Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 11: I want to support my relatives

After Lin Mengjia finished speaking, she turned her head slightly to look at Tang Feng, waiting for his response. She thought Tang Feng was against it, but to her surprise, Tang Feng just nodded noncommittal after listening to the three harsh rules. Not too much expression.

Seeing Tang Feng not speaking, Lin Mengjia continued: "Your salary—"

"Just provide board and lodging." Tang Feng said lightly.

For Tang Feng, money is something that is at his fingertips. He naturally wouldn't take it seriously. Besides, how could he let Lin Mengjia pay him?

After all, he is protecting his own daughter!

A very complicated expression flashed across Lin Mengjia's face, and she was surprised when she looked at Tang Feng's gaze.

This man, when he needed him the most, left himself unfeeling. He hadn't heard from him for six years. Now he returned without warning and refused the money he gave him. What was his purpose?

Although he didn’t believe that the person he loved deeply would do something sorry for him, his father put the evidence in front of him early to prove that he had left for money. Thinking of his father, Lin Mengjia's brows were lightened again. Wrinkled.

Even though my father always tried to get rid of Shangguan and the little girl in secret, but he, after all, is his own father, in the end he...

Just as Lin Mengjia thought about these things, Tang Feng interrupted her thinking and asked, "Isn’t it accidental that the two things happened yesterday? What is going on? What is it for the little girl? Do it? And your female bodyguard, presumably, she is also the target, right?"

Lin Mengjia did not answer Tang Feng’s question, she just hid the look on her face, replaced it with her usual expressionless face, and said indifferently: "These have nothing to do with you, you just need to protect Yaoyao. ."

Although Lin Mengjia tried to maintain such indifference when she was speaking, her lips trembled slightly, and it took a lot of effort to suppress the surging in her heart.

"Yaoyao." Tang Feng repeated the name, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, revealing a rare warm smile.

For thousands of years, the star of Ziwei has been on the battlefield of stars, and he is used to seeing life and death in apathy, and his heart has long been as hard as a rock. Who can find a trace of tenderness on his face?

Only Tang Feng knew that he was not hard-hearted. His tenderness only remained in the softest corner of his heart, and only left to the person he loved the most.

Since Lin Mengjia didn't want to say it, Tang Feng didn't ask anymore. Anyway, he could find out these things clearly, there is no need to learn from Lin Mengjia.

At this time, Tang Feng had another more important thing in his heart. He looked at Lin Mengjiajiao's so cold face and slowly said, "Do you know where my mother is now?"

Lin Mengjia's long eyelashes trembled slightly, turned her head slowly, not looking at Tang Feng, and after a long silence, Fang whispered, "She is no longer there."

From the look of Lin Mengjia’s talent, Tang Feng had already guessed the result. Or, the day before, he could not feel the breath of a mother in the city, so he had already thought that it would be so, but he gave the exact answer from Lin Mengjia. , Tang Feng's eyes still dimmed.

Tang Feng was sitting on the back of the co-pilot's seat, his head tilted up slightly along the angle of the back of the seat, and said nothing.

"You know, Auntie, her heart is already bad. Soon after you left, she missed her illness and passed away." Lin Mengjia said quietly. At this moment, there was no indifference on her face, but there was sadness in her voice. Among them, it is also full of sadness.

No matter how Tang Feng betrayed herself, Tang Feng's mother had always treated her well. In her mind, she had long been regarded as her own mother, thinking about the past, and couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

Tang Feng knew that although he was missing at the beginning, but in the circumstances, he had fallen from the Kunlun Mountains to the mountain stream, and no one was alive or dead. Everyone would believe that he was dead. He lost his father when he was a child. He grew up, and he was all in her mother's life. When she learned the bad news, how could her elderly and sick body withstand such a blow?

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably have no desire to cry at this moment, but Tang Feng, after all, is the star of Ziwei who has experienced a thousand-year battle in the Northern Star Territory. In terms of death, it's just the loss of the body, the immortal spirit, and another reincarnation. How can you be entangled in this like an ordinary person?

Tang Feng said nothing, Lin Mengjia thought he was crying, and glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, but saw that he was just sitting silently, there was no tear in his eyes, and there was no gloom on his face, and he did not move at all.

Seeing him like this, Lin Mengjia couldn't help but frowned, and stopped talking.

"Where is my mother buried?"

"Beishan Cemetery." Lin Mengjia whispered back.

After that, there was no sound in the car, and neither of them was talking, but was silent for a long time.

Inside the car, there was a depressing silence.

In this dull atmosphere, the red Cayenne drove back to the Lin family villa.

Standing at the window on the second floor, Shangguan saw the car door open. A man and a woman walked towards the door together. A smile appeared on her face.

When Shangguan walked into the living room from the stairs, the housekeeper Zhang Huaian was taking Lin Yaoyao to pick out sweets. Lin Mengjia had opened the door with Tang Feng and entered.

Lin Yaoyao saw Tang Feng at a glance, her eyes lit up, and she didn't care about the candy on the plate in front of her. She immediately jumped up and ran towards Tang Feng, holding her hands high, and Grid smiled: "Hug!"

The old butler was stunned as the strange man who had just entered the door hugged the little girl with a smile on his face, his mouth couldn't close in surprise.

He grew up watching the little girl. This girl has never been close to strangers. Not to mention that she is close. Even if she approaches her and talks, she will avoid it vigilantly, but right now, she actually took the initiative to go. Ask that man to hold her!

Lin Mengjia didn’t stop, she just looked at the two of them, and said, “From now on, Tang Feng will be Yaoyao’s bodyguard. He will protect Yaoyao 24 hours a day. Starting today, he will live here so that he can take care of Yaoyao at any time. ."

Although it was in the direction of Tang Feng and Lin Yaoyao, she was clearly speaking to everyone present.

Upon hearing this, the little girl's face was even more happy, holding Tang Feng's neck with her hands, and directly pressing her small face on Tang Feng's face: "Great! Uncle lives with us! ”Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: Longevity return to be a dad to read the full text address: Return, Becoming a Dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 011 If you want to raise your relatives), You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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