Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 59 Rock Turtle Advancement

The five major cultivating families surrounded the Qiyun League's mountain gate and seemed ready to eradicate the Qiyun League in one fell swoop.

But just when the spectators from all sides of the Lanzhou Immortal Cultivation Circle thought they could see a fierce and exciting drama of annihilation, things suddenly ended.

That’s right, it’s over!

Because the real backer behind Qi Yunmeng stood up and spoke.

It turns out that Tang Yuan, the leader of the Qiyun League, is actually a registered disciple of the Jindan monk "Tianjing Sanren" in Lingzhou, Jingguo, and the Qiyun League was also founded under his orders.

And that "Tianjing Sanren" is a well-known figure in the entire Jingguo. His cultivation level reaches the late stage of Jindan, and he is one of the highest cultivation among the Jingguo group of Sanren cultivators.

The "Tianjing Villa" established in Lingzhou is also a huge force of casual cultivators.

Now that this late Jindan cultivator, who has a very high status among the casual cultivators in Jingguo, has spoken, how can the five major cultivating families in Lanzhou dare to touch even a hair of Qi Yun League.

However, although they were a little embarrassed when they left, in fact, the top leaders of the five major cultivating families not only did not panic at this time, but were very happy.

Because since the "Tianjing Sanren" were forced to stand up and protect Qi Yun League, Qi Yun League would no longer need them to deal with them in the future.

Neither the Qinglian Temple nor the forces with Jindan monks in Lanzhou would allow the Qiyun Alliance to continue to stir up trouble and expand in Lanzhou.

Therefore, even if the Qiyun Alliance can continue to exist in Lanzhou from now on, it will never dare to retaliate against their five major immortal cultivating families in a big way.

This is the tacit rule shared by the world of immortality.

There is no problem in fighting among small forces.

But when it comes to Golden Core monks, a place like Lanzhou that has an owner cannot allow Golden Core monks from other places to come and do whatever they want.

Otherwise, the Sanjue Sect would not have been forcibly split up by Qinglian Temple.

Not long after the incident ended, Zhou Jiasheng returned to Hongyafang City.

"Thank God, Uncle Sixteen, you are back safely!"

In the Spirit Beast House, Zhou Chun sighed with emotion after seeing Zhou Jiasheng who had returned safely.

Then he looked at him with concern and asked: "How is it? How is the situation with the family? My nephew heard that many people died in the battle with Qiyun Alliance. Is our Zhou family okay?"

When Zhou Jiasheng heard what he said, he smiled bitterly and sighed: "How can it be okay!"

Then he recounted in a low voice: "Not only did three clan members die in this battle, but one clan member also had a broken arm, many clan members were injured and needed long-term recuperation, and many clan members' spiritual pets were also killed or disabled. , the loss is not small!”

Speaking of this, Zhou Jiasheng also looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Originally, the clan leader wanted to wait until the matter is over before letting you return to the clan to receive the reward."

"But now all the aftermath matters need to be handled by his old man. I'm afraid he won't have time to worry about it in a short time. I hope you can understand this."

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately expressed his position: "Uncle Sixteen, don't worry, of course this nephew can understand."

"As long as you understand."

Zhou Jiasheng nodded, then looked at Zhou Chun and asked: "How is the business in the store during this period? Please show me the business account books during this period."

As the shopkeeper, he will definitely check the accounts when he comes back.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun was well prepared for this and immediately took out the relevant account books for him to review. He didn't even hide the fact that he used his personal money to purchase Chi Jingzhi and resell it.

This matter definitely cannot be hidden.

Li Siyuan, the shopkeeper at Li Ji Pharmacy, was just waiting for an opportunity later to get the place back.

If he is fine in Fangshi by then, but if he is not there, there is no telling what Zhou Jiasheng will think about this matter when he finds out.

After hearing how he resold Chi Jingzhi, Zhou Jiasheng was surprised and envious of his luck, but also nodded slightly and said: "This is also your personal luck. Even if the clan leader knew it, he wouldn't say anything more. What."

In fact, almost every shopkeeper in the city has done this kind of thing.

Otherwise, why would the position of shopkeeper in the market be so popular among various forces?

It's just that some people go too far and directly use the funds in the store to do this.

Some people, like Zhou Chun, do this purely with their personal savings.

Once the former is discovered by the family, he will be punished directly.

Even if the latter is discovered, various forces will generally not pursue it.

After all, if you want a horse to run, you must feed it.

You have to give the shopkeepers and clerks some benefits, so that they will be willing to work hard to run the shop and build up the reputation of the shop.

As for the family power, the better the reputation of the store, the better the turnover will be, and ultimately the profit will be much more.

