Be a Cartoonist In the Fairy World

Chapter 139: "Infernal Affairs"

   As a classic Hong Kong police film, "Infernal Affairs" is definitely a memory of a generation. The general police movie is nothing more than justice over the old routines of evil, but this movie takes a different approach, with ups and downs of plot, neat and neat scene editing, complicated and chaotic relationship between characters, and the ending of the last two protagonists. Endless aftertaste.

   Du Ziyuan was thinking about it when he saw the genius catcher coming on stage. The structure of this story is somewhat similar to Infernal Affairs. Now that he is the ghostwriter, just follow the path of "Infernal Affairs". Moreover, in the world view of "The First Catcher", the shortcomings of "Infernal Affairs" that have been criticized for "exaggerating the strength of the gang" will of course disappear, which is better.

   He also redeemed "Infernal Affairs II" by the way. As a prequel movie, it is also very good. However, Du Ziyuan's purpose here is only to better integrate the relationship between the characters, and make no trace of the connection between the protagonist and Chen Xiaoren, and the genius capture and Liu Jianming. Of course, these two are not the only ones. Others such as gangster boss and police officer yellow are also included.

   It is not a simple matter to find the characters of the two stories one by one. If there is no one in "The First Catcher", it will be easy to add one later. However, if there are more important characters in "The First Catcher" that do not exist in "Infernal Affairs", how to make it conform to the original setting without affecting the plot, the work required can be It's big.

   As a fanboy cartoonist, Du Ziyuan most despises the kind of guy who changes his settings when he creates fanboys. Under the guise of "What is the meaning of writing about doujin not being innovative", it is nothing more than covering up your incompetence. If a doujin writer can't even guarantee the most basic settings of the original work, it is simply an insult to the original work.

   Fortunately, the process went smoothly. The first catch is still more than a dozen episodes so far. There are not many foreshadowings, not many characters, and the development of the plot is still in its infancy. Yiye's routine is nothing more than a layout of two to three words, completing a wonderful wit battle, allowing readers to see the protagonist comeback in thrills, and using unbelievable operations. In other words, all of his work was short-term foreshadowing, and the collection was very fast, and there were few foreshadowings that Du Ziyuan needed to pay attention to.

   "Anyway, whoever from Pei Mingyang is going to make a kiss, just draw a few words and make up the number."

  Preparing to midnight, I finally got a clear idea of ​​the main line and various branches.

   Genius Catcher has just debuted, and his identity is not very clear yet, only through the conversations of a few passersby, it revealed its outstanding features. Du Ziyuan directly designated him as the son of the underworld leader. He was carefully trained since he was a child and then entered the court. Relying on several deliberately arranged events, it gained fame.

   The first collision between him and the protagonist was in a smuggling transaction. As the leader's "son", the protagonist quietly reported to the court, and the genius arrested quickly secretly leaked information about the court. The two sides competed secretly, but in the end both lost.

   The underworld leader lost the goods, and the court lost the perfect opportunity to catch it, and could only watch the leader go away by boat.

   After this time, both sides realized that there was an inner ghost between each other, so they launched a rigorous investigation. It's just that the protagonist and the genius catcher are the chief parent and the child, and the other has a perfect alibi, so they are not suspected, but they are still presided over to find the inner ghost.

   This is naturally futile, but when the protagonist accidentally taught his younger brother to write, he left a trace on a portfolio. Here are two very big characters in the original work. Du Ziyuan felt that this was too conspicuous, so he changed it to a one-pointer, and set the protagonist to have the habit of undercutting at the end when writing a one-pointer.

After   , the two sides fought openly and secretly, the boss responsible for contacting the protagonist was killed, and the protagonist’s younger brother in the gang was severely injured by the government. After the protagonist rescued him, he breathed. In the end, the genius arrester quickly began to think about whitewashing himself and wiped out the underworld with the protagonist.

   At this point, the story should have come to an end, and it can be regarded as a relatively satisfactory ending. However, the protagonist is so dying to find that the file with his own part actually appeared in the hands of the genius catcher, and then realized that he was the inner ghost.

  The conflict finally broke out, and the two people met on the wall with evidence of the other's undercover and the only top-secret file that could prove their arrest.

"give me a chance."

   "How can I give you a chance?"

   "I didn't have a choice before, now I want to be a good person."

   "Okay, go and tell the judge to see if he tells you to be a good person."

   "That is to let me die."

   "I'm sorry, I'm catching fast."

"who knows?"


The ending of the story is that the protagonist is sneaked and killed by another undercover with hidden The genius arrest is to kill another undercover, concealing his identity forever, of course, he also used his hand after the death of the protagonist. The file rectifies the name of the protagonist.

   So, is the protagonist really dead? Of course not, if it's just a movie, it's okay for the protagonist to die here, but as a feature-length serial comic, it can only be regarded as the end of the first season. Du Ziyuan puts his work to the end, he won't keep serializing this salted fish for others.

   If Yiye and them return in the future and plan to continue painting, Du Ziyuan also left them a foreshadowing, that is, the protagonist has won a "Ceremonial Silkworm Art" when he was an undercover agent. The characteristic of this exercise is that it can be resurrected from the dead, and every time it dies, its skill will increase sharply. This is also the standard magical skill of the protagonist.

   When the protagonist is resurrected, what kind of conflict there will be between the genius catching fast, that is something that Yiye needs to consider, and Du Ziyuan is too lazy to care. If they are willing, it is okay to delete all the ghostwriting part like Mr. Jin Yong.

   "Perfect." Du Ziyuan listed all the outlines in one breath. Tomorrow, just follow this outline to arrange the sub-mirror. Pei Mingyang can also give this to him when he comes.

   After a hard night, he can fall asleep beautifully.

When    got up the next day, he turned on the mad dog mode and started rushing to write. With the help of this little assistant, Ning Hanlu, he only needs to draw the line draft, and the rest can be thrown to her. Of course, Ning Hanlu's speed is definitely not better than his, so after finishing the painting, he will also deal with the post-production work such as coloring and background together.

   In one day, the two drove out 5 episodes totaling 150 pages, which is a record-breaking.

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