Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 667 Easily Killed【Please subscribe】

Qinglian Mountains.

When Zhou Chun made the decision, he took action quickly.

When they reached the level of Thunder Dragon Baibai and Yanjing Fire Phoenix, the pills like [Baicao Ginseng King Pill] he had given them before were useless.

Similarly, even if they swallow a fourth-level low-grade demon pill of the same attribute, the effect will be greatly reduced.

The simplest and most effective way to help them accumulate energy as quickly as possible is to give them a fourth-level high-grade demon elixir of the same attribute, or a spiritual fruit similar to the fifth-level spiritual apricot.

Spiritual objects such as the fifth-level spiritual apricot fruit can be encountered but cannot be sought. Zhou Chun cannot find them anymore.

But for the fourth-level high-grade demon elixir, he still has some methods.

Among them, Lei Jiaobai's demon pill is the easiest to deal with.

There was a fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon in Long Yuan Ze, and he just had the method to lure it away from Long Yuan Ze.

Zhou Chun had also thought about trapping and killing this fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon before, but he gave up the idea because he was worried that the dragon clan would find out that he was the real culprit and attract stronger revenge.

It's a pity that God's will and the persecution of Master Ziyang forced him to take a risk.

Of course, even though he wanted to risk doing this, he would never let his main body do it, not even Thunder Dragon Bai Bai could take action.

There must be no evidence given to the Jiaolong clan that he took action in the wilderness, otherwise even if he successfully conceives a baby now, according to the tacit understanding between the top two clans, they would still have reason to rush into Jingguo and take action against him.

So this matter needs to be carefully planned.

In the next two months, Zhou Chun met with several Jindan monks of the Zhou family, and had his avatars run around in the wilderness, looking for a suitable place to ambush.

After months of planning, he asked his apprentice Zhou Zhiying to go to the wilderness with a spirit animal bag containing a golden armor, a mountain turtle and a stone.

After Zhou Zhiying arrived in the wilderness, he quickly reunited with Zhou Chun's incarnation, and the master and apprentice quietly rushed to the place of ambush.

This ambush place is more than five thousand miles away from the Caiyu Mountain stronghold. There are no other fourth-level monsters in the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles, which can ensure that no third party will intervene during the battle.

At the same time, it can also maximize the protection of the Caiyu Mountain stronghold and prevent it from being implicated in the future.

"Ying'er, you and Shitou should ambush here. When you need to take action, follow my instructions and take action."

Zhou Chun turned around and pointed at a mountain peak not far away, and gave instructions to Zhou Zhiying in a low tone.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Zhiying immediately responded in a low voice: "Disciple understands, Master, please be more careful yourself."

Zhou Chun turned around and nodded, then released the golden-armored mountain turtle stone and asked him to take Zhou Zhiying with him to ambush him in the mountains.

Then this incarnation transformed into a one-horned white snake.

His incarnation is made of snow charm, and it is easy to change. As long as his cultivation level is not one level higher than his incarnation, or he is born with a pair of spiritual eyes like the original [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape], it is difficult to see him. The true roots.

At this time, after transforming into a one-horned white snake, Zhou Chun's incarnation quickly followed a river leading to Longyuanze and entered Longyuanze.

After entering Longyuan Ze incarnation, he found the direction and went to a location close to the Scaled Frog alien tribe, and then took aim towards Thunder Lizard Island.

At the same time, just as the incarnation was taking action, Zhou Chun's true body also appeared in the border area between Lanzhou and Yunzhou riding a golden-winged tiger, and headed towards Lingzhou along the border area, seemingly to patrol the border.

The Yanyang Sect and the Demon King of Yunzhou quickly learned about the situation here.

However, the Demon King in Yunzhou was sure that Zhou Chun did not dare to cross the border to cause trouble, so apart from letting a few fourth-level demon beasts monitor Zhou Chun's movements in the border area, he paid no more attention to it.

However, after the Yanyang Sect learned the information, they quickly asked Master Tianjing, who had returned to Lingzhou to take charge, to come over to meet Zhou Chun and ask him about his intentions.

When Zhou Chun faced Master Tianjing at this time, he naturally looked businesslike and directly stated that he was here to inspect Lingzhou.

