Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1128: Lingering

Said by the Shangguan, Zi Xuan, who was quite confident, also seemed to hesitate a bit.

Yes, the state at the time was indeed that she was a fish, and the other party was a sword. It was extremely easy to take anything away, but after the other party took away those belongings, she was left alone with soul orbs and nothing. Phase mirror.

"This thing is a bit strange," Xue Rui glanced at Zi Xuan cautiously, and then said: "In the eyes of ordinary people, you may not be able to see the value of these magic weapons, but the other party has made it clear that they are also practitioners. It's clear, but he also turned a blind eye. Isn't it unreasonable?"

Zi Xuan pursed her lips, her expression on her face became more solemn.

When the Shangguan saw her doing this, he said, "Don't think too much. After that person stole your things, didn't he show up again?"

Her words seemed to remind Zi Xuan, she immediately collapsed and said, "If it is true, it will be fine!"

"Did he do something later?" Shangguan looked extremely surprised.

Not only Shangguan, but the faces of other people also showed shocked expressions.

According to this person's ability, really wanting to kill Zi Xuan is an extremely simple thing, but he did it several times and it seemed like a prank, except for taking away all his money in the end, it was counted as making Zi Xuan big. It hurts vitality, the rest is harmless.

Everyone thought that this person had stolen everything from Zi Xuan, and the matter was over, but listening to this meaning in Zi Xuan's words, there was a follow-up.

Zi Xuan took a long sigh of relief, and then continued: "I don't have any money on my body. Natural action is inconvenient. Just relying on the remaining change, I can even eat a few meals. Not enough, I thought in my heart, hurry up and make some more money. Of course, according to the situation at the time, I couldn’t make money with the previous method, and I didn’t expect to make a lot of money, as long as I had enough travel expenses. So, I used some little tricks."

Although Zi Xuan did not confess what the means she used, everyone can guess it. According to Zi Xuan's ability, there are too many ways to get money in a short time, but they may not be legal. of.

Of these people present, naturally no one would care about this with her, and they didn't care what method she used, they just wanted to know what happened afterwards.

Zi Xuan sighed, thinking of what happened at that time, she was quite angry: "No matter what method I use, how much money I get, it will be stolen if it is bad, sometimes the money is still in my hands. But in a flash, my pockets were empty again, and I did not have the patience to come and go, thinking in my heart, since I can walk all the way from Kunlun to Xijing, why should I stick to the mode of transportation, it is better to walk directly from Xijing and leave. , See what else this guy can do."

Ji Ning listened to Zi Xuan's words, nodded slowly, and said, "This is also a good way, but I don't think this person has any malicious intent towards you, except for taking away valuable things from you. , It has never really caused any harm to you."

"If you stole my money, you just waited for my life. Isn't that malicious?" Zi Xuan said angrily, "I will not leave me any way to survive if the ghosts follow me!" At that time, there was a feeling whether he was keeping my life and treating me as a fat sheep. I went everywhere to make money, but he was extremely relaxed and took the money from me again."

Thinking of Zi Xuan’s love for wealth and life, coupled with the iron cock’s temperament, it seems that this money is really more important than her life. The money was stolen, and it was not a small amount. Her distress at the time was really bad. Think about it.

But at that time, Zi Xuan did not hurt her life because of this person, and her heart was no longer as nervous as before.

Although this person has the ability to take his own life at any time, it seems that he does not have such an idea. What Zi Xuan thinks in her heart is no longer how to catch this person or revenge, but how to escape him as soon as possible. Control.

Hearing that Zi Xuan said this, Tang Feng's heart suddenly became clear.

Some doubts he had about Zi Xuan before were also solved.

It seems that Zi Xuan is in such a miserable situation to avoid this person. It is not that she can't get the money, but because she can't keep the money even if she gets it, that's simply it. Live that kind of life like a tramp.

Xue Panpan sighed softly and said: "This kind of thing will happen in the realm of Xijing, even if this person is not from Xijing, he is a passer-by, and even no one is alarmed. This is the purpose. It's really intriguing too."

Xie Huo gave an "um" cry.

Ji Ning said: "According to what Miss Zi Xuan said, this person's personality is indeed very weird. It is not something that can be guessed by ordinary people's thinking. We can't guess his purpose, and it is normal."

Hearing Ji Ning say this, a somewhat funny expression appeared on Tang Feng's face.

Weird personality? Can't use ordinary people's thinking?

Could it be that Cheng Ji Ning never knew how weird he was, and he still regarded himself as a normal person?

Tang Feng really wanted to tell him that, in fact, he himself was what he called the extraordinary person.

Lin Mengjia took a little sympathy, and said: "It seems that it is really not easy for you to come this way, and it has suffered a lot."

Hearing what Lin Mengjia said, Zi Xuan's eyes were red, tears almost fell, and her voice was aggrieved, saying: "When I first arrived in Pingyang, I came from Xijing. I hid all the way. , I don’t know if that person didn’t follow me to leave Xijing, or because I didn’t have any money, he didn’t need to make another move. After all, there would be no abnormalities on me until I met Tang Feng."

While speaking, Zi Xuan looked at Tang Feng again, curled her lips, and said, "When you just showed up, I was so scared that my heart jumped out, thinking you were that person."

Tang Feng recalled that Zi Xuan was really shocked when she saw her action. At that time, she was frightened by her own ability. Only now did she realize that there was such an antecedent for this matter.

He asked Zi Xuan amusedly: "Then you dare to follow me?"

Zi Xuan said helplessly: "Isn't it impossible for me to run? I thought to myself, I can't beat you either, so I might as well just follow you and see what you want to do."The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: the full text of Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad: of Longevity as a daddy txt download address: returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1128), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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