Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1013: Annoying man

Even before this happened, Lin Mengjia had a bad impression of Zhang Jinshuo.

In the past few years in Pingyang, Zhang Jinshuo has been pestering her. On the surface, he was taking care of the business. In fact, he had a ghost. At that time, Lin Mengjia was arrogant and frustrated with him for the development of the company. Just hang on and laugh, don't mention being tired.

Finally, when Tang Feng came back, she was exaggerated and got rid of Zhang Jinshuo.

Since Zhang Jinshuo went to the company to apologize to him last time, he has disappeared completely and never appeared in front of him again. Lin Mengjia naturally feels very happy.

Just when she was about to forget this nasty man, he unexpectedly appeared in front of her again.

Although Lin Mengjia is extremely annoying to Zhang Jinshuo, but after all people come to the door as a guest, even if it is for Zhang Qingyu's face, she can't directly show him.

After all, during this period of time, Zhang Qingyu really took care of her and the Mengtang Group.

Lin Mengjia pretended not to see Zhang Jinshuo, and greeted everyone else present, including Zhang Shengdong, but she alone ignored Zhang Jinshuo.

She did this, although she did not directly drive Zhang Jinshuo or express other contempt, but the discerning people present could see that she hated him.

As for Zhang Jinshuo, when he saw Lin Mengjia entering the door, his eyes were already straight, staring at Lin Mengjia, he couldn't look away from her at all.

He had been fascinated by Lin Mengjia at the beginning, and when he saw Lin Mengjia now, he was even more fascinated by Lin Mengjia.

He saw that Lin Mengjia's face was more beautiful than in the previous days, as if in a short period of time, he looked like a teenager.

When he first saw Lin Mengjia, she had just graduated from university and she was young and beautiful. Now, Lin Mengjia has bright and white skin, red lips, white teeth, and bright eyes. Compared to a few years ago, Lin Mengjia is younger, and between her gestures, there are 17 or 8 year old girls. Delicate and pretty, but also has the charm of mature women.

This situation is more beautiful than when he first saw it.

Zhang Jinshuo completely forgot where he was, just stared blankly.

His obsessive gaze added to Lin Mengjia's hatred for him, and she frowned slightly and sat beside Tang Feng.

Tang Feng calmly poured a cup of tea for Lin Mengjia and smiled at her.

Zhang Shengdong saw Zhang Jinshuo like this, his eyes filled with anger, but in front of everyone, he didn't have much to say, so he coughed heavily.

Zhang Jinshuo came back to his senses.

He also knew in his heart how much Lin Mengjia hated him. He stood there, smiled and greeted her proactively: "Miss Lin hasn't seen him for a long time, no, it should be Mrs. Tang now. I just learned that you and Tang Sir, we are married. You two are really a match made in heaven. You are a talented woman and I congratulate you both."

Although Zhang Jinshuo had a complimentary smile on his face when he was speaking, there was still a bit of sourness in that voice.

In the past, he chased Lin Mengjia, although it cannot be said to be well-known in Pingyang, it is also a story. Many people in the circle know that his family has a special liking for the frosty President Lin of Mengtang Group. .

At that time, Zhang Jinshuo was determined to win Lin Mengjia.

Although Lin Mengjia is a daughter from Yanjing, there is a saying that a strong dragon does not suppress a snake. In the boundary of Pingyang, the Zhang family dominates, and his name is Zhang Jinshuo.

Moreover, at that time, many people knew that the Yanjing Lin family was extremely dissatisfied with this daughter, and even severed the relationship. Lin Mengjia was still a single mother with an oil bottle. In his opinion, it could be regarded by his young master Zhang. To her blessings.

Zhang Jinshuo has always felt that this is a matter of pinching. Lin Mengjia, a little woman, can't fly out of his palm. Sooner or later, it will be his person. But unexpectedly, a Tang Feng would suddenly come out. Changed everything.

Seeing that the woman who was salivating at the beginning became the wife of others, and he had to come to the door to send a wedding gift, Zhang Jinshuo felt very uncomfortable.

Zhang Jinshuo's face is tangled here, and his heart is incomprehensible. On the other side, Kong Qinghua is the same.

Kong Qinghua originally wanted to say hello and went back to his room, but thinking about it, it seemed a bit impolite.

After all, the person sitting here is his father.

It doesn't matter if the relationship is cold or cut off, but Kong Qinghua does not have no feelings for Kong's family and Kong Shuchou as she herself thinks.

At least these years, the Kong family has not treated her wrongly, and all her expenses outside have been borne by Kong Shuchou.

At the dinner banquet of the first two nights, Kong Qinghua was already sitting on the table of the Kong family and had a very happy conversation with Kong Liangji. It seemed a bit hypocritical to ignore Kong Shuchou this time.

In an instant, after a lot of ideological struggles in his heart, Kong Qinghua sat down on the sofa next to Lin Mengjia.

Lin Mengjia listened to Zhang Jinshuo speaking to herself, and was too hard not to answer. She glanced at him with extremely cold eyes and said faintly: "Thank you Zhang Dashao."

The corners of Tang Feng's mouth raised slightly, with a smile that seemed like nothing, and said to Lin Mengjia: "Young Master Zhang came here today to give you a big gift."

Lin Mengjia could hear that Tang Feng's words were very meaningful. She subconsciously followed Tang Feng's gaze and looked over the coffee table, and saw that there was a bunch of keys on it.

She could guess that Zhang Jinshuo brought it, but she didn't know the details, so she raised her eyebrows and cast a questioning look at Tang Feng.

Zhang Jinshuo quickly explained: "This is my free property in Moxiang Huating. I will give President Lin and Mr. Tang a wedding gift."

Lin Mengjia naturally knew about Mo Xiang Huating.

Before the little girl was going to the school, she had already investigated the school and her surroundings.

This Mo Xiang Hua Ting is the closest high-end community to the school, only one street away from the school. Because of this unique location, all the purchasers of real estate there are parents who have children attending this school. .

At that time, Lin Mengjia also wanted to buy a house here, so that she could accompany the little girl and Zhou Wan.

Before, she had also learned about this community and knew how many villas were in it, so she planned to buy one.

But after actually sending someone to inquire, she was rather helpless to know that there was no real estate for sale in this huge community. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1013 Annoying Man), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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