Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1154: Strangely quiet

Shangguan and Ji Ning walked along the bamboo forest to the front. Except for a brief exchange at the beginning, no one spoke again afterwards.

Both have the same character.

To put it nicely, it is called Gao Leng. To put it bluntly, it means that it has low emotional intelligence and cannot speak.

Either they just stunned people as soon as they opened their mouths, without any euphemisms, or they just chatted to death. When the two of them are together, they still choose to shut up to be more harmonious.

The area of ​​this bamboo forest was really much larger than they thought.

Follow the edge all the way, as if there is no end at all.

In the sky, clouds gradually appeared, covering the moon from time to time, and the area around the bamboo forest was even more black, except for the rustling wind that could be heard in the ears.

The breath and footsteps of the two people were placed extremely low, only two dark shadows moved quickly through the night.

After about half an hour, at their speed, they had already walked a considerable distance, but they had not seen a road through the bamboo forest.

Ji Ning stopped, turned his head, and moved behind him. What he saw in his eyes was no longer the shadow of the village.

Before Ji Ning could speak, Shangguan had already whispered: "It can't be this far."

This is exactly what Ji Ning wants to say.

When the two of them were near the village, they felt the powerful breath from the second bamboo forest, almost close at hand, as if the person was approaching directly.

However, the breath is like ocean waves.

Pushed to the beach at a rapid speed, but in a short while, he retreated to the sea again, blending into it, silently, leaving no trace.

The breath was around the village at that time, and now they walked so far, they can't even see the outline of the village. Obviously, it is impossible to find clues around here.

Ji Ning pondered: "Could it be that we are going in the wrong direction?"

This bamboo forest is distributed along the east-west direction behind the village. The two of them have been walking eastward, but after walking such a long distance, they still didn't see the road. Presumably, they went the wrong way.

Shangguan sighed slightly, and couldn't help but look in the direction of the path.

Because they were walking through the bamboo forest, their vision was blocked by the bamboo forest behind them. In addition, there is no moon now, and it is very dim. The Shangguan's ability to see objects exceeds that of ordinary people. At this moment, I only feel that the direction is dark. A piece of it, nothing can be seen.

"It's better that we split up, one continues to move forward, and the other goes back to look for it over there." Shangguan suggested.

She thought it was a very clever suggestion, and almost made Ji Ning spit out blood.

In the middle of the night, in this unfamiliar mountain, there are people behind the scenes who don't know whether they are friends or enemies. She is a girl who asks herself to wander around by herself.

Even if he knew that Shangguan's current realm was comparable to himself, he might not be worse than himself when he really started his hand, Ji Ning shook his head quickly.

But even though he thought this way in his heart, he couldn't say it clearly, he could only ponder: "Now that the situation is unclear, it is better to be careful. If something goes wrong, it is not only you and me that are involved."

Fortunately, Shangguan is not a very paranoid person. He nodded when Ji Ning said so, but then frowned slightly, and said with some embarrassment: "Could it be possible that we just turn back?"

Ji Ning looked at this before and after, and was plunged into darkness. Within the bamboo forest, there was no clue, and he said: "Our speed must be faster than the mountain people here. I don't think they are likely. The road into the mountain will be in such a remote place, how do you think it is?"

Shangguan let out an "um".

The two reached an agreement, and then they walked back along the path.

Because they were worried that when they came over, they walked too fast and missed some details. On the way back, the two of them slowed down a little bit, and carefully checked the bamboo forest.

After walking for a while, Shangguan looked in front of him, with a little doubt in his eyes, and said, "Although we are walking slower when we come back, there is not too much difference in speed. How come we have been walking for a long time? Do you see the shadow of the village?"

Hearing this, Ji Ning also looked in that direction, and when he saw it more clearly, his face couldn't help but change slightly.

He remembered clearly that on the way he came, in order to estimate the distance, he had looked in the direction of the village many times until he walked out of a distance, and the village was completely blocked.

Calculated according to the back and forth time, now they can see the village from the distance they are back. Even if the whole picture is not visible, they can also see the roofs of some bamboo buildings. After all, this is a two-story structure and the location of the roof. , A full five or six meters high.

But right now, Mo said it was a bamboo building. In his eyes, there was nothing except the bamboo forest and the darkness.

This situation is somewhat abnormal.

Even if the moon is now covered by clouds, Ji Ning believes that with his own eyes, he can see a considerable distance. There is no reason at all, only the darkness.

Seeing the corners of Ji Ning's mouth curled into a straight line, Shangguan felt a little bit unpleasant in his heart.

She stood still, looked at the surrounding environment, and said: "Do you think it is too quiet now."

Hearing what Shangguan said, Ji Ning pricked his ears again to listen to the movement.

What you can hear in your ears is nothing but the sound of the wind blowing in the bamboo forest and the sound of bamboo leaves.

This night in the mountains, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, is naturally quite quiet, but when I was in the village just now, when I was chatting with Shangguan, I could clearly hear the worms, and at this moment, those worms weren’t even calling. Up.

In this night, it was quiet now, which inevitably made people feel a little weird.

Before Ji Ning could speak, Shangguan said again: "We have been walking along this road without any turning. The stream by the village was parallel to this road at that time."

Hearing this, Ji Ning only felt that a layer of cold sweat suddenly formed on his body.

This village was built on the stream where they came.

To the south of the village is a stream, and to the north is a bamboo forest.

As the sky darkened, everything was silent, and the sound of the gurgling water could be heard. Although the sound was not very loud, it was very clear.

When they walked out of the village, they could still hear the sound of running water, but at this moment, there was no such sound.

Ji Ning only felt that his heartbeat was speeding up slightly, but immediately, he suppressed the ominous feeling in his heart, and looked around more vigilantly.

Shangguan's complexion is also extremely solemn. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1154 is unusually quiet), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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