Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1044: Picky guy

In fact, the number of villas built in the second phase of the Moxiang Huafu Project is not large.

It took a short distance and walked over quickly.

Following the security guard's lead, Tang Feng made a rough estimate, and all the villas added up to only about 30.

This villa area is divided into three rows at the front and back, each row of about ten buildings, the appearance looks exactly the same, the area is more than 300 square meters, all are three floors, excluding the garden and garage, the use area of ​​each villa should be About five hundred square meters.

Although the villa here is not a little bit worse than the villa in Dongcheng Haoge, regardless of the size or area of ​​the garden, but after all, there are few people living here, and it doesn't appear to be crowded.

It's just that Dabai and Feixue might feel a little cramped in this small yard.

Security personnel walked quickly in front, and finally stopped in front of the courtyard of a villa.

This villa is the last row of the three rows of villas. It is located in the middle. The door is closed and there is silence inside.

In fact, not only is this villa very quiet, but the surrounding villas are also free of noise. It seems that there are no people living in it for a long time, or there are very few people living in it, only one or two people watching the house. Nothing.

This situation is not different from what Lin Mengjia knew.

Most of the houses in Moxiang Mansion are actually vacant.

These homeowners do not mind paying high property fees, nor do they mind that the house is not useful after the child graduates, and they do not want to sell.

After all, behind every rich man, there is a family. Maybe there is any child in the family who will come here to go to school, that is, there is a ready-made place to live.

After the security personnel stood still, they took out an access control card from their pocket, swiped it on the gate, and the courtyard door slowly opened.

Then, he walked to the parked car again, stood by the window of the co-pilot, handed the access card to Lin Mengjia, respectfully said: "Mr. Zhang ordered, I am afraid that Mr. Tang and Ms. Lin will come. The place I couldn’t find after I was there was to let me take everyone over and open the door. Now that my task is completed, this access card is the original owner."

"Thank you." Lin Mengjia smiled and nodded to him, and took the access control card.

I don't know whether Mr. Zhang in the mouth of the security personnel refers to Zhang Jinshuo or his father Zhang Shengdong. Lin Mengjia is more inclined to Zhang Shengdong. It seems that it is not Zhang Jinshuo's style that can make such proper arrangements.

Tang Feng and others drove the car and went directly into the yard.

Due to the small area of ​​the villa, there is only one garage, and only one car can be parked in it. So a few people parked the car in the yard and got off one after another.

Fortunately, the garden is now vacant. There are vacant lots on it, so I am not afraid of crushing flowers and plants.

The little girl got out of the car, looked around at her surroundings, with a few novel expressions on her face.

Zhou Wan looked at Lin Mengjia with curiosity, and said: "Mother, are we going to live here in the future?"

Lin Mengjia smiled and nodded, and said: "Usually you will live in the school, but if you don't want to live, you can also live here, but when you are going out, you must say hello to the teacher, and you can't leave by yourself. Do you understand?"

Although these things are common sense to other children, Zhou Wan has never gone to school. The little girl is still young, and Lin Mengjia still reminded them carefully.

Zhou Wan nodded very sensibly.

Rong Guocheng stood in the courtyard and looked up at the villa. He couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and said, "Sir, this place is a bit cramped. If it wasn't for this community to be close to the school, I could make some choices in other places, too. I know some friends and can provide bigger houses."

Tang Feng just smiled and said, "It's just a few people to live, it's enough. If it's too big, the two little girls will inevitably feel too empty."

This villa is not only inferior to Dongcheng Haoge, but even the Yunjingwan where Lin Mengjia lived with the little girl before is bigger than here.

It can be said that the little girl has never lived in such a small house, let alone Zhou Wan, who grew up in the Zhou family's deep house compound since childhood.

However, neither of the two little girls showed disappointment. Instead, they looked at everything around them with extremely fresh eyes, and followed Lin Mengjia, waiting for her to open the door of the villa.

The two of them don't mind being small here, but there are people, no, it should be said that some beasts mind.

When Feixue and Dabai got out of the car, when they saw the villa, both of them showed very depressed expressions.

Especially Da Bai, shaking his tail, groaning, and looking listless. After walking around in the yard, he lay on the steps of the door lazily, swaying his head towards Tang Feng, as if Said that he didn't like it very much.

Upon seeing this, Tang Feng said angrily and funny: "You guy is very picky. I don't think much, but you are already picky."

Feixue raised her slender neck and looked around the garden. Although she didn't express anything, her eyes were extremely disappointed.

If you are used to that big villa, you can have fun in the yard, and there is a medicine garden with a gathering of spirits and a variety of elixir. The environment is full of energy, and the environment is better than here. I don’t know how many times better these two guys. , Inevitably will be a little picky.

Lin Mengjia has opened the door of the room, turned her head, smiled at Tang Feng, and said: "Don't blame Da Bai for being unhappy. I live there with a relaxed and happy life, not to mention anything else, just that it is not lukewarm or lukewarm. The temperature cannot be compared here."

Tang Feng smiled slightly and said, "That's not easy. It's just a small formation. In this garden, planting some elixir, it can be the same as there."

Tang Feng knew that Lin Mengjia's so-called relaxed and happy feeling was only because she felt the existence of Reiki, although she still could not use Reiki to practice, but just feeling it, she felt that the whole person was very comfortable.

Tang Feng can set up an array to gather the aura around him, but this community is no better than the Dongcheng Hao Pavilion, there is aura surging.

This is a pure residential area, there is no aura at all.

If you want to produce aura here, you can only plant some elixir.

This elixir was not enough, but fortunately Zhang Qingyu sent a few strains, which can be placed here.

After hearing Tang Feng say this, Lin Mengjia smiled very satisfied and opened the door of the room. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this reading (the picky guy in Chapter 1044), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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