Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1074: Future Patriarchal Controversy

Lin Mengjia's series of questions made it clear that she wanted to change the subject.

Both Tang Feng and Zi Xuan saw through her thoughts, and they showed a meaningful smile at the same time, but the Shangguan and Ji Ning, who were the parties, did not notice anything, and looked at Zi Xuan together, waiting for her. Reply.

The observation abilities of these two people can't be said to be insensitive, but the emotional intelligence is too low, and they don't realize that Lin Mengjia's gossip heart.

Zi Xuan reduced the smile on her face, cleared her throat, and then continued: "Gu Qiuying has six children, three sons, and three daughters. At the beginning, her men were married, so these children are all children. Her surname is Gu. Her children, the eldest son, are very mediocre and unmotivated. They have been excluded as heirs. Two daughters have married into other families and have not participated in the family for many years. Business has also lost the capital of competition. The future owner of the Gu family is among her second son, youngest son, and young daughter."

Hearing Zi Xuan's introduction, Lin Mengjia couldn't help but frowned slightly, and said, "This Gu family is really troublesome. Before, I thought Qinghua's house was already extremely chaotic, and it seemed to be nothing compared to Gu's family."

Zi Xuan smiled and said: "This northwestern folklore is blessed with many children and grandchildren. Therefore, in each family, there are many descendants. The normal lineage and the collateral line are added. A large family has hundreds of people, or even more. During the period, fish and dragons were mixed, and there were various reasons, which is not surprising."

Ji Ning nodded and said, "It is true. These ancient families were all prosperous by begging for help. When there are more people, the momentum is big. No matter what aspect, it is more reliable than relying on the power of outsiders."

Hearing what Ji Ning said, Lin Mengjia's face showed a very helpless smile.

Think about myself and Kong Qinghua, both of them were scammed by their relatives.

Fortunately, this Lin family is not as good as the Confucian family, otherwise, I can't tell what kind of situation he is facing at this moment.

Seeing the bottom of the tea on the table, Shangguan got up, made another pot, placed it on the coffee table, and then asked Zi Xuan, "What does these things have to do with Xue Panpan?"

Zi Xuan poured a cup of tea. Because of the heat, she couldn't drink it. She just held the tea cup in her hand and blew slightly, saying: "Gu's second son, Gu Xingxue and youngest daughter, Gu Huiyi, put most of their energy away. In terms of business and practice, their achievements are only average. The two of them are already over half a hundred years old, and they have stopped at the sixth level. They have not made a breakthrough for more than a decade. Gu Qiuying and most of the people know that they probably stopped here. Now, her youngest son, Gu Chengxue, is exceptionally talented in martial arts. Just last year, he has already broken through the eighth layer of the acquired, and has a tendency to rise to the next level."

Shangguan slowly nodded his head and said, "According to his age, the eighth layer of the day after tomorrow is already quite good. In this case, isn't he the future owner of the Gu family?"

"That's not necessarily," Ji Ning shook his head, and said thoughtfully, "Now this ancient family is no better than before. It is not by force that can gain the upper hand. If this Gu Chengxue is just cultivating, and ignoring the family The status of business in this family is not necessarily higher than that of the other two."

"Exactly," Zi Xuan nodded approvingly, "Now this Gu family can be regarded as a three-part world situation, and although Gu Chengxue has the upper hand in the family tradition, secretly, Gu Xingxue and Gu Huiyi Forming an alliance, with his own power, it is difficult to shake these two people."

Listening to Zi Xuan's words, Tang Feng understood the situation of the Gu family and understood the relationship with Xue Panpan at this time. He couldn't help showing a knowing smile.

Lin Mengjia saw it and asked him, "What did you think of?"

Zi Xuan also stopped talking and looked at him.

Tang Feng smiled and said: "Gu Chengxue is the best candidate for the future Patriarch by virtue of his own ability. The brothers and sisters who can control the family's economic strength have become the biggest obstacle to his leadership. In order to clear the obstacles on the way forward, he needs An ally who can help him financially. This ally cannot be found within the family. Because of the intricate relationship between these three families, the other two families have become his best choice. If you happen to have a son of the right age, then you can climb up to the Xue family, the unmarried future female head of the family. The Xue family and the Gu family are right, and the Xue family doesn’t have any opinion on this."

Zi Xuan gave Tang Feng a thumbs up, and said in praise: "It's really not bad at all, as if you saw it with your own eyes."

Lin Mengjia looked at Tang Feng with a smile at the corner of her mouth.

In fact, she can also think of everything Tang Feng can think of.

Only after hearing Tang Feng say it and being praised by Zi Xuan, she felt happy in her heart.

Shangguan grew up in the sect, and the environment is relatively simple. It is difficult to understand the affairs between this big family. He is a little curious: "Since Gu Chengxue is so powerful, he can defeat the other two by his own strength. When he becomes the head of the family, everything in this entire family belongs to him. Why do you have to make such trouble?"

Ji Ning shook his head lightly and explained to her: "Your method was acceptable decades ago, but it is different now. Private fights are against the law. Moreover, everyone is a family. , It makes you dead and alive. It’s not easy to say, and in this class of families, the highest practicer is not necessarily the head of the family. There must be several elders with quite high levels in the family. Come out to preside over justice, relying on his own strength, there is no way to fight against it."

While speaking, Ji Ning looked at Zi Xuan again, with a little curiosity, and asked her, "Does the Gu family have martial arts in the innate realm?"

Zi Xuan nodded.

Ji Ning couldn't help taking a deep breath, the expression on his face became a little serious.

Even though Tang Feng didn't pay attention to this martial cultivator of the innate realm, even Zi Xuan didn't pay attention to it, but in his opinion, it was quite impressive.

Just as he expected, in such a huge ancient family, there really are such powerful elders.

The Shangguan was also slightly surprised when he heard that the Gu family had an innate martial art.

Lin Mengjia didn't have much interest in this, and asked Zixuan quickly: "Presumably Gu Chengxue has a son who is about the same age as Xue Panpan, and he proposed marriage to the Xue family?" The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1074 Future Patriarchal Controversy), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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