Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1050: Female principal

The time Lin Mengjia agreed with the school was two o'clock in the afternoon.

This also happens to be the best time for everyone to eat, drink, and be energetic.

Tang Feng said to Rong Guocheng: "I, Jiajia, and Wan'er's father will send them to report first and have to go through some related procedures. You two, find a hotel to stay in first, and wait until you need to send your luggage. , Come here again, we will stay in Jinyuan tonight and will not go back."

Rong Guocheng also expected this.

He knew that Lin Mengjia was reluctant to bear the little girl, and it was absolutely impossible that after she was sent to school, she would return to Pingyang that day, and would stay here for at least two days.

Therefore, he nodded and agreed.

Near the school, this hotel is not rare.

There are also many people, because they can't buy the house in Moxiang Huating, they are directly in the hotel and booked the room for a long time to accompany their children.

After all, rich people can think of and put into practice more ways than ordinary people.

Rong Guocheng called Xiangchuan and Zhao Yanzhi and told them that after a while, Tang Feng and others would pass by and let them take care of them. If Tang Feng has any needs, he must do it. On call.

After taking care of him, he took Li Jianming to find a hotel to check in.

Weiqing’s security measures are quite strict, and all foreign vehicles are not allowed to enter, regardless of their identity, they must be parked outside.

Tang Feng didn't want to be special either, but in accordance with the school's rules, three adults and two children walked to the school.

At the school gate, Lin Mengjia told the guard about her intentions.

She and the principal originally had an appointment. After checking by the doorman on duty, they opened the door to let a few people in.

Five minutes earlier than the agreed time, they arrived at the principal's office.

Lin Mengjia had previously contacted the principal by telephone. The files of the little girl and Zhou Wan were sent by her assistant. It was the first time she saw each other today.

The principal is a middle-aged woman, wearing a well-fitting black professional suit, with light makeup, short hair, and a pair of glasses with black frames. She looks shrewd and capable.

She looked like she was about forty years old, but Lin Mengjia knew that her actual age was nearly fifty years old, and she was considered very well maintained.

The principal is called Peng Yu. He is a very well-known educator. He once held an important position in a well-known foreign university. After the establishment of this private school, the school paid a lot of money to dig it up.

However, the money spent is extremely worthwhile.

In a short period of time, it quickly built the reputation of Weiqing, making this private college one of the best schools in the entire Jin Province and a legend in the education industry in Jin Province.

Many people feel that rich children who have money to go to aristocratic schools are not actually studying for the sake of learning. This is just a matter of time. The grades and whether they are good or not does not matter what school they can go to in the future.

Isn’t the purpose of studying well to find a good job? Isn’t it to make money?

These rich children have already had a lot of money.

The goal that many ordinary people strive for is actually their starting point.

Therefore, in most aristocratic schools, they pay more attention to the management of life, and they don't take this achievement seriously.

Even if they fail to enter a good university, these second-generation ancestors have many ways to go. They can go home and inherit the family business directly, or they can go abroad, go to any school, and then go back to the family. They are still inherited. Family business.

But Weiqing is different.

The school's philosophy is to allow students to develop in all aspects. While focusing on other aspects of education, they also pay close attention to their grades. This is why Lin Mengjia chose this school.

When Peng Yu saw a few people entering the door, a smile appeared on his face and greeted him.

"Principal Peng, hello, this is Lin Mengjia, I have contacted you before."

Lin Mengjia also smiled and spoke to the female principal in front of her.

Principal Peng nodded and enthusiastically came up and shook hands with Lin Mengjia, and said, "President Lin, I am lucky to meet you. I am very glad to see you."

Then she looked at Tang Feng and Zhou Xianghai again, with a slightly inquiring look in her eyes.

Lin Mengjia hurriedly introduced: "President Peng, let me introduce, this is my husband Tang Feng, Tang Yaoyao's father, and this one is Mr. Zhou Xiaohai, Zhou Wan's father."

Peng Yu nodded and shook hands with the two of them separately. He smiled and said, "Welcome to you."

Then, her gaze fell on the faces of the little girl and Zhou Wan, bent slightly towards them, with a very kind smile, and said to them: "Tang Yaoyao, Zhou Wan, welcome too You go to Weiqing Academy, I hope you can have a good time here."

In her tone, she didn't treat the two of them as children at all, but as if speaking to an adult in a car, you could have great respect for them in your tone.

"Thank you, teacher."

The little girl and Zhou Wan bowed to Peng Yu politely and said in unison.

Facing the sensibleness of the two little girls, the smile on Peng Yu's face became more gentle.

She could understand that a child as old as Zhou Wan was so well-behaved. However, Peng Yu was slightly surprised that someone as young as a little girl could be so knowledgeable and as well-known as a lady.

Moreover, she usually comes into contact with children who are much older than the little girl. In her heart, children of this age are in kindergarten.

Although she had heard Lin Mengjia talk about the little girl during the previous contact, she also knew that the little girl had an extraordinary IQ, but when she saw it with her own eyes, she felt a little unbelievable in her heart.

Next, several people were seated for the guest and the host. Lin Mengjia asked Peng Yu: "President Peng, everything is just as I communicated with you on the phone. Today, we came here to apply for enrollment."

Peng Yu gently pushed his glasses and said with a smile: "I have read the files of the two children. They have no previous study experience at school, which means that they have no previous grades. Before they entered school, A small exam is needed. Please rest assured, President Lin that no matter what the result of the exam is, it will not affect their admission."

Lin Mengjia had a slight astonishment on her face. She hadn't heard that there were entrance exams before, and she was very puzzled: "Since admissions are not affected, why do we have to take exams?"

Tang Feng's gaze was also a little puzzled, he also looked at Peng Yu, waiting for her answer. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1050 Female Principal) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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