Theoretically speaking, the Zhou family only gave Lingzhou to the Xuanzhu Palace as trustees, and still nominally retained jurisdiction over the place.

Therefore, Zhou Chun wants to completely take back the jurisdiction of Lingzhou this time, which is morally and legally defensible.

However, Master Ziyang will certainly not relent and agree easily. He is now counting on using this matter to drag Zhou Chun's footsteps to Jingguo and prevent Zhou Chun from being out of his sight for a long time.

Therefore, under his instruction, although Master Tianjing did not directly fight Zhou Chun, he still clung to Zhou Chun like a dog-skin plaster, showing an attitude of refusing to give in an inch of ground.

Little did he know that this was exactly what Zhou Chun wanted, and he was going to use this method to create alibi.

Although Master Tianjing didn't know what he was going to do, he knew that he must have a deep meaning in doing such a thing at this time, so after some communication and testing, he was happy to act with him.

In this way, the body's exposure was maintained, and the one-horned white snake that Zhou Chen transformed into gradually came to the vicinity of Thunder Lizard Island.

As he expected, after the last incident where he transformed into a scourge of the Lunar Moon Toad, there had indeed been changes on Thunder Lizard Island.

Although those thunder lizards have never moved away, there is a fourth-order low-grade monster Thunder Dragon Crocodile on the island. It should be the fourth-order high-grade thunder dragon specially sent to protect the group of thunder lizards.

How could a mere fourth-level low-grade monster be the opponent of Zhou Chun's incarnation.

He concealed his aura and approached the habitat of the Thunder Dragon Crocodile. By the time it sensed something was wrong and discovered his presence, it was already too late.

The one-horned white snake opened its mouth and spat out, and nine invisible ice needles quietly penetrated into the Thunder Dragon Crocodile's eyes and heart, easily injuring the fourth-level low-grade monster.

Then, without even giving it a chance to self-explode the demon elixir, a stream of pure cold air spewed out from the mouth of the one-horned white snake, instantly freezing it into an ice sculpture.

After killing the Thunder Dragon Crocodile so easily, the One-horned White Snake retracted the nine invisible ice needles, and then divided the body of the Thunder Dragon Crocodile into a storage bag.

Then its figure suddenly expanded and transformed into a giant white-scaled python that was dozens of feet long.

This giant python rushed out of the Thunder Dragon Crocodile's lair and quickly passed through most of the Thunder Lizard Island. It also "conveniently" froze the two third-order Thunder Dragon Lizards that reappeared on the island into ice sculptures and took away their Demon elixir.

Then he swaggered into Long Yuanze and quickly disappeared without a trace.

The Thunder Lizards and the only remaining Thunder Lizard on the island could only tremble and watch the giant python leave without even daring to say a word.

Speaking of which, the Thunder Lizard Beast tribe on this island has also been in bad luck since they met the Zhou family monks.

First, the [Yuan-Building Fruit] tree, which was beneficial to the growth of future generations, was taken away. Later, Zhou Chun killed the leader and stole many beast eggs.

Now that I have finally recuperated for hundreds of years and regained some vitality, the newly grown leader was killed by Zhou Chun. What a bloody misfortune!

On the other side, after the white-scaled giant python transformed by Zhou Chun left Thunder Lizard Island, Dangjiu shrunk in size again, becoming only a few feet long, and then swam towards the shore without much concealment of his aura.

Because the aura of his incarnation is so powerful, it is almost the strongest in the outer area of ​​Longyuanze outside Longyuan, so it can be said that he is unruly on the way back.

There was a fourth-level mid-level fish demon on the road because his aura was unfamiliar and he appeared in his territory again. He wanted to come over and have a word with him, but he was frozen on the spot by his ice breath, almost losing half his life. .

After finally bursting out with the power of the demon elixir and breaking free from its confinement, the fish demon immediately escaped without saying a word and did not dare to appear in his sight again.

Zhou Chun's original intention was to whitewash the character of a powerful dragon crossing the river, so of course he would not hunt down the fish monster.

He ran rampant all the way, basically only using one move when he encountered anyone in his way. If he could survive, he would survive, but if he couldn't, he would die. He left very obvious clues for the target who wanted to track him.

