Jiang Cheng couldn't figure out the thoughts of the sect leaders who made the rules. He sighed and prepared to walk in a certain direction.

Leave this snowy land first and find a place to rest.

Just as he was about to leave, looking at this snowy land, Jiang Cheng looked at Bing Ling again, and suddenly thought of a good way to hurry up.

Such a good place suitable for skiing, how can you not experience it, and it is also fast to hurry up.

In the previous life, he had never skied, and had no experience and skills, but with the current body control ability, skiing is not easy?

Immediately, he asked Bing Ling to condense ice according to his instructions to create a pair of sleds and a pair of ice snow poles.

After a slight feeling, Jiang Cheng asked Bing Ling to sit on his shoulders like Xiao Wonton, and the snow poles in both hands were used to poke hard, and the whole body rushed out instantly.


In the wind and snow, a figure flew past.

Jiang Cheng encountered many black soldiers on the road, but he did not stop until he came to an area, and then he slowly stopped.

At this time, the snow had stopped, and there was not much snow on the ground in this area. Many parts of the black land were exposed, which was not very suitable for skiing.

Of course, this was only one of the reasons why he stopped.

As for the other reason,

Jiang Cheng looked around and saw that he was surrounded by a group of giant wolves with snow-white hair all over their bodies. Each of them projected a bloodthirsty and ferocious light in their pupils, and approached Jiang Cheng in the center little by little.

Snow wolf.

Similar to the wind wolf that was widely distributed in Zhenshou City, they were basically medium-sized black soldier beasts, cunning by nature, living in groups, and mastering the power of ice and snow.

Jiang Cheng saw this group of snow wolves, but his eyes swept past them and looked in a direction behind them.

There, there were three giant wolves that were much larger than ordinary snow wolves.

The two snow wolves on both sides were about 1.5 meters tall and as big as a bull. Their ice-blue pupils stared at Jiang Cheng without blinking.

The wolf between the two of them was even more outrageous. Jiang Cheng estimated that it was two meters tall, with soft ice-blue hair on its back, and its whole body naturally exuded a king-like majesty.

Snow Wolf King?

Jiang Cheng frowned slightly. Generally speaking, as the king of the snow wolf tribe, the Snow Wolf King was only of high strength.

But just by feeling the momentum of this one in front of him, Jiang Cheng knew that the opponent's strength was not only high, but at least elite. The two snow wolves beside him were already high.

If this was in other snow wolf packs, it could already be called the Snow Wolf King.

Looking at the snow wolves slowly approaching around, the strength of each one was almost high-middle level, and there were also many at the peak of middle level.

"This snow wolf pack is interesting." Jiang Cheng laughed, and at the same time stretched out his hand and gently patted Xiao Wonton's shoulder.

Needless to say, Xiao Wonton also understood what Jiang Cheng meant, and immediately a ball of colorful light lit up on his body and turned into a Chaos Pearl.

Feeling the powerful force emerging from his body, Jiang Cheng was still a little obsessed, even though he had felt it many times before.

The snow wolf pack was getting closer and closer to Jiang Cheng. Finally, when they were five meters away from Jiang Cheng, the snow wolves in the front roared and rushed over.

Opening their bloody mouths, the sharp wolf teeth flashed with ice-blue light, biting at different parts of Jiang Cheng's body.

Ice Fang.

Jiang Cheng's mind moved, and a green light flashed on the Chaos Pearl. With him as the center, a rapidly rotating green whirlwind suddenly appeared. The wind speed was fierce, and sharp wind blades flashed on the edge of the whirlwind.

Whirlwind Blade.

The snow wolves had no time to evacuate. When they came into contact with the whirlwind, their bodies were instantly torn apart, turning into dozens of fragments, scattered around, and the scarlet blood dyed the surrounding ice and snow red.

"Aohou~" Seeing this scene in front of them, many snow wolves were stunned. The momentum that had rushed over before dissipated instantly, and their bodies retreated instantly.

Jiang Cheng did not pay attention to the behavior of these snow wolves at this time, but looked at the back of his right hand.

There were four snow wolves killed by the whirlwind blade just now. After they died, Jiang Cheng felt as if a special force flowed into the back of his hand.

He looked over and saw that the white circular mark on the back of his hand instantly turned red, and then quickly turned yellow.

Yuanli poured into it, and the feedback was 200 points.

So this is the process of obtaining points.

Raising his head and looking at the many snow wolves around him, he suddenly felt friendly.

"Awoo~" A majestic wolf howl sounded, and the snow wolf king behind commanded the wolves.

As soon as the snow wolf howled, Jiang Cheng saw that the surrounding snow wolves moved in unison, opened their mouths, and the ice light in their mouths condensed, gathered energy, and then aimed at Jiang Cheng and sprayed ice blue light columns.

Jiang Cheng removed the whirlwind, and then a colorful light lit up on the Chaos Orb, and then with Jiang Cheng as the center, the area within a radius of two meters seemed to be lit up with some extremely weak colored lights.

Then, when the condensed ice light ejected by many snow wolves came within two meters of Jiang Cheng, it instantly decomposed into ice elements, and then gathered in the Chaos Orb to replenish the power consumed by Xiao Wonton.

Chaos decomposition.

This time, not only many snow wolves were shocked, but even the Snow Wolf King who was quietly watching his brothers take action was shocked. He had never seen such a strange ability before.

He walked slowly, passed a group of snow wolves, and came to the opposite side of Jiangcheng. The aura of the elite Xuanbing beast burst out, pressing Jiangcheng with a fierce expression.

Jiangcheng naturally had nothing to be afraid of. At the same time, he burst out his own momentum and directly suppressed the Snow Wolf King.

It has been a long time since the breakthrough. Xiao Wonton's strength has reached the elite high level, and Jiangcheng's own strength has also reached the fourth level three stars.

Even facing the elite peak Xuanbing beast, Jiangcheng dared to fight, not to mention that this one was almost only elite mid-level.

Feeling the oppressive breath on his body, the fierce expression of the Snow Wolf King stagnated.

He seemed to kick an iron plate.

Jiangcheng did not give the Snow Wolf King much chance to think at this time. The Chaos Orb was suspended in his hand, and a raging fire was burning in it. A giant fire dragon roared out of it and rushed towards the Snow Wolf King.

The fire dragon rushed out, and the surrounding ice and snow melted instantly, turning into streams of water.

The Snow Wolf King was shocked when he saw this, and immediately fought back. A huge circular pattern of ice and snow appeared in front of him, and endless wind and snow power gathered. Then, accompanied by wolf howls, a giant ice and snow wolf roared out and attacked the fire dragon.


The two attacks collided with each other and exploded instantly, causing a terrifying impact force. The snow wolves that were closer to the surroundings were all forced to retreat.

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