Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1176: Burn the mountains and open up wasteland

Seeing the look of everyone’s expectations, Tang Feng said in a hurry: "Xiao Hui said, the traces of the fire are very regular. At the edge of the fire extinguishing, there is a very straight straight line. The burned part and the unburned part are clearly distinguished."

Xue Rui was surprised again with an "Ah", his face was extremely tangled, as if he didn't understand it, his eyebrows were twisted.

He touched the stubble on his chin that could be shaved off in the future with his hand, and slowly said: "This situation sounds very strange. This fire is extremely uncontrollable. How can it be burned to a certain position? , Then it goes out? There must be something unexplainable in this! Mr. Tang, do you think this has something to do with the sect of cultivation? They used special means to do it?"

Xue Panpan also nodded slightly, looking puzzled, and said, "But what is their purpose for doing this?"

Seeing the appearance of the Xue family siblings and brothers, Li Jianming couldn't help but smile: "Miss Xue, Master Xue, this matter is not as complicated as you think. It is quite easy to do this."

"Easy?" Xue Rui widened his eyes and looked at Li Jianming incredibly.

In his opinion, being able to control the fire and extinguish it in a certain place is simply unimaginable.

If Tang Feng said that the matter was simple, he wouldn't think anything, but Li Jianming, who had the lowest cultivation base among all the people present, would naturally make Xue Rui unbelievable to say such a thing.

Li Jianming nodded and said with a smile: "Young Master Xue lives in the city on weekdays. Even if he occasionally goes to the countryside, he is definitely not among the mountains. I don't know that things like burning mountains and reclaiming wasteland are normal."

"Burn the mountains and open up wasteland?" Xue Rui repeated these four words, and the expression on his face became more and more puzzled.

Rong Guocheng had understood Li Jianming's meaning and smiled slightly.

Lin Mengjia and Xue Panpan also said in unison at this moment: "What is that?"

It can be seen that the daughters of these big families or the younger brothers don't know anything about these things.

Li Jianming explained with a smile: "In the history of China, agriculture has always been dominated by agriculture. Naturally, this agricultural country needs a large area of ​​cultivated land as a foundation. However, in the course of historical changes, most of the Land is concentrated in the hands of a small number of ruling classes. People who do not have land will think of some ways to obtain land. Burning mountains and reclaiming wasteland is one of the methods."

Xue Panpan seemed to understand, "Is it just to burn the trees on the mountain, and then plant the land on this mountain?"

Li Jianming nodded and said: "Ms. Xue is really smart and wise. That's why the land in this mountain is owned by the ruler, but because it is not registered as cultivated land, it is harvested from this wasteland. There is no need to pay taxes. Many people take the risk to come to this barren mountain, set a fire, and burn the original mountain forest. The burnt vegetation ash contains a lot of mineral elements, which are quite important for plant growth. It’s good, so the crops that were planted by burning mountains to open up wasteland were quite good in Chengdu in the past few years, and it has attracted quite a lot of people."

Although Xue Rui listened to Li Jianming's words, his face was still a bit puzzled, and said: "This is a good mountain forest, just burned? I think many trees have grown for many years. It's a shame to burn it all out, and you said the harvest was good in the past few years, will it not work afterwards?"

Li Jianming nodded, with a look of regret on his face, and said: "In the past few years, the land has more nutrients. Naturally, the ancient people will not have all kinds of fertilizers like now. Once the land has insufficient nutrients, It is to give up, and then to find barren hills and open up wasteland elsewhere. This is not uncommon in history. Burning a land, planting a land, and changing a land."

Lin Mengjia couldn't help but exclaimed: "So many mountains and forests, isn't it just destroyed? Isn't there anyone to take care of it?"

Rong Guocheng said: "Nowadays, it is naturally managed. The Huaxia State decree clearly prohibits burning mountains and reclaiming wasteland."

Xie Huo also nodded his head and said: "Yes, now the official purpose is to prevent the spread of wildfires, and also to protect the environment and reduce air pollution. It is better to manage mountain burning. In recent years, it has been completely eliminated. ."

Li Jianming went on to say: "Although no one has done this in recent years, in history, there has been an endless stream of burning mountains and reclaiming wasteland. People are also quite experienced. People at that time also knew that if the wildfires could not be controlled, they would Burning the mountains and plains, and summing up many experiences in practice, controlling the spread of fire is one of them."

Xue Panpan heard this, and asked curiously: "What's the method?"

"The fire is spreading because of the burning objects, such as the trees in the mountains. Under normal conditions, before the mountains are burned, they dug a deep chasm along the range of the land. There is nothing to burn in the ditch, and the fire naturally stops when it reaches this point."

Li Jianming smiled slightly. He came from an ordinary family. When he was young, his family was in the countryside. Naturally, he was quite clear about these things.

Hearing what Li Jianming said, Xue Rui suddenly realized, but he was still a little skeptical and hesitated: "In this way, if you want to leave a straight mark, you can just dig a trench?"

The answer is too simple, and Xue Rui has a rather unbelievable feeling.

Li Jianming smiled and nodded, and said: "When I first heard it, I also felt incredible. I felt that the fire could burn as I wanted. How could it be blocked by a ditch? Later, I saw it with my own eyes and believed that something happened. Don’t get me wrong, what I saw was not burning mountains, but farmers burning straw in the fields."

Hearing the words "burning straws", Lin Mengjia and Xue's sister and brother showed a somewhat curious expression on their faces.

After all, for them, these are completely unheard of, and they will inevitably feel interested.

In order to prevent them from entangled in this issue any longer and drag the topic away, Tang Feng coughed softly and said, "It is precisely because the scope of the fire can be controlled and the method is not too difficult, so I I suspect that this was done deliberately, but I still have doubts about the time when the fire started. I asked Xiao Hui to go back there again, collect some burned ashes and other things, show it to me, and do it again. Care about it."Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: .htmlLongevity return to be a dad full text reading address: Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1176) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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