As expected, when he was about to reach the shore, he sensed the aura of the fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the aura of this fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon has improved a lot, and now it has reached the point where it can trigger thunder tribulations from heaven.

It's just that it obviously doesn't have the same confidence as Lei Jiao Baibai, and it doesn't dare to easily try to overcome the tribulation before it is fully prepared.

After discovering this situation, Zhou Chun was not surprised but overjoyed.

As long as this thunder dragon's cultivation level does not break through to the great realm, his cultivation level will only have advantages and no disadvantages for him.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the angry thunder dragon caught up with the one-horned white snake transformed by Zhou Chun.


Following the roar of thunder and lightning, a thick silver thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit the one-horned white snake in the water.

But at this moment, white ice light emerged from the body of the one-horned white snake, and the water instantly condensed into ice, forming layers of ice all over its body to resist the thunder and lightning bombardment.

After shattering several layers of ice in this way, the power of this silver lightning was exhausted, and it could no longer pose a threat to the one-horned white snake inside.

It's just that since the thunder dragon has taken action, it certainly won't just use one move.

Soon a lightning beam as thick as a bucket came through the air, giving the one-horned white snake no chance to breathe.

It's a pity that this thunder dragon doesn't know that the opponent it faces is familiar with the abilities of the thunder dragon clan and has already prepared various preparations.

When the lightning beam struck down, the one-horned white snake instantly transformed into ice and sealed itself in the thick ice.

The lightning beam bombarded the ice. Although it blasted the entire huge piece of ice into cracks, it still lacked a little strength and failed to do its full work.

After blocking the opponent's three-axe-like attack in this way, the one-horned white snake quickly retaliated, opening its mouth and spitting out a white ice light to hit the thunder dragon.

Naturally, this attack was easily dodged by Lei Jiao using the Thunder Escape Technique.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the Thunder Dragon to dodge its own attack, the one-horned white snake suddenly accelerated and quickly turned into a white line and shot towards the land not far away.

Seeing this situation, how could the thunder dragon give up and immediately used his faster thunder escape technique to pursue the one-horned white snake.

A dragon and a snake chased each other, fighting each other along the way, but it caused quite a stir in the wilderness.

However, because of the existence of the fourth-order high-grade thunder dragon, other fourth-order monsters discovered this situation along the way, and they all pretended not to see it, and had no intention of joining in the fun.

The monsters in this wilderness are all domestic slaves of the Jiaolong clan. When other monsters bully the Jiaolong, they may immediately come to help.

But when encountering a dragon chasing other monsters, they would pretend they didn't see it and wouldn't dare to intervene at all.

There is no doubt that this is what Zhou Chun expected.

As his incarnation and the Thunder Dragon chased each other, the Thunder Dragon discovered that the one-horned white snake was not flesh and blood.

After all, the thunder dragon is not a weakling. It is impossible that even his skin cannot be broken under the continuous fierce attack.

But it has reached this level, and since he has never used magic weapons, Lei Jiao can only regard him as a member of the spirit clan, and it is impossible to think that he is the incarnation of a Nascent Soul monk.

Therefore, the pursuit of Thunder Dragon did not stop.

This chase and escape lasted for more than an hour, and after traveling across thousands of miles, Zhou Chun turned around and finally led the thunder dragon to the planned ambush location.

Except for the location, there is nothing disadvantageous about this ambush location. Therefore, after chasing the One-horned White Snake here, it did not have any scruples and continued to unleash its offensive wantonly.

Until the two came to the mountain where the golden-armored mountain turtle was hiding in stone, the thunder dragon used the surprise effect of the thunder escape technique as before, and appeared next to the one-horned white snake like lightning. The dragon's claws were surrounded by thunder and lightning. He slapped the one-horned white snake on the head with a fierce claw.

Before this, the one-horned white snake would hide whenever it could when faced with such fierce attacks.

However, this time, the one-horned white snake didn't dodge, and directly pushed forward against the dragon's claws with its one-horned ice glinting on its head!

For a moment, white ice light and silver thunder light flashed and clashed, and the head of the one-horned white snake was quickly exploded by the thunder dragon's claw.

But at the same time, the white ice light released by the one-horned white snake also formed a layer of white frost on the body of the thunder dragon, causing its body to become temporarily stiff.

It's now!

