In the first quarter, all players of both teams were online, and they played well in many places. However,......In terms of offense, the Suns' offensive capabilities cannot be underestimated.

Even against teams with strong offenses such as the Heat, Celtics, and Thunder, they are not inferior at all.

The Hawks, who do not have superstars, although each player has their own fighting power, still have a significant gap in offensive firepower compared to the Suns with Subaru + Curry. In a single quarter, with both sides' defense strength not high, the Suns won by 9 points in a single quarter.

This also made Hawks coach Larry Drew realize that while maintaining offense, they also need to strengthen defense. In the second quarter, the substitutes will face off first.

""Bang, bang, bang!"

Jamal Crawford holds the ball at the top of the arc.

This substitute who averaged 18.4 points per game last season used his excellent offense to beat Jason Terry, Ginobili and others and won the title of"Best Sixth Man" this season.

He is the strongest offensive firepower on the Hawks bench, and he is even fully capable of starting!

And tonight, the Suns' responsibility to defend Crawford falls on Paul George.

Crawford was not panicked at all when facing George. As a substitute, he has no player to fear. He lowered his center of gravity and dribbled behind his back continuously.


Holding the ball in his right hand, he suddenly accelerated and rushed to the right. George focused his eyes and quickly followed him with a side step.


At this time, Crawford stopped suddenly, pulled the basketball back from behind, and instantly shook George's center of gravity, creating a full body distance between him and him.


A mid-range shot


The basketball hit the net!

In the next round, Crawford faced George again, and continued to break through with his back dribbling, making it impossible for the opponent to steal the ball and shaking him off.


He shook off George again and took a step back to shoot a jump shot.


Another steady hit


Commentator Mike Breen couldn’t help but sigh,"As expected of Crawford, the"best sixth man" with"the essence of human bad luck".

This dazzling bad luck is really......Silky"

"That's right."

Van Gundy pressed down on the mic and said,"Jamal's back-to-back dribbling is pleasing to the eye and very deceptive, coupled with his excellent mid-range shooting ability.

It's really hard to defend.

George can't seem to defend against Crawford's attack tonight."

The two were talking.

Crawford's new round of attack had begun again on the court, still facing George, in the left high position, first with a series of back-to-back dribbling fakes to find the rhythm


He held the ball in his left hand for a moment, and rushed to the left. When George approached and was about to block his way, he made another large and smooth back-to-back change of direction.

"Not good!"

George's eyes fixed, and he immediately stopped and turned his center of gravity, and followed to the right.

But at this moment,

Crawford, who had just dribbled the basketball over, suddenly held the ball with both hands while moving, and took a jump step to the left, passing George cleanly.


He easily made a layup and hit the backboard.


Joe Johnson couldn't help but applaud when the Hawks came on the bench. Horford also nodded repeatedly, praising:"Jamal's back-to-back offense is so powerful!

This is the strength of the"Best Sixth Man".

George, a rookie who can't be compared with Su Bai, still can't be stopped!"

However......3 minutes and 33 seconds.

Crawford led the team to a 10-3 counterattack, narrowing the gap to only 2 points.


Gentry called a timeout, signaling Curry to go on the court early to increase the offensive firepower on the court, but Su Bai stood up and said,"Coach, let me go first.

I've rested well!""


Gentry was slightly stunned, and then agreed.

In fact, Su Bai played early, in addition to having a good rest and being in good condition, because......Pachulia is on the court



The Suns have the ball.

Dragic passes the ball from the sideline to Su Bai in the middle. The center holds the ball at the top of the arc. Should the scumbag center come up and defend? No!


Substitute power forward Josh Powell came up to defend.

Su Bai didn't even look at him, lowered his center of gravity, accelerated with one step on the right wing, and easily tore through Powell's defense like he was passing a wooden stake.


A steady mid-range shot was made.

Powell didn't relax until the basketball went through the net. The speed and the explosion were so strong that only those who really played against him could feel it.

At this moment,

Powell's brain was buzzing. Just one ball made him have infinite fear of Su Bai.

Attack and defense changed.

In the middle of the arc, Crawford faced Su Bai. If it was an ordinary center, Crawford would have made him dizzy, but he knew that Su Bai was an outlier.

He could not be regarded as a traditional center because of his height and middle-point shot.


Crawford narrowed his eyes and showed a serious look, but being serious did not mean that he would be afraid of Su Bai. He was like a scoring machine.

The only goal was to score.

No matter who the opponent was, he would only think about scoring.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Facing Su Bai, he continued to dribble the ball with his hips connected smoothly. It can be said that he was a rhythm master dribbling the ball, which was quite confusing. Crawford, who was also reading the defense, saw Su Bai's center of gravity shifting back.


He seized the opportunity and shot a mid-range shot directly into Su Bai's defense.

"Got it!"

The scumbag under the basket saw that Su Bai had lost his center of gravity, and also thought that Crawford had the ball.

In fact,

Su Bai was slightly shaken, but......With his quick reaction, he regained his balance in a very short time and rushed forward.

However, if he was fast, he would not be able to block Crawford without height. If he was tall enough, he would not be able to block Crawford without burst and bounce.......

With the blessing of [Iverson's talent], he has height, bounce and burst. He pushes off the ground and flies up, swinging his long arms straight, and jumps back to get there first despite being dazed.


A slap in the face sent the basketball thrown by Crawford flying into the audience!

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