[The Suns won 22 consecutive games, tying the 22 consecutive wins during the Yao-McGrady era with the Rockets!】

【The Suns continue to refresh the team's winning streak record and get the second longest winning streak in history!】

【Su Bai scored 29 points in a single quarter!

That night, these three keywords about the game on Twitter were hotly discussed by many fans.

"It has only been a short time, just like a blink of an eye, and the Suns have won 22 consecutive games, ranking first in the Western Conference and first in the league."


"Su Bai is really amazing. He is rewriting the history of the Suns. As a fan of Phoenix, I am very proud that the team has Su Bai."

"A rookie center made 7 three-pointers and scored 29 points in a single quarter. My God, this is amazing!"

"Su Bai: I often don’t fit in with other rookies because I’m too abnormal!"

"Su Bai: I call you an expert!"

"Hahaha, I almost thought it was Su Bai himself"

"Haha, but 29 points in a single quarter is only 70% of Su Shen’s ability!"

"70%? Ridiculous, you underestimate Su Bai's ability. In my opinion, 29 points in a single quarter is barely 50% of Su Shen's ability."

"Thirty percent, no more!"

"Hey, hey, enough is enough. The last person who praised Su Bai like this had grass two meters high on his grave."

"You guys upstairs really know how to have fun!"

"No, 29 points in a single quarter is impressive, but don’t you think that Su Bai, a rookie, led the Suns, a team that is not a strong team, to a 22-game winning streak.

This is the most impressive thing, right?!"

"Of course, the second longest winning streak in history was created by a rookie. How can this not be amazing?"

"Yes, but in my opinion, if the Suns beat the Celtics in two days, that would be the most amazing thing, and it would also be a new milestone."


As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused the interest of many fans, and everyone was waiting for the next words.

After a while, the fan continued to comment:"First of all, if the Celtics are defeated, the Suns will win 23 consecutive games, surpassing the 22 consecutive wins of"Yao and McGrady" in the Rockets period.

That will be second only to the 33 consecutive wins created by the Lakers, and it will be the second in history.

Secondly, the powerful"Yao and McGrady" at that time stopped their 22-game winning streak in a big battle, and they were defeated by the Celtics who had just formed the super trio of Ray Allen + Garnett + Pierce.

Now, it's still the same winning streak duel, and it's still the same opponent lineup.

I wonder if the Suns led by Su Bai can snatch"Yao and McGrady", surpass the big mountain of the Green Army, and win the second consecutive win in history!"

"Wow~ is it so exciting?"

"I'm totally looking forward to it. Also, I remember the Suns beat the Celtics once before, and I think they can win this time as well. Come on Suns, come on Su Bai!"

"No, no, no, you can't say that."

"Yes, the Celtics with the"Big Four" are always strong, but no matter what, I will just cheer for Su Bai. By the way, there is also All-Star voting. Fans who like Su Bai, don't forget to vote."

"Ah! Speaking of the All-Star voting, if I remember correctly, after the first round of voting, the Eastern Conference ranked 6-10, which is the Celtics' starting five."


"Really? Doesn't that mean the Celtics will start with an All-Star lineup?"

"What do you think? Rondo, Ray Allen, Pierce, Garnett and O'Neal, tell me, which one of them is not worthy of being an All-Star?"


"So terrifying!"

"Although, except for Rondo, none of them are at their peak, but when these experienced and powerful guys are together, the power they can unleash is amazing.

How could the next opponent of the Suns be the Celtics?"

"It's not easy to win. It's really not easy to win. Even though the Suns beat the Celtics once before, this time is still not easy."

"Yes, it is not easy to win against the Celtics who have an All-Star starting lineup. The Suns want to win 23 games in a row, the second longest winning streak in history.

It will be difficult!"

"Tsk tsk...Su Bai vs. the All-Star Five!"

"So what? I unconditionally support Su Bai and the Sun!"

"Humph, the Suns are no good, the Suns are going to lose. I have heard this too many times and I don’t want to continue arguing with you. I will just wait for the Suns to beat the Celtics in two days and slap you in the face again."

"Haha, let's wait and see~"



As soon as the 22-game winning streak between the Suns and Rockets ended, fans turned their attention to the more meaningful battle between the Celtics and the Suns.

It was a record-breaking night.

Everyone was looking forward to this night.......

Let's talk about Su Bai.

He was in a bad mood and didn't show it in the locker room. He didn't spoil the fun of his teammates. After all, 22 consecutive wins were really something to be happy about.

When he returned to the villa, it was already early in the morning.

But Su Bai was not sleepy yet. He leaned on the sofa, looked at the ceiling, and fell into deep thought.

"Injury, this is really a demon that makes people shudder!

Yao Ming is a typical example. He is only 30 years old this year, at the peak of his career, but because of injury, he was reimbursed for the season and his career ended early.

""Yellow Mamba" Roy, the superstar known as"Kobe's successor", was also ruined by injuries and retired after just a few years of career

"Rose, the Windy City Rose, the youngest MVP in history who snatched one from the hands of LeBron James, the"Little Emperor", who won five consecutive MVPs, was once hailed as the"Jordan successor".......They were also devastated by injuries, and eventually the roses withered, which made countless people regretful!

In addition to them, there are also superstars such as"cousin" Cousins, Jennings, the youngest 50-point player before Su Bai, and"Mr. Big Shoot" Chauncey Billups.

It was all because of injuries that they became mediocre early.

Injuries are the devil, and they are merciless to anyone, especially major injuries such as Achilles tendon rupture. Once they are targeted, they will try every means to destroy the players until they are destroyed."

The more Su Bai thought about it, the more panic he had about injuries.


Nothing is absolute, and there are players who escaped.

"Paul George, also known as"General Joe", was reborn after a"broken leg" injury and achieved better results. During his recovery, he said in an interview:

"After a serious injury, not only does my physical ability decline, but the more terrible thing is the impact of long-term treatment and rest on my body.

The psychological pressure has become greater and greater over time, and I once dared not think about my future career!

Injuries are really evil!"

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