Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1171: Worst possible

Tang Feng's hunch was immediately confirmed after Lin Mengjia really met the two parties.

Because Lin Mengjia got up a little bit late, she lingered for a while before leaving the house. When she and Tang Feng arrived at the place to eat, everyone else was already sitting together.

But because Tang Feng was not present, no one moved their chopsticks.

Zi Xuan has already told everyone about the abnormal situation of last night. At this moment, several people are surrounding this matter and are discussing each and every one of you.

Of course, what Zi Xuan said to everyone was only the matter of the Wuji Yin and the person behind the scenes, and did not mention the method they tried to use when Shangguan and Ji Ning were trapped.

As the parties concerned, Shangguan and Ji Ning, Zi Xuan did not say anything about this, and of course they would not mention it.

Shangguan felt that this matter was extremely embarrassing, but Ji Ning did not. He felt that it had nothing to do with what everyone was discussing.

Shangguan was a little skeptical. If this matter was really related to the people behind the scenes, I was afraid that before Zi Xuan could speak, Ji Ning would tell it first.

But at this moment, Ji Ning didn't say much.

Shangguan did not speak either.

Although they had personally experienced what happened last night, they are listening quietly now, not participating in the discussion, but frowning slightly.

The reason for their frowning was because the audience guessed it and what actually happened was really quite different. They didn't say anything about it, but they thought to themselves.

But in Lin Mengjia's eyes, she was clearly embarrassed and embarrassed. Especially, the two people were still sitting next to each other, which gave Lin Mengjia a bit of gossip.

In fact, Shangguan and Ji Ning are not sociable. Among all the people present, they, together with Zi Xuan, are the most familiar with each other, and they usually walk closer together.

But at this moment, Xue Rui has been paying attention to Zi Xuan, seizing the opportunity from time to time to get close to her. The trio before this is naturally left with Shangguan and Ji Ning. They walked closer and belonged to her. normal.

Lin Mengjia was holding back her laugh, but when she saw the two of them like this, she couldn't help but laughed again.

Everyone had already seen Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia come over, and quickly got up and gave in, seeing Lin Mengjia laugh so happy, except for Zi Xuan, everyone else was a little puzzled.

Zi Xuan's eyes rolled, and Lin Mengjia's gaze met. Both of them showed tacit expressions. She knew immediately that Tang Feng had already told Lin Mengjia about this, and Lin Mengjia had already laughed. One game.

Zi Xuan also raised her lips, showing the same meaningful smile, and glanced at Shangguan.

At the very beginning, Shangguan had not yet figured out why Lin Mengjia laughed, but when she noticed that her eyes were always on herself and Ji Ning, and Zi Xuan's smile was not a smile, it was immediately. The second understood, she couldn't help taking a deep breath, her face was full of depression.

But depressed and depressed, Shangguan couldn't say or do anything at this time. At least, she couldn't talk about this in front of everyone, so that Lin Mengjia and Zi Xuan could only let Lin Mengjia and Zi Xuan laugh secretly.

Compared with Shangguan's forbearance, Ji Ning was much more natural.

Until this time, he didn't feel that he was quite proud to admit that he was a boy in front of Shangguan, and that he was hitting the wall with a boy pissing. There was nothing wrong with it.

Seeing the arrival of Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia, he stood up respectfully to greet him. Although seeing Lin Mengjia's smile was a little abnormal, he didn't think much about it, and he didn't even think of it. This matter should have something to do with him.

When Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia were seated, Rong Guocheng couldn't wait to say to Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, we have heard Miss Zixuan talk about the matter last night."

Tang Feng nodded and said, "Unfortunately, there is no gain."

Xie Huo was a little nervous, and said, "Sir, what is the origin of the other party, but what clues do you have?"

Xue Panpan also said hurriedly: "We didn't notice anything last night. This person is really quite good."

"Sir, is it related to the Jade City Sect?"

The first thing Rong Guocheng thought of was this Wu Xiu sect in Yucheng Mountain.

He knows these sects better, and he also knows that the strength of the Jade City Sect is quite powerful in the martial arts world.

Tang Feng said faintly: "The opponent is not an ordinary person, good at using formations, and can suddenly come under our noses, and then retreat all over the body. It will not be a person from the Jade City Sect, more likely, it is the hidden The sect of practice."

His words made the shadow between Rong Guocheng and Cheng's eyebrows a little heavier.

Not only him, Shangguan and Ji Ning also frowned more and more.

The opponent is Wu Xiu, which means that, except for Tang Feng and Zi Xuan, the others are not opponents at all, and if they really start their hands, they can't help at all.

If I want to come, it is only Xiao Hui who has the opportunity to fight side by side with them.

This situation seems to be moving in the worst and worst direction they want to see.

The worst possibility is that the people of this sect may be their enemy.

Even Zi Xuan had a strange flash on her face.

She is now only refining the fourth level of Qi. Although it is not the best or the worst for her age, she herself is extremely satisfied.

But within that unknown sect that had lasted for thousands of years, Zi Xuan could think of what kind of senior monk there was.

She can't help but feel a little worried. When the time comes, I am afraid that even her will not be of any effect.

However, Tang Feng's expression was self-confident, not worried at all.

"Sir, could it be that Gu Master?" Xue Rui asked cautiously.

For the Qi refiner, he was even more afraid of Gu Master.

In any case, people like Qi refiners knew something about him, and when he came into contact with Zi Xuan, he didn't feel extremely strange, while Gu Master gave him a different feeling.

As a martial artist, he has no idea about things like refining Gu, so he is more or less murmured in his heart, thinking that this class of people is very scary.

In fact, Xue Rui is really wrong to think so.

This Gu Master's power stems from his ignorance of Gu Master, and he thinks he knows something about monks, but in fact, what he saw was only the tip of the iceberg.

If he knew how powerful this monk was, he would be frightened immediately. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (the worst possible in Chapter 1171) reading history, next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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