Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 100: King Grass of Beast Realm

Li Qingzhou felt like a stone was pressing down on him mentally, making him dizzy and tired.

This is a skill of mental deterrence that affects people's spirit.

Before in the desert, the sandworm king had mastered a similar skill, insect power.


Ping An called softly, with a light flashing in his eyes.

Li Qingzhou suddenly felt refreshed, and the pent-up anger in his heart was swept away, and the mental pressure also completely disappeared. At this moment, he was energetic and clear-minded.

This is Ping An's skill, the effect of clearing the mind.

"Let's go and have a look."

Li Qingzhou looked in the direction where the pressure came from. Generally, the level of the fierce beasts that mastered the skills of mental deterrence would not be low, and the more powerful the fierce beast, the more likely it is to have precious materials around it.

Li Qingzhou led Ping An forward, one person and one fox, carefully observing the surrounding environment.

Next to a huge rock, there was a light blue plant growing.

Next to the plant was a big black snake.

Li Qingzhou looked at the black snake, and its information appeared in front of him.

[Name: King Cobra]

[Attribute: Poison]

[Level: Silver Level 2]

[Qualification: Silver]

[Skills: Venomous Fangs, Life-Sacrificing Entanglement, Deterrence]

[Weakness: Light]

[Evolutionary Path: 2]

[Introduction: There are black fine stripes on the body, and the most obvious feature is the skin folds on its neck, which can swell outward to intimidate the opponent. When it is enraged, it will stand up the front part of the body, and the skin folds on both sides of the neck will swell. At this time, the eye circles on the back become more obvious. ]

This King Cobra is not low in rank, and it has mastered the deterrence skill. The previous mental pressure was emitted by it.

What Li Qingzhou cares about is not the King Cobra, but the light blue plant, which is the Beast Realm King Grass, a rare material.

The Beast Realm King Grass is the king of grass when it is born, and it naturally has mental deterrence, so other extraordinary creatures dare not approach.

Li Qingzhou had seen the introduction of this material in a book. As long as this material is used reasonably, there is a chance that the pet will awaken the "deterrence" skill.

Normally, only those beasts with excellent qualifications and super strength will awaken the deterrence skill. Such beasts are generally the leaders of the tribe, and their strength is at least platinum level.

The king cobra in front of him has mediocre qualifications and strength of only silver level 1, but it has awakened the deterrence skill.

Li Qingzhou concluded that it has been entrenched around the beast king grass for many years, and was infected by the spiritual deterrence of the beast king grass, and then awakened the "deterrence" skill unknowingly.

"I want this beast king grass." Li Qingzhou said to himself, and then walked out of the forest with Ping An.

But as soon as he walked out, he met another beastmaster, who was about the same age as him, a boy, wearing a pair of glasses, and was gentle. He was followed by a large rock.

Li Qingzhou looked at the rock-like pet, and its information appeared in front of him.

[Name: Heart of Rock]

[Attribute: Stone]

[Level: Silver Level 1]

[Qualification: Silver]

[Skills: Rockfall, Rock Explosion, Rock Shield]

[Weakness: Wood]

[Evolutionary Path: 2]

[Introduction: The body is made of rock, and it can manipulate rocks to assemble into different shapes. Its main body is a rock core hidden in the body made of rock. As long as the rock core is not destroyed, its body can be infinitely reorganized. ]

It seems that the other party was also attracted by this beast realm king grass.

The resources in the Black Forest belong to the examinee after they are discovered and successfully obtained.

There is an unwritten rule in the beast world, first come first served, whoever discovers it first and has the ability to obtain it, it belongs to him; if the strength is not enough and cannot obtain it, others can try to obtain it.

Of course, there are also some beast masters who do not follow martial ethics, and they carry out sneak attacks or coercion and inducement to drive away the people who discovered the resources in front.

At this moment, Li Qingzhou and the boy with glasses in front of him appeared almost at the same time, so this rule does not apply.

They can only compete. Whoever has the harder fist will get the material.

When the King Cobra saw the humans and pets that suddenly appeared, it suddenly raised the front part of its body, and the skin folds on both sides of its neck expanded, revealing the eyeglass ring pattern on its back.

It made a "hissing" roar from its mouth to intimidate the enemy in front of it.

But its deterrence had no effect on the humans and pets in front of it. Not only were they not scared away, but they stared at the Beast Realm King Grass more greedily.

"Let's solve this beast together first!" said the boy with glasses.

"Okay." Li Qingzhou had no objection.

Solve the beast first, and then the two will discuss how to compete for this Beast Realm King Grass. After all, it is still the King Cobra's thing, not an ownerless thing.

The Heart of Rock floated forward, its body creaked, and then it assembled into a rock giant about 2 meters tall.

Ping An also took small steps forward, and his three tails swayed in the wind.

The moment the boy with glasses saw Ping An, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. He pushed his glasses and found that he didn't recognize this pet at all. It was a fox with three tails. Strange!

The King Cobra's cold vertical pupils suddenly shrank, and a chill rushed to his heart.

The rock giant and the three-tailed fox in front of him looked like they were going to cut it into pieces, which made it inexplicably afraid.

The rock giant raised one hand, and many stones appeared above the King Cobra in an instant, and the stones fell like raindrops.

This is the falling rock skill of the Heart of Rock.

The King Cobra saw the falling rocks from the sky and was about to dodge, but found that there was a lot of wind and sand in front of him, and the force of the wind and sand pressed him to the spot.

"Bang, bang, bang"

The rocks fell, and the rocks that fell to the ground were like bombs, exploding suddenly and bursting with roars.

Rock explosion, another skill of the Heart of Rock.

Ping An shook his tail, and a dark green flame sprayed out, covering the entire grassland.

The King Cobra, whose body was bruised and bruised by the explosion, just swam out of the pile of rocks and hit a hot flame head-on. Its body was instantly charred, and the remaining vitality was completely burned by this flame.

The poor King Cobra was beaten by this combo without any ability to fight back and died.

"Wang Yang." The boy with glasses pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and introduced himself.

"Li Qingzhou." Li Qingzhou also introduced himself. "How do you want to fight for this beast realm king grass?"

"After the trial, there is still a ranking exam. It is not a wise choice to fight here and both sides will suffer losses." Wang Yang said.

Wang Yang observed the three-tailed fox Ping An's attack and had a rough estimate of its strength in his mind. The strength of the silver level is equivalent to that of the heart of the rock.

"Indeed." Li Qingzhou also shared this view. His goal was to rank among the top in the entrance examination of Linyuan University. Hongling once said that the ranking exam was crucial. Fighting here might indeed affect the subsequent status.

"I have an idea!" Wang Yang looked at the three-tailed fox and then at Li Qingzhou, and said.

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