At that time, what Zi Xuan was in contact with had not yet reached the level of a big family. It was only a relatively large force in some places who wanted to absorb Zi Xuan in. Therefore, all her requirements were obeyed, no matter if it was asking for money. Still asking for things, they are not stingy in the slightest.

After all, for them, whoever can bring Zi Xuan to their side can dominate the land boundary.

However, with Zi Xuan's mind, it is obvious that no one can be used as a gunman. She accepted the money with peace of mind, and then left dashingly, waving her sleeves, except for the money, nothing else. .

Those big guys, even if they knew that the money was taken, no one could do anything to Zi Xuan, they could only suffer a dumb loss.

Next, Zi Xuan arrived in Xijing.

Xijing can be regarded as the largest city that Zi Xuan has encountered along the way. When she first came here, she was really taken aback, and she had a faint feeling of wanting to stay here.

Hearing what Zi Xuan said, Xue Panpan's face showed a look of surprise, and he couldn't help but say: "Miss Zi Xuan had been to Xijing a few years earlier. At that time, I didn't even know it. It's very rude."

While speaking, Xue Panpan turned his gaze to Xie Huo again.

Xie Huo also shook his head slightly, indicating that he also had no idea about Zi Xuan's visit to Xijing.

Whether it is for Xue Panpan or Xie Laohu, they are all quite large forces entrenched in Xijing. They know everything that happens during this period, but they do not say that they are the first to come to Xijing. I knew it all at once, and I would never miss a powerful expert like Zi Xuan.

But they didn't even know about Zi Xuan's arrival in Xijing.

This makes them suspicious of their own news network.

When Zi Xuan saw Xue Panpan and Xie Huo like this, she gave a wry smile, and then said: "You don't know that I have been to Xijing. It is also very normal, because I will leave soon."

"Because something extremely unpleasant happened there?"

Lin Mengjia remembered that the last time she went to Xijing, Zi Xuan's face was extremely awkward, reluctant, and she kept saying that she didn't like Xijing very much.

However, Zi Xuan did not say why she was like this.

At that time Lin Mengjia felt very curious about this, but Zi Xuan didn't say anything, she didn't ask too much, just secretly guessing in her heart, and gossiping with Tang Feng for a little bit, but in the end she didn't get the answer.

Zi Xuan nodded, smiling a little bit helplessly, and said: "From the Kunlun road, I have found that I am quite capable, at least I haven't encountered an opponent in this city. I just floated up, and for anyone who doesn't put it in the eyes, I feel that this world is prosperous and wealthy, I am within easy reach."

"It is normal for you to have such thoughts. As a gas refiner, you do have this capital."

Tang Feng rarely agreed with Zi Xuan's words.

The ability to walk is the greatest weight in the world.

Only when you have a strong ability can you get the respect of others, and money power is also at your fingertips.

If it weren't for Tang Feng's ability to do what he is now, how could those powerful and powerful people be so respectful to him?

Zi Xuan nodded towards Tang Feng and said, "I walked along the way, and many people pleased me and gave me money and things. They are all high-end hotels, and the food is all delicacies. I am not afraid that Lu Fu will be seen by others. After all, no one is my opponent. Whoever dares to act rashly, I can easily dismiss him."

Shangguan nodded involuntarily.

Zi Xuan's behavior at the time was somewhat similar to hers.

Shangguan also doesn't care about other people's feelings. He has always done his own way, doing whatever he wants. This is also the case when he just left the sect. If he is criticized, he speaks with his fist.

If at that time, Zi Xuan really had a conflict with others and revealed her abilities, perhaps by that time, she had already become a guest of the Xue family, or the other two families, and now it is even more likely that she will become the three families to deal with. An important bargaining chip for Tang Feng.

But this thing did not develop in this direction.

Tang Feng was also a bit strange. Since Zi Xuan was already so good at that time, how could she be so miserable when meeting him?

Seeing everyone looking at herself expectantly, Zi Xuan smiled bitterly again.

Then, she said helplessly: "That night, I stayed in a very high-end hotel and slept beautifully for one night. I thought, I will be able to live this kind of life in the future, but when I wake up the next morning , But I found that the hairpin I took off last night was missing. The hairpin was on the washstand when I was in the shower. However, even so, I didn’t care, I just thought it was a mistake in my memory. After all, I had a lot of money in my pocket at that time, and I bought a lot of gadgets, so I found another one to wear."

In Lin Mengjia's heart, there was an unpleasant feeling faintly.

She didn't believe that, with Zi Xuan's mind, she would forget where things were placed.

Seeing her expression, Zi Xuan nodded and sighed: "That night, I took off this hairpin. Because of the events of the previous night, I got my heart. I remembered clearly at that time, yes. It was by the bed, but when I got up again, the card was gone again."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help showing a very shocked look.

They all knew Zi Xuan's ability.

Even if she is sleeping, her vigilance must be extremely high, and she can detect whenever there is a turmoil, how could someone steal things around her without knowing it?

Seeing the crowd like this, Zi Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and said: "At that time, I was so proud. I felt that in this world, I was almost invincible and had no opponents. How to accept such things is to go forward. We must figure out how to accept such things. ."

In fact, the two cards issued by Zi Xuan are very valuable. If they were stolen, they would be enough for a verdict, but Zi Xuan would obviously not call the police.

She knew that the police would not be able to find anyone who could steal things by her side.

Even if there is surveillance in this hotel, it is impossible to film this person in.

He dared to be so unscrupulous, it was almost a provocation.

Zi Xuan has reason to believe that this person is actually targeting herself. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1124 Theft), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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