"What's wrong?!"

Su Bai asked softly.

Mu Shuiqin confided in Su Bai bit by bit.

It turned out that after she received the script, she had agreed to play a supporting maid, and the plot was all about the maid accompanying the heroine and doing some small things.

As a result, the director temporarily added a scene where the villain wanted to defile the heroine, but he made a mistake and defiled the maid. The maid lost her virginity, but the heroine was fine, and the villain was caught.

Moreover, the bed scene must be realistic.

First, give the audience an illusion that the heroine was really defiled, making them grit their teeth in anger, and then there will be a big reversal, and then surprise everyone! The above bloody plot is not important.

What's important is that this plot itself does not exist. It is completely because the director saw that Mu Shuiqin was beautiful and had a sudden impulse to force this eye-catching scene.

Mu Shuiqin was unwilling and insisted.

The director was anxious and said directly that if she didn't want to, then her role would end here, and it was changed to the villain killing her and defiled other maids.

He also warned Mu Shuiqin that as a newcomer, if she wanted to stand out quickly, she had to play some eye-catching roles, otherwise it would be difficult for her to stand out and have a future.

Mu Shuiqin, who didn't want to be fired but didn't want to play that kind of role, was angry and aggrieved.

"What's wrong with being a newcomer? Do newcomers have to film those scenes? There are so many other plots that can be arranged, but they just don't want to.

They have to use the excuse of being a newcomer to make me act in those scenes.

Humph...These people are so hateful, huh....These directors are so unscrupulous...."

Mu Shuiqin pouted and became angrier the more she spoke. The more she thought about it, the more she felt wronged.

"Oh, I feel wronged, Sister Qin feels wronged, don't be angry, Sister Qin is not angry, let's not argue with those directors, they......"

"Woo...Woohoo...Woo woo woo......"

Su Bai was comforting her, and Mu Shuiqin, who was getting more and more aggrieved on the other end of the phone, burst into tears.


Su Bai was stunned. He was obviously comforting her, so why did he make her cry? After thinking about it again.

Su Bai understood that Mu Shuiqin, who came from a single-parent family, must be a strong girl. The director's matter really made her feel wronged.

But she was very strong and would not cry.

And it was not good to tell her family about such troubles at work, which would only make her mother worry. It was not good to share negative energy with good friends.

There was also the possibility of being laughed at.


Mu Shuiqin thought of her cousin Su Bai.

After seeing Su Bai comforting her, she felt that she had found an object to vent her grievances, and she could no longer hold back her grievances in her heart, so she cried to vent.

People often say: The collapse of adults is a matter of a moment.

However, the collapse of adults is never a moment, but a long-term accumulation.

Mu Shuiqin, who was obviously very good, encountered many setbacks in her acting career after graduation. Some people who used to do worse than her in school may have become heroines now.

She can't even play a supporting role.

As time goes by, Mu Shuiqin, who is only 21 years old, is still just a little girl, and she can't bear it sometimes.

Thinking of this.

Su Bai listened to Mu Shuiqin's sobbing, and felt that she was strong and more charming.~

"Small...Xiaobai, why are you silent? Are you gloating over my dismissal and laughing at your sister Qin in your heart?"

Mu Shuiqin sniffed and complained.


Su Bai smiled and said,"No, I just think that the director is blind. For some petty profits and some opportunistic content, he gave up Sister Qin, a future superstar with good looks, figure and acting skills.

They are so stupid, they will definitely regret it in the future."


Hearing Su Bai praising her like this, Mu Shuiqin burst into laughter and scolded:"Xiaobai~ Your sister Qin has been fired, do you still want to hurt me in this way?"

"No, it's true!"

Su Bai smiled


Mu Shuiqin listened to Su Bai's serious tone. Regardless of whether it was true or not, her heart was warmed and she felt much better.

"Of course, Sister Qin will definitely be a big star in the future, the kind that is very popular."

Su Bai said seriously.

In fact

, what Su Bai said is indeed true. Mu Shuiqin, one of the"Four Little Flowers" in the capital, will be a big star in the future.

"Okay! Okay~"

Mu Shuiqin, who had been praised all the time, was happy and no longer aggrieved. Instead, she felt a little shy and smiled:"Xiaobai~ Keep this for now, and wait until your sister Qin really becomes a big star.

You can say it later.""


Su Bai smiled and nodded. Seeing Mu Shuiqin recover, he said,"Didn't you say you would come to see me? When you have time, I will book a flight for you.

When you come, I will take you to have fun for a few days and relax."


Mu Shuiqin did not refuse, and said self-deprecatingly:"Your sister Qin is useless. Now she can only rely on her brother for support. It's really embarrassing for grandma."

"What's the big deal?"

Su Bai smiled and said seriously,"I can support Sister Qin for life!"

Su Bai said it very seriously, but Mu Shuiqin on the other end of the phone didn't seem to think much about it and smiled,"Yes, yes, my Xiaobai is the best star in the NBA, the most amazing!

I am very proud to be your Sister Qin."


Su Bai smiled.


Mu Shuiqin nodded her head, and then said proudly:"Then Xiaobai, I will confront the director here and quit. If I can't stay here, I will find another place to stay.

It's not that he fired me, but......I quit!~"

"Wow, Sister Qin is so domineering!"

"Hehe, okay, that's it for now. I'll take care of the last few things here and then tell you when to come."


"Well, thank you Xiaobai today, bye~"


Beep beep beep~ the phone was hung up!

Su Bai glanced at the phone and shrugged,"It seems that he still treats me as his cousin, uh...But I am his cousin."......

The next night, the Suns faced the Timberwolves at home. Facing this team at the bottom of the Western Conference, the Suns, who had just won 3 consecutive games and were playing at home, were full of confidence.

Warm-up before the game.

In the CCTV-5 studio.

Su Qun glanced at the Timberwolves player list and said,"The Timberwolves' only strong player is Kevin Love, the 5th overall pick in 2008.

After two seasons of growth, he averaged 23.4 points, 15.5 rebounds and 2.7 assists per game this season. An average of 15.5 rebounds per game made him the rebounding king and the new"Wolf King".

Love's performance tonight will directly affect the trend of the game."

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