It was because Zhou Chun already understood the truth behind this that he dared to go to Li Ji Pharmacy to sell Chi Jingzhi so directly. Now he dared to talk to Zhou Jiasheng directly about it.

So after exposing this matter, Zhou Chun returned to being a clerk in the store.

More than a month passed like this, and Zhou Chun's first spiritual pet, the rock turtle, finally woke up from its slumber and was promoted to a first-class high-grade monster.

After entering the ranks of first-level high-grade monsters, it means adulthood for the rock turtle race of monsters.

I saw that the rock turtle at this time had a back width of nearly eight feet and a length of one foot and three feet from head to tail. Its body was covered with inverted triangular spikes, the shortest of which was one finger long.

With such a giant turtle armed to the teeth, ordinary monsters would have nowhere to bite if they pounced on it.

Naturally, it is not only the size that increases, but also the strength.

After being promoted to a first-level high-grade monster, the Rock Turtle reawakened and mastered several innate earth spells, including the "Falling Rock Technique" with high attack power, and the "Stone Armor Technique" with very powerful defense power, and even awakened He has mastered a relatively rare and rare earth-based magic that traps enemies, the "Earth Prison Technique".

With these spells at his side, coupled with his own powerful defense, the current rock turtle can still fight with his opponent even if he is alone against a ninth-level Qi-refining immortal cultivator, and has a good chance of winning.

If Zhou Chun is also included, the master and servant can join forces to fight even those who have reached the eleventh or second level of Qi refining stage.

"What a stone, I really paid for you in vain, very good, very good!"

In the backyard of the store, Zhou Chun looked at the huge earth-yellow turtle that occupied one-fifth of the yard, with a smile on his face.

He actually wanted to step forward and touch the giant turtle's head, but looking at the head full of thorns, he gave up the idea.

I could only kick the gap on the giant turtle's back with my feet, which was considered a kiss.

At this time, the silver lightning python Bai Bai sensed the arrival of its master and climbed out from the open window of the bedroom. Soon it climbed along Zhou Chun's legs and onto his shoulders. The snake hesitated and left a few traces on his face. Wet marks.

"Don't mess around in vain, I can't carry you now."

Zhou Chun reached out and patted the silver-white python on the head, asking it to get down quickly.

This python is now nearly two feet long and weighs two to three hundred kilograms!

Even if Zhou Chun is an immortal cultivator and his physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary people, it is very uncomfortable to have such a weight on his body.


After reluctantly neighing twice, Bai Bai slid his body to the ground and conveyed the idea of ​​eating to Zhou Chun.

It turned out that it had not eaten for several days.

Generally, pythons can go without eating for several days or even more than ten days after eating once.

But Bai Bai is only less than one year old now, which is when he is growing faster, so his eating frequency will be much higher.

Zhou Chun had to guard the shop before and couldn't take it out for hunting. He spent some spiritual coins to buy monster meat from casual cultivators to feed it.

Because of the existence of the evil spirit, monster meat has become something that ordinary immortal cultivators cannot eat.

Many times after casual cultivators hunt monsters in the wild, they only take away furs, claws, and other items that can be used to make talismans, refine weapons, and elixirs. Unless the storage bag has a relatively large capacity, they will only take away part of the animal meat and bones. .

So much so that it was not easy for Zhou Chun to buy these things at any time in the market.

He had even considered whether to place a special order for the casual cultivators in Fangshi who were out in the market, asking them to bring some monster meat to him when they came to Fangshi.

After all, the nutritional content of monster meat is much higher than that of ordinary beast meat. Many kinds of spiritual beast rations of the Zhou family are made with monster meat as the main ingredient.

However, because the sales volume of spirit beast rations is only that large, the monster meat obtained by the monks of the Zhou family from hunting monsters is enough to meet their needs, and the spirit beast studio has not yet purchased such things.

The main reason is that it is not convenient to store this kind of thing for a long time, so an icehouse must be built.

But if you want to build a large underground ice storage in Fang City, you will have to pay a lot of extra rent to Fang City management.

Therefore, the Zhou family now purchases animal meat from external sources, as well as from casual cultivators who go to the Zhou family to practice.

At this time, looking at the big python that raised its head and looked at him eagerly, Zhou Chun pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, since you are hungry and the stone has broken through, let's take leave today and go hunting by ourselves. !”

After saying that, he put the two spiritual pets into the spirit animal bag and went to the shop in front to ask for leave from the shopkeeper Zhou Jiasheng.

Knowing that Zhou Chun was going out to hunt and feed his spiritual pets, Zhou Jiasheng didn't say much. He just told him to pay attention to safety and not to stray too far from the area where Fangshi was.

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