

Vogel frowned. Hibbert is the inside line he relies on very much. He has a strong body, sufficient wingspan and height. Few people can protect the frame better than him.

His offensive and defensive system is basically based on Hibbert's ability to protect the frame. According to the team's progress, he is confident that he will bring the Pacers to the ranks of championship contenders in the next few years.

However, this game directly broke Vogel's fantasy. The basketball played by the Knicks is too advanced. Both defensive strength and offensive targeting are first-class. He can't even solve it, because he just played Hibbert. Slow this down.

Unless Hibbert is replaced, there is no solution.

But replacing Hibbert, the system that the Pacers rely on for survival will be completely broken...

Vogel won't...

The Knicks are the only ones who can beat the opponent's coach to autism.

But Vogel is very accurate. The Knicks' style of play is indeed unbreakable. In fact, this is also the reason why Hibbert fell rapidly in his peak the future, "small ball tactics" will start to sweep the entire world After the NBA, in the tactical arrangement of all teams, all five players on the field must be required to have a certain offensive ability, especially mid-range and long-range shooting.

For Royin Hibbert, this was almost a devastating blow. As a traditional center, his offensive methods in his previous career were completely in the penalty area, and he occasionally shot from close range, not to mention three-pointers. It was difficult for him to score even in the middle distance. Slow, without any turning back and coping ability.

Forget it, the deadliest thing is defense. With the acceleration of the small ball era, what is most needed on the court is a defender with excellent mobility. What Hibbert just lacks is enough explosive power. His lateral movement speed is very slow, which makes him exhausted on the defensive end. And the quality and effect of the defense is quite average. Especially once he is pulled out of the penalty area, Hibbert's defensive ability will be greatly weakened.

In fact, the Knicks have multiple ways to beat the Pacers, and tonight just used one of them.

In the first quarter, the Knicks ended the suspense of the game with a direct game.

During the break, the dull eyes of the Pacers players made people feel distressed.

But there is no way, this is the cruelty of competitive competition.

In the next three quarters, although the Pacers were full of resilience and kept trying to narrow the point difference, the Knicks also began to change their lineup, allowing all 12 players to appear on the field once, and their defensive strength and offensive efficiency were reduced. The Pacers scored a good start.

The difference of 28 points is big enough, but everyone knows that this is not the real difference in this game.

Magic Johnson said that the Knicks achieved a devastating victory.

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