The golden-armored mountain turtle stone that had been lying in wait for a long time suddenly launched a charged attack. An earth-yellow stone mountain surrounded by gray [Yuanci Divine Light] broke out of the ground and quickly hit the thunder dragon whose body was frozen.

This time, the thunder dragon, which was dozens of feet long, was knocked to the ground on the spot. Broken dragon scales and dragon blood were scattered all over the sky.

How many bones and internal organs in the Thunder Dragon's body were broken and cracked in this blow, and he almost fainted on the spot!

However, the golden-armored mountain turtle stone was unyielding. After hitting the target with one blow, he immediately spat out his demon elixir and directly used the demon elixir as a weapon to hit the flying thunder dragon hard.

At this time, Lei Jiao's body was almost disabled, and he could not use the Thunder Escape Technique. Facing the menacing attack of demon pills, he could only instinctively spit out his own demon pills to fight with it.

After the two demon pills collided in mid-air, they were immediately blasted away by the powerful power contained in each. There were also slight cracks on each of them, and they were seriously injured.

But compared to the golden armor carrying the mountain turtle and the stone, the thunder dragon is undoubtedly much more miserable.

Originally, its physical body was almost completely destroyed by the stone just now, but now the demon pill was hit hard again, which implicated the demon soul's consciousness, making its consciousness somewhat trance-like.

At this moment, a golden orb suddenly appeared in the sky, and a golden light shot out, instantly falling on the demon pill that the thunder dragon flew out.

As soon as he was illuminated by the golden light, Lei Jiao immediately felt that his connection with the demon elixir had become very weak, as if he would lose the demon elixir at any time.

This discovery frightened him to death, and he hurriedly mustered up his remaining strength to take back the demon pill.

But at this moment, nine invisible ice needles suddenly shot into the body from the wounds on its body and the dragon's mouth. A terrifying cold poison quickly broke out in its body, and even its demon soul was inevitably attacked.

When it was trying to resist the influence of the cold poison and take back the demon pill, the golden-armored mountain turtle stone that had already swallowed the demon pill once again urged the khaki stone mountain to slam down on it!

After this moment, the world seemed to be clean.

The Thunder Dragon Demon Pill in the sky, which was still struggling, quickly dimmed.

At this time, Zhou Chun, who didn't know when he had recovered his human form, just raised his hand and shot out a white light, then received the Thunder Dragon Demon Pill in his hand and put it into the jade box that he had prepared long ago.

Then he threw the jade box containing the demon pill to Zhou Zhiying, who had just activated the [Infinite Golden Pearl], and asked Zhou Zhiying to put the stone of the golden-armored mountain turtle with internal injuries into the spirit beast bag.

Then he told his apprentice: "I will leave the demon pill and stone to you, Ying'er. Send them back to me as soon as possible. You don't need to take care of them here anymore."

"Yes, this disciple will definitely live up to his master's trust!"

Zhou Zhiying responded with a solemn expression and then quickly left with the demon pill.

Zhou Chun looked at the corpse of the thunder dragon on the ground, pondered for a moment, then put it into a storage bag, and then cleaned up the scene, erasing the smell of Zhou Zhiying and Jin Jiafu Mountain Turtle Stone. Except, only his own breath is left.

After doing all this, he took the storage bag containing the Lei Jiao body and left the scene.

Soon after, Zhou Chun released the body of the thunder dragon in an underground cold cave somewhere in the wilderness, and froze it in the ice to prevent its aura from escaping, and then left his own rich aura here.

In this way, even if the Jiaolong clan has the means to track the location of the bodies of fallen members through their bloodlines, they will only find them here.

Even if there were demon kings from the dragon clan who suspected Zhou Chun's origin, but there was no evidence that the thunder dragon died at the hands of human monks, the suspicion of Zhou Chun's identity would be greatly reduced.

Of course, Zhou Chun did this just in case.

If he was just overthinking it, he could still come back and take away the thunder dragon corpse in the future.

In short, after completing everything he could do at this time, Zhou Chun's incarnation quickly left the wilderness and rushed directly to the location of the main body.

In order to prevent being tracked, this avatar may have to sleep for a while!

I got a fever after taking a hot bath at night. I don’t know what happened. I only have 5,000 words left today! !

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